Starting a new business is hard, in fact most people that start one fail. Today we are exploring the important concepts of relationship building as it relates to entrepreneurship.
We are talking to Jacqueline Maddison, founder of Beverly Hills Magazine about her own journey in founding a publishing company. She opens up about her struggles, failures, and success stories. She talks about the role Christian principles had in helping her overcome obstacles that she had been unable to overcome prior.
Join us as we explore how to apply the message of Jesus to entrepreneurship!
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Welcome everyone.
Brent:Today, we are talking about entrepreneurship and building a business.
Brent:And with us, we have Jacqueline Madison, founder, and CEO
Brent:of Beverly Hills magazine.
Brent:Jacqueline welcome it is great to have you on I know you were
Brent:calling in from California.
Brent:How are you doing?
Brent:How are things going?
Jacqueline Maddison:Hi, I am wonderful.
Jacqueline Maddison:Thank you.
Jacqueline Maddison:Yes, it is sunny and cool in California.
Brent:Oh, my goodness.
Brent:Well, I am looking forward to just chatting about your journey.
Brent:I feel like you have just a really neat journey that you have been through and
Brent:Jacqueline, when we first connected one of the things that I learned about you is.
Brent:Your story of Christian entrepreneurship, you specifically
Brent:wanted to pull that out in your story and you started a media company.
Brent:And you have started it in a specific niche that is pretty hard to break into.
Brent:You're sort of in the midst of Hollywood and that is not an
Brent:easy, vertical to break into.
Brent:And I would love to just understand why it was so important when we first
Brent:connected for you to mention Christian entrepreneurship was so important
Brent:that that was sort of one of the first things that you tell people about.
Brent:So I'm just going to stop there.
Brent:And if you would just sort of introduce us to your journey and maybe
Brent:why that was so important for you.
Jacqueline Maddison:So I am an entrepreneur, I founded and started
Jacqueline Maddison:Beverly Hills magazine from scratch, but.
Jacqueline Maddison:I always have to give God the glory because I am a born again,
Jacqueline Maddison:Christian and I had tried to start magazines prior to this global brand
Jacqueline Maddison:publication and both of them failed.
Jacqueline Maddison:And so it wasn't until I actually.
Jacqueline Maddison:Surrendered to God and started seeking him and his guidance and
Jacqueline Maddison:instruction to make my dreams come true.
Jacqueline Maddison:That things actually started working.
Jacqueline Maddison:And, and I, and I was getting the divine guidance and assistance from
Jacqueline Maddison:the Lord to make the right decisions.
Jacqueline Maddison:And do the right things really.
Jacqueline Maddison:And that's how I've been able to build a business with the right infrastructure,
Jacqueline Maddison:the right processes and systems to be successful and actually make money
Jacqueline Maddison:and, and allow me to give back and start my foundation, my charity.
Jacqueline Maddison:So yeah, for me, it's very important and I want to be able
Jacqueline Maddison:to encourage my other brothers and sisters in Christ who believe, who.
Jacqueline Maddison:I don't yet have the close relationship that I have with the Lord, a lot of us.
Jacqueline Maddison:And even before I always believed in God, I believed in Jesus, but
Jacqueline Maddison:I wasn't like walking with him.
Jacqueline Maddison:And it wasn't until I like lost everything and really humbled
Jacqueline Maddison:myself and realized that I need.
Jacqueline Maddison:Because God's word says humble yourself under the hand of the almighty.
Jacqueline Maddison:And in due time, he will lift you up.
Jacqueline Maddison:And that's exactly what he did for me.
Jacqueline Maddison:And the other scriptures that he says, delight yourself in me.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I'll give you the desires of your heart.
Jacqueline Maddison:So obviously I wanted to do a magazine, but then he put it on my heart to
Jacqueline Maddison:look up Beverly Hills magazine.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I was, I had no money.
Jacqueline Maddison:I was living at my parents' house, like starting a global brand publication.
Jacqueline Maddison:Oh, it was an impossible dream, but I live by scripture, Matthew, 1926
Jacqueline Maddison:with God, all things are possible.
Jacqueline Maddison:And ever since I surrender to the Lord and he started guiding
Jacqueline Maddison:me, I just haven't looked back.
