- Referenced Based Pricing (RBP)
- Value based payment
- Healthcare Claims Costs
- Cost Savings
- Network Discounts
- Risk Management
- Balanced Billing
- Plan Document
In this episode, Michael introduces you to Ryan Day, President of HST. Join us as we look into HST’s reference-based pricing services and how a bottom-up approach to provider reimbursement can offer employers more control over their healthcare costs than a traditional insurance network model.
Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:
- An introduction to Ryan Day and his unconventional path into Healthcare
- What a Buyer’s Beware Market is and the results it has traditionally produced
- Definition of Reference Based Pricing (RBP)
- How RBP can eliminate the need for a network of providers
- Who sets the provider reimbursement levels in an RBP plan and common benchmarks
- How emergency room visits are a handled vs. pre-certified visits to a facility
- The risk for balance billing and how HST’s Patient Advocacy Center addresses these situations
- The average savings that an employer can achieve with an RBP strategy
- How RBP can impact Stop Loss premiums
- What medical inflation looks like under an RBP strategy vs. Network and Insured offerings
- Why the plan document language is critical in an RBP plan
- HST pricing structure
- Who reference based pricing is a good fit for
- Future goals and expectations for HST