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Matthew Thayer – Maui News Photojournalist & Author
Episode 1312th June 2019 • Feel Good Running | For the Everyday Runner! • Jim Lynch
00:00:00 01:30:15

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Hello "Feel Good" Runners!

Summer is just about here! From what I have heard it has been a long winter on the mainland so all you runners should be ecstatic! You can now wear your running shorts and a short sleeve shirt and just head out the door. Nice! Remember, it does get hot and humid so drink your fluids, wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated.

Most of the spring races are over. There are a few summer marathons and smaller races to enjoy and is a great way to keep your running in check during the summer months . Many of you may be already training for fall races. One thing I remember about summer when I lived on the mainland, it goes by fast. So enjoy the entire summer months. Do all the things you love to do, spend a lot of time outside and most important keep running for sure.

Maui has made the national news recently. If you listened to my last episode, it was about 8 days into the search for missing runner/hiker Amanda Eller. I did not sound optimistic of the outcome since she left her phone, keys, purse, backpack and water in her car. And she was presumed lost in the Makawao Forest Reserve. So many rumors, theories, opinions were discussed daily. And honestly, I really thought the outcome would not be good, especially due to the length of time she was out there or possibly abducted.

So many volunteers gave up their time to search for Amanda. And the leaders of the search team quickly formed and did an outstanding job organizing the search efforts. They never gave up, they never gave up hope and were there day after day searching along with 50 to 100 volunteers. And then 17 days later Amanda was found alive. A very uplifting story of human strength and determination from all ends.

On the other end, another gentleman was missing in IAO Valley here on the island. Noah "KeKai" Mina went to the IAO forest to do some reflecting and did not return. After the search was successfully completed for Amanda, the search team leaders shifted to IAO Valley in search of KeKai. Well, that did not turn out well. They found him deceased. Very sad ending. And somewhat personal for me. I know KeKai's mom Irene who has helped us out at the Maui Marathon heading up an Aid Station and supplying the food for the finish line through Maui's Farmers Union. I feel sad for Irene and the entire family. And may KeKai be at peace.

So, I am working on a Feel Good Running Episode with three of the main Search Team Leaders. You probably have seen them in the news during the recovery at some point. We will discuss both Amanda and KeKai searches and how they came together to organize the search and what, in their opinion, made it so effective.

Any runner or hiker can get lost in a forest/woods environment and this episode will give a great amount of information to help others organize a search team and have a plan. They will also provide good information if you are going on a solo run or hike in the forest or woods and what to take with you and precautions you can take to prevent getting lost. And if you do happen to get lost, what to do to survive and recommendations so that a search and rescue team, whether the fire or police or private citizens, may find you much faster. Look for this episode by the middle of July!

I am so excited for you to meet this episodes guest. Matthew Thayer is the Photojournalist for the Maui News, the newspaper on Maui. And he has held this job for the past 39 years. Matt is also a published author with his 5 book Si-Fi series 30,000 B.C. Chronicles. He is also a good friend and we have some interesting history. You will need to listen to our conversation to find that out.

Sometimes I will drift away from running on this podcast. So though Matt and I talk about running, we also talk a lot about Maui which you will enjoy. And we discuss Journalism and how it has evolved over the years. Matt also talks about his highlight story that happened in 1988 and his coverage of the "miracle landing" of Aloha Airlines flight 243. The top of the fuselage ripped off and one Flight Attendant was sucked out. The plane landed and all with the exception of the flight attendant survived. Matt took the photos and has an interesting story behind it. His photo was recognized internationally.

Folks I really rely on your feedback on how you like this Podcast and any suggestions you may have to make it better. What would you like to hear? Who would you like me to talk to? How can I bring information that you want and need regarding running. Or maybe just another topic you would enjoy. You can click on the orange tab to the right and leave a voice message up to 3 minutes. And if you like tell us about your story or a running accomplishment. We may just include it in an upcoming episode.

And as always, I can always use your help by sharing the Podcast with your running friends and through Social Media. And also important is to leave a review on Apple Podcast! Reviews help tremendously to increase exposure for the show and attracts new listeners. Right now I do this Podcast out of love of running and have no sponsors nor form of monetization of this show. So, the more you can share it with others, it will be truly appreciated.

Enjoy Episode #13 with Matt Thayer... And as always...remember to just show up and always, ALWAYS feel good about YOUR running!



News Segment

Jon Sutherland - Running Streak - Every day for 50 Years - Runners World Article - Heather Adams Writer/Nate Abbott Photography.


Matthew Thayer

Matt's Facebook Page

Maui News - Newspaper of Maui On-Line

30,000 B.C. Chronicles - Matt's Published 5-Book Series - Amazon Order Link

Matthew Thayer Photography

Aloha Airlines Flight 243




Inspirational Running Quote

"I Love Running Because It's The One Thing I Do Every Day And Never Regret" - Katie Mackey

I don't run every single day but every run I do I never regret! Never!


Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe to the Feel Good Running on Apple Podcasts and please give us a nice rating and if you feel really motivated leave a review!



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