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Burnout - Stop the Fire
Episode 9727th December 2022 • The Business Animal • Kimberly Beer
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Burnout is very real for entrepreneurs. Long hours, lots of bosses (ahem, clients), and a oft-neglected life away from your business mean we are prone to the things that kill our joy and our business. In this episode, Cara and Kim take a real look at the stress that leads to burnout and some ways you can work toward halting (or avoiding!) the blaze of burnout.



Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. settle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast, with tips, techniques,


and tools that will take overwhelm to obedience school.


And have you wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts,


Kim Beer, and Cara Taylor Swift.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals. It's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And Cara with Fast Horse photography. Hi, Kim.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Good morning. How are you?

Kimberly Beer:

I'm doing good. Cara. How are you doing?

Cara Taylor Swift:

I'm doing good. We just got off a meeting

Cara Taylor Swift:

with our pal Phyllis and planning out all the exciting

Cara Taylor Swift:

stuff for Cal gross cameras next year, and which is rapidly

Cara Taylor Swift:

approaching. So I'm actually in a really good mood this morning,

Cara Taylor Swift:

because I got to have girl chat this morning.

Kimberly Beer:

Nice. Yes. It's always a good morning to start

Kimberly Beer:

out that way. I know. So here's the thing I keep telling them.

Kimberly Beer:

They're they're on East Coast time. And I'm Central. So I have

Kimberly Beer:

to get up an hour earlier. And I just rolled out of bed to go to

Kimberly Beer:

that meeting. So yeah, that's the one one pleasure about

Kimberly Beer:

working at from home is well, there's I guess a lot of them.

Kimberly Beer:

But one of the bigger ones for me is I can like My commute is,

Kimberly Beer:

you know, five seconds.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, it helps. It makes it easier.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Normally, that's my commute. But this morning, I had to get up

Cara Taylor Swift:

and drive out to the horses and feed all the animals and then

Cara Taylor Swift:

drive back in time to get my son to school. So I've been up for

Cara Taylor Swift:

hours at this point.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah. So you're, you're, you're just ready to go

Kimberly Beer:

ready to go. Well, caffeinated. Well caffeinated. Well, you

Kimberly Beer:

know, that sort of dovetails weirdly with our subject today,

Kimberly Beer:

which is burnout. And so I love seeing you all chipper and

Kimberly Beer:

happy. Because a couple of weeks ago, when we would get on these

Kimberly Beer:

calls, you weren't quite that chipper and happy you were in

Kimberly Beer:

the middle of your season, and it was kind of getting heavy and

Kimberly Beer:

weighing on you. And I don't know, if you were approaching

Kimberly Beer:

burnout, I was really having to drag myself. Yeah, but I know

Kimberly Beer:

you were it was it was like getting harder and harder to

Kimberly Beer:

maintain your happiness on some days.


Well, and that's, you know, we're talking about


burnout today. Obviously, for folks that are listening, I


think they picked up on that. But that's kind of one of those


things is that you can only maintain that that level of


intensity, I think for so long. I know I can only maintain that


level of intensity for so long. So as much as I love the


successfulness of my season, there's a reason that it's a


season and that it tapers down and comes to an end. So I can


work on some other things and regroup and reevaluate and take


a big break, which I'm looking forward to now that the holiday


season is like here, literally here.

Kimberly Beer:

Yes, it's literally here. And now you have

Kimberly Beer:

joined Phyllis and I in our more quiet time. So both of us have

Kimberly Beer:

been enjoying that for a little bit. Right now I'm enjoying the

Kimberly Beer:

holiday party season. So I'm enjoying going out. I know

Kimberly Beer:

that's not so much fun for everybody on the world. But I

Kimberly Beer:

absolutely adore going out networking and going to all of

Kimberly Beer:

the holiday parties, whether it be personal parties, or whether

Kimberly Beer:

it be professional, which I attend a lot more of the

Kimberly Beer:

professional ones in the personal ones. But yeah, so

Kimberly Beer:

that's kind of what I've been up to a little bit. So burnout is

Kimberly Beer:

very real for entrepreneurs. And I don't know of an entrepreneur

Kimberly Beer:

that's been in business for very long, that hasn't experienced it

Kimberly Beer:

in some form or fashion at least once and maybe multiple times in

Kimberly Beer:

the process of being a business owner. And it's because we all

Kimberly Beer:

have a lot of long hours, we have lots of bosses, which are

Kimberly Beer:

our clients, and an oft neglected life away from our

Kimberly Beer:

businesses. And that can really put a stress on everything in

Kimberly Beer:

our in our lives that ends up killing our joy and stealing

Kimberly Beer:

away a lot of precious forward motion in our business because

Kimberly Beer:

burnout is one of those things that does it halts your business

Kimberly Beer:

and sometimes even takes it backwards in in the process. So

Kimberly Beer:

it is really important to understand it and understand

Kimberly Beer:

what it looks like when it's coming into your world.


Well, and couple that with things like inflation that


we're experiencing right now, gas prices that are going up and


down. A lot of us and animal based businesses spend way too


much time in our cars, working from our cars and on the road,


dealing with things especially this time of year with the


holidays and trying to get orders out to clients in time


for Christmas things like shipping and production delays.


If we have employees trying to find employees, just the hiring


crisis in general trying to find people to work for us vendors to


work for us, and then being able to afford like rising salaries,


things that like the political climate like there's always


something different happening in the political class. Amid that


can really contribute to small business burnout rates. I don't


know that we often think about some of these outside


influencers, but especially things like inflation, gas


prices, shipping and production delays, the hiring crisis, those


things directly impact us as business owners all the time.


