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Was Jesus Fearful of Death? What Early Christian Said about the Agony in the Garden
28th March 2024 • The Catholic Man Show • The Catholic Man Show
00:00:00 01:34:40

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Adam and David reflect on what some of the Church Fathers and early Christian saints said about Jesus in the Agony of the Garden.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The meaning of the location of the garden
  • Was Jesus fearful of death?
  • The meaning behind Jesus 3 times telling the apostles to pray in the garden
  • Christ's prayers in the garden
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I  David Niles: was  Adam Minihan: trying to figure out like how to [00:01:00] say, have a good holy week. You know the people? In Latin? No, just like in English.  David Niles: You should ask Google Translate. Yeah,  Adam Minihan: because that always works. Yeah, it's been, it's hit home runs for us every time we've done that. So many times. But I was like, you know, have an efficacious Holy Week. No, that doesn't, like, that isn't right. Like, have an intense Holy Week. I don't, I don't know, like, may you suffer well,  David Niles: like, maybe a I mean, it sounds like the question you're asking really is, like, I have wondered the same thing about Lent. Yeah, you know because it's kind of the same thing. Yeah, like but specifically  Adam Minihan: for a holy week huh, right as we're entering into the holiest week of the year  David Niles: I mean it's like but it's really a question of a distinction of degrees not kind, right? In what you're like because if it was true about Lent, it's definitely true now. Yes, right And so I used to say I used to say something I think I used to say like maybe it was efficacious and efficacious Lent to you  Adam Minihan: But like that just doesn't hit, you know, it's like, I don't know, like have an intensely prayerful whole [00:02:00] week. It was like for a  David Niles: while. It's like, this is years ago. It's like kind of down with the happy Lent, have a happy, happy Lent. And you know, I hope you do have a happy Lent, but that's not like the thing I want to wish you. About Lent. Like, to me, like, the thing that is essential to Lent isn't that it's happy. It's happiness. Yeah. Right. You know, sort of like Easter would It's not, it's not, Lent's  Adam Minihan: charism, so to speak.  David Niles: Right, exactly. Yeah, it's not it's charism. That's exactly right. Whereas Easter, on the other hand, is like Joyful! Joyous! Yeah, like so, well, but, if I can remember it before the end of the episode, I will You'll, and I will just Cut us off. Stop, absolutely halt whatever it is we're saying about, saying at the time. Perfect. And just Throw it in. Yeah. And we'll see. Okay. And then we can carry on.  Adam Minihan: I'm very excited to enter into the Easter season. Dude, me too. I cannot wait. It's gonna be so awesome. The beautiful thing about fasting is that you get to feast. You know, there's, there's seasons of feasting. Yeah. And if you fast well, you get to feast [00:03:00] well. You know, like, feasting, like, It means more.  David Niles: Yeah, and it's great that we have, I think Palm Sunday is just, you know, the Church's liturgical calendar is a work of art, I think. We're in the middle of, you know, at the middle of Lent, towards the end of Lent, now entering into the most penitential week of the year, but we have Palm Sunday first, which is like the celebration of Jesus entering tri, you know, triumphantly into Jerusalem, you know, to, like, this is a, this is a Sunday to really feast. Amidst all Sundays, as we celebrate Christ's triumphant you know, like, entrance into Jerusalem. Yeah. It's like a, a real victory. It's a, a day of victory. So, and that's a beautiful thing to have right here before we go into the most penitential week of the year. Yeah.  Adam Minihan: Yeah. Well, when we commit deicide, [00:04:00]  David Niles: which is bad. It's bad. It's a bad It's one of our Well, it's not good, Adam.  Adam Minihan: It's one of the ugliest marks for  David Niles: humankind. Well, let's see how it works out for him, Cotton.  Adam Minihan: Oh, man. Okay, so hey, we are Bold strategy. Bold strategy, yeah, but it turns out it, it was  David Niles: It's, it seemed like a bad, it seemed like a fail, and then it turned out to be a pretty, you know, like, I imagine that's how it was for Satan. Don't you think that Satan thought, like, as he watched Christ hanging on the cross, don't you think he thought he was winning, or something? I imagine that that was a Yeah, probably some Like a big bait and switch. On the devil. Yeah, you know like when all of a sudden he realized what he's back. I was like rooting for him like I, you know, like, deceived one of his own apostles, his, like, inner circle, into betraying him [00:05:00] and getting him killed. And now Only to realize, that's what's the, that, you know, like, AGH!  Adam Minihan: Now the gates of heaven are all open. Right, yeah, it's like, that's a big backfire. That is, yeah. So this evening, you know what's not a big backfire, is this whiskey we're having this evening. It's so good. Wyoming whiskey, we've had Wyoming whiskey on the show several times, this is the double cask. I gotta tell you, my dad actually asked me, he was going to a friend's house not too long ago, and he said, hey, what's a good bourbon that's not very expensive to bring over to their house? And I said, listen, and we get this question a lot from people, they email us or text us or something like that, asking us, hey, what's a bourbon? Here's my go tos, okay? So for bourbons, If you can find Wyoming whiskey,  David Niles: that's the, that's the win. Hard to find here in Oklahoma, a little bit. It, you can, you, you can find it, but. It's, it's cheap, you know, it's. So what was this, like 35, maybe 40 bucks? Yeah, it's under 40 for sure. Yeah, and this is the double cask. Right. The, the regular is even [00:06:00] cheaper. And it's so  Adam Minihan: smooth. And it's so good. Yeah, so my dad couldn't find Wyoming whiskey. Cause it's hard to find, like you mentioned. Yeah,  David Niles: in other states, the closer you get to Wyoming. If you're in Wyoming, this is at every grocery store, it's at every liquor store, and it's like 30 bucks. Yeah. It's really cheap.  