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Want to Sell Your Online Course Experience? Here's Where to Focus
Episode 2651st September 2022 • Course Building Secrets® Podcast • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:12:32

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In this episode, Tara shares the #1 strategy to ensure that you make sales when selling your online course experience or program because it is different than your traditional brick/mortar selling methods.

If you are doing a lot of activities but not gaining the reach that you wanted, this episode is for you! Straight from a real client example, this case study will give you insights into how to focus on selling your packaged program.

You can also find this episode on our YOUTUBE channel.

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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Mentioned in this episode:


Hey everybody, in today's episode, I want to talk about how to structure your offer. Okay, so if you're an aspiring course creator, or maybe you have already started building your course, and getting it out to the world, I want to talk about the strategy that we use to make sure that you not only can launch your course, but successfully sell your course. Because here's the reality is the way that you maybe did things as a one on one service provider, a freelancer or a consultant, or whatever you're doing offline. Once you'll package and move your course or your program online, it's a little bit different in terms of how to grow and scale it. And, and so I just want to talk briefly about that, because the actual marketing and sales for how to get your course out there and how to get it sold, may be just a little bit different than what you're used to. I have a client right now. And, and so this is actually an open letter for them, in terms of helping them create a strategy for how to take what they have, and, and grow it and scale it in a way that helps to serve them and serve their goals and overall business strategy.

Alright, so when you are out, sort of looking for clients in a one on one service,

you know, relationship, either an agency or freelancer, Freelancer model, whatever it is, you tend to go out and, and, you know, either target who you want to sell to, and then go and speak to them, you do speaking engagements, you do maybe some brown bag lunches, and different things like that. So you can get in front of the right people. So they purchase your offer. Now, when you're moving your program online, if your goal and your strategy is actually to sell something without you being present, then you have to change your front end approach as well. So one recommendation that we have for our clients, and this is the sort of the standard in the industry. And what we implement 99.9% of the time, is that you have one avatar, right, so you have one person or one, you know avatar type that you're focused on, you have one way to sort of lead them in, right, so they they raise their hand or they come into your world. And then you have one sort of training or lead magnet or something that you are able to offer to them, your goal is to attract them just to find them and attract them. And then you put them into your funnel.

And what happens when you put them into a funnel is you're literally funneling them from, you know, where they are in the world, to being ready to buy your offer. So your goal when you're funneling them through your front end, which is your kind of your marketing system, is to get them to know like and trust you. So you're building your authority, you are helping them make a decision that your program is the is the program that's going to help solve their problem, okay, so you have one person that you're focused on one type of person, you're focused on one funnel that you're putting them through that is literally going to take them to from, you know, thinking about what you have to offer to actually get getting them to purchase. And then you have one product. So one thing for them to buy, not a million things for them to buy, but one thing for them to buy.

And when you do that, then your job is to literally focus on having one person one funnel, one product that they can purchase. And then you just keep going through that process, right? Get more people in, go through the funnel, and get them to buy all the way to a million dollars like one product, one focus all the way to a to a million dollars. Once you have a million dollar business, then you can start to grow and scale from there, based on what your clients are asking for what the next step is, and then potentially, you know, additional products or services that you want to offer. Alright, so that's the model. And so everything that you do has a strategic intention towards that sale. If you don't have that strategic intention towards the sale, then you end up confusing your buyer confusing yourself and diffusing your efforts and your energy. This mistake that I see people make is that they're confusing activity with action. And when you do that, what you're doing is you're literally putting too many sort of obstacles in someone's course to purchase

in someone's way to purchase and so what happens is

They don't know what to purchase, right? So if you add, if you have your core product and you add multiple products around it, then why would somebody buy that the multiple products versus the core product that you actually want to send them to. So especially when it's a low ticket offer, it's something that's not higher than $100 price point, the amount of effort in creating anything else is just not worth it. So what you want to do is literally funnel them to that one offer. Now, you may have the ability to down sell that offer, right. So if somebody says, Well, I don't want to buy that offer, it's too much, it's too expensive, it's too much time, whatever it is, then on the back end of the funnel, you can add a down sell, which then when down, sell them to a less expensive option, maybe it's a quick option, maybe it's less expensive, maybe it's something that is a fast track or something else, that then prepares them to go back to the bigger program. And so that's a strategy that you can use as part of the funnel is there, you're still driving them to them make an offer, but you could have a down sell on the back end of it. And so I would focus on trying to sell that main product, and forget everything else, other than how are you finding and attracting the right people to put into your funnel. So the funnel doesn't change, the product doesn't change, the down sell doesn't change, all you're doing is changing what's happening on the front end to get them into your program. And that is literally the whole point is to get them into the program. So what that's going to do is it's going to help you leverage your time and experience. So you're focused on getting them into the funnel, and then selling them, that's all you're focused on.

Which is going to get to your goal of putting it on evergreen, being able to sell without spending so much time and energy and, and being able to drive people in and have them be able to consume your product with or without you depending upon your business model.

So as you're getting started, that is where to focus later, you can add additional products, you can add additional sort of services around it. But the noise that you want to make is to bring people in and put them into your funnel, that should not change that should not be different. Okay, so that is the model of an online course online program business at the core and kind of the fundamentals of how that works. And so the structure of that is how do you attract people and and really thinking through that could be ads, it could be organic, it could be speaking, it could be, you know, organic outreach, could be all sorts of different things, right, you're attracting your avatar, and then you're putting them into the funnel, meaning you're putting them into some type of system that allows them to know like and trust you. So they're ready to purchase, which is the next thing is that purchasing process, all of those can be automated, to the extent that you can automate

those three sections. So the time that you're then able to spend is on the front end bringing them in.

any, and you want them to buy:

Write those you can sell all day long without human intervention, right, you can just put ads to to them, and then have them go through a funnel, and purchase your product, they don't need you to be a part of that conversation or a part of that buying decision.

But people who are spending:

If you have questions about this, if you need clarity about how to make this happen, and what each of the steps of the process looks like, please reach out to me I'm happy to have a conversation with you, where we can really map out what you have and simplify the heck out of it to really have it actually serve you in the long run. Because you may feel like by doing all this activity and creating new and more things, you're able to sell more, actually are selling less because you're not helping somebody focus in on the buying decision that you want them to take. And so by just focusing on how to get that experience dialed in, you're able to replicate and sell more and increase that volume so you can grow and scale.



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