Newsday: 5 Predictions and Observations
Episode 8124th April 2023 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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Today in Health it the new conference landscape. I'm gonna give you a little rundown of the HYMNS conference and just talk about the conference schedule we had over the last couple months. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week Health, A set of channels dedicated to keeping health IT staff.

And engaged. We wanna thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders. Sure. Test and art site. Check them out at this week, we just completed our, , captain's Cures for Childhood Cancer Campaign at hymns. I think we will be somewhere between five and $10,000 there, $16,000 at.

That's, , 25, 26, 27, almost thousand dollars. , between the two conferences and we couldn't be more happy and grateful, , to have launched this and to have engaged you in raising money for childhood cancer. As you know, having a child with cancer is one of the most painful and difficult situations a family can face, and one of the byproducts of.

Campaign has been people coming up and telling me their stories at the various conferences and we are really excited to have partnered with Alex's Lemonade stand, some great stories. , and, , we, we hope we can continue to, to drive this forward. , we should have a number for you early next week as the team gets back from the conference and gets a chance to get situated.

Alright, I wanted to talk a little bit about the. And conferences in general. I'll start with the conference, the hymns conference. So, , we don't know the final numbers yet. I was guessing about 30,000. I heard numbers anywhere from 20 to 50. So people aren't good at just thumbnailing it. , I'm saying it's somewhere between 30 and 40.

So that sort of establishes it. I mean, it's, it's not going away. I've heard people say, oh my gosh, hims in trouble because they, , did not treat their partners really well during the pandemic well, the partners filled the, , booths, , And, , the conference goers came back and I think there's a couple of reasons for that.

One is I think it was smart to have it in Chicago. Chicago has more of a base of healthcare and then you can have, , people who are local come to the conference. So I think that's one of the things that was, , probably a good move.

So anyway, I think that's one of the things. Really help them out. , I think it's 30 to 40. I think the other thing that helps 'em out is they do a good job with the education, , side of things and, , a lot of health systems come to present, , the various success stories that they've had during the year, and people come to hear those success stories.

I think part of the reason that that continues to be strong, Is the local chapters. I think the local chapters establishes the base for this conference, and it's something that the other conferences have not spent time doing. , but hymns has done that, and I think that will always be the absolute floor will be the effectiveness of their regional chapters and their local chapters.

So anyway, that's my 2 cents on why the conference worked and why it is working the conference. It was interesting, and I'm just gonna give you some of the anecdotes that I picked up from people. There was, , a lot of traffic in the booth. The traffic was not predominantly senior executives. It wasn't the cio, , who was coming around and going to the booth, but you had a lot of the next tier, and that next tier is an important tier , to get involved.

A lot of times they're the ones doing the primary research. For a solution. And so generally, the people I talked to in the booth, I talked to a lot of people in the booth, they felt like, , the, the traffic was good and the quality of the traffic was good. They had good conversations. So again, I think from that perspective, I thought it was a good conference.

I found it interest. Again, this is just anecdotal on my part, it felt like more academic medical centers CIOs were at this conference than were at the Vibe Conference. Now, there was clearly more CIOs in general at the Vibe Conference than this one, but the academic medical centers seemed to be well represented.

At this conference Yeah. At the CIO level and at other levels. , saw a lot of, , people that have participated in the 2 29 events and we had a good 2 29 event. , there. ,

, let, let me give you some of the, some of the takes we did. Oh, I don't know, about 40 interviews. , so we did a lot of interviews, , and on this one because we, we knew there weren't gonna be as many CIOs there.

So we didn't focus in on trying to get the individual interviews with CIOs as much as we tried to identify solutions. And the best interviews we could find were those where somebody from a health system was represented as well as the solution was represented. So you had somebody talking about the solution, then you had somebody validating the solution.

That is, that's our preferred method in just about everything that we. And we had a bunch of those. Let me give you a couple of the tidbits from those interviews. One, , it feels to me like we are making progress on the cybersecurity front, so I'm saying that because we're starting to deal with some things that we weren't necessarily dealing with three years ago.

We're starting to deal with p h I and we're starting to deal with, , medical devices in, in, in a more holistic. We're not just, you know, it's not just a piece of the thing we're doing. We're really trying to remediate this problem. So it feels to me like we are starting, we, we've got the core down and we're starting to expand outside of the core and really address some of these other challenges that we have.

And these, you know, unidentified, , PHI stores that reside all over our network that need to be reigned in, need to be identified, need to. , in some cases eliminated like that PHI is potentially old, maybe a physician put it out there for some reason or another. And now we're, we're saying, you know what, that's no longer necessary.

Or that store's not being used for research anymore. So we're getting better at that aspect of it. So I thought that was good. The, , digital solutions, we talked a lot about different digital solutions. I tried to focus in on. , and, and documented results. So if somebody said, Hey, we've, you know, we've been able to really push the needle on quality.

I'm like, all right, do you have a study? Have you done a study? Have you, do you have documented results around that on their ROI side? I've just heard from too many CIOs that, Hey, we need shorter ROI models. And so I'm, I'm pushing and I'm asking people for, , shorter ROI models. One of the things that's interesting.

As we talk about these digital solutions and digital engagement solutions, , there's a core group of solutions that you just have to have, right? It's just, it's part of the price of entry. If you don't have it, it's, it doesn't look good for your health system, right? You have to have a portal that has at least scheduling.