Jacqueline Maddison:I just seek him every day through prayer and I fast, you know, that's
Jacqueline Maddison:a regular part of my lifestyle.
Jacqueline Maddison:And he's faithful to continue to give me prophetic dreams and kind
Jacqueline Maddison:of words of wisdom and knowledge to know how to keep moving forward
Jacqueline Maddison:and making my dreams come true.
Jacqueline Maddison:Cause you know, I say God's will for you is your dream life you guys.
Jacqueline Maddison:Cause he put unique gifts and talents in each and every one of us, when we
Jacqueline Maddison:go to him and surrender to his, well, he guides us and leads us to use
Jacqueline Maddison:them, which has our dreams come true.
Jacqueline Maddison:So that's why I really just want to encourage.
Brent:And I tell you, we all need some encouragement, right?
Brent:It's a crazy world out there.
Brent:We all need as much encouragement as we can get.
Brent:I appreciate that.
Brent:And I think honestly, that.
Brent:Where we grow the most is when we are in a period of need.
Brent:When we have gone through a time in our life, that is just really tough.
Brent:And we realize that we don't have it all figured out that whatever our model
Brent:is, whatever we are following has just not worked out super well, that we need
Brent:another model to follow that we need to look to something else to get us outside
Brent:of the situation or the environment.
Brent:That we are currently in.
Brent:I think that rings true to so, so many people, and I think that's
Brent:is a really powerful example.
Jacqueline Maddison:okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:So God's word tells us that the small G God of this world is the devil, right?
Jacqueline Maddison:And the whole world is under the sway of the devil and this world, the culture
Jacqueline Maddison:tells you, follow your heart, follow your heart, but actually how many
Jacqueline Maddison:times have you followed your heart into disappointment, into disaster, into
Jacqueline Maddison:some form of destruction in your life?
Jacqueline Maddison:But God's word tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things.
Jacqueline Maddison:How can you know it?
Jacqueline Maddison:God's word also tells us that it's not actually within
Jacqueline Maddison:man to direct his own life.
Jacqueline Maddison:So God flat out tells us that we actually don't have the ability or the innate
Jacqueline Maddison:wisdom to correctly guide our lives or direct our own lives on the right.
Jacqueline Maddison:To do the right thing.
Jacqueline Maddison:Okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:So if we, if we truly can humble ourselves enough, really to believe
Jacqueline Maddison:God and go to him, a whole realm of supernatural possibility opens up to you
Jacqueline Maddison:to what God can do in your life with a humble heart, with a surrendered soul.
Jacqueline Maddison:And really I'm just an ordinary girl living an extraordinary life.
Jacqueline Maddison:Because I submitted to God because I, I seek him and I obey him.
Jacqueline Maddison:He literally tells me what to do.
Jacqueline Maddison:You guys like, God is real.
Jacqueline Maddison:And when you, when you go to him and you're sincerely seeking his
Jacqueline Maddison:will for your life, He will help you he'll guide you and me too.
Jacqueline Maddison:And what else is amazing about the Lord is he's super naturally always brought
Jacqueline Maddison:the right people at the right time to progress me along and God's will for
Jacqueline Maddison:us this wholeness and prosperity and prosperity isn't money in the bank.
Jacqueline Maddison:That's the world's idea of prosperity.
Jacqueline Maddison:Prosperity is a progressive trajectory of growth.
Jacqueline Maddison:Every facet of our lives.
Jacqueline Maddison:That's emotionally.
Jacqueline Maddison:So wholeness, stability, mental clarity, wellness.
Jacqueline Maddison:So emotionally, physically, so that's physical strength
Jacqueline Maddison:and energy intellectually.
Jacqueline Maddison:Financially on every level.
Jacqueline Maddison:Really God wants us to go from strength to strength and glory to glory.
Jacqueline Maddison:And he is faithful.
Jacqueline Maddison:It's always been about relationship with God, even in the garden of Eden.
Jacqueline Maddison:He walked with Adam and Eve.
Jacqueline Maddison:That was always what he wants with us.
Jacqueline Maddison:And he created us to be his companion, but it sin separates
Jacqueline Maddison:us from him because he's holy.
Jacqueline Maddison:That's why he wants us to be holy and holy isn't like, oh, I have to
Jacqueline Maddison:go stand in the front of a church and preach to the congregation.
