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Are You Making Progress Toward Making Disciples?
Episode 45328th August 2023 • Everyday Disciple Podcast • Caesar Kalinowski
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With all the content and info available to us today–about anything and everything, including the Bible and making disciples—you would think every Christian would be a mature and confident disciple-maker by now. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about why true discipleship is not about the consumption and passing on of knowledge. We don’t need more information–we need more transformation. This is a key shift in making progress toward making disciples who make disciples. In This Episode You’ll Learn:
  • Why the glut of Christian content online is not producing mature disciples.
  • Why so many leaders in the church today are MAXED OUT.
  • What is keeping discipleship from being many pastors' key focus.
  • The importance of finding the help you need to develop new discipleship rhythms for yourself and others NOW.
From this episode: "True discipleship is not about the consumption of and passing on of information. It’s not about knowing a lot of scripture and gaining Bible literacy. You see, it’s not Bible literacy we’re after; it’s gospel fluency. We don’t need more information–we need more transformation!"
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today’s BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others…

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Caesar Kalinowski:

With all the content and info available to us today, period, about anything and everything, including the Bible and making disciples, you would think that every Christian would be a mature and confident disciple maker by now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But true discipleship's not really about the consumption of or passing on of information.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's not about knowing a lot of scripture and gaining Bible literacy or helping our people grow literate in the Bible.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's not.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Bible literacy that we're after, or head knowledge.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's gospel fluency, and we don't need more information.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We need more transformation.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think that is a key shift in making progress as the church, and individually, toward making disciples who make disciples

Heath Hollensbe:

Welcome to the Everyday Disciple Podcast, where you'll learn how to live with greater intentionality and an integrated faith that naturally fits into every area of life.

Heath Hollensbe:

In other words, discipleship as a lifestyle.

Heath Hollensbe:

This is the stuff your parents, pastors, and seminary professors probably forgot to tell you.

Heath Hollensbe:

And now, here's your host, Caesar Kalinowski.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Okay, here we are again.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Hope you're having a great day.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I know I say that every time.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I hope it's true.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I am.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Loving life.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

Living the dream.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Getting to make disciples as a lifestyle.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It really is awesome.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Getting to do that with my wife Tina, who you're actually going to hear from today.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's going to be awesome.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And, uh, and Heath and I, I'll tell you a little bit more about where we're heading in a bit, but yeah, I hope you've had a great week.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We sure have.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We've been enjoying the weather.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's been super and awesome, even though I can feel that it's beginning to tweak and change a little as we go.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I'm just finishing up the recording of this podcast and then a bunch of us are heading out to see a movie together with the kids and have some dinner.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Should be really, really fun.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Anyway, thanks for everybody who has subscribed to the Everyday Disciple Podcast.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I really appreciate that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That way you'll never miss an episode.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We are coming up on, uh, seven years, uh, almost of new episodes.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Every Monday morning.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You don't want to miss that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

A sure way to do that is to subscribe.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Some of the different platforms will allow you to do that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Certainly within Apple you can, and I know you can favorite things within Spotify.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That's what I listen to podcasts on, but let me give you a link that will take you to a whole bunch of places.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So depending on where you're listening or if you're liking it or not, if you go to everydaydisciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com forward slash listen, there's a whole bunch of links there to all the different platforms so you can find when it fits your phone the best or this that or whatever but if you're already settled on that you're not listening on the website like at everydaydisciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com then go ahead please and favorite us, star us, subscribe and if you can leave a review we'd really appreciate that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I also want to invite you to join us over on Facebook.

Caesar Kalinowski:

The Facebook group continues to grow and be a place of encouragement.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You can find it pretty easily just by searching up Everyday Disciple Podcast in Facebook.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But, uh, you can also just go to everydaydisciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com forward slash Facebook and it'll take you right there.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We'd love to have you.

