In May 2015 Donny Seyfer was named Chairman of ASA. He says it is a ‘NEW’ organization that is changing in many positive ways. Donny shares his inside view on the Automotive Service Association and discusses the biggest benefits to the membership.
He also talks about their big expo and conference NACE/CARS, in July 2015, and the reason behind the move to a summer show. He also takes us behind the scenes on how they built the show from the ground up to provide valuable tools that will benefit members who attend NACE/CARS. And for all who may not know this is both a collision and automotive repair expo and conference. For anyone not familiar with the acronym NACE: International Auto body Congress & Exposition and CARS: Congress of Automotive Repairs and Service.
Donny talks about membership from both automotive repair and collision members … the value their affiliates provide and why the affiliates are important to the organization.
Also get the back story of AMI. Automotive Management Institute (SP) and the AAM (Accredited Automotive Manager) designation that is the only one of its kind in the industry.
Donny is very candid in the rebirth of ASA and their future direction. He also discusses finding new ways to reach out to other organizations and become friends through creating new affiliates and bridging many broken factions into the organization again.
ASA Web Site