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Guest Speaker Series: From Amazon Sales to Online Course Creator - Cheri Yazzie
Episode 19530th December 2021 • Course Building Secrets® Podcast • Tara Bryan
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Episode Summary:

"I would say one of the very most important things is having a really solid hook for your online course. So one of the hooks that did the best for us was like how we sold $496,000 and soap, shoes, dog food, and vitamins." - Cheri Yazzie

Meet Cheri Yazzie. Cheri joins me today to drop amazing course-building secrets from her experience creating and selling her Amazon Sales course. She and her husband built a wildly successful Amazon business to teach others how to do the same. Learn from her as she talks about what it takes to create, package and sell her programs.

About my guest, Cheri Yazzie:

To learn more about Cheri and what she is up to, go to You will be so glad you did!

Books and Resources mentioned:

4-hour Work Week - Timothy Ferris

About Course Building Secrets® podcast:

My name is Tara Bryan. I help business owners break into the next level of success by packaging their expertise into an online course experience. It's my passion to help to find the fastest path to results to create a greater impact and income for you and your tribe.

Check out my free Step-by-Step guide to building your online course. In it are the top steps and questions you need to ask before you get started. Check it out here:

This group is 100% focused on support, knowledge and example sharing, and building a community of online course builders who are passionate about building awesome learning experiences.

In this community, we are passionate about building learning experiences that produce results for our learners. We do that by building engaging, motivating, gamified, and learner-centered courses. We come up with ideas and strategies to ensure that our learners can thrive and succeed in our product.

To learn more:

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Here are two ways we can help you grow and scale your online course business:


Join LEARN ACADEMY - Learn Academy is the best Done-with-you Step-by-step Implementation program that will help you create, sell, and launch your online course. 


Join THE COURSE EDIT - The Course Edit is a program that will assess your current online course to take it to the next level. Maybe you have a course that isn't selling or one that people aren't completing (therefore not remaining customers) then it is time for THE COURSE EDIT

Mentioned in this episode:


Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody is Tara Bryan and you are listening to the Course Building Secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give you practical real life tips that you can use today to build your online experiences that get results and create raving fans. Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people without adding more time or team to your business? If you're looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.

Tara Bryan:

Alright, hey, everybody. Welcome to the Course Building Secrets podcast. It's Tara Bryan. And I am joined today with Cheri Yazzie. And I'm so excited to introduce you to her. She has an awesome business that she is going to introduce you to and she's doing all sorts of super cool stuff. And I can't wait for you to get to know her today on this podcast. So Sherry, start us out. Tell us a little bit about yourself your journey, how you've kind of gotten into this world of online programs, online courses, and really building your business on line.

Cheri Yazzie:

Absolutely. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here. Well, when we got started with courses, it was literally out of oh, we you know, we were desperate to find money. And we started selling on Amazon, and it started working. But what kind of was there for me was this kind of feeling of? Okay, well, we figured out how to have it work. But it took us a long time and a lot of money and a lot of mistakes. What if we could teach people how to do it and avoid all of that stuff. And I was like, it just kept percolating in the background. Like I really like to help other people. Because when we finally built our Amazon business, it was like the first time we ever made money online, and consistently and it just kept rolling in and we kept getting the you ship or you know, Amazon shipped the item you sold. And it was this amazing feeling. It was like how could we have other people help other people get this, like, we really wanted to just reach back and be like, Hey, this is what worked for us. Because there was so many things out there like courses that we took that were like teaching wrong things, things that like endangered your account. And I was like, we could do this better and help people. And that was really why we started teaching courses is we wanted to help people. And then of course, once we did it, I was like, this is the best stuff ever. Because you do one time and it's out there making a difference for people repetitively. And I mean like the time available compared to like running an Amazon business versus selling courses was like wildly different. You know, there was just so much more flexibility and, and the results were really fun. Like literally having students be able to take their 90 year old mother on the dream vacation, she always wanted to go on, be able to quit their job to stay home with their kids while earning more than they earned at their job. I mean, like we had people buying Rolexes, Tesla's I like just the gambit of anything, because people have different versions of success, but helping them towards that was so like it was it was just amazing, and a great experience to have. And so I'm big on courses, I think courses are the way to go courses and programs and subscriptions all the way.