Caesar Kalinowski:

All right.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I want to tell you a little bit about where we're going on today's episode.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Not too long ago, Tina joined Heath and I for a conversation about Change and about making progress towards disciple making be that if it's just you and your family or if you're a pastor and you're Really thinking it's time to drop a full framework out there for discipling people in your church Not just attending but really discipling disciples who make disciples and the question that sort of looms large is how are you doing it?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Making progress toward making disciples that make disciples A lot of things changed in our world in the last few years and they're continuing to change.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I've heard of new sort of restrictions coming out and this and that in certain areas and you're like what really again?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Anyway, with all that uncertainty it can be understandable to kind of just say well I'm locking down or I'm gonna kick the can down the road or the ball down the road a little longer to really get started with the discipleship because I don't know what's happening and That's, that's not what you want to do.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Anyway, we're going to talk about that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I'm going to share this conversation with you.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And, uh, I think you're going to be really encouraged about it.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And as always, it's going to go real practical.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I am going to share with you some ways that we might be able to help you and walk with you in that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That is what I would love to be able to do.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That would be such a blessing.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so let's get into this conversation with Heath and Tina, and then we'll come back, we'll do the big three together.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I don't know about you, but there

Heath Hollensbe:

is so much stuff online right now, like my inbox personally has been packed with different offers of either free webinars or seminars or summits or different things like that.

Heath Hollensbe:

And I'm wondering if you think this is a good thing for us Christians.

Heath Hollensbe:

Do you think that we're finally getting access to all the stuff that we need to make a difference?

Heath Hollensbe:

and Church Growth and Discipleship.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, I'm with you, man.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Same thing.

Caesar Kalinowski:

My inbox has been blown up with so many offers for webinars and all kinds of stuff, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I will say this, information is cheap.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It always has been, especially in the quote, internet age, which that's, it sounds like an old timer just saying that, you know what I mean?

Caesar Kalinowski:

But, uh, but I was like an early adopter.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But with all the content.

Caesar Kalinowski:

an info available to us today period about anything and everything including the Bible and making disciples you would think that every Christian would be a mature and confident disciple maker by now true discipleship is not really about the consumption of or passing on of information.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's not about knowing a lot of scripture and gaining Bible literacy or helping our people grow literate in the Bible.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's not Bible literacy that we're after or head knowledge.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's gospel fluency.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And we don't need more information.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We need more transformation.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think that is a key shift in making progress as the church and individually toward making disciples who make disciples.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so I love The fact that there is a lot of information flowing, and of course, I'm biased, but I think that the people, the thousands of people that engaged us in the Everyday Disciple Challenge, I think that they, part of the difference was, it was a little bit of teaching, and then they got to go do, you know what I mean?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And they got to ask questions, and that's why we were

Tina Kalinowski:

They got to try some things.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And that's what I'm for, be it, you know, when we do that in buildings, or while we're doing it now, is I want engagement.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

That's how we're going to make progress is people getting to ask questions, not feel dumb about it, try new things, come back and say, okay, that didn't work, but I'm not defeated, you know, we're learning forward.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

and this really

Tina Kalinowski:

is a learning.

Tina Kalinowski:

It's a language, this gospel fluency, it's a language and you're not going to learn it very well without.

Tina Kalinowski:

Truly practicing it without getting an opportunity to try to speak that language, you know?

Tina Kalinowski:


Tina Kalinowski:

So, um, our son is a great example.

Tina Kalinowski:

When he was learning to speak Spanish, he would speak it with everybody.

Tina Kalinowski:

He just, he didn't care if he made mistakes, you know, he just would try.

Tina Kalinowski:

And because of that, he learned really fast,

Tina Kalinowski:

you know?

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

Stand in the line somewhere, you know, he'd use it and, and people, you know, they, they were dear about it 'cause he was learning.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And that's the same way we, we need community.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And we need to continue being together, learning, trying, discipling.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You remember, Jesus walked in the ways.

Caesar Kalinowski:

He invited his disciples to be with him.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And it's in that that everything flowed out.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And it wasn't like, okay boys, sit down, we're going to give you the next bunch of head knowledge.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I said to someone today, Jesus did the Sermon on the Mount, but he did it once.