Jacqueline Maddison:But it's.
Jacqueline Maddison:Purifying ourselves and living according to his work and, and kind of separating
Jacqueline Maddison:from the filed ways of the world.
Jacqueline Maddison:You know, that's all about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Jacqueline Maddison:That's the world.
Jacqueline Maddison:God's about peace, righteousness and joy in the holy spirit being born
Jacqueline Maddison:again and living as a supernatural life, walking in our divine nature with
Brent:You said a second ago, you said.
Brent:Knowing the right path is really not with us.
Brent:And man, that rings so true to me.
Brent:If, we look at some of the situations in our life where we have really tried to
Brent:sort of use our own plan, if you will.
Brent:And how often does it maybe seem like it's going right for a while.
Jacqueline Maddison:God says don't lean on your understanding and knowledge
Jacqueline Maddison:means all your ways, and I will direct your path, but God's word is true.
Jacqueline Maddison:He's not a man.
Jacqueline Maddison:He doesn't lie.
Jacqueline Maddison:It's our sin nature, you know, that has a propensity to lie and be deceitful
Jacqueline Maddison:and all those things and, and God helps to purify us of that nature.
Jacqueline Maddison:So, and that's just another benefit of walking with the Lord is his being and
Jacqueline Maddison:being holy and pure is we, we really.
Jacqueline Maddison:To become more like God, our father, and to know his ways of righteousness
Jacqueline Maddison:and goodness and, and all those things and apply them in our business.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see, because that's when the blessing of God comes upon us.
Jacqueline Maddison:You know, when we are keeping his commandments and we're doing his will
Jacqueline Maddison:and his will, again, is your dream life.
Jacqueline Maddison:Guys, look, imagine that.
Jacqueline Maddison:Your heart's all your heart's desires were fulfilled, not only in business
Jacqueline Maddison:and your relationships and where you live, like I'm in Beverly Hills,
Jacqueline Maddison:God set me up in Beverly Hills.
Jacqueline Maddison:Like I didn't even have to pay to live here.
Jacqueline Maddison:Like I'm telling you the supernatural setup.
Jacqueline Maddison:God is a miracle worker and he, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Jacqueline Maddison:He is a God of miracles and he wants to work miracles in your
Jacqueline Maddison:life, but we have to have the faith.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see, the devil has been working overtime to keep us in a place of.
Jacqueline Maddison:Right now.
Jacqueline Maddison:Oh, I can't go out.
Jacqueline Maddison:Oh, I can't do anything.
Jacqueline Maddison:All the world's falling apart.
Jacqueline Maddison:No, no, no, no, no.
Jacqueline Maddison:We are children of God.
Jacqueline Maddison:We live under the canopy of the kingdom of heaven.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see where all things are possible because our God is
Jacqueline Maddison:sovereign over this world.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see?
Jacqueline Maddison:So we have to walk by faith and God marries our faith and can manifest
Jacqueline Maddison:our greatest heart's desires, even in the midst of uncertainty,
Jacqueline Maddison:because he's the one thing that is.
Jacqueline Maddison:He's the rock.
Brent:Yes, definitely.
Brent:And so I want to dive into how that has sort of manifested itself specifically
Brent:into your life and into your journey.
Brent:And there's something that you talk about, or that you've mentioned
Brent:before, and that is focus and action.
Brent:And I want to spend a good amount of time talking about that a little bit
Brent:later, but I want to just understand.
Brent:How that started in your process, right?
Brent:How that got you to where it is?
Brent:Because you mentioned a second ago.
Brent:That if you're using the model of Christ of Jesus to follow that
Brent:things will just sort of show up.
Brent:And I think sometimes we can look at that and just sit back
Brent:and wait for things to happen.
Brent:Like sometimes that can be interpreted that way, but that is not your story.
Brent:Your story is very much full of action and focus and planning.
Brent:And so if you would dive in to that side of it,
Jacqueline Maddison:So hard work is a tremendous component
Jacqueline Maddison:of making your dreams come true.
Jacqueline Maddison:Even God's word says that dreams comes for the multitude of business.
Jacqueline Maddison:So in other words, through a lot of work, okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:And keep in mind, God is the CEO of the universe.