Tara Bryan:

Yeah, that's awesome. I love that story. And I think that you know, what's super interesting for people if they're listening to this, and they haven't started building a course yet, right? Like, they haven't gotten into that world of sort of transitioning the thing that you do to teaching other people how to do the thing that you do. Um, what, what was, what was that like, turning point for you? Right? So you did, Amazon, you're you were, you know, doing your thing, you decided to kind of start teaching people how to do it. Like, what was that moment in time that made you really not just think about it, but take action?

Cheri Yazzie:

Well, um, it's funny, I actually kind of got pissed off. So I was out, you know, in the world and Amazon groups and stuff. And there were some guys teaching how to sell on Amazon. And when I got to know them, they weren't actually selling on Amazon. And I was like, What do you mean you guys are? How are you? how's this working? And it really started to bother me. I was like, Okay, if these guys are out there crushing it, you have never really sold on Amazon. I actually saw on Amazon, my husband and I sell on Amazon have created a successful business are currently selling, understand everything that's happening currently. And like why wouldn't we do this? This doesn't mean like it was just it was that there needs to be something better out there. Um, because there was also a somebody else in the space that was, um, and I'll say this, like you said, to mention, like, something like, that people can take away have a niche like truly something so specific people can opt out. And no, it's not for them. But the people that it is for it is four, because we were not only just an Amazon course, but also an online arbitrage. So there's different ways to sell on Amazon like private label. And if you're doing retail arbitrage, if you're doing wholesale, but and those are the aboveboard ones, then there's some other people who teach other openings that aren't as above port, for Amazon Terms of Service. And having that niche was one of the best things, because literally in the space of online arbitrage at the time, there was one other big course. And he was way more high priced, like by a long ways. And so we were that bridge, and by the time we really built up our course business, I would say, you know, we were neck and neck with him as far as like, you know, people finding us. Um, and that's I was just that was an aside, but like, literally having that niche was the most important thing to be able to have people go, Yes, this is what I want to learn. Because even just Amazon is, it's more specific than making money online, but it's not. It, there's so many possibilities that you could get lost if you're trying to teach everything, just specializing in courses is so wonderful, because it really gives people a very specific thing they're working towards.

Tara Bryan:

Yeah, that's awesome. So I heard you say a couple different things. So one is, and it's funny, because I was just talking to somebody about this yesterday, the pretend guru, right, like the pretend expert, and how much crap is out there from those people who say, Oh, I'm the expert, and they really aren't, they just happen to be good at selling, whatever it is that they are selling, right. But they're, they're the pretend experts, when you know, you and and myself and other people out there are real experts at what we do. And so, you know, getting fired up and being like, no, like, we have, you know, much more clout to be able to teach this, we know what we're doing, we we've been in the trenches, let's go and build this. And I think that's a really strong message for people to hear is just because somebody is out there, doesn't mean they're legit, right? So you can compete with with them, especially if you are not a pretend guru. So I think that's a super important message. So, so I'm glad that you shared that. The other thing is when you said like, you know, find your niche, right, is a so often I think people struggle with Well, I'm an expert at this, but why would people pay for that? Or you can find all the information on Google or, like, you know, what is it that I have that's unique and special. And I think that, to your point, like, really being able to identify what that is, and finding that kind of just, that's that level of specificity allows people to, to find you and, and have you stand out and, and, and to be able to build that so. So that's awesome. I think that's definitely something that is a strong lesson is Find that thing, be confident in your little niche, whatever that is, and just start, start attracting people to you. That's awesome. To