Caesar Kalinowski:

He didn't say, okay, see you back here on the mountain, you know, next Sunday, and I'll give you part two, you know, it's like, it was mostly them learning the language, the rhythms of the kingdom, what his father was like, why he was here, what was really true of them.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, kind of killing that whole do to be thing and all that anyway.

Heath Hollensbe:

You know, it seemed to that Jesus, the more I read him, I actually wrote a paper the other day about how he, a lot of his miracles were as he was on the way somewhere and it was like, Hey, here's a moment for a teaching lesson.

Heath Hollensbe:


Heath Hollensbe:

It's just popped up.

Heath Hollensbe:

Let's speak into like what the gospel looks like in this situation rather than, Hey, next Tuesday at eight o'clock, we're going to meet and talk about this.

Heath Hollensbe:

It was like, Hey, did you guys see the unbelief there?

Heath Hollensbe:

Now let me talk about how that was exposed and how we correct, you know, like he was making real time teaching situations based off what he was experiencing

Heath Hollensbe:

in real life.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, for sure.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And we, we talked a little bit about that two episodes back in the, that these, you know, the new normal is going to need daring new leaders.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, exactly.

Caesar Kalinowski:

that pastors and leaders are going to need to be guides.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're going to need to be with people and for them.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And they're going to have to humble themselves a bit to be doing new things that they're not the best at necessarily.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And learning with their people and encouraging them forward and pass on, you know, maybe they're just a step ahead.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That's still really, really true, man.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But I know that takes, that takes a lot of humility, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, it sure

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:


Heath Hollensbe:

know, and not just live streaming out your past ministry kind of thing.

Heath Hollensbe:

Well, you know, I've heard that a lot of

Heath Hollensbe:

pastors actually feel

Caesar Kalinowski:

busier now than ever.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So if you're listening to this and you're a pastor or working at a church or whatever, and you're feeling that burn of like busier than ever, I want to say please take some stuff out of your cart.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Don't feel like you have to.

Caesar Kalinowski:

do that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Discipleship is still the mission, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And, and I think too, you can find people that know how to do everything you already know how to do and get some help with it, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, absolutely.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Things you don't feel confident in.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Take some stuff out of your cart, feel free, but please, please, please refocus on discipleship, the mission, and all that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We have to.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Heath Hollensbe:

you know, we talked, I think it was a couple episodes back about the whole due to be issue at hand where lots of folks, maybe even especially church leaders are really having a hard time finding their value when they don't feel like they're very good at some of the stuff that they're trying to pull off every week.

Heath Hollensbe:

I'm curious, how do you see that affecting discipleship and these same leaders being able to lead their people into what they need right now to be effective in outreach and discipleship in their homes and neighborhoods?

Caesar Kalinowski:

If discipleship is already one of those things that most people or most pastors and church leaders already know they're not super confident in, then they might be shying away.

Caesar Kalinowski:

More than ever right now, and we can't do less discipleship, brothers and sisters, okay?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Then unfortunately the church has been sort of doing historically lately, you know, and by lately I mean like decades or maybe a century, you know?

Caesar Kalinowski:

We, please, because I feel you, but I want to encourage you, please, let's not do less discipleship because it's something that we've not been very confident in.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Please get the help you need now's the time if you think you're gonna kick discipleship can or kick the ball further down the field And just wait.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, guess what then fall will come or whatever and it'll be like, oh, well people are finally back to school And, you know, so now we're busy and there's just, you know, like, well, maybe, you know, maybe come spring.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, no, maybe in the winter.

Caesar Kalinowski:

No, then we got Christmas and then all an Easter will hit, you know, and it'll just, you'll just keep kicking that discipleship ball and we won't be making progress right now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We can make progress.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Towards discipleship because the people that we're discipling and helping to make disciples, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Don't discount the discipling of the Saints That's we got a disciple people to faith and during their faith and in their faith and to maturity right now That's what they need help in doing because they they don't have the old stalwart of like well if I'm a super Christian I'll get everybody to church with me Sure.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Can't do it.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I don't think a whole lot, you know, I don't know, you know, like, well, now it's even more awkward when I talk to my neighbor and I don't know what to say.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

You want to watch a live stream with me, but not with me.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I'll just send you a link.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Aren't there a billion links?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, there are.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Why would I watch that one?