Jacqueline Maddison:You know, when I go to him in prayer and I closed my bedroom door and I go
Jacqueline Maddison:to my secret place or my, my, my prayer room, prayer closet, I'm meeting with.
Jacqueline Maddison:The king of the universe, the CEO of the universe, he manages everything.
Jacqueline Maddison:He said that stars the moon, the seasons in perfect working order.
Jacqueline Maddison:Okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:Nothing is out of place.
Jacqueline Maddison:So when he guides you and gives you wisdom and understanding to apply to
Jacqueline Maddison:your business, your personal life, your family life, whatever, it's going
Jacqueline Maddison:to be extremely structured, organized systemized, and with repetitious past.
Jacqueline Maddison:'cause that's how God works.
Jacqueline Maddison:And for the first few years of my business, implementing the strategies,
Jacqueline Maddison:God was giving me to build the business infrastructure, which is the systems and
Jacqueline Maddison:processes that need to be put in place.
Jacqueline Maddison:I felt almost robotic because it was so repetitive, but that's, what's necessary.
Jacqueline Maddison:There's gotta be a consistency, inaction and behavior in, in your
Jacqueline Maddison:systems and processes that you establish as the framework of your.
Jacqueline Maddison:Like any architectural design, you want to build a home, you
Jacqueline Maddison:better come up with a blueprint.
Jacqueline Maddison:So that's why a very comprehensive business plan is required.
Jacqueline Maddison:You know, God gave me the vision of what I could create, right?
Jacqueline Maddison:The possibility of what the business could be.
Jacqueline Maddison:But then I had to put pen to paper.
Jacqueline Maddison:I had to do research.
Jacqueline Maddison:I had to understand what it was I was setting out to build and create.
Jacqueline Maddison:I had to understand.
Jacqueline Maddison:So that was work in itself.
Jacqueline Maddison:That was intellectual, mental work as well as physical work.
Jacqueline Maddison:And then I actually had two.
Jacqueline Maddison:Uh, write the articles, build the blog.
Jacqueline Maddison:I had to implement all the search engine optimization or SEO, internet
Jacqueline Maddison:marketing strategies within all the articles and all these things I had
Jacqueline Maddison:to learn, but we're students of life and earth has got school for assault.
Jacqueline Maddison:And, you know, even when we get to heaven where they're there, there's
Jacqueline Maddison:endless wisdom and knowledge and creativity for us to play with forever.
Jacqueline Maddison:So it's a wonderful journey of evolution of self and of getting to
Jacqueline Maddison:know God and of using your gifts and talents because writing is one of mine.
Jacqueline Maddison:But the thing is when, when the vision you get from God, when you go to him
Jacqueline Maddison:in prayer, he'll give you, he'll like drop it in your spirit and it'll be
Jacqueline Maddison:like a light bulb goes off in your mind.
Jacqueline Maddison:And all of a sudden you'll have, you'll see, like in your mind, It like a video,
Jacqueline Maddison:like a film playing in your mind's eye.
Jacqueline Maddison:Cause that's how God speaks to us through a spiritual projections.
Jacqueline Maddison:You can see the future.
Jacqueline Maddison:And so he'll, he'll download it to you in that way.
Jacqueline Maddison:And so you have the vision and God's word says without a vision,
Jacqueline Maddison:people cast off restraint.
Jacqueline Maddison:In other words, people get lost.
Jacqueline Maddison:They don't know what to do.
Jacqueline Maddison:So God, we must go to the Lord and ask for his will for your life.
Jacqueline Maddison:See God says you have not because you ask.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see?
Jacqueline Maddison:So we must, we must go to God, our father and ask him, Lord,
Jacqueline Maddison:give me wisdom, give me guidance.
Jacqueline Maddison:Lead me on the path of my destiny, my purpose of your will for my life.
Jacqueline Maddison:I want to use the gifts and talents you gave me.
Jacqueline Maddison:So to quickly bottom line, the answer to the question is that a hard work is
Jacqueline Maddison:absolutely necessary, but when you're doing what God has created you to do
Jacqueline Maddison:and sent you to earth to do and create and build, it's a true joy and pleasure.
Brent:Well, you are very intentional about what you're doing as well.
Brent:I mean, everything that you just described to me just now was, built with intention.
Brent:You couldn't have accomplished what you have accomplished without intention.
