Hearing From Those Inside the 21-Day Challenge
The 21-Day Challenge launched in January and I wanted to give you a peek into what the challenge has been creating for those who have jumped on the bandwagon and accepted the challenge.
Today’s episode contains stories from four of the 21-Day Challenge participants so you can hear about some of the challenges, you can hear what the participants think of the challenges, and you can get a feel for the type of experiences being generated. I hope you’ll enjoy the stories they shared…I know I did.
And I’d love to have you join us on the inside and start creating these powerful experiences in your own life. Join the 21-Day Challenge by going to the website and signing up:
Fantastic bargain at only $39 and worth so much more! Create possibility, connection, and peace in your own life story!
See you on the inside….
Thanks to all participants who shared their experiences.