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187: Coping With Chronic Pain with Help, Hope and Understanding with Barby Ingle
Episode 18724th February 2022 • Beyond Adversity with Dr. Brad Miller • Dr Brad Miller
00:00:00 00:42:34

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Barby Ingle is the President of the International Pain Foundation (iPain), an Amazon best-selling book, and a reality television personality who shares her riveting story of life-changing experiences that caused her to ponder and sprout her path from Wheels to Heals.

In her Book Wheels to Heals, Barby Ingle demonstrates that it is feasible to uncover therapy choices that can help pain patients with various chronic pain disorders and health issues regain their quality of life. This book is based on 20 years of research and navigating the healthcare system as a pain patient in quest of answers and the best path for them.

Barby knew she wanted to be a cheerleader since she was four years old. She has spent her entire life focusing all of her attention and energy on becoming one. Even though Barby had a learning problem, Barby did become a cheerleader teacher, which didn't stop her from pursuing her dream of being a cheerleader. During her collegiate years, she became the head coach at Washington State University, where she constructed a squad that finished fifth nationally.

Barby's life was turned upside down one day when she was involved in an eight-second vehicle accident that affected her physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. Her ten-year marriage went apart in every way; she couldn't work or coach, and she lost her business and home in the process. She went from fancy flights and limousines to relying on food assistance. She was helpless and unsure of what she should do, and she had no idea what was wrong with her or that the physicians could do anything to help her. The event created a rare condition that doctors could not discover in time to provide adequate therapy.

Barby picked herself up and moved forward, taking modest steps like being organized and seeking God along the way. She was able to find hope, resilience, and patience due to divine intervention. Barby has experienced times when Barby has questioned and doubted her purpose in life, from being a workaholic to being in a wheelchair. She criticizes herself and questions her significance, believing that she had taken life for granted and had lost out on many possibilities until the catastrophe. She felt that God placed obstacles in her road to identify them and take appropriate action toward her life's goal.

In this episode, Barby shared how a simple accident such as hers could alter your perspective in life. She talks about how one should find their purpose here on earth, and as long as you are here on this planet, you have the chance to be of service, find your purpose, and live your life for the greater good.

The Beyond Adversity Podcast Episode 187 is a must-listen for any spiritually-minded Christians who are struggling to understand their calling, who they are, and what God has called them to do on this globe. It's a terrific reminder for everyone that if you incorporate God into your life and make him the focus of your life, everything else starts to make sense. You will feel as if you are not alone in your struggles and journey through life, but you will be directed to achieve your life's mission. 

"The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people "Grow Through What They Go Through" as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose. 

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Dr. Brad Miller:

Dr. Brad Miller here with you on beyond adversity. This is a podcast where we help you

Dr. Brad Miller:

to grow through what you go through whatever difficulties and challenges you have in

Dr. Brad Miller:

life, we believe that there is a process and answer that can help you to navigate that to

Dr. Brad Miller:

come to your life, peace, prosperity and purpose. We love to love to talk to authors

Dr. Brad Miller:

and other leaders who have had some challenge in their life that they've overcome and

Dr. Brad Miller:

can be helpful to you. And this is what we have today. Barbie Engel was with us today.

Dr. Brad Miller:

She is the cheer leader of hope. And she has her book from wheels to heels, which

Dr. Brad Miller:

where she talks about chronic pain, a patient story of hope, help and understanding

Dr. Brad Miller:

we're going to get into her story right now Barbie, welcome to Beyond adversity.

Barbee Ingle:

Thank you so much for having me, Brad. I'm so glad to be here with you and all your listeners.

Dr. Brad Miller:

It's awesome to have you here with us today and to hear your story. You are call

Dr. Brad Miller:

yourself the cheerleader. And there's a little bit of reason for that. Because at one time

Dr. Brad Miller:

in your life, your life was cruising along pretty good. And then some things happen. So

Dr. Brad Miller:

tell us a little bit about your story which led you eventually to write your book and tell

Dr. Brad Miller:

your story.