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, so people are, and I know, cause we get so many messages and emails, people are dying to know.

Caesar Kalinowski:

What do I do?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And how do I love my neighbors?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, and we've been pushing out steady ideas on, on like the activities themselves, like with that 30 ways to stay connected and build community and all that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But true discipleship starts in the heart and it starts with grounding the people, grounding people in their identity and growing their gospel fluency.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Like you were just saying a few minutes ago, like that's the stuff and, and that's where it starts.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And guess what?

Caesar Kalinowski:

You can be doing that right now because that is, that is pandemic proof.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Growing in our identity and gospel fluency and, and learning to tell the story and, and speak the good news into lots of bad news and job loss.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I talked to a guy today, like, I just lost my job last night, man.

Caesar Kalinowski:

He was like on the floor, you know, and like kind of talking back from the edge and, you know, Oh man, that's right.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So now's not the time to shrink back and have less progress made in disciple making.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, it's time to, it's time to figure it out.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And if you need help, then get the help.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Please don't just, like I said, kick the ball down the field, because then it'll be something else, and then it'll be something else, and, oh my

Tina Kalinowski:


Tina Kalinowski:

Yeah, I, you know, and I think from, we've heard from some pastors and other people that have said, well, discipleship's not my calling, it's not my thing, and that's really wrong thinking.

Tina Kalinowski:

If you think you're not discipling people, you're maybe just discipling them to the wrong, to the wrong thing, because we all are discipling people in what it looks like to follow Jesus every day.

Tina Kalinowski:

So people are watching us and they're, they're seeing how we speak to our family and they're seeing how we speak to the neighbor, where we put our time, what happens, where, how do we spend our time?

Tina Kalinowski:

Do we lock ourselves away from the world?

Tina Kalinowski:

You know, are we befriending people?

Tina Kalinowski:

Are we uh, out in the community serving people?

Tina Kalinowski:

All of that stuff.

Tina Kalinowski:

If you think you're not discipling, think again.

Tina Kalinowski:

You know, discipleship is

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

We're always in discipleship mode.

Caesar Kalinowski:

. Yeah.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We're always in discipleship mode.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You're always discipling.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I've also had other pastors, I've heard, I've heard this probably way too many times.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's like, I'm so sick and tired of being the stick.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, like in the carrot and stick.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We're trying to get my folks to do stuff.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I really don't want to push.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I don't think that's the case.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We're finding the opposite.

Caesar Kalinowski:

People are dying for this right now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're not, there's not a lot of stick needed.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think the carrot is out there like, hey, I am, like you said, when I see my neighbors there, they want to talk and There's a lot of bad news and uncertainty and fear going right now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That is such fertile ground for being the good news and proclaiming the good news and helping and serving and all the stuff that we've been talking about forever and look at the early church and that's how they lived even though some of those forms are different right now we get to.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Please help your folks do that or if you're not a leader let's say you're not a leader but you're feeling exactly what I'm saying you're like I wish someone was helping me with that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You too, like, you, you know, we want to help.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Heath Hollensbe:

is a perfect opportunity for us to maybe

Caesar Kalinowski:

reconsider how we're feeling.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Throttle back on a bunch of that.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

Dive deeper into relationship, equipping your people.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

Growing in gospel fluency.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Instead, it's like, you

Heath Hollensbe:

know, one of the things that I love is that As we, as we work so hard on, on developing this podcast, we're actually seeing people like buy into what we're saying, like going like, Oh, maybe

Caesar Kalinowski:

discipleship is the key.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, I think you kind of just said it.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think people are realizing that there is all this space and time and, you know, calamity clarifies, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And comfort confuses.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And then my friend Kevin Turner told me that years ago.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Calamity clarifies.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so I think right now, what's really important to people?

