Rainbow Refugees NI – Supporting LGBTQIA+ refugees and asylum seekers in Northern Ireland
16th May 2024 • LawPod • Queen's University - School of Law
00:00:00 00:35:19

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In this episode, Niamh and Tolu from Rainbow Refugees NI speak to Lauren Dempster about issues affecting LGBTQIA+ refugees and asylum seekers in Northern Ireland. Rainbow Refugees NI is a grassroots, volunteer-led organisation supporting LGBTQIA+ refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Niamh and Tolu tell us about the work of Rainbow Refugees NI, the challenges that LGBTQIA+ refugees can face, and they share the findings of their recent report on homophobia in asylum accommodation in Northern Ireland. To learn more about the work of Rainbow Refugees NI please visit their website https://www.rainbowrefugeesni.com/ and follow them on social media @rainbowrefugeesni on Instagram and @RainbowRefugeNI on X. "We are getting hurt" Safe Accommodation for LGBTQIA+ People Seeking Sanctuary in Northern Ireland, is now available here https://www.rainbowrefugeesni.com/safe-accommodation-report/



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