Brent:And I love making the connection between living an intentional life and just
Brent:the path and the message that Jesus gave us in living an intentional life.
Brent:Because if you look at his life, everything, literally everything that we
Brent:knew about him is a life of intention.
Brent:If you look how the, how he developed the relationships with his disciples,
Brent:the message that he created, almost every aspect of, of his life, including his
Brent:death was all based on 100% intention.
Brent:And as I look at my experiences, sometimes I do really great and I'm very
Brent:intentional about things, but a lot of times, a lot of times I'm lacking that.
Brent:And those are usually the areas of my life.
Brent:That you don't see prospers when you're not doing something that's intentional.
Brent:And so I love what you just.
Jacqueline Maddison:I, I agree with you and the Lord at times when I was
Jacqueline Maddison:getting a little bit uncertain in my own self, he would always bring me
Jacqueline Maddison:back to your intention, your intention, and you know, my core intention.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I think our core intention should be to fulfill God's will for
Jacqueline Maddison:our lives, because that is when we.
Jacqueline Maddison:Can walk in our destiny and fulfill our purpose because God had an intention
Jacqueline Maddison:when he sent each and every one of our spirits into the earth, he says, I knit
Jacqueline Maddison:you together in your mother's womb.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I knew you before I sent you.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see?
Jacqueline Maddison:So there is a predestined life plan for each and every one of us
Jacqueline Maddison:there's freewill and there's God's will, but God gives us the choice.
Jacqueline Maddison:You can go run off, play in the world and do whatever you want.
Jacqueline Maddison:You have the same buffet, beliefs to choose from, but if you come to.
Jacqueline Maddison:Little it says, and if you seek me in all your ways, I'll direct your
Jacqueline Maddison:path and I'll lead you in righteous.
Jacqueline Maddison:For my name's sake, because God's will, for your life is to prosper.
Jacqueline Maddison:You bless you and protect you and fulfill his purpose for your life.
Jacqueline Maddison:You see?
Jacqueline Maddison:So it's for your blessing and the blessing of others.
Jacqueline Maddison:And so when he started guiding me into my destiny, not only did he give me my dream.
Jacqueline Maddison:Job, you know, which is even better now because I'm actually moving
Jacqueline Maddison:into producing television shows.
Jacqueline Maddison:I'm going to star in my own show about my life.
Jacqueline Maddison:I've written a scripted television show based on my life is editor in chief.
Jacqueline Maddison:So let me tell you something with the Lord.
Jacqueline Maddison:It just gets better and better, but.
Jacqueline Maddison:He also told me to start the God foundation, which has say global
Jacqueline Maddison:Judeo-Christian outreach, charitable ministry, and I've been funding it myself.
Jacqueline Maddison:I don't take 1 cent of any donation that comes in a hundred percent of the denied
Jacqueline Maddison:donations go directly to the orphanages and the other ministries that we support
Jacqueline Maddison:in Pakistan and India and Uganda.
Jacqueline Maddison:Oh my gosh.
Jacqueline Maddison:Sierra Leone.
Jacqueline Maddison:You can find the link on my website, but that's what I mean.
Jacqueline Maddison:So God will give you the desires of your heart, but he'll also align it
Jacqueline Maddison:with a purpose that is for the good of, uh, or the greater good of all.
Jacqueline Maddison:Cause that's, God's.
Jacqueline Maddison:Not, you know, for
Brent:Yeah, no, definitely.
Brent:I feel like I've heard, let me see if I can get this saying right.
Brent:That I've heard before your purpose in life is sort of a combination
Brent:or maybe the intersection between something that you really enjoy,
Brent:that you're really passionate.
Brent:And that you are also really good about it.
Brent:I feel like I don't know where I heard that originally at, but
Brent:that reminds me of what you just said just then I think that's.
Jacqueline Maddison:You know, and I say like, what would you do if you
Jacqueline Maddison:could just do whatever you wanted and like make all the money in the
Jacqueline Maddison:world and do it always, that's one thing, like, look to that desire.
Jacqueline Maddison:What would that be?
Jacqueline Maddison:Or the other.
Jacqueline Maddison:Look to your childhood.
Jacqueline Maddison:What did you want to be when you grew up and what did you love doing?
Jacqueline Maddison:And, and we're naturally good at it as a child.
