#64 What is Return to Wholeness with Peggy McAllister
Episode 642nd March 2020 • MeetMyPotential • Deepa Natarajan
00:00:00 00:28:22

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Do you ever feel as though you are doing all the right things but still feel like something is missing? When we are small children, we focus on ourselves and embrace our unique personality. As we get older, we start to focus on others and how they expect us to behave. We start comparing ourselves to those around us and start putting ourselves into categories, like smart or athletic. For some time, this is a useful tool for us as we are growing up. But at a certain time in life, there is a need to return back to our unique, true self. This is Return to Wholeness.

Peggy McAllister joins Deepa on this episode to discuss what is Return to Wholeness and how we can start taking small steps to find who we have always been. This includes three pillars - Presence, Purpose and Partnerships. 

Peggy’s Tips on Wholeness:

  • Return to wholeness is about returning to who you have always been.
  • We as humans focus more on becoming than returning. 
  • Our identities are formed while we grow up. As identities are formed, we move into a stage of separation between yourself and everybody else. 
  • The mechanisms that come up when trying to return to wholeness are beliefs, feelings, behaviors.
  • To return to who you are, start first by becoming conscious of your actions and then take observations of how you act. Then you can take small steps to return to wholeness.
  • There is power in journaling and being able to see progress over time. Remember to include what the voice in my head is telling me. When you start writing down your story, you can start owning and changing that story.
  • We tap into our wholeness by getting present in the here and now.
  • Another step to access your wholeness is to know your purpose - which comes from within you and is an expression of who you are.
  • Being in a community is important to wholeness as well. We are not supposed to go through life on our own, we need each other.

We hope you enjoyed this episode! Come continue the conversation with us on LinkedIn. Let us know - what is one way you will start returning to your true self? 

About Peggy

Peggy McAllister is an Executive Coach and Catalyst. Peggy has offered hundreds of leaders across Europe, Asia, and the Americas simple yet profound tools for achieving radical new insights; enabling them to create sustainable breakthroughs in leadership, team functioning, innovation, and business results. Peggy’s work is deeply rooted in the sacred, weaving together her graduate training in psychology / counseling and 25 years of executive coaching, with 40 years of yoga, QiGong, tai chi, meditation, and other body-mind practices.




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