Caesar Kalinowski:

In every area of their life, it is really kind of front and center.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so they're leaning in.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're just leaning in right now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And saying, hey, if we could walk with some other folks that are encouraged, that are excited about this, and know how to do discipleship in everyday life, and understand that it's maybe a little different now, but it's gonna keep changing, and maybe we can walk through this change together.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think that's part of why, brother.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think there is a real hunger.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And that'd be a big thing I want pastors to hear.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We haven't gotten to the big three today yet, but this, maybe this should have been one of them.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But is that there is a greater hunger for even imperfect moving forward with discipleship in everyday life from your folks.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And if you're not a pastor, but, but from your neighbors than ever people are, and they're going to want to, they're going to want to continue to journey with good news people.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They really, really

Tina Kalinowski:


Tina Kalinowski:

You know, and honestly, I think too, a lot of people have like, you know, they've been people that have been tracking with us and following and following the podcast and reading the books, they, they've kind of acquired all this information and they're not really sure.

Tina Kalinowski:

What to do, how to step forward and they're, they're looking for somebody to kind of help them along the way and to be there, like, you know, when things don't go well.

Tina Kalinowski:

When, when they, they were hoping for a result that didn't happen or, and and they don't want to be discouraged and just.

Tina Kalinowski:

And, you know, stop it.

Tina Kalinowski:

They want somebody to help them along the way, and I think that's a big part of it.

Tina Kalinowski:

It's a lot different than just going to, you know, some place and just getting a little more information.

Tina Kalinowski:

It doesn't, it doesn't really necessarily help you get unstuck or take steps

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And, you know, and getting to spend time with some folks that have done what you want to do or have the family life.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's close, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

There's peace.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, our kids are raised.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You've met all our kids in Team K.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You're around plenty.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They want that kind of closeness.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They want that openness.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They want that freedom.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They want kids who still love God when they're adults and love people.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know?

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And, and they want that for their church too.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I had a couple today where the, the husband worked, you know, in the church and the wife didn't work the church, but it was crazy involved.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I said, what's the number one thing?

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're just starting coaching.

Caesar Kalinowski:

What's the number one thing you'd really like to see happen in the next?

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, class 6 9 months with us coaching Jesus.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I want to be able to openly talk about things of faith.

Caesar Kalinowski:

with my kids in a way that is not weird and I want, I want to be able to do it in a way that helps them critically think through stuff because they're starting to get close to college age and they're gonna, they're gonna have all kinds of stuff hitting them, all kinds of ideas, other religions, worldviews, challenges, and I don't, I don't need to hide them from that, but I do want them to be able to critically think through that in light of the gospel.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I want them to feel free to like come home and talk to me about it, even if they think I might think differently.

Caesar Kalinowski:

All that stuff.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, that's what discipleship is, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's helping people move from unbelief to belief in every area of life.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so when something pushes up against it, you're like, well, but I know who God is.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I know what he's done in and through Christ, and what he says is now true of me.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, and that, and so, that, people are wanting that, man.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And I think that's a big part of why people signed up to join us in that coaching.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So I'm curious, like,

Heath Hollensbe:

what, um, what is the day to day, kind of the basics of this look like?

Heath Hollensbe:

What happens, uh, in your coaching core, cohorts, and in this incubator program?

Heath Hollensbe:

Um, what's that look like on a day to day or week to week basis?

Caesar Kalinowski:

From a functional standpoint, the mentorship and coaching, there's two live calls with us via zoom a month.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So you get to know those other couples that are learning and starting to practice and step by step walk into new rhythms of discipleship, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

All starting at the heart level and identity level.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But there's two calls a month that we do that for about 90 minutes.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And those are all recorded.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So if, if you miss a call, you know, like, Oh, I can't make it, you know, or, you know, something came up with the kids or whatever.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That's okay.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's recorded.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And everybody has a link to all their recordings and you can just go back and watch it at your own time.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And then we're checking in throughout the week by either email or Voxer.

