Have an idea for a course and have tons of information for your clients? In theory that sounds like a combination for a great selling course. However, one common trap is providing too much information as it becomes a distraction. When you want to teach something you need to start with the transformation and not the information. The value of your information and experience is that you can distill that into a framework to help people take action and get results faster.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give you practical real life tips that you can use today to build your online experiences that get results and create raving fans. Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people without adding more time or team to your business? If you're looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.
Tara Bryan:Hey, everybody, so this is another tactical episode. So I was listening to someone speak yesterday. And it was fascinating to me. He's talking about writing a book. And he spent, you know, countless hours already writing the book and, and really focused on how he wanted to get his message across how he wanted to teach teach it, and the clarity behind sort of the steps. So his goal is I want to build, I want to write a book that helps people make money with what I am the information and providing the book. So that there was very clear, like, here's the topic, here's the goal, the goal is not that I'm just giving people information, but they can use the information to directly earn more money. Right. So we had a very clear result, very clear transformation. And one of the things I thought was fascinating is he said, You know, it's taken me so much time to perfect the frameworks that I'm teaching or creating in, in the book. So, so often, I think that when we start building a course, or a book or program, or whatever it is, we think about the topics we want to teach, like information that we want to teach, we don't actually think about how the specific steps within each thing and how it helps build on to each other so you can get to that transformation. And and so I loved it when he said that, because that's exactly where we start. When I'm helping my clients or when we're, you know, doing doing our agency work. It's not we're not starting with topics we're not starting with, what information do I want to give to people? What we're starting with is like, what are the key frameworks, the key, like, process steps, if you will, if framework doesn't make sense to you, like, what are the key steps that somebody has to take to achieve the thing that we want to teach. And that becomes then the path forward, as you're writing, as you're creating, as you're packaging, whatever it is that you're doing is, you know, if you have a step, and you have a step that you want somebody to go through, there's a key sort of approach or process that you would walk them through, so they could actually achieve that particular step. And, and so that's your framework, your, you know, specific proprietary framework for how you have, you know, sort of conceptualize the, the steps for doing that. And, and that starts, that's what you do. First, instead of hear all that the, you know, topics that I want to share with somebody. And and so I love that he said that it keeps resonating with me as as to the actual difference that it makes in the sense of how you're putting something together, if you're putting something together to say, here are the five steps that you need to take in this in this particular part of the process, then somebody could take those steps, get the results, and then keep moving forward. If you're saying here the topics or here's the information that I want to cover, in this particular step, that's not action focused, right? That's only like giving them something that they can, you know, oh, that's really interesting, or that concept makes sense. But there's a there's a disconnect between the concept and the action. And so a framework is what what bridges that gap, and and so the next time that you're sitting down to create something, or you know, you want to write your book for the first time, think in terms of frameworks, not in terms of topics or chapters and see what that does for you because it will transform your ability to not just have something that's out there but have something that people are you know, by Hang in consuming like crazy, because it's there's a solid, fast, clear path for how somebody needs to move through the process. And you probably have had experience with this in the past where you've taken a course or somebody has helped you. And there's a lot of information, a lot of concepts, and maybe they say, Hey, how'd you get that? Like, you know, here? Here's a quiz, right? Like, those are always my favorite, like, here's a multiple choice question, did you, you know, did you understand? Or did you retain the information that I gave you, and, you know, there's got to be a purpose. For that information, there's got to be a purpose, why I have to remember it, why I have to memorize it. And and if there's not a purpose, then there's no point in doing it. Right.
Tara Bryan:And that's, that's where that shift comes into play is if there's a clear framework, there's a clear path, there's a clear sort of a, you know, place to take action, then what what, what happens is, you're able to do it, I'm working with a client right now, who is teaching people how to get their purchase their first investment property, turnkey investment property. And it's a great course, he's, he has created a very tactical, you know, do this, and then do this, and then do this. And it but the trap is falling into is he wants to share so much information he wants to share, you know, all of the things, this is how it compares to this thing. And that's how it compares to that thing, and this is why this is thing, and you maybe look at this and maybe look at that. And that, that. So that's the tendency is is you want to give information to be helpful. But what that does is it distracts from the action you want them to take. And so having, you know, a clear framework to say here is how you one of the steps is to do a termite inspection. Very small step, but one of the steps. So instead of saying, Here are all the potential things that you could do around a termite inspection, it's like, hey, here is your worksheet, here's what you do, the first thing that you do is you need to call the inspector, second thing you do is and I'm just making these up. But the first thing you do is call inspector, the second thing that you do is, you know, review the results. And what happens when you have termites, what do you what do you do in that six situation? Or if you don't, great, you're ready to move on, right? small example, but the framework is, you know, you, you have determined that this is what potential property, you have to do an inspection. So you have to call somebody to come in and do it. Maybe you have to be on site, maybe you don't, whatever the rules are around that. And then what do you do? If there's a problem? What do you do if there's not a problem and move forward, that's all somebody needs, in order to complete that step. They don't need to know about termite don't even need to know what they look like. They don't need to know, you know what termites do. Other than that, you know, intuitively, you know that they're destructive, right, they don't need to know, the number of like, they don't need to know all those details, they may be interested in those details later. But in order to achieve that particular step, they just have to do the things that they need to do to cross that off of the list. So don't feel like you have to over engineer it, you have to overcomplicate it, because you're teaching something, all you need to do is say this is a step, here are the four things you need to do, here's a worksheet or a way for you to track it or, you know, some sort of cheat sheet or whatever it is that you use, if you're doing this, right, this is what I use, this is what is been successful. For me, it's part of a bigger packet, cross these things off your list and move on. Right, it's a small step doesn't need to take more more effort than it is in the bigger, the bigger set of steps, but there's a framework for that. And so often people skip the framework and just talk about the thing. And assume that people know the framework. And and and so this is a key piece in really even before you get started, is you can get all the topics and all the kind of ideas you have out of your head into. A lot of times I recommend doing posted a post it note exercise, right, like get it out, get your topics out. But then within each of the topics is a step. right within each of the the pieces, there's a step and so blow out that step. What are the what are the many steps, what's the framework, what's the process, whatever you want to call, it doesn't really matter. But whatever it makes more sense to you in terms of those terms. Do the step by step, put something together that helps Some actually, you know, like, do the thing. And then that's all you need. And then as people grow as people get deeper into getting, you know, sort of the, the depth of understanding, then you can take them into the details, then you can like talk to them about all the things, but, but they just have to get through that first piece and get to that result. And, and so, so often, it's just being very clear about how you get there. Alright, there you go. That is my course building tip for today.