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Catholic History with Steve Weidenkopf – Episode 81
17th November 2017 • The Catholic Man Show • The Catholic Man Show
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Catholic History with Steve Weidenkopf – Episode 81

This episode is sponsored by Adam’s Mother-in-law, Shellie Kitchell Boutwell.


If this is your first time listening to The Catholic Man Show, we do 3 things every episode:

1.) Open, review, and enjoy a man beverage – Minutes 1-12. 2.) Highlight a man gear – Minutes 12-24. 3.) Have a manly conversation – Minutes 24-48.

Have you heard a claim about the history of the Catholic faith and wasn’t sure how to respond? Have you heard that Christopher Columbus was a bad guy? That Pope Pius XII was Hitler’s pope? That Martin Luther was just trying to help the Catholic church get back on track?

At the 24 minute mark, we have our friend Steve Weidenkopf join us to talk about his book and ask him the questions above and more!

The Real Story of Catholic History: Answering Twenty Centuries of Anti-Catholic Myths

Anti-Catholics like to paint Church teachings in a way that makes them seem vain, backward, or superstitious, all in the hope of drawing people out of the Faith and into sects or unbelief. Catholic apologists fight back with facts and sound arguments.

But there’s another area where the Church’s enemies tell their own false story of Catholicism: itshistory.

Whether it’s from the media, in classrooms, or out of the mouths of pastors and politicians, we’ve all heard a version of Catholic history filled with unrelenting violence, ignorance, worldliness, and bigotry. It’s enough to make many believers question whether the Church truly was founded by Christ!

This kind of attack requires no less of a response from those who know the truth. In The Real Story of Catholic History, Steve Weidenkopf gives it to you.

Weidenkopf (The Glory of the Crusades) collects over fifty of the most common and dangerous lies about Catholic history and, drawing on his experience as a historian and apologist, shows how to answer them simply and powerfully. Whether it’s claims about Catholicism’s supposedly pagan origins, old myths about Galileo or the Inquisition that never seem to go away, or more modern misconceptions that anti-Catholics cynically exploit, The Real Story provides the desperately needed corrective.

Packed with research and diligent in pursuit of the truth, while never whitewashing or explaining away the Church’s past faults when they’re found, The Real Story of Catholic History is an essential resource for every Catholic’s bookshelf.

If you haven’t listened to The Catholic Man Show before, check out our previous episodes here.

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MAN DRINK: Bull Run Whiskey

MAN GEAR: Ice Chest

MAN TOPIC: Catholic History

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