Barby Ingle:

My story is I at the age of four knew my life purpose was to be a cheerleader. And that's

Barby Ingle:

what I put all my effort energy and in life focus on and I was living life. I went through

Barby Ingle:

high school college I was a cheerleading instructor. And although I got into

Barby Ingle:

cheerleading because I have a learning disability. So that was the first major life

Barby Ingle:

challenge that I faced is growing up with a learning disability, but I never let it stop me. I

Barby Ingle:

always pushed my way through and went through college, went into coaching at a

Barby Ingle:

university. I was the head coach at Washington State University, and got my team into

Barby Ingle:

the top five in the country. And I was living my dream life I had started my own

Barby Ingle:

cheerleading and dance training company. And one day I had an eight second car

Barby Ingle:

accident and everything changed physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, all of

Barby Ingle:

the aspects of my life I had been married for 10 years that fell apart, I could no longer

Barby Ingle:

work, I could no longer coach, I lost my business. My house, I went from flying around in

Barby Ingle:

private jets and limousines to food stamps, and not knowing what I was going to do or

Barby Ingle:

really what was wrong with me and doctors. It was a rare disease that got triggered by

Barby Ingle:

the car accident but doctors couldn't figure it out either. So, it took another three years

Barby Ingle:

after that point to finally get a proper diagnosis and start putting my life back together.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Just almost literally the bottom dropped out after you were cruised along pretty well.

Dr. Brad Miller:

And you know you went from just you know, pretty good place to literally in a

Dr. Brad Miller:

wheelchair for a while is that the case Barbie you were literally confined to a wheelchair

Dr. Brad Miller:

for a time in your life.

Barby Ingle:

Yeah, bedpan wheelchair bound for about seven years. And you know, it was a struggle,

Barby Ingle:

I have a rare disease, less than 5% of rare diseases have a treatment. And when I first

Barby Ingle:

got it, there wasn't really anything out there. For us. Now I have started going

Barby Ingle:

undergoing treatment ongoing since 2009, and the end of 2009. And so, I go in and out

Barby Ingle:

of remission now, but I'm no longer wheelchair bound.

Dr. Brad Miller:

And obviously, at this point, you are not only bound up, no longer bound in the

Dr. Brad Miller:

wheelchair, but you're no longer bound up in your emotional life and your psyche and

Dr. Brad Miller:

you're advancing, you're doing some things that are very productive and being helpful

Dr. Brad Miller:

to other people. And that meant you made some major, major life transformation

Dr. Brad Miller:

and your mindset and health protocols on all kinds of things that we're going to get into

Dr. Brad Miller:

here today, but let's go back to when you were in some of the first stages of this

Dr. Brad Miller:

transition, I mean, the dramatic bottom dropout transition, and you had to decide, you

Dr. Brad Miller:

know, a lot of people stay stuck there. You had to take some action you had to do have

Dr. Brad Miller:

done something in order to start to pull yourself out of that wheelchair that bed that

Dr. Brad Miller:

circumstance you are in and you had to take some action tell us a little bit about some

Dr. Brad Miller:

of the actions that you took Barbie that helped break some old patterns or some

Dr. Brad Miller:

patterns you are in and help you get you on the road to healing.

Barby Ingle:

Well, I think that I first did a few things I got organized and made that my superpower

Barby Ingle:

and through God I was able to find hope and resilience, but out of that came patience,

Barby Ingle:

which was the lesson I really needed in life. And I'd always worked hard and I had what I

Barby Ingle:

worked for. And all of a sudden, I couldn't do that. Did I still have worth? Was I still a?

Barby Ingle:

valuable person or asset to society? And could I be more? Should I be more? And I think

Barby Ingle:

that the more I stroked, although I didn't like go out, I wasn't a druggie, I didn't smoke or

Barby Ingle:

do drugs, or I was a pretty good person. So, I thought I was taking life for granted. And

Barby Ingle:

all along the way, God was dropping pebbles in front of me, and they got bigger and

Barby Ingle:

bigger, and all sudden, the boulder was that thing that knock the bottom out. And God

Barby Ingle:

said, Look, if you're not going to pay attention to what you need to do, and be in life,

Barby Ingle:

and your purpose here on earth, then I'm just going to have to put more and more

Barby Ingle:

challenges out there so that you stop and take pause, and figure out what's going on

Barby Ingle:

with you and your life. And I, you know, all the tools and resources and everything I

Barby Ingle:

needed were there and available, I just didn't know how to access them. So that was

