Your Business systems matter - love them or hate them - they will make or break your business. Nothing screams rookie more than shody systems or processes in your business. Here are some tips to help.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Brian, and you are listening to
Speaker:the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach
Speaker:or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on
Speaker:your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide
Speaker:them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give
Speaker:you practical real life tips that you can use today to build
Speaker:your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.
Speaker:Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people
Speaker:without adding more time for team to your business. If you're
Speaker:looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and
Speaker:use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in. Hey,
Speaker:everybody, in today's episode, I want to talk about your business
Speaker:systems. So here's the deal systems for running your
Speaker:business, running your products, running your your services,
Speaker:running your courses, whatever they are, will make or break
Speaker:your business. And let me explain why. Alright, so there
Speaker:are a couple of different reasons why these are important.
Speaker:Number one, I'm going to tell you that for people who don't
Speaker:have systems in place and have the right systems in place, look
Speaker:like rookies. And nobody wants to work with a rookie, right. So
Speaker:there's a difference between trying to sort of figure out and
Speaker:dial in your process your systems, the way that you work
Speaker:with people. And, and so sometimes you don't have
Speaker:everything figured out in terms of automation, or having
Speaker:everything automated. And that's totally fine, right? Because
Speaker:you're figuring that out. But if you are going out there in the
Speaker:world and saying, Hey, I am a successful business, and I can
Speaker:help you, you know, scale, grow and scale your business, then
Speaker:you better have your systems in place. So I was a guest on a
Speaker:summit the other day. And there were about 80 speakers, and I
Speaker:don't I don't even know how many people maybe 1500 People who are
Speaker:attending. And the it appeared to be a professional Summit,
Speaker:professionally done Summit. However, when we got when we got
Speaker:there and the day of they didn't use any streaming software, or
Speaker:event software, they just used zoom meetings. So there's about
Speaker:75 speakers over two days. And every single speaker had their
Speaker:own zoom, Link. And so as an attendee, you had to log into
Speaker:one, then log out, then log into another one, and then log out
Speaker:and then log into another one and log out. So it wasn't like a
Speaker:streamed event where you just logged in, and then various
Speaker:guests popped in, it was very clunky, it was very
Speaker:unprofessional. And it was something that while all of the
Speaker:sessions were amazing, and the women who who hosted it were
Speaker:amazing, that experience prove that one, this was their first
Speaker:time doing it, too, they weren't thinking about their audience
Speaker:and ease of use and how to help people have a consistent,
Speaker:engaging experience. And number three, that they didn't spend
Speaker:the money on the right tools that helped them actually create
Speaker:an amazing experience, and keep people engaged, I'm quite
Speaker:certain that most people got tired of trying to figure out
Speaker:how to find the links and where to go, and how to log in and
Speaker:which timezone they were supposed to be logging in on, it
Speaker:just turned out to be sort of a hot mess. And so that's the
Speaker:problem, right? You dial in your sales and marketing, and you get
Speaker:a bunch of people and it's, it's awesome, it seems like it's
Speaker:gonna be this great event, and then the actual execution falls
Speaker:flat. And that's when you don't have the right systems that you
Speaker:don't have, you haven't thought through how your systems affect
Speaker:the end user, the person that's on the other end or the
Speaker:receiving end of that system. And, and so it becomes
Speaker:just sort of a deal breaker, right? Do you want to work with
Speaker:somebody who appears to have their, their stuff together in
Speaker:their marketing materials? But then fulfillment falls flat? Or
Speaker:do you want to work with somebody who's really thought
Speaker:through how you're gonna experience something, and how to
Speaker:improve or even just have an average experience, right? You
Speaker:want to work with somebody who's kind of got it dialed in. And so
Speaker:systems become really important for that. In order to get the
Speaker:right systems, you have to think about how people are engaging
Speaker:with what you have to offer, how they're going through the
Speaker:experience, and what makes it into an a good experience or
Speaker:even a poor experience. It's until you want to think about
Speaker:that. And then you find the right system that helps to
Speaker:engage and, and create that. That's that sort of process that
Speaker:you have identified, that makes that come to life, versus just
Speaker:putting a bunch of systems in place. Or worse yet, like this
Speaker:summit, not putting anything in place, and just throwing
Speaker:something out there and pretending that it was all, you
Speaker:know, put together appropriately, it is
Speaker:interesting, just as a side note, I'm pretty sure they paid
Speaker:somebody to do this for them. And so shame on that person for
Speaker:not not having their systems in place that helped these women
Speaker:become successful. So that's why like, if you think about systems
Speaker:in your business, the first thing that I would do is
Speaker:identify the process are the framework that you take people
Speaker:through, what's that consistent process you take them through,
Speaker:then find out where the holes are, that can be plugged through
Speaker:using a system or a particular technology. And then what is the
Speaker:experience that you want to have when they're when they're going
Speaker:through your process. And when you need to show up. And when
Speaker:can you use a tool to replace you showing up because the
Speaker:reality is, is that people will need you at different parts of
Speaker:the process as they're going through and, and being a part of
Speaker:your program, but they may not need you for all of it. And so
Speaker:instead of just showing up, to show up, show up when it counts,
Speaker:and when it makes the most impact for that person. And sort
Speaker:of like, I always see those memes out there about
Speaker:unnecessary meetings, right? It's like, just because you feel
Speaker:like it's important to meet or have face time with somebody
Speaker:once a week, make sure that it's meaningful face to face, time,
Speaker:make sure that it makes sense in terms of the flow of what you're
Speaker:doing, versus just showing up and, and asking them to show up
Speaker:at that at that time. Because sometimes it's not actually
Speaker:needed, you can replace it with maybe a, a Voxer message and
Speaker:email or some other type of communication that helps them
Speaker:move forward, but doesn't necessarily need any FaceTime.
Speaker:So really think through that. Okay, so systems in and of
Speaker:themselves are super important in your business, but they have
Speaker:to be tied to strategy, they have to be tied to your overall
Speaker:process. So they have to support that process, they have to
Speaker:provide the ability to enhance the the overall system or the
Speaker:experience of the person that you're trying to help. So don't
Speaker:put systems in place just to put systems in place, and spend the
Speaker:money invest in systems that actually enhance the process.
Speaker:Right, if these ladies would have used streaming software, it
Speaker:would have 10x their results, because they would have had
Speaker:every single person stay on Engage and, and stay in the the
Speaker:flow of the two days. Instead, it was just in and out in and
Speaker:out in and out. There wasn't any engagement, there wasn't any
Speaker:momentum, there wasn't any connection with other people.
Speaker:And, and so it fell flat. Because of that it
Speaker:was something that, that they tried to gain momentum on
Speaker:Facebook. But again, that's one more place that people had to
Speaker:go. And it's like if you were to have a live conference, and you
Speaker:would send people not to breakout rooms. But every single
Speaker:separate thing would be its own room, and everybody was just
Speaker:jointed the entire time. Right. There was no time where everyone
Speaker:was together, there was no time where there was connection,
Speaker:there was no time where there was sort of that informal time
Speaker:where people can gather and be together and those things are so
Speaker:important, regardless if it's online or offline. All right,
Speaker:there you go. There are some things to think about about
Speaker:setting up systems, why they're important, how they become
Speaker:important to your business and how they can enhance the
Speaker:relationship with you, your customers and your customers
Speaker:with each other to be able to keep the momentum moving in your
Speaker:business. All right, there you go.