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Getting Clear on Your 2022 Intentions EP:25
Episode 2518th January 2022 • Soul Inspired Decisions • Carrie Lecuyer
00:00:00 00:14:11

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Getting clear about what you desire this year, and then focusing on it with unwavering faith is the key to having success over the next 12 months. In this episode I will help you get clear on what it is you want, help you identify where you are at this your journey and give you space to feel what it would be like to have it.  If you are a busy lady and really want to rise up this year and make you a priority then this episode will help you align with your desires.

About the Host:

When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your soul's purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.

As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids. 

Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.

I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.

You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:


Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie 

Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer

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Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, my friends and welcome. You're listening to soul inspired decisions, a podcast for ordinary moms living extraordinary lives. My intention with this podcast is to teach, motivate and inspire by sharing stories, tools and strategies to help you unlock your greatest fears, annoying habits and old stories and make a move towards the things that have been on your heart. If you have been a little lost, or in a funk, and want to reconnect with your purpose, your passion and feel empowered again, then this is the best place for you to be hanging out. My name is Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm an ordinary mom making extraordinary decisions. This is me putting one foot in front of the other, moving towards my next goal, and hoping to inspire you along the way. Let's get started.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, everyone, welcome back to soul inspired decisions podcast. I am your host, Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm so excited to be here for the first episode of 2022. This is my first recording. And I love saying 2022. And my friends, this is my 25th episode. So it's kind of a little bit of a milestone. So thank you for being here and sharing this time with me. Please share this episode with a friend or your favorite episode with front end, let's keep building a bigger community for empowering women. And that's what this podcast is all about. Empowering women empowering moms. What I want this episode to be about for you today is setting your intentions for the year because as moms, we have these great ideas, and then we get sidetracked really quickly. And then we forget about them. And then it's I wish I should could a type of thing. You know what I'm talking about. It's all about getting really clear on what you want to attract into your life this year. 2020 is a big 22 is a really big year for women, women are rising everywhere, the feminine power is really skyrocketing. And so many women have these ideas and creative thoughts and they don't know what to do with them. Well, this is the time this is the time to set your intention of what you really want. And take action. That's what that's telling you. It's time, you have to make it a priority. So is getting really clear on what you want to attract into your life is the number one thing, being clear on what you desire. And focusing upon it with unwavering faith is really the only way to move forward. It has to mean something to you, you have to go all in, we make it our priority. And so is there one thing that you want to focus on? Or is there many things that you want to focus on, or maybe there's so many things you want to focus on. I mean, I, I had so many things that I wanted to focus on. My coaches like I think he got a lot of things on the go, I think we need to narrow this down because you're moving in all sorts of direction. And let's just face it, I know this, maybe you've never heard this before. But I know this, it confused, mine does nothing. So we've got all these things that we don't know what to do, we don't know where to start, and it becomes so overwhelming. And then our kids need 100 things until we put us last. So that's what we want to clarify today is setting your intentions for what you want. And then we're setting into this as though it's a marathon, it's not a sprint, it doesn't have to be done in the next 20 days, you really have a full year ahead of you. And that's what's so great about this is just this is the moment where you can focus on what you really want, what you want to dream about. And I can just help you really quickly hone in on that right now. It's January 18, you literally have only been in January for 18 days, you had thoughts on maybe a New Year's resolution. So I just want you to check in with that your New Year's resolution and what you thought it would be and where you're at on moving forward with that. You may be moving forward, really great. So if you are good for you keep moving. It's all part of the plan for your higher version of yourself. And that's you. And that's what I really want you to check in on right now where you're at. I'm gonna ask you to scale on a scale of one to 10 one, I'm already out. I've checked out I'm done. I'm over this and 10 I've got this I know what I'm doing. I've got a plan moving forward. So on a scale of one to 10 Where are you on? I'm making daily effort with my new year's goal or desires. Where are you right now scale it give yourself a number. So if it's a one Great if it's too great if it's a five, great. I mean 10 is

Carrie Lecuyer:

a very high number for so far into the so not far into the year, but only 18 days into the year. But if if you really have a goal and I've been there a certain point of my life or I was on a 10 quite consistently, but it's like focus you're honed in, and it's your whole life. So I don't I don't know that we can be there at at a 10 right now at if you're a mom, because we have so many other things that are going on. So don't be hard on yourself. If you are not at a 10 that is perfectly okay. It's probably best not to be at a 10 because you overwhelm yourself if you've got anxiety or anything going on with you that makes you uncomfortable, really easy. 10 is not, don't stress yourself out. One. If you've already checked yourself out, let's check yourself again. Because if it's on your mind, it's on your mind for a reason and be gentle with yourself. You're not out yet. This is not bad. We just need to reevaluate what's going on is there's lots of pressure we put on ourselves because it's, oh, it's January 1, we do need to put off put a New Year's resolution up on our board in our there timers, whatever we got going on. But the The truth is, is that most of us quit and ourselves the first five days. And I've witnessed this over and over again, January's my favorite time to be at the pool pool because because I'm so consistent with making exercise a priority in my life over years and years and years, I always see January flooded with new swimmers because you can tell they've got this as a goal, getting healthy losing weight, getting back in the pool, whatever it is. And it's hard to find ln time space, you have to share. And by already the beginning of February, it's already petered out a little bit there's a little bit more space, there's it's so cramped, so you could already tell how quickly the average person quits on themselves. So I this is where we, this is what we want to do is stop that. If you are always quitting on yourself, ask yourself why? First of all, why you know why. And sometimes it gets hard. And we're so used to quitting on ourselves, it's actually easier to quit ourselves and to put in the time and effort to move forward. Because committing for a year, committing for six months is really hard. And you've got to really want the thing. And how you know you want the thing is by associating a feeling with that thing. So what is it going to give you? What do you think, what you desire, what you want? What you want to have? What kind of feeling will that give you? Is it have to do with health? What kind of feeling will having been healthy or give you? Is it running a marathon? Is it starting a business? Is it going back to school, what kind of feeling what is the feeling that you're associating with the thing that you want the thing that you desire, because then we can identify our blocks quite a bit easier. And most of them for women are simply we have these desires, these dreams, these beliefs that we can have them, but then deep down, we feel that we are not worthy of them. And that's kind of like the big elephant in the room is we have all these things. But then we look around and we're like come on this, I'm actually not worthy of this. Whoever put that in your mind where we got that from it's crap, it's an you are very much worthy. If you can dream it, you can have it. If you can feel it, you can do it. That's it's simple. But it's a hard journey. It's a shift in you must work through a daily. The other thing that may be working against you at this moment is just your old habits and patterns. And again, it's just so much easier to quit on ourselves. It gets hard or hasn't poke fun, or our mom questions us or dad says something and then we're like, oh, I shouldn't be doing that. You know, sometimes it's even more powerful to not share it with anybody else. And it's just your undercover CSI, investigation, navigation, your own journey that you don't actually have to share any with anybody. And that's actually what I'm really known for as well. All of a sudden just be doing something and I've done it and nobody else knows because it's then there's no pressure of anybody else's opinion. And, and I usually have a couple of people. My husband's usually one of my sisters, usually another but that's pretty much it. I can keep things pretty honed in and then I'm focused, and it's just me moving towards something that I really want because I don't want to disappoint anybody else. It's just those two people. With that, they're holding me accountable. I've said it out loud, I'm doing it I'm moving forward.





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