Artwork for podcast Speaking of Partnership:  Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership
Lisa Lieberman-Wang – What’s Good About This?
14th December 2016 • Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership • Ken Bechtel
00:00:00 00:32:00

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Lisa Lieberman-Wang is the CEO and Founder of FINE to FAB

She is the author of the #1 Best Selling book FINE to FAB, 7 Secrets of A Successful Woman’s Journey Away from Depression, Disordered Eating & Self-Sabotage.

She is often featured on all the major TV networks as their relationship and emotional health breakthrough expert because of her practical, inspiring, and authentic approach to changing the way you feel about yourself.

Over the past 20 years, Lisa has helped thousands of people overcome lifelong emotional challenges stemming from relationships with themselves and others that lead to depression, anxiety, stress, self-sabotage, emotional eating, shopping and sexual abuse with her proven 7 Secrets to FAB.

Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra

What’s good about this?

We can choose to focus on the good or the bad. And whatever we focus on get’s bigger.

Lisa went through all sorts of experiences most would view as negative and when she turned it around and focused on what was right about these experiences things changed.

When You Tripped Up

In Lisa’s early years of her corporate career she was so focused on being the best that she literally caused herself physical harm because she didn’t know how to deal with the pressure.

She made her business relationship all about her and because of it she ended up in the hospital.

The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever

In her career Lisa never took vacations because she wanted to be a high performer.

The only time she was willing to take off was if she was sick. She had a story in her head that when she was sick people were nice to you.

After several hospitalizations in a row almost every year, she realized there had to be a better way to take a vacation without ending up in a hospital. 

Her “DUH” moment was that she could actually take “well” days (vacation) instead of sick days.

What does FINE mean to you?

FINE = F’d up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional

For many people FINE is comfortably miserable.

A lot of people have the hardest time taking care of themselves. And they need an excuse to be nice to themselves.

Lisa stopped being FINE 23 years ago and decided she would rather be FAB, which is Fabulous, Awesome and Beautiful.

Proudest moment in partnership

One of Lisa’s proudest moments was changing her career to what she is doing today.

This was never on her radar. She had been working with Tony Robbins for 15 years and one of her colleagues told her she was playing small. And Lisa resisted this.

One year later she got up one morning and walked downstairs and told her husband “I’m supposed to save lives. I don’t know what it looks like, but that’s what I’m supposed to do.”

And there has been no looking back since.

What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received?

Sometimes the situations around you dictate what you believe to be true about somebody.

Best Partnership Book

fine to fab: 7 Secrets of a Successful Woman's Journey Away from Depression, Disordered Eating & Self Sabotage

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Think And Grow Rich

Payoff of Partnership

Her book, Find to Fab, happened because her husband supported her from the very beginning.

And God put in her path a number of incredible people who became part of her company.

An arsenal of resources appeared that made her work not just a business, but a mission. To help people live an authentic life. Happy, healthy and free without years of shame, blame and therapy.

What she is doing today would not have exist without the support she has received.

Interview Links -

Lisa's website - Advice column

Free Consultation (Value $500)

Fine to Fab Foundation

Lisa’s Facebook Link #1

Lisa’s Facebook Link #2

Lisa’s Twitter Link







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