Cheri Yazzie:

your point, you know, people can find how to sell on Amazon all over, right, but they couldn't find the system that I created. And I would say that's the other point with a course is it needs to be your system. So this system that I created was actually I learned from somebody who doesn't teach Amazon their system. And then I took what I knew and added to it and kept adding to it until it was this full fledged, you know, from beginner to $30,000 a month system of how to sell on Amazon using online arbitrage. And that was really key. Because other people didn't have that even if they taught it, they didn't teach it the way that I taught it. Even if you went and found it on YouTube, you weren't going to get the very specific system that actually was proven to work by me and then our students repetitively. And that right there is the differentiating factor if you've done it, and this is the thing I always, I mean, like, I want you to work with people who want to teach something they've not done. I'm like, No, sorry. Because I think that you have to do it. You have to really have that expertise of boots on the ground. How did it go? What did you do? Because if you don't know the potholes or the possible problems, you're really doing a disservice to your students. Because if you have enough students, they're gonna find the potholes. They're going to find the pitfall they are like, and if you don't know how to help them through it, it's just a I think it's a rough go and even if you can help them, avoid them like here I totally fell into this. This is why you do it like this. Um, that creates a strong course and a strong system. And that's one thing I think some people forget is, yes, people will find this information, but they won't have it in a system that they know works, right? Because some random person on YouTube saying something doesn't mean that it's working.

Tara Bryan:

Yep. Yeah, absolutely. And we call that the learner success path. Because the you know, the reality is, is that people will pay to be put into a system that they know works, and that that somebody else has actually gone through it to short and then they can shorten the process they can, to your point, get them through the hurdles, and obstacles and whatever else that they're going to hit faster and easier and with less pain. And an absolutely, being able to do that. And help people out with that is is critical. So do you think that that's like the secret sauce to a course that is successful, and when that fails?

Cheri Yazzie:

I think the secret sauce to a successful course, is your confidence in what you're selling. Because the thing is, if you're talking about selling, right, and then how much you can transfer that competence to your students, that what you're teaching is the way, right, if you can watch them into learning is the way, um, because if they feel like they're doing it, then they have that confidence, then they're likely to take action, because that's the whole trick with courses is actually having your students take the action. And so it's the confidence in you, your system, being able to transfer that over there, so much so that they're like, I've got this and they actually start taking action, because we had hundreds and hundreds of students come through. And right there were some who didn't do well. And why was it they took almost no action, right? Maybe they would learn the whole course or go through a little thing, but they would never actually take the the steps. And the ones who came in and crushed it. Right? They took the action as they went, they they got fired up. And they went in and it was like they were doing. And then as they did, right, they got their own confidence from sales, like, oh my gosh, I sent in it, and it sold, hey, I'm gonna look for more of those. And that right there is the key is having those smaller wins. And I would say that's the other thing, having a smaller wins, helps your clients and customers build that feeling of confidence, because it's action always like you can have the best information in the world. If no one takes action on it, you're not gonna get anything.

Tara Bryan:

Okay, so that's cool. So So tell me like, What is your one of your biggest tips or strategies for how do you get people to take action in your courses,

Cheri Yazzie:

I find one of the best ways is to have a really powerful story that people are very clear about, like you came from here, and you've got to here and this is how you did it. And then also supporting that with case studies and testimonials from your customers. Like for us, it was like, you know, a high school dropout. So it's $20,000 a month, Amazon, you know, previous lows, managers become stay at home dad, so $50,000 in a month on Amazon, like literally continuing to, like reinforce this, it's possible. It's not just possible for one kind of person was possible. For women, it's possible for men, it's possible for older people, younger people, it's like, as much as you can, obviously whoever your demographic is, but instilling that that belief, honestly, to me is the most important thing. Because then once if they start taking actions, and you have some stuff in there, where they get wins quickly. We're all I mean, as humans, right? If you win, you're like, oh, I want to do more of that, you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna double down or do more, of course, I'm gonna keep taking the actions. So that's what I would say is it's a combination between instilling those possibilities in them, oh, small wins along the way.