Barby Ingle:

another part of, of going through this process was getting organized, having patience,

Barby Ingle:

and then accessing the tools that I was given by God so that I could be someone on

Barby Ingle:

earth that was a doer instead of a beer. Instead of a human being I became a human

Barby Ingle:

doer, and living in God's light. And it really shifted my mindset, my focus, I had been

Barby Ingle:

married for 10 years that crumbled and went away, I had to find a way out of it. And

Barby Ingle:

when I started taking action and putting it in the right things, that's when my life got

Barby Ingle:


Dr. Brad Miller:

Let's talk about that specifically, just for a second there. You mentioned a couple times

Dr. Brad Miller:

about being organized and being patient and so on. And that kind of implies that prior

Dr. Brad Miller:

to this time, you were a little bit disorganized and a little bit impatient. I'm not sure if

Dr. Brad Miller:

that's the case, or not. But what were some of the things you did, especially since you

Dr. Brad Miller:

had such a massive disabling situation with this car crash or the disease, you know,

Dr. Brad Miller:

being wheelchair and so on, what were some of the things you did to get organized, for

Dr. Brad Miller:


Barby Ingle:

I started color coding my life, my calendar, I had been pretty organized once I got sick,

Barby Ingle:

all of that went out the window. And I never really paid attention to those life skills that

Barby Ingle:

I had, until I didn't have them, and I had to rebuild them. So, during that time I started

Barby Ingle:

color coding my calendar, I started having to write things down immediately. And then

Barby Ingle:

remembering to come back to my notes. There'd be days when I could I was in so much

Barby Ingle:

pain, I couldn't even think to go check my notes. But at least I had notes so that the

Barby Ingle:

people that were in my life trying to help me were able to go back to my notes and me

Barby Ingle:

being organized, help other people help me to get through that time. So, I did that I also

Barby Ingle:

created a one pager for the doctors because I had so many challenges health wise that

Barby Ingle:

it was very overwhelming for medical providers as well. And I wasn't getting the care

Barby Ingle:

that I should be getting. So, the more I organized my health care even though it took a

Barby Ingle:

lot of effort and energy from me, it's helped me help them help me and so the more I

Barby Ingle:

got organized the more the people in challenges around me got organized and they

Barby Ingle:

became manageable. And it was

Dr. Brad Miller:

Sound like focus the focus that you had on your condition you know when we have chronic

Dr. Brad Miller:

pain is you know much better than I it can be so consuming that it can cloud your mind

Dr. Brad Miller:

at times and get older you have to cut through that cloudiness, if you tell me if I'm right

Dr. Brad Miller:

or wrong here we get to cut through the cloudiness in order to get some something

Dr. Brad Miller:

done and also, we have a lost time. When you were disorganized, you know such

Dr. Brad Miller:

with the doctors only have a limited amount of time usually to spend with us.

Dr. Brad Miller:

And they you know they want to help us they want to get it done. But if we can be

Dr. Brad Miller:

organized to help them that helps a lot so

Barby Ingle:

and I took that information from all these different doctors, organized all my records. I

Barby Ingle:

also made corrections in my records. But I also took that information and put it into a

Barby Ingle:

what I call a one pager and my doctors love the one pager and if they've actually use it

Barby Ingle:

like if I had an emergency situation, they could pull up my latest one pager and read

Barby Ingle:

from it let the hospital know I'm on my way and this is what's been going on with me

Barby Ingle:

lately. Instead of having to read through inches of records from their office. And in

Barby Ingle:

some cases more, they were able to just take that one pager and focus in on this is

Barby Ingle:

what's going on the latest challenge that's been going on, and it helps them get focused

Barby Ingle:

as well.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Surely part of what you did here, Barbie was you took 100% responsibility for your own

Dr. Brad Miller:

situation, even though it was circumstances happen to you, you know, but you still took

Dr. Brad Miller:

responsibility, especially for your health. And for those types of things there. And one

Barby Ingle:

Barby Ingle:

time, it took me time to take responsibility and understand that it is my responsibility.

Barby Ingle:

We're not taught in society that our health and our health care is our responsibility,

Barby Ingle:

you're thinking, I'm sick, I'm going to go to the doctor, they're going to make me better.

