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PTP.019: Dan Miller – “The Power of Investing in Yourself”
23rd May 2018 • Beyond Adversity with Dr. Brad Miller • Dr Brad Miller
00:00:00 00:42:01

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ETP. 019: Dan Miller-“The Power of Investing in Yourself”

In episode 019 of the Pathway to Promise podcast Dr. Brad Miller explores the topic of the power of investing in yourself with the author and coach Dan Miller of 48  Dan’s mission is to help people find their true path and calling and to translate that into meaningful purposeful and profitable work.

Dan shares with Dr. Brad’s own life transformation in overcoming the adversity of some bad decisions in his business which led him to find himself in debt to the tune of $430,000.   Dan discovered that the response to his adversity was not in external elements such as more employees and more buildings for his business but his answer was within in rethinking how he could add value to others and creative business from within.

This epiphany led Dan to take bold actions which he teaches his clients now through his books, podcast, and coaching. Dan contends that the power of the “status quo” has to be dealt with if people want to overcome adversity and breakthrough to true success in their life.  He says people have to break the pattern of sameness and get out of their comfort zone. This could be as simple as going to a concert or reading a book apart from their expected pattern of behavior.   Dan says one can break this pattern of sameness by intentionally doing three or four things for the benefit of others without any expectation of compensation.

The power in making these changes comes from a spiritual place for Dan. It is the understanding that integrates scope of things he is a small speck in yet everyone has a chance and opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves when they accept that God has a bigger plan for them. Dan sees faith as the foundation of true change.

One way Dan imparts the faith foundation into his life is by intentionally controlling what goes into his mind emphasizing “pure clean positive input” over this directive negative input.  This means more time on matters of prayer, meditation reading good books and productive life-enhancing conversations over negative inputs such as fretting over news reports. Indeed, Dan shared with Bradley statistic that people who watch three minutes of bad news on television in the morning are 27% more likely to report having a bad day which is unproductive. In short, Dan believes we can’t control what we put into our mind and this is a part of the power of investing in yourself; that is we become what we think about.

Dan believes that healthy vital relationships, particularly with family, are crucial to helping us have fulfillment and success in life. He expands on this by talking about the power of the friendships that we choose and how sometimes we need to put boundaries around unhealthy relationships which can be a detriment to our success journey.

Dan shares with Dr. Brad the power of intentional self-discipline in creating the environment for success. In particular, he talks about his daily and weekly schedule which includes significant blocks of focus uninterrupted time for deep work which is when Dan accomplishes the most. Dan shares that all people have the exact same amount of time is the application of a process and self-discipline to the time we have which makes all the difference in the world.

Dan says he is at peace with his good wife and with a good book. He finds purpose and helping high potential people find meaningful purposeful daily work and he experiences prosperity as understanding that the path to success is recognizing who you really are and that personal wealth comes as a result.

Dan concludes his conversation with Dr. Brad with the thought that no person should be an imposter living someone else’s dream when they can live the life of their dreams by claiming the power of investing in themselves.

There is much to learn from Dan Miller in Episode 019 of the Pathway to Promise podcast with Dr. Brett Miller.

The Pathway to Promise podcasts with Dr. Brad Miller exists to serve people with the message that every person has a God-given promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose and that there is a proven pathway to find your promise life and overcome life’s adversities along the way.  Dr. Brad Miller served in Christian ministry for 35 years blog and podcast on the topic of personal and organizational transformation and holds a doctoral degree in transformational leadership.

Dr. Brad Miller

May 2018

The post PTP.019: Dan Miller – “The Power of Investing in Yourself” appeared first on The Forty Day Way w/ Dr Brad Miller.




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