Jacqueline Maddison:Those will, if, if you don't know yet, but you're prepping, that'll give you some
Jacqueline Maddison:clues to what God put in you and what you should be pursuing and doing with your.
Jacqueline Maddison:And with your life and then God will meet you there, but go to him in prayer,
Jacqueline Maddison:you know, seek him, see Kim seek a relationship and a friendship with Jesus.
Jacqueline Maddison:That's all he wants.
Jacqueline Maddison:He loves us.
Jacqueline Maddison:You guys, he's our best friend.
Jacqueline Maddison:So if you ha, if you're not hanging out with your best friend every
Jacqueline Maddison:day, then you're missing out because he's the God of everything.
Jacqueline Maddison:And he helps you make all your dreams come true.
Jacqueline Maddison:So it's really just that simple.
Brent:Yeah, absolutely.
Brent:Well said.
Brent:I mean, that could not have been better put.
Brent:I think this would be a missed opportunity if we didn't touch on this, you know,
Brent:for the young ladies that are listening to this that are driven, they want
Brent:to pursue something similar to what you are doing, or they just want to
Brent:pursue business and they are following a similar model of, of Christianity.
Brent:What would you say?
Brent:What would you say to that young lady right now?
Brent:That's trying to figure out how to jump in and start a business, or maybe
Brent:even just Excel in their career, but.
Brent:I mean, you, are all about entrepreneurship so we can focus on that.
Brent:But what would you say to that?
Jacqueline Maddison:Well, God's word tells us that the Lord is our maker
Jacqueline Maddison:and he's our husband, which means he's our provider and our protector.
Jacqueline Maddison:But this is for the bride of Christ.
Jacqueline Maddison:So men and women fall in sort of the bride, meaning we're the counterpart
Jacqueline Maddison:of God's heart is his love.
Jacqueline Maddison:Okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:But speaking to women, because this allows us to, to look to the Lord as our
Jacqueline Maddison:comforters, our provider, our protector, as everything as our, our husband,
Jacqueline Maddison:our spiritual husband, and, um, his.
Jacqueline Maddison:Well for us is only good things.
Jacqueline Maddison:And to fulfill the plan and purpose he has for our lives.
Jacqueline Maddison:And the thing is the devil likes to distract women with trying to seek it
Jacqueline Maddison:a fleshly relationship for so long.
Jacqueline Maddison:The devil had me caught up in wrong relationship.
Jacqueline Maddison:And fleshly relationships that kept me in a kind of a ongoing
Jacqueline Maddison:circle of going nowhere.
Jacqueline Maddison:And it wasn't until I actually committed and submitted to the Lord that he got
Jacqueline Maddison:me out of those cycles and patterns that were keeping me away from my destiny.
Jacqueline Maddison:And so I also am trusting the Lord for the right life partner and all, again,
Jacqueline Maddison:everything, the wisdom, guidance, provision protection, and the partner.
Jacqueline Maddison:So as a woman, a younger, whatever, I just want to encourage you that.
Jacqueline Maddison:Everything you need and everything you could ever want or desire is found in
Jacqueline Maddison:your relationship with the Lord, because he loves you more than anyone ever could.
Jacqueline Maddison:And he's the one who has the power to give you the desires of your
Jacqueline Maddison:heart, whatever that is for you.
Jacqueline Maddison:So seek your relationship with the Lord above all things and
Jacqueline Maddison:everything else will be added to you.
Jacqueline Maddison:And that's so true.
Brent:That is a very well said again.
Brent:That is a great illustration.
Brent:And I think that's true for everyone.
Brent:You know, I think we directed that towards, women, but yeah.
Brent:I mean, that is something that we could, we could reverse and maybe just
Brent:change a couple things in there and
Jacqueline Maddison:yeah, absolutely.
Jacqueline Maddison:It's all about our relationship with God and the Lord.
Jacqueline Maddison:And from there, our dream lives can come true.
Brent:You know, you mentioned relationship development
Brent:in what you just said and.
Brent:Well, I think it's a huge part of our life in general, right?
Brent:I mean, relationship develop and, and getting good and getting
Brent:better and growing in how we go about building relationships.
Brent:But I think it is particularly important in building a business, right?
Brent:Because you're building relationships with the people around you.