Barby Ingle:

And I'm going to go on with life. And this showed me that that isn't always the case,

Barby Ingle:

that you have to be responsible for what happens in between those appointments in

Barby Ingle:

between those 15 minutes, once a month, to live the best life that you can live, and

Barby Ingle:

fulfill your purpose here on Earth. And

Dr. Brad Miller:

there's, there's always lots of variables anyhow, and, you know, very seldom is anything

Dr. Brad Miller:

just kind of like, you know, an actual formula, A plus B equals C, there's all kinds of other

Dr. Brad Miller:

dynamics here in the play, and in healing and wholeness is not just a physiological

Dr. Brad Miller:

thing, as well. And I've been around lots of doctors, and as a pastor, I've been working

Dr. Brad Miller:

with lots of people very sick and, and lots of medical folks. And you know, they'll tell you

Dr. Brad Miller:

that this is not just a biological thing. This is an emotional, this is a mental thing. And it's

Dr. Brad Miller:

a spiritual thing. And let's talk for a minute about the spiritual aspect of healing. You've

Dr. Brad Miller:

mentioned it a little bit about how you sought out of relationship with God in your

Dr. Brad Miller:

process of healing and wholeness. And let's talk about the role that connecting with a

Dr. Brad Miller:

higher power something greater than yourself had, in your journey from, you know, this

Dr. Brad Miller:

disaster of health that you had to come back to a place of healing. Tell us about that

Dr. Brad Miller:


Barby Ingle:

Well, I've always believed in God in Jesus, and I thought I had enough faith for myself

Barby Ingle:

and for my ex-husband. And turns out I didn't. And I stopped and made a focus on me

Barby Ingle:

relationship with Jesus and said, you know, please help me guide me through this,

Barby Ingle:

please take away my guilt, my stress, my anxiety, that the negatives in the emotions

Barby Ingle:

that I was now faced with and dealing with. And, you know, I literally work to not only

Barby Ingle:

strengthen my relationship, but to stop and recognize in good times, and in bad times

Barby Ingle:

that I should be thanking God and giving him the glory. I am in the situation where I can

Barby Ingle:

continue to move forward. And as long as I'm here on Earth, that's winning, and I still

Barby Ingle:

have a chance to fulfill my purpose here. And it really showed me that I am not here on

Barby Ingle:

earth for myself, I'm here for a greater good a purpose a, a talent that God has instilled

Barby Ingle:

in me that I can pass on to other people in my talent doesn't take away anything from

Barby Ingle:

anybody else's talent that we are all here. We're meant to be connected, and have

Barby Ingle:

humanity be the driving force in life. And going through this process. It really

Barby Ingle:

strengthened that for me, and showed me that I wasn't as strong in my faith as I

Barby Ingle:

thought I was, I wasn't connected. I was taking life for granted. I was taking God for

Barby Ingle:

granted. And the more that I stopped trying to hold on to the worldly things that I had

Barby Ingle:

in my life, and the more I said, okay, God, this is up to you help me show your light. The

Barby Ingle:

more blessings came to me. The more answers came, the more the challenges were

Barby Ingle:

overcome bubble. They weren't as massive as I once saw them to be. And I was

Barby Ingle:

able to stop holding on trying to be a crab, calling yourself out of a bucket to Alright,

Barby Ingle:

Jesus, I'm with you. And I am lifted up in your spirit, your honor in your life. And in doing

Barby Ingle:

that, it really refocused and changed my life for the better. And not only me, my ex

Barby Ingle:

husband who did not believe that God even existed after we divorced, started going to

Barby Ingle:

church and got baptized and became a true believer. So, you know, it was even part of

Barby Ingle:

the journey, that although we weren't supposed to be together, and God had a better

Barby Ingle:

plan for both of us, it helps him see those things as well.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Well, that that's an awesome witness there of your story. And I'm also going to adjust

Dr. Brad Miller:

energetic Something that I think may be the case, would you tell me whether I'm right

Dr. Brad Miller:

or wrong? I'm hearing in your story that the more you kind of let things go personally,

Dr. Brad Miller:

and let it become more of a spiritual thing. Also, the more than that healing physically

Dr. Brad Miller:

and otherwise mentally, emotionally, relationship wise, was manifested in your life is

Dr. Brad Miller:

that is that a fair thing to say Barbie?

