Artwork for podcast The Dynamics Of Everyday Life
No one looks good in a mohair jumper
Episode 4011th December 2024 • The Dynamics Of Everyday Life • Julia Rogers
00:00:00 00:12:35

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How do we feel when someone makes a comment about us?  There are probably times when we can brush it off and not think about it again, and there are others where we end up ruminating over it for days afterwards.  But what’s going on in the making of these comments?  Are they just as innocuous as the person who made them (possibly) believes?  Or is there something deeper at play here?

In this episode I put these comments under the psychodynamic spotlight to see if we can understand what is happening.  We take a trip to Waltons’ mountain and learn why these days I’m more likely to be wearing glittery leggings instead of neon fruit print ones. What’s not to enjoy?

Here are the highlights of this episode:

(2.06) The mohair jumper scenario

(4.02) Defence mechanism bingo

(8.43) Awareness is key

(10.40) Setting boundaries

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