, has some sort of messaging back and forth. , appointment reminders. , I don't, I don't, I, you know what, whatever happens to me, but there's just a base level of service that you need to have. And then there's these other things where we talk about reducing friction and the consumer and, and those kinds of things.

And, , my, my question is how are we doing? Are we delivering? First of all, are we measuring, are we measuring its effectiveness? Are we delivering a better experience? And if we could do that through surveys. Are we delivering, , cost reductions? Are we delivering a better, , experience to the clinician?

Are they moving through the system faster? Are they more efficient? And are we measuring those kinds of things? I, I think these digital solutions are gonna get more scrutiny as we move forward. What are we getting? Now? With that being said, , I did visit with Transparent for a. And got a, a view of their app and it's night and day from what I see from a health system and what I see from transparent, it's night and day and it's for the same community, if you will.

I mean, it's different backends and different connections, transparent, working directly with the employers, and they have, , payer relationships and they have provider relationships. So they're actually bringing a more complex thing together. But the, the difference I think is human-centered. When I look at a, a portal given out by a health system, it is so complex and, and we, the excuse we throw out there is, oh, there's just a ton of information.

There's a lot, you know, we're a complex organization. We have to, you know, so it has to be complex. And then I look at the transparent thing and I'm like, it doesn't have to be complex. , it was interesting to me that there's only like, Things to click on when you got to that home screen and that home screen was delivering an awful lot of very relevant infor information right there.

. No,:

And somebody had the brilliance to say to me, Hey, let's do just a small focus group of some. Consumers and see what they come back with. And they were almost unanimous in what they wanted. And it was almost the exact opposite of what we had. Like if we had taken our list from one to 10 and flipped it around and gone 10 down to one, that would've been their order.

And it was really interesting and it did cause us to step back and ask some questions and change some of the priorities that we had. That's what I'm seeing when I, when I looked at that portal that Transparent had for the consumers and for the, , employers and. I thought it was a, a phenomenal, , looking interface, and I thought it was a really great engaging, , , application.

, around our health and it's, , but it wasn't only the application. I mean, they have a whole, , suite of services around it and it feels like they put their arms around you and say, we're gonna take care of you. We're gonna help you to get through, , this either healthcare experience or. , to help you to improve in your health.

So anyway, , that's just a, a small plug for transparent. I think they did a good job on the application. It looks really, , really interesting. , again, a lot of, a lot of really good conversations while we were there. Talked to, , you know, clearly AI came up a fair amount. , AI came up when we were talking about imaging.

It came up when we were talking about. , essentially making nurses more efficient and effective. You had a bunch of, , we talked to Nuance about their, , upcoming, , pilot. I'm not sure it was called a pilot, but anyway, their, , DAX Express, which is going to directly use chat G P T. , we saw announcements from Epic around chat, G P T.

, I don't think Epic was the only one. , I'm trying to think. There was another EHR that made an announcement around chat, G P T. There's just a lot going on, , at, at in this space. And as I talked to, I didn't really capture too many interviews with CIOs talking about chat, C B T, but , one of the ones I did do was zombie and I talked a little bit about it, and he's, , optimistic about it.

, thinks we need to get in front of it. , thinks we need to, , be the leaders within our organization of identifying the use cases. , I mean, clearly the use cases are gonna get identified all over the organization, but in terms of helping people to understand, Hey, here's what you can, that almost the parameters around it, here's what you can use it for within healthcare, and here's what you cannot.

Clearly, we're not putting PHI and PII up into chat G P T, just so we can write a letter that's gonna save us, you know, five. , we've gotta be real careful of how the information we're putting up there, we still don't have visibility into the model itself or what it's going to do with that data, so you can't be putting up, , protected information into there.

, again, and I think the last thing I wanna touch on is just this conference schedule. And this will be interesting as we go into next year and I think people will have this experience to look at, but we went vibe, , Beckers. Then we went Scottsdale Institute. If you're a member of the Scottsdale Institute, we, , this week we had Health Innovation, summit Health, , healthcare Innovation Summit, , the one out in, , Laguna Beach.

A lot of executives and startups go there. And we had hymns and these were all like in a four week period of time, I heard a lot of CIOs saying, this is exactly what I. Like, we're just gonna have to decide where we go and where we don't go. And it was nicer when these things were sort of spread out. But the, that's the, you know, there's always gonna be conferences to go to.

There's always gonna be reasons to get out of the office. The question becomes what is the value you get from each conference, and is that value enough to the health system to warrant your time away from the. And to, , warrant your investment either in you, yourself or your people. And I think what we saw is each one has a little different value proposition to the world, and we have to know those value propositions and determine, you know, how much time we can actually take away.

I did talk to you a fair number of CIOs who just said, look, travel restrictions, I'm not going to any. And I, you know, I'm a little concerned about that. I hope that they are finding ways to stay connected with the community, stay connected, , with, , the solutions that are happening, whatever that is. You know, as things change like this, as our travel, , budgets get slashed and as our, , training budget gets slash.

We have to get much more creative as we move forward. So anyway, that's a, that's a rundown from hymns and the conference schedule for the past couple of weeks, and that's all for today. If you know of someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They could subscribe on our website this week, or wherever you listen to podcast.

Apple, Google Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher. You get the picture? We are every. We wanna thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. Sure. Test and 📍 Art site two great companies. Check them out at this week, Thanks for listening.

That's all for now.



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