Caesar Kalinowski:

and people can ask all their questions and stuff.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Like a walkie talkie app on your phone and kind of like a group text it's Uber, like, like it's just so many things it does and it's free.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And unlike most coaching, where you kind of have either your monthly call or your, you know, Once a month, you know, every other week or whatever, you know, people really have daily live access to Tina and I and to others in our team as well.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And, and so you're never going to feel stuck or wondering or, Hey, tonight we're having a, you know, uh, our first virtual happy hour or, you know, or driveway happy hour.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, you know, do we put out food?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Do we not?

Caesar Kalinowski:

We were, you know, like every little thing that usually derails people and I don't know how to do it or have some fear.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, you don't have to because either someone in the cohort will know or you just ask us directly.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We'll, you know, jump in.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We also kind of give people full access to kind of one to one private consultations along the way as well.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Like maybe there's something on the, you know, on the live call that you didn't want to eat up all the time or maybe it's a little more sensitive and you just wanted to have one on one conversation with us or you know, one of the wives wants to talk just to Tina about something.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We never We never say no, we just don't.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And the whole process starts out with like a discovery call.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We do a, we do a face to face video discovery call with each couple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We kind of get to know their story.

Caesar Kalinowski:

How much discipleship have they been doing?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Have they ever been part of a community on mission?

Caesar Kalinowski:

the gospel at the center of that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

What's that look like?

Caesar Kalinowski:

What's worked for them?

Caesar Kalinowski:

What's their schedule?

Caesar Kalinowski:

How many kids do they have?

Caesar Kalinowski:

All that stuff.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And then we create a customized strategy and roadmap for them.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It fits them.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And, and then, and we walk them through that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And if they feel, yeah, that sounds great.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Or let's make some tweaks.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We do whatever.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And then they've got a roadmap the whole time.

Caesar Kalinowski:

There's never any guessing of like, well, what do we do after that?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Or what do we do after that?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And we're checking in on that and then adding things to it, or let's take that off.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Something in life changed.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And, uh, and like I said, we're, they're doing that in community.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're doing that in community as well.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so that's been a surprisingly awesome part of, you know, once we added this Voxer component and the cohorts together, they're all like besties.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're doing vacation together.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's so true.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's really like you find a tribe, and you, you get step by step help, and you get tools, and you get a framework.

Caesar Kalinowski:

The biggest thing is you'll become one of these people that has the confidence to model a life of spiritual freedom and relational peace that others want, and then you'll be able to actually show them how to.

Caesar Kalinowski:

to walk in the ways of Jesus and trust Him in all these areas as well.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And the good news is good news.

Caesar Kalinowski:

The gospel is the power that changes us and sets us free.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But You know, there's a process.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Jesus says, go and make disciples, you know, like that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Make, like make a cake.

Caesar Kalinowski:

There's steps to it.

Caesar Kalinowski:

There's process to it.

Caesar Kalinowski:

There's a whole lot of intentionality.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And a lot of people don't know what those steps are or what order to put them in or what do you do if something changes in your life.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And so, that's what we're helping people do.

Tina Kalinowski:

And, and we really do try to, um, make it work just for the couple and, or their family.

Tina Kalinowski:

You know, if you, if they've got kids or the church that they're leading, sometimes we're helping pastors lead,

Caesar Kalinowski:

you know, map that out throughout their whole church.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, like, so this is how I'm going to live it, but then how do I start to roll this out to my community, my leaders and all that.

Tina Kalinowski:

But it's, it is really a simple, very easily step by step.

Tina Kalinowski:

We don't overwhelm people because we know there's a lot of heart changes that happen in the beginning.

Tina Kalinowski:

And so, you know, it's small steps, very easily attainable.

Caesar Kalinowski:

It's kind of like, here's the first 30 days.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Here's what you're going to focus on.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Don't worry about the rest.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, after that, here's what the next 90 days will probably include.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know, the stuff you'll be learning, starting to try, you know, and then six months out or more, you know, yeah, we're always kind of, you know, we're always kind of adjusting that with them because some people race through quickly.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Sometimes things take a lot longer or stuff comes up in life.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

I think what's important though, um, I've been involved in coaching before where people just kind of show up.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And then they talk about whatever's on their mind and they don't know what's next or they can't see a roadmap and like, how do I make progress?

