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367 : Sebastian Pilch – Hard work is hard, so figure out what you really want to do and start stage one
24th December 2018 • eCommerce Momentum Podcast • eCommerce Momentum Podcast
00:00:00 00:49:44

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Sebastian has identified what he is willing to do and NOT do. That’s so important. How many of us have followed the advice of our parents or influencers only to figure out halfway you hate it. You are not good at it. It sucks out your soul! Well sometimes that thing you are meant to do or what you are really good at finds you. Like Sebastian pay attention to what is happening in your life and you might just find the thing you are meant to do.


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Sebastian’s Website




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Transcript: (note- this is a new tool I am trying out so it is not perfect- it does seem to be getting better)

Sebastian:                           [00:00]                     Every old person that I’ve talked to that used to sell on Ebay is so negative about it, you know, like I had guys telling me like I’m crazy for quitting my job and like, you can’t make it do that.

Stephen:                             [00:10]                     He just wanted to jump in here and talk about two sponsors today. One, um, which I think is a great time of year to do this is to kick off with solutions. Four ecommerce Karen lockers group have been using them for a couple of years. Um, as a paid member, yes, she sponsors my show, but the reason that I have or as a paid service is because of the value they bring us. Um, matter of fact, there’s just a reconciliation shipment. A note that I got in, they need me to send some receipts so they can get it reconciled. And because that’s the requirement of Amazon, well all I have to do is send us the receipts. Then I’m done. And then the work happens. To be honest and I’m guilty of it. I wouldn’t get to it. It’s another one of those things that goes on my list and my list is really long, so hence the reason I use Karen lockers team, I’ve been using it for a couple of years.

Stephen:                             [00:55]                     I absolutely recommend to do and if you go through my link it is solutions and number for ecommerce forward slash momentum. You’re going to save $50 every single month and she’s going to do an inventory health report. It’s why you should do it this time of year. Start the new year out, right? Second one is seller lambs and I know I talked a lot about them and scope, but it’s because we use it so much and if you’re not using it, you should try it again. Figure out the keywords that are working for your competitors and then emulate them. Copy them. That’s nothing wrong with that. You want to be where people are looking for what’s working and scope is going to help you do that. So, so our, forward slash scope, use the code momentum and you’re going to save 50 bucks there too. Okay. Jeff and those guys have figured out a way to really get used zoned in. I guess that’s the right phrase to use and to be looking right at what’s important to get those key words right and to be seen. Ultimately, that’s what you want. When somebody pops in, Hey, I’m looking for a silver barbecue gloves, your silver barbecue gloves or what they see, so again, settled, forward slash scope. Use the colby momentum. Save 50 bucks. Let’s get into the podcast.

Cool voice guy:                  [02:04]                     Welcome to the ecommerce momentum podcast where we focus on the people, the products, and the process of income are selling today. Here’s your host, Steven Peterson.

Stephen:                             [02:17]                     Welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast. This is episode 367. Sebastian piltch. I’m very, very cool guy. I’m very cool for a whole bunch of reasons. One is he didn’t listen to his father, didn’t take his advice, and you know what? I think his father would agree with them, that good thing you didn’t sign a because me as a dad would sit back and I know my attitude has changed with my boys. My whole what I thought was right, because, you know, I went the corporate world and went to Grad school, did all those things and I don’t push my boys that way because I’m not sure that that’s the right future for them. Um, I want them to help figure it out on their own. So what I saw, Sebastian, which is the reason I have mine, is he’s, he’s into it. He’s, he knows what he doesn’t want and I think that that’s cool and he’s open to all these other things and things find him magically.

Stephen:                             [03:07]                     Well, guess what, that’s because he’s open to them, right? There’s the big mystery. He’s not set in his ways. Oh, you got to do it this way because that’s the way it’s always done. No, he’s open to them and these things find him a no law of attraction stuff. He’s just has an open mind. That’s cool. And you know, he’s got some phrases that he uses in this interview and he said he quoted from other people, but they’re so spot on. It’s so deep, you know, hard work is really hard. He’s right. You know, breaking rocks. That’s hard work, man, that’s really hard and so I think it’s a great place to start for 2019. It’s a chance to look back at what you’re doing and say, I don’t want to do this anymore. I want to do something else by knowing what you don’t want to do. Turning that off, you are open to so many more things and I think he’s a great example of what you can do if you want to. Let’s get into the podcast.

Stephen:                             [04:00]                     All right. Welcome back to the ECOMMERCE momentum podcast and I’m very excited about today’s guest because you know, it kind of. I’m continuing my theme about kind of starting over or starting right? Two Thousand and 19 and I’m, I’m excited about this talk because I think, I think my guest, Sebastian is somebody who’s figured out at a young age relative to me halfway age, uh, that there’s more to life and you need to live the life that you want and on your terms. And Yeah, you gotta work and you got to do everything else, but there is opportunity. You don’t have to only go the one track that we were all taught. Go to college, get a job, work there for 40 years and retire. No, that might not be right for everybody and Sebastian pitches here to tell us that might not be right for him. Also, welcome Sebastian.