And I would add to that, even something as simple as the way


we communicate with each other these days can take a toll. I've


said this before on the show, I'm someone that struggles with


context and text messages and direct messages. So I tend to


have a lot of anxiety and stress around the way that a text


message is written and how I interpret it. So things like the


fact that we can't just always pick up the phone and just call


each other to understand and really feel each other out can


be, it can be something that adds a lot of stress to my life


and kind of narrows down on triggers that lead me to burn


burnout, what do you think about that?

Kimberly Beer:

I think that's a very insightful insight into

Kimberly Beer:

something that I don't think about very often. And it can

Kimberly Beer:

make a difference in how you perceive someone the inflection,

Kimberly Beer:

you put in the way that they structure their text, or that

Kimberly Beer:

you hear it by I think that's different for different people.

Kimberly Beer:

But it's, it's true, and sometimes, you know, a text can

Kimberly Beer:

have a tone that you perceive it having a tone, and it really

Kimberly Beer:

doesn't have one attached to it. i That's I think why I'm very, I

Kimberly Beer:

guess cognizant of that, because that's why I like to use emojis

Kimberly Beer:

and my LOL, which is my way of disarming someone, when I send

Kimberly Beer:

them a text message that might be construed a little wrongly is

Kimberly Beer:

to make sure i i use some type of a head that maybe puts the

Kimberly Beer:

the changes, or at least puts a twist to it that the other

Kimberly Beer:

person will feel comfortable with. Gosh, I hope I'm good at

Kimberly Beer:

that Cara, I now you have me all worried I'm really going to

Kimberly Beer:

second guess my testing.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Great, that was not my idea is to make you

Cara Taylor Swift:

worry. But I do have to ask Have you ever experienced burnout

Cara Taylor Swift:

before, as a professional?

Kimberly Beer:

I have I've experienced burnout as a

Kimberly Beer:

photographer, it particularly, I think that anybody who turns

Kimberly Beer:

their passion into a business or turns their talent into a

Kimberly Beer:

business, yeah, it sort of creates this space where you may

Kimberly Beer:

have used that or accessed it would probably be a better term,

Kimberly Beer:

you've accessed that. That particular thing in the past,

Kimberly Beer:

like, for me, the photography was a way to, to get myself out

Kimberly Beer:

of depression or I accessed it when I was sad or accessed it

Kimberly Beer:

when when I needed a creative or needed an emotional boost,

Kimberly Beer:

because it was something creative. When you monetize

Kimberly Beer:

that. And now you're doing it for money. A you can get

Kimberly Beer:

overwhelmed with it, or you do it so much that you lose that

Kimberly Beer:

contact or access to it as a resource to to re energize

Kimberly Beer:

yourself. In other words, I guess it's draining your cup

Kimberly Beer:

instead of refilling it or it's draining it faster than it can

Kimberly Beer:

refill it. And when that happens, I think burnout is a

Kimberly Beer:

very real thing. And there was a period of time in my

Kimberly Beer:

photography, part of my business where I set my camera down and

Kimberly Beer:

didn't use it a lot at all. I mean, I pretty well, it was like

Kimberly Beer:

I had to be sort of, it had to be something that I felt almost

Kimberly Beer:

guilty if I didn't shoot. I mean, it was more than money. It

Kimberly Beer:

was it got to be a little bit detrimental for me. And I

Kimberly Beer:

stepped away from photography for a while, and then picked my

Kimberly Beer:

camera back up, thankfully and was like, Oh, I remember now why

Kimberly Beer:

I was doing this and I came at it a little different angle to

Kimberly Beer:

say, I'm going to be more careful this time around in not

Kimberly Beer:

in making sure that the creative cup fills as fast as it drains.

Kimberly Beer:

And that that tremendously helped. As far as my other other

Kimberly Beer:

endeavors. Yes, I've been burned out, especially when on computer

Kimberly Beer:

stuff. Like if I get stuck in front of this computer for a

Kimberly Beer:

really long period of time day after day after day. I get

Kimberly Beer:

really resentful I get irritable. I mean, there's just

Kimberly Beer:

there's a ton of ways that shows up. And yeah, it's just not a

Kimberly Beer:

good thing. So learning how to recognize that in myself. And

Kimberly Beer:

when that pattern starts to happen is a big is a big way

Kimberly Beer:

that I can challenge the pattern and say okay, I feel that coming

Kimberly Beer:

in. I'm going to do something different.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I love that I've really struggled with this

Cara Taylor Swift:

idea of burnout in my life because for for anyone who's

Cara Taylor Swift:

just tuning in, this is their very first episode. I did

Cara Taylor Swift:

domestic violence and sexual assault where As part of my

Cara Taylor Swift:

early career for many, many years, and it was work that I

Cara Taylor Swift:

did that was more than a job it was, I used to tell people that

Cara Taylor Swift:

my work defined me like it defined who I was. And so when I

Cara Taylor Swift:

reached a place where I basically was experiencing

Cara Taylor Swift:

vicarious trauma from the folks that I worked with, and their

Cara Taylor Swift:

experiences and hearing stories over and over and over again and

Cara Taylor Swift:

getting to where the phone would ring, and I would have a body

Cara Taylor Swift:

body response to the to the ring tone of my phone, which I still

Cara Taylor Swift:

have to this day, if that tone, I had to switch my ringtones if

Cara Taylor Swift:

I still hear that ringtone, I have a physical risk reaction to

Cara Taylor Swift:

it, I was getting to the point where I couldn't handle it

Cara Taylor Swift:

anymore. And I ended up leaving my job and there's nothing that

Cara Taylor Swift:

is more. Well, it's sad and life shifting than when you're when

Cara Taylor Swift:

you burn out on your identity, if that makes sense, like when

Cara Taylor Swift:

you something that you have defined yourself as. And for me,

Cara Taylor Swift:

that was a domestic violence and sexual assault advocate. And it

Cara Taylor Swift:

was more than a job. And so when I burned out in that career, it

Cara Taylor Swift:

left a hole that has to this day, not completely been field

Cara Taylor Swift:

filled in the right way, if that makes sense. So I say that

Cara Taylor Swift:

because I don't I want to make sure that for me, when I talk

Cara Taylor Swift:

about this concept of burnout, it's more than like, I'm tired

Cara Taylor Swift:

of this work or entirely this job for some people that can be

Cara Taylor Swift:

ever life shifting and identity shaping and identity. I'm not

Cara Taylor Swift:

destroying, but it really shifted my identity. And I had

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do a lot of work to like, really think about how do I

Cara Taylor Swift:

define myself now? And does my career really need to be so much

Cara Taylor Swift:

of my identity, if that makes sense? So there was a lot there.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So this is something that is close to my heart, this topic.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I like that we're talking about I think this is a good

Cara Taylor Swift:

time of year to talk about it as we start thinking about like

Cara Taylor Swift:

goals for next year. And planning what we want our our

Cara Taylor Swift:

career to look like and our life to look like next year.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And what you bring up is really

Kimberly Beer:

important about trauma in any aspect of your life. But we

Kimberly Beer:

don't often consider business as someplace where we would

Kimberly Beer:

experience trauma. But it is it can happen. And I just want to I

Kimberly Beer:

don't think you know this, I don't think I've ever shared it

Kimberly Beer:

with you. But back in the early 2000s. As a photographer, I was

Kimberly Beer:

traveling a lot and doing horse shows. And while I was gone to

Kimberly Beer:

an event, shooting a horse show, some people broke into my home

Kimberly Beer:

and office and completely destroyed it, and stole

Kimberly Beer:

everything. Every piece of camera and computer equipment I

Kimberly Beer:

owned that was at home, only thing I had left was what was

Kimberly Beer:

with me. And that I will tell you, I was already tired from

Kimberly Beer:

the horror shows. But that level of trauma, it was hard for me to

Kimberly Beer:

overcome in my business. And I think it's related to this topic

Kimberly Beer:

that we're talking about today. I think that you're very right.

Kimberly Beer:

It's not just being tired. It's it's maybe even feeling like the

Kimberly Beer:

world is against you or you're not, you know, things are

Kimberly Beer:

happening that aren't supporting your business. And so it feels

Kimberly Beer:

uncomfortable to continue on. And I know for me after that

Kimberly Beer:

that was a huge hit. For me to recover from it. I did,

Kimberly Beer:

obviously, but it definitely was a derailing moment to somebody

Kimberly Beer:

who was already struggling and that that can compound these

Kimberly Beer:

these issues. And I think that's why we need to be really aware

Kimberly Beer:

as business owners of when we're starting to see the pattern of

Kimberly Beer:

burnout and getting good at recognizing it. And I know we're

Kimberly Beer:

gonna get to the big three here in a second. But Cara has a

Kimberly Beer:

really nice little list here of some ways that you can kind of

Kimberly Beer:

assess yourself and say, am I am I maybe heading towards a

Kimberly Beer:

burnout episode? And possibly a way to derail that?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, I will tell you guys, anyone who's

Cara Taylor Swift:

listening that the you can go online and there's any number of

Cara Taylor Swift:

quizzes that you can take or checklists that you can look at

Cara Taylor Swift:

that have, you know, indicators that you might be on the cusp of

Cara Taylor Swift:

burnout or or they're already I have compiled a short little

Cara Taylor Swift:

list of things that I feel like have shown up personally in my

Cara Taylor Swift:

life and I thought I would share them. So start by identifying

Cara Taylor Swift:

what burnout can look like. Like a smallest owner, so let's go

Cara Taylor Swift:

there. So feeling rundown and drained after working. I mean,

Cara Taylor Swift:

some folks might say Well, that sounds like a good workday.

Cara Taylor Swift:

You're exhausted. This is something a little different. I

Cara Taylor Swift:

think it's it's more of a an emotional draining than maybe a

Cara Taylor Swift:

physical draining, having negative thoughts about work,

Cara Taylor Swift:

feeling easily irritated by clients by coworkers by people

Cara Taylor Swift:

that we spend time with regularly on the job, just those

Cara Taylor Swift:

people are really irritating, feeling less sympathetic with

Cara Taylor Swift:

the people that you work around. So, you know, I think about

Cara Taylor Swift:

people who are, you know, you're working with maybe animals that

Cara Taylor Swift:

are, you know, they have owners that have sick animals or you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

working with, you know, any number of things where you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

working with people that they have a story and they need to

Cara Taylor Swift:

tell you, and maybe you don't quite have the patience to

Cara Taylor Swift:

listen to it anymore. Or you've heard it all before, and you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

not taking the time to really listen, feeling unappreciated

Cara Taylor Swift:

feelings of underachieving, like, you're just not

Cara Taylor Swift:

accomplishing the things that you want to accomplish. Just

Cara Taylor Swift:

procrastination. I mean, we've had a whole episode on the issue

Cara Taylor Swift:

of procrastination, but this is just you're just putting things

Cara Taylor Swift:

off over and over and over again. And this one is one that

Cara Taylor Swift:

it's it was funny, when I first thought of it, it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

forgetfulness, missing appointments, late invoices,

Cara Taylor Swift:

late client orders or delivery, not returning phone calls, some

Cara Taylor Swift:

of this can fall under the procrastination, but when you

Cara Taylor Swift:

think about it, in terms of forgetfulness, like there's just

Cara Taylor Swift:

a lot of overwhelm happening, and you are someone if you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

like me that you're very calendered, you're very

Cara Taylor Swift:

scheduled, you're prompt, your early if you're not early,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're late, you know that mentality, and you start just

Cara Taylor Swift:

missing appointments. And I remember this happening to me,

Cara Taylor Swift:

and I was so shocked, like, how is this happening? You know, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

have a calendar, I have two calendars, you know. So these

Cara Taylor Swift:

are just a few a very small list. But if you if you hop

Cara Taylor Swift:

online and google signs, symptoms of burnout, there are

Cara Taylor Swift:

probably 10 times this that you'll see pop up. And it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's some of the quizzes on there are pretty good, too, that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you could do and then just give you an indication of how you

Cara Taylor Swift:

might be doing on that spectrum.

Kimberly Beer:

Yes, it is. But I want to, I want to say

Kimberly Beer:

something, a couple of things. First, when you read that list,

Kimberly Beer:

it triggers me to think about a lot of the people that I work

Kimberly Beer:

with that have nonprofits around Animal Rescue, I see burnout

Kimberly Beer:

happen in that group so frequently, because they're

Kimberly Beer:

dealing with such high trauma stories and and things that are

Kimberly Beer:

disturbing on a whole different level. And when you do that, I

Kimberly Beer:

think you ramp up just like when you were working at the domestic

Kimberly Beer:

violence shelter, I think you ramp up. Yeah, the trajectory

Kimberly Beer:

for burnout. And the end all be all of burnout can be horrific.

Kimberly Beer:

Everyone I mean, I just I do not want to understate the the

Kimberly Beer:

everything. It can be life ending. I mean, it's it's not a

Kimberly Beer:

good thing. Yeah. And that's why checking on these things are so

Kimberly Beer:

important. checking in with yourself, checking in, in on, on

Kimberly Beer:

those around you if you start to see some signs that that maybe

Kimberly Beer:

burnout is sort of taking over for someone that you know, or

Kimberly Beer:

that you're that is a fellow business owner. And and then

Kimberly Beer:

just getting the help that you need assistance, not even help

Kimberly Beer:

just assistance somebody to guide you to get you back on the

Kimberly Beer:

path where you can be healthy and continue to do what you're

Kimberly Beer:

doing. So please take this subject very seriously, when

Kimberly Beer:

it's that I it's one thing to procrastinate a few things, it's

Kimberly Beer:

another of the procrastination has a deeply rooted reason, I

Kimberly Beer:

always say there's nobody procrastinates because they want

Kimberly Beer:

to be a procrastinator. There's a reason for it, it can be a

Kimberly Beer:

good reason. Or it can be a bad reason. So you've got to take a

Kimberly Beer:

look at those things and start to really understand and yes, I

Kimberly Beer:

think it's time to launch into the big three, you want to cover

Kimberly Beer:

that Cara?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Sure. The first of the Big Three is kind

Cara Taylor Swift:

of what we've been talking about already the identification side

Cara Taylor Swift:

of things. So identifying the stressors, causing the burnout.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And, you know, we have on here be thorough, and I know Kim will

Cara Taylor Swift:

talk a little bit about that you know, what's happening, what's

Cara Taylor Swift:

coming up, and also what is in the background, maybe that's

Cara Taylor Swift:

pulling some of that the big three. Number two is you got to

Cara Taylor Swift:

do the work. You've got to take the steps to halt the burnout.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And we're gonna give some ideas around that. And then the third

Cara Taylor Swift:

thing is it might be time to do something different. And we'll

Cara Taylor Swift:

dive into that as well. I'll let you take off with that, Kim.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. So every time that you find

Kimberly Beer:

yourself having a reaction, instead of being able to choose

Kimberly Beer:

a response, there is something bigger than what is in front of

Kimberly Beer:

you going on. So for example, if you are having a conversation

Kimberly Beer:

with a client and they say something, and you have a

Kimberly Beer:

reaction to that or there's a reaction around this happened

Kimberly Beer:

for me for burnout when I was a graphic designer, if people

Kimberly Beer:

would give a certain criticism when I was starting to get

Kimberly Beer:

burned out as a graph Like designer I would get I would

Kimberly Beer:

have a reaction, I would be like, What are they talking

Kimberly Beer:

about, they don't know what they're talking about. They're

Kimberly Beer:

not graphic designers, they, that would just look absolutely

Kimberly Beer:

stupid. And I would have a, like a visceral reaction to, to a

Kimberly Beer:

client's probably legitimate desire to change something in

Kimberly Beer:

their branding or logo or something i That was a big hit

Kimberly Beer:

for me that something was up there. So every time you find

Kimberly Beer:

yourself having a reaction, there is generally something in

Kimberly Beer:

the background that is at the root of that, and it's not the

Kimberly Beer:

situation that's in front of you. It's that situation in

Kimberly Beer:

front of you is just a trigger for what actually happened long

Kimberly Beer:

ago. So for me, I received a lot of I'm How do I say it uncorrect

Kimberly Beer:

or not right or not warranted criticism as a as a child and a

Kimberly Beer:

teenager in particular. And I know teenagers are all a little

Kimberly Beer:

bit off. But in this case, it was it was, it was not good. So

Kimberly Beer:

it wasn't a case of I was just doing something strange. And

Kimberly Beer:

there was a, there was some fallout for that. It was

Kimberly Beer:

unwarranted. And I carried that around with me into my

Kimberly Beer:

adulthood. And then when I sit with clients, at first, it was

Kimberly Beer:

okay, right, I had a really nice line drawn in my head and in my

Kimberly Beer:

body. And then when I started to get a little tired, when I

Kimberly Beer:

started to get to that edge of of becoming burned out or

Kimberly Beer:

overextended and overwhelmed, that just makes the nerves all

Kimberly Beer:

that much more raw. Right? So then that would start to show

Kimberly Beer:

up, I had to go back and take a look at okay, what is it the

Kimberly Beer:

root of that, I need to clear that up. And then I'll be able

Kimberly Beer:

to sit with this new new situation that's in front of me

Kimberly Beer:

with a different perspective, it's not going to touch on that

Kimberly Beer:

nerve any longer. Because we've cured the nerve pain, we're

Kimberly Beer:

going to go and take a look at it in a totally different way.

Kimberly Beer:

And it made it so that I could sit with clients who wanted to

Kimberly Beer:

rearrange things that possibly I wouldn't agree with. And I would

Kimberly Beer:

be able to move those things around for them without any

Kimberly Beer:

attachment, that it basically takes the charge off of that

Kimberly Beer:

nerve, and then it doesn't get it's not as tender any longer

Kimberly Beer:

and you're able to move forward. But if you live in that space,

Kimberly Beer:

where the things keep coming at you that are causing those

Kimberly Beer:

reactions, the reactions take their toll on everything in your

Kimberly Beer:

system, they take your their toll on your body, they take

Kimberly Beer:

your toll on your thoughts, they take the toll on how you

Kimberly Beer:

interact with other people, they just it just is insidious in

Kimberly Beer:

getting into multiple different corners in your life. And so

Kimberly Beer:

when you see yourself getting there towards the edge of that

Kimberly Beer:

you need to start taking a look at say, Okay, I need to go back

Kimberly Beer:

and figure out where this is. And sometimes it's it's in your

Kimberly Beer:

childhood, sometimes it's in your young adulthood, sometimes

Kimberly Beer:

it's last freaking week, you know. So it's, there's something

Kimberly Beer:

there that needs to be examined. And when I know that I'm

Kimberly Beer:

treading down this path, and I need to get really clear about

Kimberly Beer:

where these things are coming from. It's when I'm experiencing

Kimberly Beer:

one of three things and that resentment, overwhelm or

Kimberly Beer:

frustration, when I start to feel one of those three

Kimberly Beer:

emotions, it is time for me to take a look at exactly what is

Kimberly Beer:

triggering that. Like when when it's the most intense. What am I

Kimberly Beer:

doing? what's being said what is what's the situation, and then

Kimberly Beer:

to pick up the cord and follow that back to its root where it's

Kimberly Beer:

plugged into the wall, and I can go okay, now I see your outlet.

Kimberly Beer:

Let's unplug you and take that electricity away from that

Kimberly Beer:

moment. There's a chem metaphor for Yeah, I was

Cara Taylor Swift:

gonna say that's probably the most clear

Cara Taylor Swift:

metaphor I've ever heard for getting to the root of the

Cara Taylor Swift:

problem. And I love that and I think it that segues us really

Cara Taylor Swift:

nicely into big three number two, which is doing the work.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I love that because if you can, if you can sit down and say

Cara Taylor Swift:

here I am at the end of the day and I'm crying in my car after

Cara Taylor Swift:

work. I'm not I've been there. Yeah, just crying in my car

Cara Taylor Swift:

after work. Why am I crying? It's not because of the

Cara Taylor Swift:

conversation I just had with my boss. There's there's other

Cara Taylor Swift:

things I need to follow that cord back to where this is

Cara Taylor Swift:

really coming from. And I love that. And one of the things that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, in my past work, when you talk about doing the work

Cara Taylor Swift:

that would come up a lot is they would talk about this idea of

Cara Taylor Swift:

self care. And we've talked about self care on the show more

Cara Taylor Swift:

than once bubble bath, talk about taking a bath. Yeah, don't

Cara Taylor Swift:

even get me started on the bubble baths. But they would

Cara Taylor Swift:

talk about it in this way that was like, You need to be doing

Cara Taylor Swift:

self care and self care might look like a bubble bath. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

would get I remember getting so there was my resentment popping

Cara Taylor Swift:

up right? In that moment, I remember getting really annoyed,

Cara Taylor Swift:

because to me those things, they're not solving the big

Cara Taylor Swift:

picture, if you don't have a continuous awareness that

Cara Taylor Swift:

burnout can always be on the horizon. Like, if you're not

Cara Taylor Swift:

doing the work, and creating a culture around you that

Cara Taylor Swift:

supportive of that, then it's all just lip service, you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're not actually doing the work, you're just putting like a