Caesar Kalinowski:

What progress will I make?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And there's a lack of clarity.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So for our folks, not only do they know exactly where they're going and who they're going to be doing it with, right?

Caesar Kalinowski:

But they can kind of ease back and be more in the moment for what they are learning.

Caesar Kalinowski:

because they don't have to, well, what's good, what's going to be next?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And we said, don't worry about what's next.

Caesar Kalinowski:

The Lord will tell you that.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

And together we've prayed and talked and trusted him for at least a little bit of what that is on your roadmap.

Caesar Kalinowski:

But we're going to keep asking what's next along the way together.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So cool.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So there's a lot of clarity and that, that just takes the pressure off.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So, you know, back to what we were talking about a few questions back, these, these, uh, pastors that are just running and going and maybe they don't have the confidence to do new things, you know, much less what they were doing.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We want to take pressure off of folks.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I've had some people say like, man, this sounds so great, but I just too busy right now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You know what?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Then this is the perfect time because we're going to help you take stuff out of your cart and we're going to help you have a different heart and understanding of the what and why you're doing, which is going to take so much pressure off.

Caesar Kalinowski:

You can talk to every couple that we've been coaching and are currently coaching and ask them, do you feel like you're busier and more stressful and got more stuff going on in your life that doesn't quite fit?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Now that you've been coaching with Caesar and Tina for, you know, six months or a year or two or less.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And they're all of them say like, no, it's like pure freedom now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And we actually enjoy leading our kids and leading our neighbors and leading our church in kingdom living again.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Like, so if you're feeling like, well, maybe when we get past this, like when I just kicked the can down there, no, it's the opposite.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And you're just going to have to, I guess.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Trust us in that, that it's going to start unloading your cart and giving you some fresh wind in your sails.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I'm just kind

Heath Hollensbe:

of curious if folks want to get involved with you guys in this coaching, what do they have to do and what should they expect?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Well, it's pretty easy.

Caesar Kalinowski:

All you got to do is go to everydaydisciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com forward slash discovery.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And that'll start to get the ball rolling.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We'll set up a time, a little calendar link there, we'll set up a convenient time for a discovery call where we can get together, get to know each other a little bit.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I can learn a little bit more about your rhythms and all that's happening there and what your goals are so that you kind of understand all that happens.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Okay, there's no obligation to that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We're hoping that maybe God is bringing us together and how we'll figure that out is we'll discover it together.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So that's the first step.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Go to everydaydisciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com forward slash discovery.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Then if it sounds like it's a good fit to you and to us, then we'll set up your roadmap call.

Caesar Kalinowski:

and that's where we'll as a couple talk to you as a couple and we'll get to really get to the business of all that's going on in your life so we can set up that custom personalized roadmap so you always know what's going on.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And then the third step is you start to join us in the calls.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Like we've said, we, we have these calls twice a month.

Caesar Kalinowski:

They're there on the second and fourth week of the month, different times, make it real easy for you.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Plus everything's recorded.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Anyway, I'll tell you all about that on the discovery call right now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

The biggest thing to just know is that you want to set up that discovery call and get started.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

So I hope you will.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I hope you go to everyday disciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com right now and set your discovery call up at a convenient time and we'll see where the Lord takes this.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Heath Hollensbe:

get to the big three because as always we want to leave you with the big three takeaways from today's topic if nothing else Things that we don't want

Caesar Kalinowski:

you to miss and by the way You can always get a free download of the big three as a PDF by going to everyday disciple comm Forward slash big three.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yep That's how you get the big three and also put a link to all the coaching stuff in there for you as well Caesar Tina, what are the big

Heath Hollensbe:

three for

Caesar Kalinowski:

this week?