Stephen:                             [04:50]                     Really, really happy to be here. I love your podcast. Listen to it. It’s really an honor to be here. It’s an honor for me to have you. What? What attracted me, uh, because we started talking a while back about photos because you, you have some photos, stuff that you do, but then we got talking about Amazon and stuff like that. And uh, then I go and dig a little deeper and I see that you’re a, you jumped. Do you made the leap and decided I’m done. I’m going to be a full time at this point. Ebay seller, and you’re looking to advance an Amazon but you just like, you walked away. I mean, who does that? Who does that? And I just got married and the dog just fell off the building and we just bought a house all at the same time. Oh my gosh, that’s probably not a good idea to do all these things. I, my advice to you as a dad would be like, you know, Sun, Sun, community can handle one or two of these things, but you had this much into it. But you know what? I think that’s a generational thing. You’re not. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, it’s not acceptable. Status quo is not acceptable. No. My biggest in life is just

Sebastian:                           [05:58]                     to kind of be like everyone else. He knows to have that corporate job for 25 years and kind of burnout and hate my wife and hate my family. Like I’ll just don’t want that. You know, I just kind of want to live a life full of excitement and kind of just vacation where we want to vacation and do whatever you want to do from wherever you want to do it. You know, that’s uh, that’s my idea of freedom. You know, having a million bucks, it doesn’t mean anything. I’ve had to live like a millionaire, then I have a million bucks, you know,

Stephen:                             [06:23]                     it’s deep. It’s very powerful because when you live in like a million bucks. So we have a friend that just moved to Thailand and he’s like, and he’s a chef. He was a, he was the head chef at Morimoto’s. I mean, this is like a real chef. He’s like the food here. So great. I’m like, where are you eating? He goes, I’m going to the little stand on the corner. I’m like, wait a second. Who’s a chef? Who knows? He’s like, it’s amazing. And I’m like, isn’t that the coolest thing? And yet he’s like, oh, I can eat for pennies a day.

Sebastian:                           [06:54]                     Oh yeah, it’s, it’s amazing. I mean it’s, that’s the kind of freedom that I eventually want, you know. And I was actually shocked in my former life as well. And I started out when I was 18 years old. That was my first career path. Um, I worked really hard. So I kind of like, I skipped over college. I didn’t do that even though my dad always told me like, go to the military, join the police officer, go to college. Like those are the kind of like three things. Yeah. Like, you know, he’s an immigrant. My parents are both from Poland. I’m a first generation American. I was born and raised here, but my parents, you know, they were very kind of old school and Polish, so there’s a lot of Polish traditions that we’re still kind of kept around even though they tried to make me American. No, but when I turned 18 and my dad was a chef my whole life for about 40 years and he actually just quit and he does uber full time now. So stop at 60 years old. The guy left his, you know, 45 or 40 year career jobs.

Stephen:                             [07:52]                     Let’s stop there a second because I don’t want to lose this. Why? What does he say is the reason that he walked away from 40 years of his life, that he’s obviously invested in a. probably was pretty good. If you made it for 40 years, why? Why would he change at 60 years old?

Sebastian:                           [08:07]                     Same kind of thing, like he told me when I first started out, he was like, don’t be a chef, don’t work in kitchens, don’t do anything hard. It’s, you know, it’s seven days a week, 80 hours a week. It’s dangerous. It’s just constant, just nonsense that you have to deal with, you know, and I think he just got finally frustrated with it and he is not tech savvy, you know what I mean? He speaks English, he’s been here for forever, but it’s still not second nature to him, you know, to use an iphone and you know, be a people person, but he makes more money than I do sometimes on Uber. I mean he makes over a thousand bucks a week driving with Uber car. Just for fun.

Stephen:                             [08:47]                     Have you had the discussion with them about the advice he gave you? I mean, not in an awkward way to say, Hey dad, you told me to go be one these three things and I’m thankful I didn’t. But now look at you, you know, because it’s, I mean, you know, he knew what he knew at the time in the world has obviously changed, right? Mean enormously. But, but if you guys had that discussion, like I’m glad I didn’t listen to your advice there.

Sebastian:                           [09:11]                     It’s actually kind of funny. I’m like, talk to him about that. My name is one of those guys were old school and Stern and just like, he’s like the only person in the world that scares me, you know, his hands on like Bair paws and things like that. But is that a very emotional guy? I’ve never seen him really get upset. All he really does is work hard. Like that’s all I ever remember of him. I mean like when I was a kid, he was a chef, he had two jobs. He had a business, you know, like you, they had a retail store and it was just like always constantly moving. And he would get home at 1130 at night and you know, be up again the next day at [6:30], you know, hair brushed, smoking cigarettes and ready to go,

Stephen:                             [09:49]                     ready to go. The Gary v men to have the immigrant mentality, Gary v Dot talks about all the time.

Sebastian:                           [09:54]                     It’s hard, hard work. It is married and you got to appreciate it, you know, but now I’m glad my dad told me not to go down that path, but I’m very, very glad that I did. I’m glad I didn’t listen to him. You know, it’s uh, those years from 18 to 25 is when I left the restaurant industry kind of officially. Um, those are very important years for me. Like as far as developing is a man. Really. It’s kind of one of those. I wouldn’t want to compare it to like the military or a firefighter or like any like job like that. Like there’s very inherent risks with those jobs. But being a chef man, like especially if you’re trying to, you know, actually do it the right way and pursue, you know, the restaurants that are worth pursuing. It’s hard. I mean it’s, you know, the places I was trying to work at, they were, you know, 80 hour weeks using tweezers, you know, if you use the sink, you wiped the whole sink down deep, cleaned the kitchen five times a day. It’s like, you know, I was trying to work out that level and

Stephen:                             [10:54]                     most isn’t it? I mean, it really sounds like a sport the way you’re describing it. To me

Sebastian:                           [10:58]      





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