With each step you take as an Amazon seller it’s important to continually measure how things are going and analyzing what are the next best steps moving forward. While there are many reports that Amazon provides, in this episode we highlighted the key ones we think every seller should continually review to grow their business.
Business Reports
Business Reports is a great place to start as it presents an overall overview of your accounts. Business report is a combination of all advertising reports and organic metrics report. Some of the key reports offered include:
- Sales and Traffic Report – This is a more general report which can be used to see what’s happening in your account by day, month and year. We recommend drilling down in the report to review metrics that affect sales: traffic, conversion rate and average order value.
- Detail Sales and Traffic Report by ASIN -Even though this report is segmented by ASIN there are three different categories within the report: general sales and traffic, by parent and then by child. We recommend pulling the general sales and traffic report which provides a breakdown of overall metrics by product and therefor allows you to assess your individual product performance.
Search Term Report
The search term report aggregates to the ad group level and highlights the search terms people are using when they click on your ads and the metrics behind these terms. This provides a great opportunity to find new long-tail keywords or other keywords that you can use to further optimize your campaigns.
The search term report also provides details on product targets. As a seller, if you’d like to know what Amazon is showing your ads for and what’s working well, then the search term report is a great spot to gather this information.
Key thing with this report is to continuously analyze your search terms to find top-performing terms or product targets.
Bulk Files
Bulk Files is another great spot to gather detailed information. This report can be downloaded for long date ranges and can be screened with or without impressions and include or exclude placement data. This file offers insight to every campaign, ad group and ad within all your campaigns (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and some Sponsored Display data).
Main Pros:
- Bulk files can be edited to adjust bids, status of keywords or product targets, ad group etc. This can then be re-uploaded to reflect the changes you want to make in your campaigns.
- Bulk Files provides placement data and performance by placements (top of search, product page and rest of search). With this data, these fields can be easily evaluated and edited to make changes to your campaigns.
Brand Analytics Report
Brand Analytics Reports are available to any seller who is brand registered. These include:
Of all the brand analytics our favorite include:
- Amazon Search Terms Report: These tend to be different from the reports you can pull in the ad console and provides an aggregate amount of data across Amazon. Within this report there is a search box where you can drill down to your specific category using different keyword combinations relevant to your products to identify top competition and product targets to brand conquest along with gaining insights on popular search terms you’re missing out on.
- Market Basket Analysis, Item Comparison and Alternative Purchase Reports – these offer great information for product targets. Check out Episode 13 for more details on these reports.