When thinking of things that you can delegate to your virtual assistant, calendar management should come to mind if are feeling overwhelmed by meetings. However, letting go of this task can be scary for some, but don’t let fear prevent you from getting the help that you need to get a better handle on managing your day. As you may be experiencing, managing your schedule can take up a tremendous amount of your time, so it’s definitely something that you should outsource. Of course, there are calendar apps that are available to aid you with this task as well, but there is still some work involved even with the use of these.
In this episode, you will learn the many elements of delegating your calendar management and the benefits that you can reap through this process.
Today on the Unbottleneck Your Business Podcast:
• How to get over the fear of letting go
• How to keep private appointments private
• Different ways to share your calendar
• 4 benefits of having someone else manage your schedule
Visit for tools and additional information to help you on your delegation journey.
Join our Facebook group, Successful Delegation Strategies for more tips, strategies, and live sessions with me.
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