Tara Bryan:

Yeah, that's awesome. And I think that one of the things we don't talk a lot about, when we're actually doing the mechanics of putting something together is, is that belief, and that, you know, helping people with the mindset that it's possible, because they have to believe that it's possible in order to actually take the action, because you can give them the the tactical steps to take action, but if they don't believe that they can do it, then they're, they're not going to be all in they're not going to actually execute in and do it. So yeah, that's super interesting. Awesome. All right. So give me one like really concrete tip that people can apply when they're either selling, creating or launching their online course experience, like what's like your, you know, if you had a group of people in front of you who were just like, Cheri, you know, give me the secret to your whole success in one of those categories. What would you Tell them

Cheri Yazzie:

I would say one of the very most important thing like, is having a really solid hook. So one of the hooks that did the best for us was like how we sold $496,000 and soap shoes, dog food and vitamins. So it builds curiosity. People were like, see what now? Uh huh, yeah, it had a sexy reward in it. And it was specific enough that it's not just anything, right? I mean, like, that even takes online arbitrage and makes it specific. Like it makes you want to lean in, they want to learn more. And I would say, inside of that one title that became titles for our webinars for our some of our videos, variations of that title on several different videos. It became the basis of like, how people even found us, and why did it super work is because people want to know what's in it for them, right? They want to know what's possible. And they want to know what the reward is like, in I find that sometimes with course creators, we tend to be like, Well, don't people understand the reward? I mean, they should already know, right? I mean, like, this is good stuff. I've poured my heart and soul into it. It's amazing. But they don't unless we tell them and not just tell them, but tell them using the sexy reward the thing that they the end result of if you help people here from A to B, what are they? What are they doing it be what's what's, what's the awesome, sexy, tangible thing that they have? You know, it's like even people who like Teach confidence. You don't want confidence for confidence, you want confidence to be able to go in and ask your boss for more money, you want confidence to be able to find that partner who treats you amazing, like, right, those are more tangible things.

Tara Bryan:

Right. Right. Well, and that's so good. And, you know, I want to dig one more layer deeper into that, because you're 100% True, right? It's all about the hook, what I find that people struggle with the most, especially when you're a course creator, meaning you have an expertise that you want to teach other people how to do and, or how to achieve or how to be successful or whatever, is, it's really hard to get yourself out of that expert mindset, right? Super hard to be like, Well, okay, I know the result. But how do I make that sexy? Right? It's like, it's super easy to teach it and put it into a framework? Well, I say it's easy, because that's my thing. That's difficult for people to do but but more, I think it's more comfortable for people to think about what they're teaching and, and how they're going to teach it than it is to think about, you know, even positioning it different like that, that sexy, you know, hook or the sexy headline, that's harder for people, because you almost have to get out of your own expertise in order to do that. How did you find yourself able, being able to do that? And like, do you have like a tip that would help somebody? If they are struggling with? How do you even just get out of your own expertise?

Cheri Yazzie:

So yeah, cuz I mean, right? We, you get into the teaching bits, and it's like, the how tos and all of that. But you can have the best how tos is no one knows why they should watch it, or why it's amazing. I mean, like, even if it's in your course, like, even your module titles should be sexy, like, so that people get why they want to watch it, because even after they bought your course, their stuff, they're gonna skip it for like nit. But if you want him to watch it, you want it to be sexy, and they're gonna reward. So the way that I think about it is I backed up. And I think, okay, if I'm here, you know, whoever you're marketing to, right? So for us, like, beginner Amazon seller, so like, we've probably sold some stuff, maybe they're around $1,000 a month, like, but it's not really enough to make a business like, It's good, right? Some extra money rolling in. But it's not enough to fully make a business or like quit your job or anything like that. Then if you go over here to, okay, I've quit my job, I have this stellar business, you know, I'm taking home $10,000 in my bank account for myself, what? What happened and like, wow, that right there, this, that's sexy, and that's clear. And so when you pull back, you want to think of someone going through your program, and having that result and what would that be? And how would you speak that result? How would you communicate it specifically? Um, and the best thing is actually have people go through your program, and then find out, like, have exit interviews where you're like, you know what happened? So for us, we did, instead of exit interviews, we actually did YouTube interviews where we like they're side by side, on Zoom, and we would talk to them about their story, their struggle, the things that worked and like where they are, and what results they were getting. So obviously we focused on a lot on the money. But sometimes we focused on like that the trips that they were able to take and being home with their children, like, so there's really specific results. And then that feeds really truly your results, because those are true life results that your people got, in the beginning, before you have people. Just what did you get? What like, do you don't have to hit up? Do you don't have to have an alarm in the morning or like, literally, it can be as small or as big as you want it to. You just focus on that till you get some people through, and then now go out and do some stuff and have cool results. And sometimes you're like, Wow, that's a result I was not expecting, right. But then those are things you can list as well