Barby Ingle:

Absolutely. And it really, the stronger my faith became the closer I became with Jesus

Barby Ingle:

and lived my walk-in life for my true purpose, the better life got. And I knew I wasn't

Barby Ingle:

alone. You know, I at first, I thought I was fighting this all alone. And you know, I

Barby Ingle:

don't see anybody here. And we hear that the story of the footprints in the sand

Barby Ingle:

growing up, but you never really take that into consideration until you stop and see how

Barby Ingle:

that is happening in your life.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Yeah, awesome, awesome. Well, let's, let's translate what we're, let's interpret what

Dr. Brad Miller:

we're saying here into our application for everyday life. What I'm getting at here is part

Dr. Brad Miller:

Dr. Brad Miller:

of the healing process, I believe, is kind of a transition and change if your mind is well,

Dr. Brad Miller:

you know, you have your spiritual connection to power greater than yourself. But you

Dr. Brad Miller:

still have to apply it to your life, your everyday life. So, let's talk for a minute Barbie

Dr. Brad Miller:

about any change of mindset, or habits or disciplines. What kind of things did you do in?

Dr. Brad Miller:

your life? Did you any patterns that you change, tell us how you change your, your mind

Dr. Brad Miller:

and the application of your mind into your everyday life. And how that worked out for

Dr. Brad Miller:


Barby Ingle:

Well, I did a few things. One is that I am project and when I lost the ability to physically

Barby Ingle:

cheer. I thought that was my purpose from God to be a cheerleader. And I still believe it

Barby Ingle:

is my purpose from God. But I didn't quite know what God meant, in in showing me this

Barby Ingle:

as my purpose until this all happened to me. So, I had to change how I approach life, I

Barby Ingle:

had to realize that there's more than one way to accomplish something. Also, for me

Barby Ingle:

time change. So, it wasn't about the rat race, and what can you do in eight hours at

Barby Ingle:

work, and what do you do in a 24-hour period, but it was more about being in each

Barby Ingle:

moment and accepting the present as a present. And taking it as it comes. And dealing

Barby Ingle:

and doing what I can to be the best I can be in that moment, letting go of the things I

Barby Ingle:

do not have control over and letting God do his part, to make sure that I am on me

Barby Ingle:

path. Well, I'm doing the physical work here on Earth, I my husband, now I'm remarried.

Barby Ingle:

And he would say, you know, God doesn't drive a parked car, you have to get in the car,

Barby Ingle:

and you have to drive the car. And God's with you. And you're doing the work. And

Barby Ingle:

that's the same thing when it comes to health care and recognizing that, hey, this is a

Barby Ingle:

pattern and you can apply it in your spirituality, but you can also apply it in your health

Barby Ingle:

and you can also apply it in your finances, all of that needs to be in balance and all of

Barby Ingle:

that needs to be taken care of, to get from point A to B the best way for you which is

Barby Ingle:

going to be different for every single person.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Yeah, and all that's part of getting better you're trying to have a process to help you to

Dr. Brad Miller:

have the health and vitality but also the purpose in life and the direction to go. That

Dr. Brad Miller:

keeps you from being stuck or in a place a dark place. You know when people have

Dr. Brad Miller:

pain physical pain, emotional pain, or relationship pain. Sometimes we can go to a dark

Dr. Brad Miller:

place sometimes those dark places weekend stay there for a while if and sometimes

Dr. Brad Miller:

people you know self-medicate with you know all kinds of bad substances and or

Dr. Brad Miller:

activities in their life and get stuck and you have to be very intentional about your

Dr. Brad Miller:

thought process and application and, and I appreciate what you're what you're saying

Dr. Brad Miller:

there. Oh, what you're saying their Barbie and let's talk for a minute or two now Barbie,

Dr. Brad Miller:

but how you and you share this with others. I'm a big believer that true healing and

Dr. Brad Miller:

wholeness and transformation take place. Not only on the self-work that we do, not

Dr. Brad Miller:

only kind of the physical actions that we take, not only in the mind transformation, then

Dr. Brad Miller:

how we share that with others. That's kind of when we bring it full circle. Most of the

Dr. Brad Miller:

time when we have healing and wholeness in our life. Someone has interjected

Dr. Brad Miller:

something to us, your case of me been a doctor, it might have been a friend or someone

Dr. Brad Miller:

out there who was supportive of you. But tell us how relationships have come into play.

