Have you ever experienced the butterflies in your stomach when you start a new job? You arrive on the first day and feel lost as surrounding employees are busy at work. What is your onboarding process for new employees? How do you make their first day efficient, comfortable and welcoming? Listen to learn just one thing and commit to finetuning your onboarding process
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AJ Nealey,
Nealey Auto Service, Edgewater, MD. Listen to AJ’s previous episodes
Sam Craven,
The Garagisti, Houston, TX. Listen to Sam’s previous episodes
Edgar Reyes, Service Director,
Schertz Auto Service, Schertz, TX. Listen to Edgar’s previous Episodes
Key Talking Points
- You always want to make sure that your customers have a great experience, especially if it’s the first time that customer is in our shop, so why do we not make sure we do the same with our internal customers?
- Start the onboarding at the last step of the interview
- Listen for unsaid things- Why are they leaving? What didn’t they like? “Tell me more” and listen
- Create a meaningful connection
- “Be interested, not interesting”
- Trust your existing employees as they collaborate and give feedback on the new employee
- Try to get them training before they start on day one, so they can be as productive as possible on their first day
- Set expectations early, hold accountable
- Multi-step interview process
- “You want reality to be better than the brochure” Set expectations early, hold accountable
- Use technology to your advantage- send an offer letter and paperwork ahead of time, email set up, tablet, passwords/logins, accounts google docs, messaging, etc (Gusto)
- Employees want to know what you do for your team members, culture,
- “Culture beats strategy.”
- “Do you have any questions for me?” on a phone interview
- You are not hiring a robot, you are hiring a person. That person has interests, likes, and dislikes, preferences on things that may not matter to you but matter to them. Do you know what they like to be called? Do you know if they are allergic to something or do not like a certain food? If you are looking for successful onboarding, you have to care about the person before anything else. As always, people come first.
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