Tara Bryan:

in your hooks. What I love to what you were talking about earlier is what are the small wins. And sometimes, maybe it's not the big bang result that you want to focus on. But what are those small things that then you can help help highlight as, you know, kind of the bigger reward as they're going or as they're growing or whatever, you know, and as you're building up your, your whole list of, you know, results that other people have gotten in your course. So that's awesome. Very cool.

Cheri Yazzie:

Oh, and I would say, this is one of the things like when people tell you nice things online, if they send you a review, if they reply to your email, have a place centralized like a Google Doc that you put every single thing because you think you'll remember, but you don't. And then then sometimes your ways down the road. And you're like, Man, I don't mean to smiles. But I bet you do. Because people tend to when they have a great experience, they will say something, whether it's online, where you can obviously solicit testimonials and things, but have a place. And honestly, as we talked about before with the confidence before you do this video before you write a sales page, go read through those testimonials, because you want to be full up with that confidence of I am so good when you get on into videos and content. Yeah,

Tara Bryan:

that's so good. I love that. Awesome. Okay, so one of the things that that I didn't tee you up for, but I'm going to I'm going to put you on the spot for now is one of the things I love about you. And sharing I go way back, we're in a program together. But one of the things I love about cherry is, is that you can show up authentically and confidently like you were saying, and, and be unique in in whatever it is that you're doing. So if it's you know, the courses that you're selling, or your Amazon business or the other things that you do, like you are all in and you are and you just light up, you know all the different spots that you're in, when you do that, like what's your secret sauce for that, because I feel like, that's something that you just are always, I'm sure you're not always like that. But But whenever I see you whenever you're out there in the world, you're just you're just show up and you do your thing. And that's so important, in my opinion, in order to draw people to you. So what is it that like, that allows you to be able to show up that way? Like, like, give us a little bit of the behind the scenes of Cheri and how that works for you.

Cheri Yazzie:

Awesome. Thank you. I love the question. I love being put on the spot and totally good. I wouldn't say honestly, it's personal responsibility. And by that I mean I come to enjoy myself, you said I'm not like the RBI probably not like that all the time. I actually really am like this all the time. Because if I'm doing stuff that I don't like, that is pulling on my energy that I hate, I almost always systematize that stuff out. Like or I, you know, find someone else to do it. Like there's just so many options, you don't have to get stuck in things you hate doing. And so the and then the other part of that, so I take responsibility to really design the parts of my life that I love. So like, for instance, with the Amazon course, we actually phased it out, because it was I was no longer enjoying selling on Amazon. I was no longer enjoying talking about Kate. You know, and all of that parts and I was like I'm here for something else. And so we started to phase it out because it was no longer fitting and that I think people get stuck in this. Right like they are one of my favorite things is I don't know did you watch the movie and the biopic about NWA IceCube and, and Dr. Dre and all them. Okay, well Dr. Dre in that movie, he recorded these amazing beats but he was in this really toxic like, relationship with his label. And he they were holding it holding him like you if you leave. We own these and you don't get any money from He was like, I can just make more. I'm like super common, I'll just make more. And he did it actually twice in the course. Now the story is he's a billionaire. And so it's like, I was this idea of the confidence that you don't have to stay in anything. Even if it's been the thing you've been doing, you can move on you can, you can create it how you want it to be. And that's honestly why I'm light and bright and enjoying myself because I want to enjoy myself. And if things aren't enjoyable, I fix them, or move them or shift them. I do it in my personal life, I do it in my family, I do it in my business, because I feel like we're here to enjoy ourselves. If we're not enjoying ourselves. What is the point, especially as entrepreneurs, is like, we broken free from our jobs, most of us, right? And it's like, so no one's telling us what to do. But if we're still miserable in entrepreneurship, that's fully on us. Like, because we are the ones who create our schedules. We're the ones who say what we work on whether, because there's a buyer out there for anything, literally, if some guy can sell Bigfoot tours, because it's not even real guys. Like we can sell whatever we want.