Dr. Brad Miller:

And I'm interested in tell us Any relationships that are important to you and your

Dr. Brad Miller:

healing process. And then we're going to talk about how you share with others through

Dr. Brad Miller:

your book and through your teaching.

Barby Ingle:

So, for relationships, I believe that we're all here on Earth and human connection is the

Barby Ingle:

thing that matters. And most and as a human being here, in, in this realm until we get to

Barby Ingle:

heaven, and what's supposed to happen happens, and I think that the two humans that

Barby Ingle:

that he's passed away now. And he was the first one to say, hey, give this anxiety, this

Barby Ingle:

depression, all of the negative mindset that you have to God and let Him take it. And

Barby Ingle:

you're going to be okay; God has promised that we will have clothing and food and

Barby Ingle:

shelter, and it will find a way and I would say, but I don't know how I'm going to pay for

Barby Ingle:

for my rent this month, or my mortgage. And he would say, God will find a way. And

Barby Ingle:

that's so true. When I stopped in stressing on that it happened. It, I never went without

Barby Ingle:

food, shelter, clothing. And just like I was never without God in my life. My dad brought

Barby Ingle:

that back to me and helped me through those toughest times, especially in the first few

Barby Ingle:

years. And my husband, finding someone who was equally yoked with me, was very,

Barby Ingle:

very important. And my name is Barbie, as you said, my husband's name is kin. And I

Barby Ingle:

think at that point, like I need to give you big signs. So, I'm going to tell you, this is your

Barby Ingle:

future husband, his name is Ken, Ken and Barbie go together, make it work. And, and it

Barby Ingle:


Dr. Brad Miller:

we have a dog where do we have the you know, the dolls when the action figures with

Dr. Brad Miller:

you guys are images on it or whatever.

Barby Ingle:

Yeah, and it's funny because it's an icebreaker. But it helps with humanity. It helps us

Barby Ingle:

share our story. It helps us talk to other people and we get we get them hooked in on

Barby Ingle:

kin, ken and Barbie. And then we get to share what we've been through and experienced

Barby Ingle:

and how we've made it through. And even in my darkest times, that I had Jesus in me

Barby Ingle:

life, and he was not giving these things to me as punishment, he didn't actually give

Barby Ingle:

them to me, these are things that were happening. And I could choose to have him in

Barby Ingle:

my life and be a part of helping me get through whatever the challenge was. And I

Barby Ingle:

learned in that that people say, my glass is half empty, or my glass is half full. My glass

Barby Ingle:

Barbie’s glass, my glass is never empty, the part that people can't see is, is my hope,

Barby Ingle:

which comes from faith in perseverance, and sometimes need a little help, and I have

Barby Ingle:

other things in my cup. And sometimes they need a lot of help. And my cup is pretty

Barby Ingle:

empty, but my cup is never empty. It looks empty. It's never that's

Dr. Brad Miller:

part of those relationships, you've got the spiritual relationship, your faith, you've had

Dr. Brad Miller:

your own wherewithal, where you've changed your mindset and so on. And you've had

Dr. Brad Miller:

folks like you, your husband, and your father, spoken to your life. And now you're

Dr. Brad Miller:

speaking into other people's life, you chose to write a book called from wheels to heals,

Dr. Brad Miller:

a chronic pain, patient story of hope, help and understanding and you have other

Dr. Brad Miller:

organizations, the international pain Foundation, where you're speaking into the lives of

Dr. Brad Miller:

other people, tell us about what's led you then in through your book, and through your

Dr. Brad Miller:

foundation and through the things you're involved with, to speak into the lives of others.

Dr. Brad Miller:

What motivated you to do that, and what you know, what are the benefits of that for

Dr. Brad Miller:

you and for others.