Cara Taylor Swift:

band aid over the top of it. And then expecting everything else

Cara Taylor Swift:

to go as usual, continue the work as usual, continue doing

Cara Taylor Swift:

the things that you do every single day. And we're going to

Cara Taylor Swift:

stick a bandaid over the top of this little feeling of

Cara Taylor Swift:

resentment that you're having, we're going to stick a bandaid

Cara Taylor Swift:

over the top of the overwhelm and over the frustration, but

Cara Taylor Swift:

we're not doing anything at a at a deeper level to actually do

Cara Taylor Swift:

the work to fix the problem. Before you get to a point where

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're at a career ending place in your burnout,

Kimberly Beer:

I want to add to my metaphor, it's like instead

Kimberly Beer:

of going back and finding the plugin, where the nerve is that

Kimberly Beer:

you plug a toaster into that outlet and throw it in the

Kimberly Beer:

bathtub with you while you're taking your bubble bath. I could

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

too much for that doesn't help you does it?

Kimberly Beer:

No, it does not additionally see that it does

Kimberly Beer:

not help at all, we do have a few things

Cara Taylor Swift:

that you know, if you're going to be

Cara Taylor Swift:

following Kim's chord back, you're going to be following it

Cara Taylor Swift:

back to getting to the root of, of where this is coming from

Cara Taylor Swift:

where these feelings are coming from that leads to burnout,

Cara Taylor Swift:

there are some things that you can do to process some of that

Cara Taylor Swift:

and get through some of that. And, well, Kim, you have several

Cara Taylor Swift:

things listened to here, do you want to go ahead and start with

Cara Taylor Swift:

the start with them,

Kimberly Beer:

I think the thing I'm gonna say the biggest thing

Kimberly Beer:

to do is sometimes you need a guide, because you can't find

Kimberly Beer:

the cord. That just is the reality of the situation, it's

Kimberly Beer:

sort of like that metaphor of not being able to see the forest

Kimberly Beer:

for the trees in front of you. And that's where having someone

Kimberly Beer:

who has a guide that can help you do that. And then that can

Kimberly Beer:

show up in many different ways. It can be a gestalt Assist,

Kimberly Beer:

which is what I would recommend, or a therapist or a coach, or

Kimberly Beer:

even just a really, and I don't want to say just they're so even

Kimberly Beer:

a really close friend, who is willing to be really honest with

Kimberly Beer:

you and who you will not resent. If they are honest, on a nerve

Kimberly Beer:

point, that's the one good thing about going to a gestalt test,

Kimberly Beer:

or a therapist or a coach is that indifference difference

Kimberly Beer:

from a friend is that that's something if you do hold a

Kimberly Beer:

resentment against a coach, you know, oh, well, that's that. But

Kimberly Beer:

if you if they're a good coach, hopefully that would never

Kimberly Beer:

happen. But a good friend, you don't want to, you don't want to

Kimberly Beer:

damage that relationship. All that aside, you do occasionally

Kimberly Beer:

need help finding the cord in the mess of cords that creates

Kimberly Beer:

gets created in our lifetime, you may need help finding the

Kimberly Beer:

one that specifically needs to be disconnected for this event.

Kimberly Beer:

So other ways that you can start to trace that down on your own,

Kimberly Beer:

however, are journaling, I do an exercise when I get really

Kimberly Beer:

stressed out or I find myself being having starting to have

Kimberly Beer:

those reactions, and I can't get somewhere to have someone else

Kimberly Beer:

help me because I will reach out for help. I will journal about

Kimberly Beer:

it. And I'm not a big journal er, I'm not a let's get up in

Kimberly Beer:

the morning and journal kind of girl. But if I'm stressed out

Kimberly Beer:

about something, and I can get a piece of paper and free, right,

Kimberly Beer:

which is where you do not let your internal editor have an

Kimberly Beer:

opinion, because no one is ever going to see it. It's not a big

Kimberly Beer:

deal. So make the negotiation up front, there's no editing and

Kimberly Beer:

just write whatever comes into your head. In general, if you

Kimberly Beer:

are in that emotional state around the reaction, when you

Kimberly Beer:

start to write it down, it starts coming out as just like

Kimberly Beer:

anger and a little bit of vitriol and then eventually

Kimberly Beer:

you'll get down to the real issue. So it's a way to find

Kimberly Beer:

that. So those would be I guess my two biggest tips or another

Kimberly Beer:

one is look to your network to see if there's somebody there

Kimberly Beer:

that has experienced something similar that can maybe help you

Kimberly Beer:

understand it from a different perspective. That's always

Kimberly Beer:

really nice when it's something that's very deeply industry

Kimberly Beer:

related. That is triggering it, but I think you have to have at

Kimberly Beer:

least a notion of where you're going with that. What about you,

Kimberly Beer:

Carol? But what are some ways that you perceive doing the

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. So I love the idea of look to