Tara Bryan:

Yes, yes. I love that. Awesome. So with that you've sort of transitioned a little bit right off of the Amazon courses. So are you doing some some new courses? Are you doing something a little bit different?

Cheri Yazzie:

I actually have some courses in the works. Which is so funny, because I've been kind of just doing more like, VIP sessions, one to one kind of things. And some stuff around ads and things because I teamed up with an ad agency, but I was like, I just barely was like, Oh, I and it was Thank you was having you invite me on the podcast. I'm like, Oh, that's right, my first love courses, I need to go back, I miss you so much. So I'm actually just gonna put together some things for women entrepreneurs, to help them like with really specific processes like hiring, you know, like, nothing huge and overarching, I just actually want to start putting some courses back out there in the world. So yeah, that's what I'm working on.

Tara Bryan:

Awesome. Very cool. Well, and that's a great segment. Because one question that I always love to ask is in, especially women business owners is, a lot of times we have a lot on our plate, right? We're busy, you know, moms or, you know, part of a family, whatever it is we're doing in that we're running a business, household, all sorts of other things. So what would you say? Are your habits or routines or different things that you do to stay kind of motivated to stay excited to stay in the game amidst all of the other distractions that are going on?

Cheri Yazzie:

So I restructured my life a while ago, and put myself firmly first. Now I obviously still take good care of my son, but I'm first. And what that means is because like, I never put myself first I was like, my husband was first Mike, my son was first. You know, my business was first my clients were first like, all of that was first. And so the at the end, like I'm exhausted, I'm, like, just ragged. Like, I started looking older. I was like, okay, my energy was crap. I'm like, Okay, I actually think there's a different way to do this. And at first, I felt super selfish. I was like, I'm gonna take put myself first I take baths, I dance, I sing. I just enjoyed it. So I intentionally chose to watch Netflix. I mean, like, I listened to what I want to do, and I do it a lot, right? And so what does that do? It actually seems to compress time, because I'm able to show up as a mom, I'm able to show up in my relationship, and I'm able to show up online. Because I am taken care of, I feel good like, right, I get my nails done, I I do the little things that actually make that difference. And the little things of getting cared for. And I'm and over the last year when No, I couldn't do that. Again, it reminded me of how important it is to actually schedule time to take care of yourself because or have someone else take care of you. That small acts that small bit of pampering can like sustain, at least for me sustain me for like a month. I feel really good. Because I know I'm cared for in a different level. So when I did that, then everything started to naturally fall into place. Like my son started doing his own laundry. Like things little things. It was kind of like, why am I doing this? How about you do it? And he's like, cool. Yeah, I'll do my own laundry. And I want to talk taught him how to do it. And he managed it. So then it's like, something same thing. I'm like, oh, you know what, this is already for anymore. One of you like to do this? Or, and then like we hired out for a housecleaner years ago, um, before we could afford it, but it was massive. Like it took this huge bunch off my plate. I never, I didn't have to worry anymore. You know, you go in and you like, go to the bathroom. Oh man, it's dirty. I gotta clean this up. It's the mental energy continually of all of the things you have to manage. And so when you take it off your plate, now, if it ever is dirty, I'm like, Oh, she's probably coming really soon. Oh, yeah, she's,

Tara Bryan:

you know, yep. Yeah, for sure.