Brent:You, you either develop strong connections that you can do business with people.
Brent:Or you're not going to succeed as a business, I would imagine.
Brent:I mean,
Jacqueline Maddison:I hear what you're saying.
Jacqueline Maddison:I actually kind of would differentiate them because I think
Jacqueline Maddison:our personal lives are our personal lives and we are more emotional.
Jacqueline Maddison:There we go, a little deeper in our interactions and our communications,
Jacqueline Maddison:whether it's with our spouse or our family members and things like that.
Jacqueline Maddison:Business relationships, particularly with customers or clients tend to be a
Jacqueline Maddison:little bit more transactional, a little bit more objective, but either way.
Jacqueline Maddison:Yes.
Jacqueline Maddison:What you're saying is true.
Jacqueline Maddison:Like God does help us with our relationship developments and how to
Jacqueline Maddison:properly navigate the, the dynamics of, of both facets, you know, to
Jacqueline Maddison:be effective and be successful.
Jacqueline Maddison:And that's why the holy spirit, the Lord is called the.
Jacqueline Maddison:Counselor.
Jacqueline Maddison:I mean, he literally helps us address our emotional issues, our depression,
Jacqueline Maddison:our anger management, our, our, you know, all these sort of inner workings
Jacqueline Maddison:of the ocean of emotion we have in ourselves that even we can't make sense
Jacqueline Maddison:of, but this is what God does for me.
Jacqueline Maddison:He gives me dreams and he gives me revelation on myself.
Jacqueline Maddison:He literally tells me what's going on within me so I can reflect, I can make
Jacqueline Maddison:changes and I can adjust and I can.
Jacqueline Maddison:And God wants this counseling relationship with each and every one of us so that we
Jacqueline Maddison:can, his willpower, us, his wholeness, to bring us to a place of maturation
Jacqueline Maddison:in who he created and destined us to be so that then we can also become
Jacqueline Maddison:the person to fill the shoes and walk in the destiny he gave to us.
Jacqueline Maddison:We have to grow and become that person.
Jacqueline Maddison:It's a personal evolution of self.
Brent:Yeah, I think that is true.
Brent:Definitely think that's true.
Brent:Let me maybe ask it this way and just to get your input on this.
Brent:So you made a distinction between the two, between personal and
Brent:between personal relationships.
Brent:Professional relationships and personal relationships.
Brent:Do you think that the actual process that you would go through in developing those
Brent:are different or do you think personal relationships just go through that same
Brent:process, but just continue to go deeper.
Brent:Do you think the initial process, the same skill sets, the same
Brent:talents, the same gifts that you would use to develop relationships?
Brent:Generally speaking are the same in, in both.
Brent:Would you say that?
Jacqueline Maddison:Yeah, I think that, you know, once the
Jacqueline Maddison:Lord teaches you how to be.
Jacqueline Maddison:That's a certain way, how to communicate a certain way, how to understand
Jacqueline Maddison:people in a certain way, how to look at circumstances in a certain light that
Jacqueline Maddison:can be applied to any, any relationship.
Jacqueline Maddison:Yes.
Jacqueline Maddison:Professional or personal what's.
Jacqueline Maddison:What's so amazing about the Lord is he actually will open my
Jacqueline Maddison:understanding and reveal to me the intentions of somebody's heart,
Jacqueline Maddison:whether in business or personal life.
Jacqueline Maddison:I know whether or not they're deceiving me or whether or not they're truly
Jacqueline Maddison:loyal, or I know what, in other words, I know what their intentions are.
Jacqueline Maddison:Okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:So God has this power to do this.
Jacqueline Maddison:And so he's opened my mind and it's actually been shocking sometimes
Jacqueline Maddison:because he's revealed the intentions of my family members to me.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I was disappointed to say the least, but it's a wonderful.
Jacqueline Maddison:Assets to have when the Lord does this for you, because now you're not blind.
Jacqueline Maddison:Now, you know who to fire, who to hire, who not to answer their
Jacqueline Maddison:messages or pick up their call.
Jacqueline Maddison:You know what I mean?
Jacqueline Maddison:This is how God protects us.
Jacqueline Maddison:You back.
Jacqueline Maddison:He gives us revelation into the intentions of those around us.
