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The Yellow Sign by Robert W. Chambers (part 2)
Episode 417th November 2022 • Liminal Flares • Maika
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Are you ready for another perilous dip into the realm of early cosmic horror? It's all the fun of cosmic dread without the dreadful heteronormative exclusion: Part 2 of "The Yellow Sign" by American author Robert W. Chambers.

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Writing/Editing & Narration by Maika

Music by The Parlour Trick

Audio Engineering by Meredith Yayanos

Cover Art Illustration by Daniel Kern

To learn more about Liminal Flares visit our website

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And we're now on Mastodon



Gather round and welcome.


This is Liminal Flares, Bedtime Stories From Beyond and in-between,


readings of eldritch literature drawn from the public domain and amended to be gender-inclusive.


My name is Maika, and I am your queer, trans, nonbinary narrator.


And today we are reading part two of The Yellow Sign by Robert W. Chambers.


Last week we met our narrator, Mr. Scott,


an artist working in his New York City studio with an art model named Tessie Reardon,


both of whom were experiencing distress:


An inexplicably ruined painting for Mr. Scott and a recurring nightmare for Tessie,


both somehow connected to an unsettling individual working as a guard at the church next door to Scott's studio.


And now, let's continue with our tale...


The next morning, Thomas, the bellhop, brought me the Herald and a bit of news.


The church next door had been sold.


I thanked heaven for it.


Not that, being a Catholic, I had any repugnance for the congregation next door,


but because my nerves were shattered by a blatant exhorter


whose every word echoed through the aisle of the church as if it had been my own rooms,


and who insisted on their Rs with a nasal persistence which revolted my every instinct.


Then, too, there was a fiend in human shape,


an organist who reeled off some of the grand old hymns with an interpretation of their own.


And I longed for the blood of a creature who could play the doxology with an amendment of minor chords


which one hears only in a quartet of very young undergraduates.


I believe the minister was a good person.


But when they bellowed


"And the Lord said unto Moses, the Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name.


My wrath shall wax hot and I will kill you with the sword!"


I wondered how many centuries of purgatory it would take to atone for such a sin.


"Who bought the property?" I asked Thomas.


"Nobody that I knows, sir.


They do say the gent wot owns this here Hamilton Flats was lookin at it.


They might be buildin' more studios."


I walked to the window.


The young person with the unhealthy face stood by the churchyard gate,


and at the mere sight of them, the same overwhelming repugnance took possession of me.


"By the way, Thomas," I said, "who is that citizen down there?"


Thomas sniffed.


"That there worm, sir? He's guard of the church, sir.


They make me tired a-sittin out all night on them steps an lookin at you, insultin' like.


I'd a punched their head, sir. Beg pardon, sir."


"Go on, Thomas."


"One night comin' home with Harry, the other bellhop, I sees them a-sittin there on them steps.


We had Molly and Jen with us, sir, the two girls on the tray service,


An' they looks so insultin' at us that I up and says, 'what you lookin' at, slug?'


Beg pardon, sir, but that's how I sez, sir.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

'Come out and I'll punch that puddin' head.'

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then I opens the gate and goes in, but they don't say nothin', only looks insultin' like.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then I hits 'em one, but ugh! Their head was so cold and mushy, it'd sicken you to touch 'em."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"What did they do then?" I asked curiously.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Them? Nothin'."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"And you, Thomas?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

The young fellow flushed with embarrassment and smiled uneasily.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Mr Scott, sir, I ain't no coward an' I can't make it out at all why I run.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I was in the 5th Lancers, sir, bugler at Tel-el-Kebir, an' was shot by the wells."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"You don't mean to say you ran away?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Yes, sir, I - I run."

don't say nothin', and I sez:


don't say nothin', and I sez:

"That's just what I want to know, sir.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I grabbed Molly an' run, an' the rest was as frightened as I."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"But what were they frightened at?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Thomas refused to answer for a while,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

but now my curiosity was aroused about the repulsive young person below and I pressed him.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Three years sojurn in America had not only modified Thomas's Cockney dialect,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

but had given him the American's fear of ridicule.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"You won't believe me, Mr Scott, sir."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Yes, I will."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"You will laugh at me, sir."

don't say nothin', and I sez:


don't say nothin', and I sez:

He hesitated.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Well, sir, it's Gawd's truth that when I hit them, they grabbed me wrists, sir,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and when I twisted their soft, mushy fist, one of their fingers come off in me hand."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

The utter loathing and horror of Thomas' face must have been reflected in my own,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

for he added, "It's awful. An' now when I see them, I just go away. They make me ill."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

When Thomas had gone, I went to the window.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

The person stood beside the church railing with both hands on the gate.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But I hastily retreated to my easel again, sickened and horrified,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

for I saw that the middle finger of their right hand was missing.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

At nine o'clock, Tessie appeared and vanished behind the screen with a merry "Good morning, Mr Scott."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

When she had reappeared and taken her pose upon the model-stand,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I started a new canvas, much to her delight.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

She remained silent as long as I was on the drawing.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But as soon as the scrape of the charcoal ceased and I took up my fixative, she began to chatter.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Oh, I had such a lovely time last night. We went to Tony Pastor's."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Who are we?" I demanded.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Oh, Maggie, you know Mr. Whyte's Model and Pinkie McCormick—

don't say nothin', and I sez:

we call them Pinkie because they've got that beautiful red hair you artists like so much —And Lizzie Burke."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I sent a shower of spray from the fixative over the canvas and said, "Well, go on."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"We saw Kelly and Baby Barnes, the skirt-dancer —and all the rest. I made a mash."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Then you have gone back on me, Tessie?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

She laughed and shook her head.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"He's Lizzie Burke's brother, Ed. He's a perfect gen'l'man."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I felt constrained to give her some parental advice concerning mashing,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

which she took with a bright smile.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Oh, I can take care of a strange mash," she said, examining her chewing gum.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"But Ed is different. Lizzie is my best friend."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then she related how Ed had come back from the stocking mill in Lowell, Massachusetts, to find her and Lizzie grown up,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and what an accomplished young man he was,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and how he thought nothing of squandering half-a-dollar for ice-cream and oysters

don't say nothin', and I sez:

to celebrate his entry as clerk into the woolen department of Macy's.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Before she finished, I began to paint, and she resumed the pose, smiling and chattering like a sparrow.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

By noon I had the study fairly well rubbed in, and Tessie came to look at it.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"That's better," she said.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I thought so too, and ate my lunch with a satisfied feeling that all was going well.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Tessie spread her lunch on a drawing table opposite me,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and we drank our claret from the same bottle and lighted our cigarettes from the same match.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I was very much attached to Tessie.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I had watched her shoot up into a slender but exquisitely formed woman from a frail, awkward child.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

She had posed for me during the last three years,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and among all my models she was my favorite.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

It would have troubled me very much indeed had she become "tough" or "fly," as the phrase goes.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But I never noticed any deterioration of her manner and felt at heart that she was all right.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

She and I never discussed morals at all, and I had no intention of doing so,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

partly because I had none myself and partly because I knew she would do what she liked in spite of me.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Still, I did hope she would steer clear of complications, because I wished her well,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and then also I had a selfish desire to retain the best model I had.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I knew that mashing, as she termed it, had no significance with girls like Tessie,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and that such things in America did not resemble in the least of the same things in Paris.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Yet, having lived with my eyes open, I also knew that somebody would take Tessie away someday,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

in one manner or another,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and though I professed to myself that marriage was nonsense,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I sincerely hoped that in this case there would be a priest at the end of the vista.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I am a Catholic.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

When I listen to high mass, when I sign myself,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I feel that everything, including myself, is more cheerful,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and when I confess, it does me good.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

A person who lives as much alone as I do, must confess to somebody.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then again, Sylvia was Catholic, and it was reason enough for me.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But I was speaking of Tessie, which is very different.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Tessie was also Catholic and much more devout than I, so taking it all in all,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I had little fear for my pretty model until she should fall in love.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But then I knew that fate alone would decide her future for her,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and I prayed inwardly that fate would keep her away from people like me

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and throw into her path nothing but Ed Burkes and Jimmy McCormicks, bless her sweet face.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Tessie sat blowing rings of smoke up to the ceiling and tinkling the ice in her tumbler.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Do you know that I also had a dream last night?" I observed.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Not about that church guard," she laughed.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Exactly. A dream similar to yours, only much worse."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

It was foolish and thoughtless of me to say this, but you know how little tact the average painter has.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

