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Virtual You vs In-Person You
Episode 21510th March 2022 • Course Building Secrets® Podcast • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:16:41

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Do you ever struggle with the idea of letting go of meeting with your clients 1:1 because you feel that any other option wouldn't serve them at the level you want to serve? In this episode, Tara gives actionable tips for how the "Virtual You" can create that same experience with a few twists.

About the Host:

My name is Tara Bryan. I help business owners break into the next level of success by packaging their expertise into an online course experience. It's my passion to help to find the fastest path to results to create a greater impact and income for you and your tribe.

Check out my free Step-by-Step guide to building your online course. In it are the top steps and questions you need to ask before you get started. Check it out here:

This group is 100% focused on support, knowledge and example sharing, and building a community of online course builders who are passionate about building awesome learning experiences.

In this community, we are passionate about building learning experiences that produce results for our learners. We do that by building engaging, motivating, gamified, and learner-centered courses. We come up with ideas and strategies to ensure that our learners can thrive and succeed in our product. 

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Here are two ways we can help you grow and scale your online course business:



- Learn Academy is the best Done-with-you Step-by-step Implementation program that will help you create, sell, and launch your online course.



- The Course Edit is a program that will assess your current online course to take it to the next level. Maybe you have a course that isn't selling or one that people aren't completing (therefore not remaining customers) then it is time for THE COURSE EDIT.


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Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara Bryan. And you are listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give you practical real life tips that you can use today to build your online experiences that get results and create raving fans. Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people without adding more time or team to your business. If you're looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.

Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, Today, I want to talk about the difference between virtual you and in person you. So often when people get into the online course, or online program, business, one of the biggest challenges that comes up is the challenge with not showing up in person and having an effect the way that you feel about giving value. Because if you're like me, if you're like other, you know, service providers who are used to one on one work is that there are a couple of different things happening, right your value is on how much you're helping your value is on how much time you're spending with a company or an individual to help them. So what's what happens is, there's sort of this ying yang, or there's this fight between, I really want more time I'm maxed out and burnt out, I'm taking all of my time taking, you know, clients and working on projects and talking to them and doing all these things. I was on a call the other day, and someone said, Oh my gosh, I'm on zoom all the time. Like, Ah, it's so annoying, right? And, but it's that, you know, you want to you want to take on clients, you want to grow, you want to help them you want to make an impact. And you also want to live your life, right part of probably why you went out on your own was, so you had time freedom. And the the challenge or the conundrum becomes we want time freedom, but our idea of helping, and where we find value, and sort of maybe our self worth a little bit is in how much we show up and how much we take care of the people that we are serving. So I want to talk about that a little bit today. Because if it hasn't come up for you yet, it will when you start to automate and move all of your things online. And so it's an important thing that not a lot of times he will talk about us like, oh, it's gonna be so great, you're gonna, you know, have all these online sales, and people are gonna automatically go through your program and blah, blah, blah, which is awesome. And you totally want that to happen. You want to package what you're doing. And you also want to realize that part of why you serve people is because you like to be around people, and you like to interact with people. And so when you have dialed everything in and you are, you know, rocking it, you're making sales, you've got your online signature program, guess what happens?

Tara Bryan:

You have created a virtual version of yourself, and everyone who's interacting with that virtual version of yourself is getting feeling successful. They are interacting with you on a regular basis, because you have created a virtual version of yourself. But what what a lot of people don't realize is once you do that, then where does your value go? Right? Like you are doing your own thing, people are getting a ton of value from what you're doing. But you don't feel connected anymore. You don't feel like you're making a difference. And so what starts to happen is you create more programs or, you know, you show up and confuse things because you want to teach more, you want to just like hang out and talk to people. And so it's one of the things that you just need to be really aware of when you start going down this path is if you know that connecting with people is really important. You just don't want to do it as much or you don't want to you know reinvent the wheel every single time you have a new client, then it's okay for you to show up and have calls with them. It's okay for you to show up and, you know, get people together as a group or you know, create a Slack channel You know, where they can check in with you and ask questions and, and whatever else, like, that's okay. And that may be what you need to feel like you're plugged in enough that you are making a difference. Because it is a very big change. And you have to get used to not being the one who's moving things forward and providing that level of value. Because your virtual version of yourself is doing that, right. So you've created the value, you've packaged it up, and less of your time is needed to push things forward. I always remember two things. One, always remember the day that somebody came up to me I was at an event. And they're like, oh, my gosh, you made such a huge difference to me today. When you talked about XY and Z, and I was like, what, I didn't talk to you today, what are you talking about? And he's like, Oh, my gosh, I totally forgot, oh, I was watching their video about, you know, this topic and blah, blah, blah, and oh, my God, it totally changed what I was doing, it made such a huge impact. And I went, Oh, my gosh, just because I am not live in front of him, doesn't mean I'm not providing value, I had actually put that video out there. And it was part of the program. And typically, I would have that conversation with somebody in person, right as I was going through their project or whatever else. And because I was able to put it out there, he was able to go through it whenever you wanted to get the value. And I didn't have to be there, I didn't physically have to be talking to him. So that was such an aha moment. Because like I said, you get that sort of intellectually, but when it starts to happen, it's a whole different, different sort of scenario, because then you realize that people are actually you're giving value without physically being there giving them value. So so that was the first thing. The second thing is always remember the time when I first had a team who was actually doing the work. So this is a this is not an automation, kind of epiphany, but this was, you know, I had trained the team, and everyone was, you know, excited to work with our clients. And I sat in the room, and I wasn't needed. And it was the best feeling in the world for like a day. And then I went, Wait a minute, if I'm not needed, if they're rocking it, because I've you know, shown on the process, and I've I you know, we've had conversations about it, they know what to do, and they're doing an awesome job, if I'm not needed. Now, what am I going to do, right? Like, where's my value going to come in? And how, how do I play a part in that, right, because I had created a system, I had created a, an approach in that scenario. And it was working for me to hand it off to other people. So I'm like, Oh, this is great, I'm gonna have all this time I'm gonna, you know, my time is gonna be leveraged, I'm gonna be able to do all these other things.

