Barry Barrett is an authority on sales and selling. He is the Director of Training for RLO. Barry’s sales and training capabilities operate at full capacity in his dual roles as the lead salesperson and service manager trainer.
During Barry’s career as a Service Manager and top salesperson, he honed his talents in communicating with people.
Barry is tireless in his pursuit of excellence in the automotive industry and in all that he does. His passion for providing tools to train owners and their teams to the next level is unlimited. Barry is a Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach. Listen to Barry’s previous episodes HERE.
Key Talking Points
- We think that everyone is our customer and we market to the messy middle.
- We need to find the 10-20% of the market that bring the value that they are looking for.
- We market to demographic and geographic.
- We are looking for most importantly the psychographic.
- It is how we think.
- The meeting of the minds.
- If your shop brings a lot of value and therefore you are priced to continue to bring a lot of value and you are priced at the top of the market. The people in the middle will never be convinced to become a customer.
- Concentrate on the people who value what you bring.
- You cannot replace human connection. The top 20% want that connection. There will always be the bottom 80%.
- He challenges to find your creative niche and go and do that.
- Leave me an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help and I read each one of them.
- Email Carm HERE.
- A special thanks to Barry Barrett for sharing his passion – For The Record.

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