'I must have fallen asleep about ten o'clock," I continued,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"and after a while I dreamt that I awoke. So plainly did I hear the midnight bells,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

the wind in the tree-branches, and the whistle of steamers from the bay,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

that even now I can scarcely believe I was not awake.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I seemed to be lying in a box which had a glass cover.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Dimly I saw the street lamps as I passed.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

For I must tell you, Tessie,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

the box in which I reclined appeared to lie in a cushioned wagon which jolted me over a stony pavement.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

After a while I became impatient and tried to move, but the box was too narrow.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

My hands were crossed on my breast, so I could not raise them to help myself.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I listened and then tried to call.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

My voice was gone.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I could hear the trample of the horses attached to the wagon and even the breathing of the driver.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then another sound broke upon my ears like the raising of a window sash.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I managed to turn my head a little and found I could look, not only through the glass cover of my box,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

but also through the glass panes in the side of the covered vehicle.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I saw houses, empty and silent, with neither light nor life about any of them excepting one.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

In that house a window was open on the first floor, and a figure all in white stood looking down into the street.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

It was you."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Tessie had turned her face away from me and leaned on the table with her elbow.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"I could see your face," I resumed, "and it seemed to me to be very sorrowful.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then we passed on and turned into a narrow black lane.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Presently the horses stopped.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I waited and waited, closing my eyes with fear and impatience,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

but all was silent as the grave.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

After what seemed to me hours, I began to feel uncomfortable.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

A sense that somebody was close to me made me unclose my eyes.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Then I saw the white face of the hearse-driver looking at me through the coffin-lid—"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

A sob from Tessie interrupted me. She was trembling like a leaf.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I saw I had made an ass of myself and attempted to repair the damage.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Why, Tess," I said.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"I only told you this to show you what influence your story might have on another person's dreams.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

You don't suppose I really lay in a coffin, do you? What are you trembling for?

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Don't you see that your dream and my unreasonable dislike for that inoffensive guard of the church

don't say nothin', and I sez:

simply set my brain working as soon as I fell asleep?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

She laid her head between her arms, and sobbed as if her heart would break.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

What a precious triple donkey I had made of myself.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But I was about to break my record.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I went over and put my arm about her.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Tessie, dear, forgive me," I said. "I had no business to frighten you with such nonsense.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

You are too sensible a girl, too good a Catholic to believe in dreams."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Her hand tightened on mine and her head fell back upon my shoulder,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

but she still trembled and I petted her and comforted her.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Come, Tess, open your eyes and smile."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Her eyes opened with a slow, languid movement and met mine,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

but their expression was so queer that I hastened to reassure her again.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"It's all humbug, Tessie; you surely are not afraid that any harm will come to you because of that?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"No," she said, but her scarlet lips quivered.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Then what's the matter? Are you afraid?"

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"Yes. Not for myself."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"For me, then?" I demanded gaily.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"For you," she murmured in a voice almost inaudible.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

"I—I care for you."

don't say nothin', and I sez:

At first I started to laugh, but when I understood her, a shock passed through me,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and I sat like one turned to stone.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

This was the crowning bit of idiocy I had committed.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

During the moment which elapsed between her reply and my answer

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I thought of a thousand responses to that innocent confession.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I could pass it by with a laugh, I could misunderstand her and assure her as to my health,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I could simply point out that it was impossible che could love me.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

But my reply was quicker than my thoughts,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

and I might think and think now, when it was too late,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

for I had kissed her on the mouth.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

This concludes part two of The Yellow Sign by Robert W. Chambers.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Thank you for listening to Liminal Flares.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Our music is by The Parlor Trick.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Audio Engineering by Meredith Yayanos.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I hope you've enjoyed our time together in this twilit space.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

If you did and would like to help support our show,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

subscribe and leave us a rating and a review on your favorite podcast platform.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

And please share us with others who might enjoy

don't say nothin', and I sez:

our haunted and haunting gender-inclusive story time.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Next week, we return to continue reading Robert W. Chambers' tale of

don't say nothin', and I sez:

Yhe Yellow Sign, part three of four.

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I do hope you'll join me.

don't say nothin', and I sez:


don't say nothin', and I sez:

If you have a favorite author or a specific piece of writing,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

a short story, poem, or passage from a book, that's in the public domain in the US,

don't say nothin', and I sez:

I welcome your requests for future episodes.

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