Jacqueline Maddison:So we know whether they're an ending.
Jacqueline Maddison:Or a friend because God's word tells us he protects us from,
Jacqueline Maddison:that protects us from enemy.
Brent:Yeah, no, absolutely.
Brent:So what would you say would be the best relationship skill that you've
Brent:developed in through your business that has made you successful in what
Brent:you have done in your particular niche and your particular vertical?
Brent:Is there something that just jumps out and says this.
Brent:This one implementation of this characteristic has changed my life.
Jacqueline Maddison:I read a book which was very interesting
Jacqueline Maddison:and I think it's worth mentioning it's called the speed of trust.
Jacqueline Maddison:Okay.
Jacqueline Maddison:So that's one.
Jacqueline Maddison:I definitely recommend, of course, first and foremost is the Holy Bible.
Jacqueline Maddison:The second book is called the, oh gosh, what is it?
Jacqueline Maddison:How can I forget right now?
Jacqueline Maddison:It's the prosperity Bible.
Jacqueline Maddison:And it's got, it's a collection of about 12 different spiritual
Jacqueline Maddison:success, success books written by.
Jacqueline Maddison:Very well-known and most of them are Christian authors actually.
Jacqueline Maddison:So that's the, and then third of many on the list is speed of trust.
Jacqueline Maddison:But that applies because open and honest and direct communication
Jacqueline Maddison:has been that the main skill that makes my personal relationships or
Jacqueline Maddison:professional relationships stronger.
Jacqueline Maddison:Being very transparent.
Jacqueline Maddison:I'm a wear my heart on my sleeve kind of gal.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I think it's that openness and vulnerability that is attractive.
Jacqueline Maddison:There's not a lot of that.
Jacqueline Maddison:People are usually dog eat dog they're, you know, out for themselves.
Jacqueline Maddison:And they always that there's hidden agendas, underlying motives,
Jacqueline Maddison:and that's, that can be sensed.
Jacqueline Maddison:We innately can get a feeling of distrust and.
Jacqueline Maddison:Isn't going is not conducive to a healthy, loving win-win relationship, whether in
Jacqueline Maddison:personal or professional environments.
Jacqueline Maddison:So I apply that to all my, to my whole life is just to be open and
Jacqueline Maddison:honest and direct and transparent.
Jacqueline Maddison:And that definitely goes a long way.
Brent:Yeah, no, definitely.
Brent:I think vulnerability is a huge skillset and I don't know why.
Brent:It seems like sometimes we try to view.
Brent:Vulnerability as a weakness because it is definitely not.
Brent:And maybe not everyone does, but definitely some people view vulnerability
Brent:as a weak point in their life.
Brent:And so they avoid it, but it is so, so powerful when you're around people
Brent:that are vulnerable, you know, so
Jacqueline Maddison:powerful.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I think it's synonymous with humility.
Jacqueline Maddison:And I say, humility is the key that unlocks all doors,
Jacqueline Maddison:especially in God's kingdom.
Jacqueline Maddison:And that's why.
Jacqueline Maddison:To Jesus, you know, humility is one of the highest virtues, you know,
Jacqueline Maddison:that's why God says humble yourself under my hand, and I'll lift you up
Jacqueline Maddison:and God gives grace to the humble.
Jacqueline Maddison:And part of that is being willing to be totally.
Jacqueline Maddison:Honest and vulnerable with your feelings and thoughts, even if they may at times
Jacqueline Maddison:be offensive or whatever, but at least you're getting to the point you're
Jacqueline Maddison:getting to the heart of the matter.
Jacqueline Maddison:And you've got to be comfortable with your emotions and expressing
Jacqueline Maddison:them whatever they are, because that's what being vulnerable is.
Brent:Yeah, absolutely.
Brent:It really is such a great skillset to have if you don't have it,
Brent:I mean, you can develop it.
Brent:We should develop it, but such a powerful thing to have Jacqueline.
Brent:I know we have got another episode with you and we're going to dive even
Brent:a little bit deeper into some of your experiences and some of your story.
Brent:And so looking forward to that, but this has been amazing.
Brent:Thank you so much for coming on.
Brent:Jacqueline Maddison: Oh, it's been an honor.
Brent:God bless you.
Brent:And thank you.
Brent:And I look forward to speaking with you soon.