Tara Bryan:

But I went, Oh, wait a minute. Like, my, my value, like my ego is wrapped up in, in what I was providing. And so I really had to work through that and replace the value that I was doing at that moment, the value I was providing to those clients, and look at providing value in a different way instead. So I just want to bring this up, because, and you and I don't know, like you could be dealing with this right now. Or you could be really excited about automating everything and getting it out there. But just remember that you have to be really intentional about what you're going to do to replace your time because there's going to be a period of time where you're either going to try and get back into the mix and start doing things and then your team because this has happened to me and then your team is gonna be like you are making this worse like you need to just get out of the weeds go and do something else. And and leave us to do our job. Because at some point, you you coming in it just confuses things right because not only are you the one who is you know, the the leader, but they've now gone and owned the process and if you come in and start doing things, it gets all jacked up. Same thing with the online course itself, right? You can't just start adding additional videos that are are off topic or take them down a different path because you feel like you need to be doing something and and so one of the best ways to do this is in some some people will know before they even start that they need to have a live component they need to have a coaching call or a q&a call or live event or just some way that they're able to connect with their people? Because it's important for them to do it. But don't, how do I say this, don't confuse what people need with what you need, right? Because just because you feel like you have to be there in person to help them doesn't actually mean that they, they need it, you could create the best program and it could be fully automated. And you have answered every single question. And, you know, nobody has anything that they necessarily need. from a content perspective. But, but what I see a lot is people say, Well, I have to be there to teach them I have to be there to, to show them what to do, because they need that. And that may be the case, right? But just be really honest with yourself, if you need that, like if you need to show up and and connect with people and see how they're doing and, and answer questions or, you know, be their cheerleader and support them or hold them accountable, whatever, whatever you need, maybe you need to meet for coffee with them once a quarter, maybe you need to have live events, maybe you need to, you know, be available for them whenever they need it. But just be realistic about the fact that that's what you need. And then create that you get to create your program, you get to create this experience for people. And it should be something that you love, it should be something that you want to that you want to nurture, and you want to grow. And and so when you look at the virtual user versus the in person, you, you can really

Tara Bryan:

look at what works best. But for me, so often when I'm talking about, I have to have a one on one component, because if I don't, people won't succeed. And you don't have to, you want to. And if you have to how do you then create that in, in a virtual you environment where you don't have to do that, right. And so I just challenge you, if you're new to this game, to recognize that you may want that. And that's awesome. If you are in this game, and you're feeling a little disconnected, or you're not excited about your program anymore, or you just feel like, yeah, it is what it is, it's not awesome, blah, blah, blah, have a live version of it, have some, you know, open up some code, group coaching calls, open up your calendar a little bit to connect with your people, because what that is saying is that you're just feeling disconnected, you are feeling like you're not showing up and, and providing that level of value that you want to. But don't mistake that you have to be there and customize the experience for everyone and give everyone what you know, individually what they want, with your need to show up and provide value. So that is my tip for today. It's a little bit different. But But honestly, this is it, everybody goes through this, it's totally normal. So replace that meaning that need to connect, either replace it with something else, or add it into your program, there's no reason why you can't have, you know, a weekly call or a monthly call or something where you connect with your people. Because you may want that and other people are like oh my gosh, I totally don't want that at all great. Build it into your program, automate it, make it make it into something that you feel super good about, that people can go through without you being there. And that virtual you is enough, right? And it's so just recognize that but hopefully this helps helps you, I know that at least one person is out there listening to this who needs permission to either step away and not be the one who's doing all the things or you need permission to plug back in to what you've created and create more of a hybrid kind of program where you are able to connect with some boundaries has really the difference between one on one and group and moving it completely online is all about sort of your appetite for showing up and and using the online platform to provide the the sort of the standard things right here are all the things that that you repeat over and over and over again a million times and use the coaching calls. Use the time that you connect with people to really make those rich connections and elevate the experience by having that connection. Point and being able to do that in however, whatever way you want to do that really meets that need that you have for connection. All right, there you go. There is your course building secret for today.



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