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Episode 142 - The Simplicity of Healing with Cancer- Lisa Warner
Episode 14221st August 2022 • Physical, Emotional, Health Secrets with Amanda Elise Love • Amanda Elise Love
00:00:00 00:35:29

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Lisa found herself facing cancer. Where the rubber meets the road. Remission mean's that they are looking for it to come back. She wanted to know how to heal her own body. Didn't want to face cancer or any other disease again. That became her goal. So that she couldn't go down the medical route. She didn't discuss her cancer with friends or family.

In this episode we also cover:

What did she know about her body?

What did she need to know to change her health?

You can create your own environment.

What can we do to quiet our minds?

Lisa Warner is an award-winning, international bestselling author who has spoken at events that included Joe Vitale, Marie Diamond, Adam Markel, and Keith Leon S. 

She is passionate about showing us who we truly are … Angels in human form … who are a perfect combination of body, mind, and soul … divinely designed to be free of dis-ease. 

She wrote the book “The Simplicity of Self-Healing” after healing herself from ‘cancer’ without any medical intervention, using nothing but her own inner healing power.  Her core message is that we all have the power to heal our Selves … and that healing the body is literally an inside job. 

She has a weekly show on Facebook called SOULution Sunday … because she knows that EmBODYing the Soul IS the solution.

Lisa is a bright light and a difference-maker who helps her clients transcend ‘disease’ as they EmBODY their Souls.


The Simplicity of Self-Healing


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