Caesar Kalinowski:

I'd say the first thing is that Don't miss this idea that kicking the ball down the field or kicking the can down the road over waiting to get the training and framework and help you need to make disciples and really You know start to live the life that you're wanting and helping other people right now in this unprecedented opportunity That's just not wise that really I think that comes from fear and we want to say, you know God is the prime, you know, the Holy Spirit is the primary disciple of hearts.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And if he would privilege us to walk together, and, you know, and speak through us, and help us equip you, um, and be a blessing in your life, there's no better time than now.

Caesar Kalinowski:

There just isn't.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And, and, and we, our fears and sort of things we've learned to hide behind might derail us, but please don't.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

There really isn't a, I don't think we're gonna historically, probably, in our living adult lives, see like we had a bigger window of flexibility and opportunity.

Caesar Kalinowski:

and openness from people and our kids around and the time to be able to like think deeply and learn some fluency in the gospel.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I really don't think so.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I think, I think when this opens back up to a lot of people and especially a lot of folks in the world who don't know Jesus and don't have the Spirit, they're going to get back to like, Trying to make up and be crazy busy, you know what I mean?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And yeah, but but those that have been already journeying with us and have found trust and hope in life I think they're gonna incorporate that into their rhythm.

Caesar Kalinowski:

So don't wait, you know, don't kick the can, you

Tina Kalinowski:

know Yeah, if you think you're gonna that there's some right time down the road or at some point You're gonna be less busy and be able to fit this in it's probably not the truth and it's probably going to be actually the opposite.

Tina Kalinowski:

You'll probably continue to be loaded up with a lot of stuff to do that's not necessarily.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Let's establish this now, you know?

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

The second one, big three.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Um, God is still accomplishing his eternal purpose of filling the world with his glory through disciples of Jesus, making more disciples.

Caesar Kalinowski:

He's not hitting pause.

Caesar Kalinowski:

He never has.

Caesar Kalinowski:

He never will.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And neither should the church or each of us individually.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Ask God today what he would have you do, or change, or start to engage in with others, trusting that he will guide and empower you for his mission.

Caesar Kalinowski:

God always provides for that, which he calls us to.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I hope you believe that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

And then number three, now is the time to get to a place of modeling a life of spiritual freedom and relational peace with others.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That's what discipleship is about.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That's what Jesus came to give us.

Caesar Kalinowski:

and then sent us out to show others.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Will your church, your family, and neighbors see you living in freedom or fear?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Will they experience your presence or are you sort of isolating away a little bit?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Get off of work or done with the church work and then you kind of come home and hide out for a while?

Caesar Kalinowski:

Or are they seeing you waiting for something that They don't know what you're waiting for.

Caesar Kalinowski:

If you feel like you're on a hamster wheel of religious activity and busyness, or unsure how to help the folks in your church engage in discipleship and outreach in their busy daily lives, we would really love to help you.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Yeah, we really would love to set up that discovery call we talked about.

Caesar Kalinowski:


Caesar Kalinowski:

Again, you can just go to everydaydisciple.

Caesar Kalinowski:

com forward slash discovery.

Caesar Kalinowski:

We'll set up a call.

Caesar Kalinowski:

No obligation.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I just love to meet with you, hear a bit of your story and see if this would be a good fit.

Caesar Kalinowski:

All right.

Caesar Kalinowski:

That's enough for today.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Obviously a lot about discipleship.

Caesar Kalinowski:

What else did we talk about?

Caesar Kalinowski:

And getting you hopefully into the coaching with us.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I would love that.

Caesar Kalinowski:

Anyway, look forward to next time.

Caesar Kalinowski:

I'll talk to you soon.

Heath Hollensbe:

Thanks for joining us today.

Heath Hollensbe:

For more information on this show, and to get loads of free discipleship resources, visit EverydayDisciple.

Heath Hollensbe:


Heath Hollensbe:

And remember, you really can live with the spiritual freedom and relational peace that Jesus promised every day.

Heath Hollensbe:

Are You Making Progress Toward Making Disciples?



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