Cara Taylor Swift:

your network. I mean, I have people, I have multiple networks

Cara Taylor Swift:

that I feel like I can pull from any time, the thing you have to

Cara Taylor Swift:

be careful about, I think with networks is that if they're in

Cara Taylor Swift:

the same rut that you are, you can spiral together into

Cara Taylor Swift:

negativity and into Seto, so really think about your network

Cara Taylor Swift:

and the kind of conversations that you're having, and are

Cara Taylor Swift:

these people that are helping you get to the root of it, are

Cara Taylor Swift:

they coming along for the ride. And you know, I'll say it over

Cara Taylor Swift:

and over again, this is what we're talking about here in

Cara Taylor Swift:

terms of doing the work, you are not going to bubble bath your

Cara Taylor Swift:

way out of a burnout, you're not going to vacation, your way out

Cara Taylor Swift:

of a burnout, those things are lovely, certainly go take a

Cara Taylor Swift:

bubble bath, if you're a bubble bath person, go on a vacation,

Cara Taylor Swift:

we all need more vacations, but you're going to come back from

Cara Taylor Swift:

vacation and those that burnout is going to be waiting for you

Cara Taylor Swift:

only, it's going to have an additional workload on top of

Cara Taylor Swift:

it, because you've been gone for a week, you know, so I, I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

never been someone that says, Oh, you just need a vacation to

Cara Taylor Swift:

get over your burnout, that's not going to happen, you really

Cara Taylor Swift:

do have to follow the threads, you really do have to take some

Cara Taylor Swift:

extra steps and do the work. And it could be something you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

see a coach, the therapist, a gestalt just looking to your

Cara Taylor Swift:

network, take some classes on how to manage your stress and

Cara Taylor Swift:

emotions. And you know, any of that is helpful. But you do

Cara Taylor Swift:

actually have to do the work. And it's not just going to it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

not going to go away on its own. I've even tried moving positions

Cara Taylor Swift:

within companies or taking on different roles. And if you

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't do the work in the stresses are still there. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

the feelings are still there. It's not going to help a lot in

Cara Taylor Swift:

my opinion.

Kimberly Beer:

Nope, it sure won't. It sure won't. Are we

Kimberly Beer:

ready to move on to number three, which is the one that I

Kimberly Beer:

think scares everybody when it comes to burnout is that

Kimberly Beer:

sometimes you need to do something different. And for

Kimberly Beer:

entrepreneurs, sometimes this feels like so, so much not an

Kimberly Beer:

option, right? For me, when I've experienced burnout, I have been

Kimberly Beer:

confronted with the choice of Do you really want to continue to

Kimberly Beer:

be a business owner? Would you rather go get a job somewhere?

Kimberly Beer:

Or would you rather stay in this environment? And I will tell you

Kimberly Beer:

every time that decision has been presented to me, except for

Kimberly Beer:

one, I have chosen to keep my business that I think the first

Kimberly Beer:

time probably it came up really heavily for me. I did stop the

Kimberly Beer:

business, I actually went bankrupt, which made me a vape.

Kimberly Beer:

Some people could consider that a forced business stop. It

Kimberly Beer:

really wasn't it was a decision of do I want to sink more money

Kimberly Beer:

in this? Or do I want to go ahead and pull the plug now and

Kimberly Beer:

say we're done. And I went back to a day job. And it was a real

Kimberly Beer:

quick reminder of why I left that day job and why the burnout

Kimberly Beer:

there. And I'm going to tell you the burnout from that was still

Kimberly Beer:

there. So every other time I've been confronted with that

Kimberly Beer:

choice. I've said to myself, I don't want to not be a business

Kimberly Beer:

owner, I want to stay in business. But something has to

Kimberly Beer:

change inside my business. So the do something different came

Kimberly Beer:

up with, okay, let's take a look at this. And what can you do

Kimberly Beer:

that's different, that will remove this particular thing

Kimberly Beer:

that is causing you so much stress and anxiety and burnout

Kimberly Beer:

out of your way so that if you can't cure it, if you can't

Kimberly Beer:

unplug it, you need to get away from it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, I can totally see that. Because I

Cara Taylor Swift:

mean, a lot of times, it can't just be an issue of goodness,

Cara Taylor Swift:

because one of the things I did early on as I was like, You know

Cara Taylor Swift:

what, maybe it's this position, or maybe it's this company, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

I stayed in the same field and move to a different company. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

all I did was drag my burnout with me, you know, and bring

Cara Taylor Swift:

that attitude with me. And I think a lot of people do that,

Cara Taylor Swift:

thinking it's going to solve the problem. So sometimes you

Cara Taylor Swift:

actually have to take a step back and totally like you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

saying, you know, you still want to be a business owner, Kim and

Cara Taylor Swift:

I are not sitting here saying you know what, if you're feeling

Cara Taylor Swift:

burned out, maybe you don't need you need to close your business?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely not. But you probably need to reevaluate your goals.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And that can be your business goals, your life goals, where

Cara Taylor Swift:

you want to see yourself moving your business to in your life

Cara Taylor Swift:

to, you know, are your goals too broad? Do they even exist? Do

Cara Taylor Swift:

you even have goals for your business? Let's start there.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Maybe we need to look at our goals and say maybe they're too

Cara Taylor Swift:

big. Maybe we need to make take this big goal and break it down

Cara Taylor Swift:

into small obtainable goals. So that we're accomplishing things

Cara Taylor Swift:

because sometimes the simple act of just accomplishing things and

Cara Taylor Swift:

checking things off that list, we can see progress and we can

Cara Taylor Swift:

see ourselves moving forward, and that can help in itself. So,

Cara Taylor Swift:

so much Maybe we need to look at how we're managing our time

Cara Taylor Swift:

differently, you know, within our businesses create that to do

Cara Taylor Swift:

lists, we all love to do lists, but created to do lists with

Cara Taylor Swift:

actual set time goals, so that we're getting things done and

Cara Taylor Swift:

including breaks in that and including reward time for when

Cara Taylor Swift:

we knock things out. You know, we're getting ourselves

Cara Taylor Swift:

organized. You know, Kim, and I talk on the show a lot about

Cara Taylor Swift:

work life balance, maybe it's time, maybe it's time to add

Cara Taylor Swift:

more life into the schedule. And I have definitely had to kick

Cara Taylor Swift:

myself over and over again, and remind myself that it's a work

Cara Taylor Swift:

life balance, not a work, work balance with a little life

Cara Taylor Swift:

thrown in there, I have to remind myself that it should be

Cara Taylor Swift:

equal parts, if not more life, and less work, you know, in

Cara Taylor Swift:

trying to build my business goals around that. There is no

Cara Taylor Swift:

shame in delegating, hiring, bringing people in getting a

Cara Taylor Swift:

virtual assistant, you know, getting some of this work that

Cara Taylor Swift:

is time consuming is boring is you know, burnout inducing, put

Cara Taylor Swift:

it on someone else's plate so that you can run other parts of

Cara Taylor Swift:

your business. How many times do we talk about automation? It's

Cara Taylor Swift:

yeah, I mean, we probably have talked about that every other

Cara Taylor Swift:

episode at some point. So start thinking about things in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business that you can automate, really trying to put some of

Cara Taylor Swift:

this stuff on autopilot so that you can change up that work life

Cara Taylor Swift:

balance, or change up what you do within your business. What do

Cara Taylor Swift:

you what do you want to add to that?

Kimberly Beer:

I don't think I want to add anything to it. I

Kimberly Beer:

think it's I said my piece kind of up in the front. And I think

Kimberly Beer:

everything you've added to it really helps with people

Kimberly Beer:

understanding how to did you talk about boundaries? I don't

Kimberly Beer:

think so. But I'm not very good at boundaries.

Cara Taylor Swift:

setting boundaries, one of the things

Cara Taylor Swift:

that we've talked about before, and especially when we were

Cara Taylor Swift:

prepping for this episode, is there's no shame in setting

Cara Taylor Swift:

boundaries that protect your mental health, physical person,

Cara Taylor Swift:

and protect your emotions, you know that there's no shame in

Cara Taylor Swift:

that. And this is if you're starting to feel any of those

Cara Taylor Swift:

signs and symptoms of potential burnin on the horizon, it might

Cara Taylor Swift:

be a good time to check those boundaries to

Kimberly Beer:

Yes, and I tend to be one of those people in the

Kimberly Beer:

past in particular, a much, much different attitude about it now.

Kimberly Beer:

But in the past, a lot of my burnout was because I did let

Kimberly Beer:

people blow through my boundaries, I would go back and

Kimberly Beer:

look at that do something different. Or in my getting help

Kimberly Beer:

process, I would hear you know, you need to set a clear boundary

Kimberly Beer:

here. And then I would waffle on the boundary and then that would

Kimberly Beer:

cause the burnout to be worse. So I do think boundaries are

Kimberly Beer:

very crucial in this process. And I do think being able to set

Kimberly Beer:

them is very important, and stick to them. And if you can't

Kimberly Beer:

set them or stick to them, that's when you need to go back

Kimberly Beer:

to that person who was working with you or guiding you and get

Kimberly Beer:

a little additional help because there's a why for that, too. So

Kimberly Beer:

there's a how and a why that happens.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Excellent. All right. Well, just to recap,

Cara Taylor Swift:

burnout is very real for entrepreneurs. And hopefully,

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's not too many folks out there that are listening that

Cara Taylor Swift:

are saying oh my gosh, that sounds like me, or I really need

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do some work. But if you are like, no shame, no embarrassment

Cara Taylor Swift:

of that Kim and I, as we have expressed here we have so been

Cara Taylor Swift:

there. And what our hope is with an episode like this is that we

Cara Taylor Swift:

can give you guys some tools, some resources and some thoughts

Cara Taylor Swift:

before you reach a place of no return in your life and in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business in terms of closing your business or changing your

Cara Taylor Swift:

career path totally or leaving, like I did a career that meant

Cara Taylor Swift:

so much to me, we just want to we want to help people see that

Cara Taylor Swift:

before they get there. So think about things like identifying

Cara Taylor Swift:

the stressors that cause burnout. doing the work is the

Cara Taylor Swift:

second of our big three that we talked about. And then maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

it's time to do something different and what that might

Cara Taylor Swift:

look like for you. We hope you've enjoyed this episode.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I've really enjoyed I can check in for folks that I know I can

Cara Taylor Swift:

check in and I can see what our audience in general has been

Cara Taylor Swift:

listening to. And you all have been enjoying so many of our

Cara Taylor Swift:

shows. And I just want everyone to know that we really

Cara Taylor Swift:

appreciate it. And especially this time of year as we're

Cara Taylor Swift:

moving into the holidays, we know that things get really

Cara Taylor Swift:

busy, but we see you still out there listening and we really

Cara Taylor Swift:

appreciate it. So I'm not sure when this episode is going to be

Cara Taylor Swift:

out but it'll probably be right around Christmas in the new

Cara Taylor Swift:

year. So for those that celebrate we want to wish you a

Cara Taylor Swift:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. So if we don't talk to you

Cara Taylor Swift:

into the new year, we hope that you guys are kicking your

Cara Taylor Swift:

business off to a good one. Please, if you haven't already,

Cara Taylor Swift:

check in on social media at The Business Animal. We're on

Cara Taylor Swift:

Facebook and Instagram. And yeah, we'll see you guys next

Kimberly Beer:

year. Yep. No matter what you celebrate Happy

Kimberly Beer:

holidays or happy December. That's right.


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