Adam Minihan: So I told them like, Wyoming whiskey is a good one. 1792, I really like. Yeah. It's one that has a great presentation bottle. It's a cheaper whiskey. The whiskey is good. It's smooth. It doesn't have a harsh bite. It's not, it's not  David Niles: like, uberly complex. Right. But it's, but it's good. It's a easy drinking. Right. Yeah. Not going to offend anybody. Everyone's going to enjoy it and have a good time. Buffalo Trace is  Adam Minihan: another one. Eagle Rare is another one. You know, there's, there's several. Anyway, it was really funny because he got there, he brought 1792. He got there, somebody else had brought a Wyoming whiskey, and so he had a chance to try both. Huh. And he said, he really liked the 1792, but he said, the Wyoming whiskey was just so smooth. Yeah. And so  David Niles: It [00:07:00] really is, and everything I've had from them is all good. Yeah. Every single  Adam Minihan: thing. This one is, so again, double cask, it's a straight bourbon whiskey finished in sherry casks, so it has a little sweetness at the end there, which is nice because it's you know 50 percent ABV. The whiskey gets its color and character from the cask in which it ages and matures. This double cask whiskey goes through the process twice. The first five years in the barrel makes it a bourbon. The sherry cask adds a nice touch of sweetness and brings out the best in the spirit to deliver superior smoothness and drinkability. You can drink it on ice with twist. And anything nice.  David Niles: You know, okay. That is another thing I don't, I'm not a ice in my whiskey guy. But if you have every now and then you want to make a drink and if you, all you have are nice scotches and expensive bourbons. You're not going to want to make, well you might make an old fashioned out of a nice, a nice [00:08:00] bourbon, but this is a whiskey that I'm not afraid to, oh yeah, like, mix in a drink, because it just, it doesn't cost very much, right, so like sure, whatever, even though I'm I always drink it neat and straight, like a man. It's so good.  Adam Minihan: So we're on the Lord's team. The winning side.  David Niles: So raise your glass. Cheers to Jesus. Cheers. And the last thing I'll say about Wyoming whiskey is it's just kind of a cool story. It's not like a story of ancient tradition, like every single whiskey distiller tries to present themselves. Right. Basically it's all made in this tiny town in Wyoming. And I think they Yeah, I think they employ like Almost the entire town, like almost everybody there because it's a, it's a small town. distillery. And so it really is become like a local, you know, everybody's really proud of the product that they make there. Yeah. You just like to see that. Yeah.  Adam Minihan: Big news for the, [00:09:00] the David ranch, the Niles ranch. We have  David Niles: chicks. Yes. Just yesterday and today they started hatching. There are still four eggs that The broody hen is sitting on. We'll see if they hatch. Okay. It's been exciting. Yeah. You know, between having piglets and now baby chicks I did want to ask for prayers because I, if I can borrow a trailer, if, If my buddy Robert who is a loyal, he's your, we're, our buddy Robert, one of the best guys, I mean, really, and he also has a nice trailer that he lets me borrow anytime I want, and I just text him this evening, like, hey, can I borrow your trailer tomorrow, and I haven't heard back from him yet, but the Cattle Auction is tomorrow, okay, and if you guys remember the story about the last time I went to the Cattle Auction, the hilarious debacle, yes, I'm about trying to, trying to buy, I don't know what you call [00:10:00] it. Deformed is maybe the best, the most, the politest word I can think of to describe this cow. But it's really cheap, right? So, I just would like prayers that I don't humiliate myself again.  Adam Minihan: Or, That you do for the sake of your  David Niles: humility. And if I do, if I do humiliate myself, that I get a lot of traction out of it. You know, that I, that I really, really lean into it, and like it makes a big difference in my life. And just appreciate it. Yeah, that it's like something that really, Helps me grow. to God. Yeah, exactly, and isn't wasted as just a humiliating moment in a funny story. I'm  Adam Minihan: okay with either. Yeah. So for the Minnehands, we we just had our first flag football scrimmage this week. All right. I'm the coach. In a league? Yeah, we're in league. Okay. I'm the head coach. Our good friend, Blake Berger, is the assistant coach. [00:11:00] Good. We have a lot of work to do. Yeah, we have a lot of work to do. The plays in which we drew it, so I got pretty intense, maybe a little too intense some would say. Okay. Drew up a lot of plays. All the kids had wristbands. Plays were on the wristbands. Holding them up. Telling them like colors. We hadn't practiced yet. The first scrimmage was like the practice. So there was some frustration on my part. Yeah. Cause  David Niles: it's Forgot to go over like positions.  Adam Minihan: Yeah. Yeah. They didn't Oh yeah. No, it's just defense. Yeah. So we're gonna work through that. But, it should be, it should be a fun year.  David Niles: Awesome. Do you feel like God is calling you to go on a pilgrimage? Yes. Well, for the last 34 years, Select International Tours has been leading pilgrimages to holy sites all over  Adam Minihan: the world. And you want, when you go on pilgrimages, Dave, you want to make sure you have the great, the best hotels, you're touring with the best guides, and every detail has been addressed. David Niles: And that's exactly what you're getting with Select International Tours. So, for more [00:12:00] information, go to their brand new website, SelectInternationalTours. com. They have been a sponsor of the Catholic Man Show for a long time now. Even during the COVID...



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