Barby Ingle:

Through all the challenges, I learned that I was not alone, and that the resources didn't

Barby Ingle:

exist, or they weren't readily available for the package I needed them in. And the more I

Barby Ingle:

shared, the more I helped myself but the also the more I helped other people, and

Barby Ingle:

maybe what they need in their life isn't the exact same things, tools and resources that I

Barby Ingle:

needed. But if I share it will encourage other people to share. And that's how we make

Barby Ingle:

human connections and how we get through society and our purpose here on Earth in a

Barby Ingle:

more fulfilling way with less challenges because we're doing it together and in a positive

Barby Ingle:

productive way. It shows other people that even if you have major challenges that you

Barby Ingle:

don't just stop and give up that you keep working through those bounces. And if they're

Barby Ingle:

too big, you break them down into smaller pieces. But there is a way through. And you

Barby Ingle:

just have to be patient and find your way through, even if you have to break it down

Barby Ingle:

into smaller pieces to get there, if that's okay,

Dr. Brad Miller:

yeah. So, you really are through your work through your book and through your

Dr. Brad Miller:

foundation, or an advocacy for, for hope over pain, you know, pain is this constant

Dr. Brad Miller:

thing, you know, that people have and you are helping resource that in many ways and

Dr. Brad Miller:

through your foundation and through your book. So. So what

Barby Ingle:

cheerleader of hope is, is taking physical cheerleader that people are used to, instead of

Barby Ingle:

being that physical cheerleader, I'm a mental cheerleader. Sure, I'm a cheerleader of

Barby Ingle:

hope, showing other people how they can also have that positivity in their life.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Well, I think I could also you, you also mentioned that you were a cheerleading coach,

Dr. Brad Miller:

as well. And I think when you write a book like this, and have your foundation, and so

Dr. Brad Miller:

on, you can help coach people on this because I think one of the things people need

Dr. Brad Miller:

who go through painful times whether it's physical pain, or emotional pain, or losing a?

Dr. Brad Miller:

business or COVID crisis, whatever it is, is a need to be encouraged. There's a real

Dr. Brad Miller:

ministry, there's a real need for encouragement. And if we can gain some ways to help

Dr. Brad Miller:

people to help that that's a good thing. And, you know, as I see that, quite often to

Dr. Brad Miller:

people who go through difficult times when they have somebody who's just there to be

Dr. Brad Miller:

an encouraging word, a cheerleader, if you will, that helps the process, you know, what,

Dr. Brad Miller:

what do we have when, you know, I know when persons have cancer, for instance,

Dr. Brad Miller:

oftentimes, they're assigned by medical services, a, a cohort or a coach to be with them,

Dr. Brad Miller:

you know, to help them through the process, someone who's gone through that before.

Dr. Brad Miller:

And certainly, when women have babies and things like that, they, you know, someone

Dr. Brad Miller:

coaches them through it and things like that in it. I know when, in my own family, I have

Dr. Brad Miller:

a family member just recently diagnosed with cancer. And so we are, you know,

Dr. Brad Miller:

supporting her by just been encouraging words right now. So, it's all important there. So

Dr. Brad Miller:

what are people going to find in your book, it's going to be helped coach them up, to be

Dr. Brad Miller:

helpful to another sort of get through it in themselves.

Barby Ingle:

At the end of each chapter, the chapter is filled with stories and the things that I went

Barby Ingle:

through. But at the end of each chapter, there's a list of tips, tools and resources that

Barby Ingle:

people can use for their own life. And if they're struggling in that area, they can see, hey,

Barby Ingle:

here's some things where I can get started off, that doesn't make sense for me, but it

Barby Ingle:

gives me an idea, it sparked something in me, so that I have the hope, and the ability,

Barby Ingle:

the resource to get through whatever this challenges that I'm facing. And I cover

Barby Ingle:

everything from medical billing, to looking at your medical records, and how to

Barby Ingle:

navigate through the minefield of the health system, as well as spirituality, and talking

Barby Ingle:

about depression, and having a strong relationship with your life partner. And, you

Barby Ingle:

know, the family dynamics and relationships and how they change and how to navigate

Barby Ingle:

that. So, there's quite a bit in there about my journey and story. But I use that journey

Barby Ingle:

and story to teach other people that they can to find a good path for themselves.

