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Ep. 123 - Creating a Virtual Marketplace for Contract Attorneys: - with Greg Garman
Episode 1236th August 2018 • The Law Entrepreneur • Neil Tyra
00:00:00 00:39:54

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Greg Garman is the Founder & CEO of, a virtual marketplace where law firms can go to hire freelance contract attorneys. And for those of us looking to create a virtual office and outsource as much work we we possibly can, it’s one of the last pieces of the puzzle.


We discuss how exactly Lawclerk works, why an attorney might want to use it, and how it can help small, remote law firms. Plus, you can get a $300 rebate on your first completed project by using the code TLE300!


And if you weren’t aware, MacTrack Legal is coming up next month, Sept. 27 - 29, 2018 in New Orleans. This is one of my favorite conferences and I’ve attended ever year for the last 10 years, and I hope to see you there!




If you’ve enjoyed the podcast, please head to iTunes and leave a rating & review for the show! It only takes a moment, and really helps me to reach new listeners. You can also head to the website at for more information on the podcast and my legal services.




Thank you to our sponsors!

  • Ruby Receptionist - Virtual receptionist & live call services that will help you grow your office (and save money), one call at a time - to learn more, go to or call 844.895.7829
  • Daylite by Marketcircle – business productivity apps specifically for Apple products, with cloud syncing between your Macs, iPhones, & iPads

The Law Entrepreneur is produced by Podcast Masters




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