Rebecca Sheikh is a certified Aware Parenting Level 2 teacher, and her passion lies in helping parents find ways to discipline without the use of punishments or rewards. She taught as primary school teacher for 17 years before having her first child. She is now the mother of two children (ages 6 and 2). She completed an MA in Counselling in Education at The Tavistock Institute in London and has done a Foundation Course in Nonviolent Communication. She also has an Oncology Certified Nurse qualification in Gentle Sleep Methods. She teaches leads staff meetings in schools to help teachers look at alternatives to punishments and rewards. Rebecca leads Attachment Play workshops regularly and offers consultations to support parents with the Aware Parenting approach.
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Here is Rebecca’s recommended book list some of which were mentioned on the show.
The Aware Parenting Website

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.
For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at