Dr. Brad Miller:

That's awesome. That's awesome. Well, let's, let's bring it around to this. We started us

Dr. Brad Miller:

conversation here today, Barbie with your story about what happened to you about

Dr. Brad Miller:

your car crash and the diagnosis of a very severe medical condition that landed in a

Dr. Brad Miller:

wheelchair and in a bed for several years. And you found your way back through pain

Dr. Brad Miller:

and discouragement and through depression and the whole bit, I'm sure and you found

Dr. Brad Miller:

your way back to where you're at now giving to others and helping them through your

Dr. Brad Miller:

book and through your, through your resources on you on your website and through

Dr. Brad Miller:

your foundation. But tell us a little bit about a person you've worked with or someone

Dr. Brad Miller:

who's been impacted by your work and somehow another that you've been able to

Dr. Brad Miller:

have some part to play or witness in some way, a transformation that took place with

Dr. Brad Miller:

them looking for a testimonial story of someone who's been impacted by what they

Dr. Brad Miller:

found in your work.

Barby Ingle:

Well, I oh my goodness, there's so many. I would say one of the first times that I shared

Barby Ingle:

my story was on the local news. And I was leaving the news station. I was still in the

Barby Ingle:

parking lot there and my phone rang and it was a woman who said she was watching

Barby Ingle:

me on TV. She had the same medical condition I do in her doctors told her just go home

Barby Ingle:

and stay in bed. I said that she was going to die. And she had been lying in bed for

Barby Ingle:

years waiting to die, and seeing me on TV showed her that she could get out and still

Barby Ingle:

live life despite having this rare disease, that life wasn't over. And she had great reason

Barby Ingle:

to get up and live. And she was about to do that. And, and she did, she went on to be

Barby Ingle:

be go back to church to become more spiritual. But she also went back to helping the

Barby Ingle:

community and giving volunteer time and helping out other patients and sharing her

Barby Ingle:

testimony. And seeing that that was exactly why I wanted to go out and share and

Barby Ingle:

show people, hey, you can still live despite the challenges that you have in life. We all

Barby Ingle:

have challenges, they're all different challenges, but you can make it through and when

Barby Ingle:

she called to say, you know, I was just laying here waiting to die. I had been there, I

Barby Ingle:

knew that that was something very real, the doctors really didn't know what to do with

Barby Ingle:

us. But that didn't mean stop living. And knowing that I got someone to get up and start

Barby Ingle:

living again was an amazing feeling.

Dr. Brad Miller:

Yeah, and you had a part to play in there that makes your heart sore. And that kind of

Dr. Brad Miller:

makes that helps. You know, if you had any, any low points or, or doubt points for you

Dr. Brad Miller:

that helps you to that when we help others is what I'm trying to get at that helps us

Dr. Brad Miller:

healing and wholeness and help our heart to soar and to feel better and about

Dr. Brad Miller:

ourselves about what we do. And so, lots of good stuff here on your website, Barbie

Dr. Brad Miller:

ankle calm. And tell us a little bit about how people can get connected to you or learn

Dr. Brad Miller:

about your book a lot about the services that you offer. In case there's folks in us

Dr. Brad Miller:

audience, I know that there are who have pain in their life and they need to do

Dr. Brad Miller:

something about it.

Barby Ingle:

Absolutely. So, you said My website is Barbie That's everything about me

Barby Ingle:

personally, and getting in touch with me getting a copy of my book, all of that's

Barby Ingle:

available on the website. For people living with pain or their caregivers listening. I would

Barby Ingle:

say go to international We help people with patient and caregiver education.

Barby Ingle:

We help society with awareness events, we help patients with social events, and then

Barby Ingle:

we do Access to Care resources on the website as well. So, it's an it's a great resource. We

Barby Ingle:

recently held our international pain Summit, where we had over 54 presenters and

Barby Ingle:

sessions on different aspects of living with chronic pain and those videos are going up

Barby Ingle:

on the website solely as we get them processed and you can check those out for free.

Barby Ingle:

So, it's definitely a great resource.

Dr. Brad Miller:

So, you can check out everything at Barbie That's just to clarify this fellas var

Dr. Brad Miller:

b y Lots of good stuff there her book from wheels to heals chronic pain

Dr. Brad Miller:

patients right hope, help and understanding by Barbie Engel. Pleasure to have you

Dr. Brad Miller:

today as our guest on the beyond adversity podcast for Dr. Brad Miller. Thank you

Dr. Brad Miller:

Barbie. Thank you




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