Hello Runners,
It has been awhile. And I am sorry if you are a regular listener for the gap. It won't happen again! Promise!
What has been Going On?
I spent most of my energy the past two months as Co-Race Director of the Maui Marathon that was held on Sunday October 13, 2019. I'm glad to say it was a huge success. And then afterward, I took off to Denver, Colorado to visit family, friends and do some Podcast interviews. So I am back in the saddle and you can expect consistency of episodes and some changes for the good! Thank for hanging in!
Congratulations to All You Runners!
Man, it is hard to believe that the 2019 running season is just about over. I always consider the NYC Marathon as the finale to the major races. However there are still a few races you can catch through the remainder of the year.
Now, if you ran a race during the fall, I hope you finished and was satisfied with your results. Running is not so much about time, (well maybe to some), but about the journey as you trained for your race and ultimately successfully crossing the finish line on race day. I've have run 101 marathons and not once in all the years did anyone ask me about my time for any of the races, they just asked what race was my favorite. So if you finished, be very proud! People will be impressed of your accomplishment and that you finished but could care less about your time. You are a rockstar!
I'd also like to give a very heartfelt shoutout to all of you who qualified and got into the 2020 Boston Marathon. By adjusting the qualifying times by 5 minutes, I think this helped many more of you to finally get in that qualified. So kudos to the B.A.A. for the adjustment.
Guest - Jason Romero
My guest this episode is a life changer for me. Jason Romero, is the author of Running Into the Dark.
Jason has a head spinning running resume. He has completed some of the toughest ultra races such as:
His biggest accomplishment though and what his book centers around is his incredible journey which was Running across the USA, typically called a "transcontinental" run.
What is most amazing, Jason is legally blind and he did this journey on a shoestring budget with a shoestring crew which mostly consisted of his mom and the help of some friends that just appeared. He ran 3,063 miles in 59.5 days averaging 51.5 miles per day starting in Santa Monica and finishing in New York City.
Jason is the only blind runner to ever run across the USA and he in the top ten of the fastest runners to accomplish this. Less than 300 have accomplished a transcontinental run on foot. Jason's book is amazing and opens up about his life, blindness, struggles, obstacles, failures, setbacks but above all else overcoming it all to be a success! Please pick up his book today either in hardcover, paperback, digital or audio right HERE!
Our conversation is open, raw, honest and emotional. If you want to understand what Jason can see today, Click Here and watch him explain it in this YouTube Video. Meeting Jason I truly believe All Things are Possible! You will also!
Jason Romero
New: March 24, 2020 - Vision Run USA - Re-live the run - A 60 day series of Jason with personal audio recordings, GoPro videos and other things that he recorded back in 2016 when he ran across the USA. Click Here for the link!
Jason's Social Media Links - Personal Website - Speaking Website - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Linkedin
Running Into the Dark - Jason's Book on Amazon - Hardcover, Paperback, Digital or Audio - BUY IT TODAY!
Running Vision - Documentary about Jason and his efforts to run 183 miles across Puerto Rico
YouTube Video - Jason explains exactly what he can see today
USABA - United States Association of Blind Athletes

Inspirational Running Quote
"Wake Up Every Day and Commit to be Outstanding" ~Jason Romero
Think about this quote every day when you wake up and see what is possible!
Thanks for listening. Be sure to subscribe to the Feel Good Running on Apple Podcasts and please give us a nice rating and if you feel really motivated leave a review!
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