Cheri Yazzie:

It lightens, you have aphasia. It sounds simple. But it really is the stuff that changes it. Because I have a lot of time that I am one of the only entrepreneurs I know who has lots of time. I'm pretty flexible. But it's because I've done it this way. And so it just doesn't seems difficult. And I'm not resisting so much, right? Because that's one of the things when we're hating what we're doing. We resist it, we avoid. And that's like, you know, we've been doing scrolling for two hours. And then we're like, where did the time go? Oh, yeah, on the day, I'm scrolling and feeling guilty that I wasn't doing X, Y, and Z with my child. And when you like, just like, oh, frickin Frick all that I'm not interested. Right? You have so much more time.

Tara Bryan:

Well, and it's true, right? That if you take care of yourself first, then you it? It does, it frees up some of the energy that that sort of just being sucked from you just in general? Because I mean, I can, you know, I can, every single time I either can't show up or don't show up or just I'm drained. It's because of that. It's because I haven't taken the time for me it's running, or you know, like getting up early, and just having some quiet time before all the crazy happens. And I can tell when I don't do that. Because then I can't show up. It's it's harder to show up. Versus if I've done that. I'm like, oh, yeah, this is super easy to show up. Because I have I'm full like, I can do it. So yeah, that's, that's, that's so important. And so that's, that's awesome. So whether you are a woman business owner listening to this, or you are married to one, it is very, very important to listen to that message. So thank you for sharing that Cheri. Okay. So to wrap us up, I have one other question that I always asked, which is give us a tool, a book, a resource, a tip or something that we may go out and look for. That has been kind of like one of the key things that you recommend people do to get in this game?

Cheri Yazzie:

So that was a that was that question I was when I read it. I'm like, Huh, interesting. What would I say? And I really think two things. Again, going back to building your own confidence is really huge. And one of the best ways I found is to read other people's stories to find other people's just there's how it went. Because the more you feel like there's so many possible ways to make money. There's so many possible things to teach on. There's so many possibilities, other ways to do things. That is like the biggest expander. And so for me, I'm guessing probably audiences already read this book. But the four hour workweek was a big deal for me, because it it took me out of the paradigm of UK, you do this, and then you do this. And then you do this. And then you do this, and then you die. And it was like wait, people are sailing around the world and selling T shirts. What do you mean, like, openly like, so any stories like that, and I tried to think of another book, but foreign workweek was one of the one that truly because it focuses on business, it focuses on totally different ways to do things that just got my mind moving in the hole. This is a possibility kind of a way. And then the second part for me, especially with courses, is when I found like, so I use fg funnels or kartra. And honestly, having a centralized place where I didn't have to worry about all of the tech stack stuff made a huge difference in how I was able to test things even like you know, without building out full out, you know what your final would look like, but like, what your final course would look like, but more like just testing. Is this an interest in are people interested in this? Before? When I was like trying to piecemeal it. It's like things would break down. And then I wasn't clear, like, did people really click the button or like, so I would say those two things, building that confidence. So anything that does that stories is what I find from entrepreneurs. And so obviously like listening, your podcast would be great because you get all these different ways of people doing it. And then having a tool that you feel confident that you know that you can test your stuff that you know you can put your stuff in there. Yep, that's

Tara Bryan:

awesome. Very cool. All right, awesome. So where can our listeners find you if they want to hear more about We're from you.

Cheri Yazzie:

They can go to lovable So that's spelled like ello ve Abel a BLE

Tara Bryan:

Awesome. Very cool Cheri I am so glad that you were able to join us today. Thank you so much for all of these great, awesome nuggets you gave us today. We appreciate it. And best wishes to you in your, your future endeavors. So we'll have to have to keep track of what you're doing and what those new courses are that you're going to be putting out there. So thanks so much for joining us today.

Cheri Yazzie:

Thank you for having me.



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