An often overlooked benefit of The Infinite Banking Concept® is the tax efficiency created by becoming your own banker.
In this episode, we discuss three ways IBC can improve your tax situation:
Tune in and learn all about taxes with Infinite Banking!
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(upbeat music)
Speaker:- Hello everyone, this is John Montoya.
Speaker:- And this is John Perrings.
Speaker:- We are Infinite Banking authorized practitioners,
Speaker:and hosts of "The Fifth Edition."
Speaker:- Welcome everyone.
Speaker:This is episode 57, "Using IBC to be Tax Efficient."
Speaker:And if we take a look at our wealth
Speaker:over the length of our lifetime,
Speaker:one of the biggest destroyers of wealth
Speaker:is the lost opportunity costs over the course of our life
Speaker:that taxes has on us, it's massive.
Speaker:And so in this episode,
Speaker:we're going to discuss a few dimensions
Speaker:on how to be more efficient with your tax obligations
Speaker:when you've implemented the Infinite Banking Concept.
Speaker:And in that we're going to cover
Speaker:how to pay taxes more efficiently,
Speaker:how to reduce your taxes,
Speaker:and how to get more to use,
Speaker:and enjoy while you're still alive
Speaker:because you've done those things.
Speaker:- Awesome, well, this will be a good episode
Speaker:because it's going to give you different ideas
Speaker:on how you can better manage your money,
Speaker:because at the end of the day,
Speaker:we work hard to keep as much of our money as possible,
Speaker:but we're lacking in ideas
Speaker:on how we can keep most of what we earn.
Speaker:It's not what you earn, it's what you keep.
Speaker:And so the Infinite Banking strategy
Speaker:really does add a whole nother dimension
Speaker:that for the majority of Americans they're really lacking
Speaker:because they follow the traditional,
Speaker:or what I would say is the typical financial plan,
Speaker:which is outsourcing our capital to other sources,
Speaker:and not really following
Speaker:what we were talking pre-show about,
Speaker:the American spirit of paying
Speaker:the least amount of taxes as possible.
Speaker:Well, here we have a strategy, Infinite Banking,
Speaker:that will allow you to do that
Speaker:so you can keep more of what you take home.
Speaker:So I'm excited to do this episode with you, John.
Speaker:And let's get started.
Speaker:- Yeah, likewise.
Speaker:And so let's talk about the first one,
Speaker:how to pay taxes more efficiently.
Speaker:And so there are
Speaker:ways you can use IBC as a place to store capital
Speaker:where you can kind of create sort of a virtual escrow fund,
Speaker:And, of course, the insurance companies
Speaker:aren't gonna do this for you.
Speaker:This is all personally calculated stuff for your finances,
Speaker:but you can kind of carve out some money
Speaker:for things like property tax,
Speaker:for things like income tax, right?
Speaker:In episode 55,
Speaker:we had an amazing episode with John's wife,
Speaker:where this isn't really a tax necessarily,
Speaker:but healthcare costs, right?
Speaker:All things that
Speaker:leverage the value of our whole life insurance policy
Speaker:to minimize the lost opportunity cost on those expenses.
Speaker:And so if you think about, like, paying your property tax,
Speaker:or your income tax,
Speaker:once you pay those it's gone forever, right?
Speaker:Now you have to save that money again,
Speaker:and pay that money all over again.
Speaker:What if you only had to fund,
Speaker:and save for those expenses one time,
Speaker:and then you could just recycle the use of that money
Speaker:over and over again to pay those things to Uncle Sam,
Speaker:or your state or local tax
Speaker:in the case of your property taxes?
Speaker:What if you only had to do that one time,
Speaker:and then you had that fund that you could reuse
Speaker:over and over and over again?
Speaker:- Yeah, you just made me think of how so many practitioners,
Speaker:or anyone selling life insurance,
Speaker:they have run on this idea of
Speaker:how many cars can you finance in your lifetime?
Speaker:And look at what you can do if you finance
Speaker:your own cars through your policies.
Speaker:And it just made me think,
Speaker:well, that's certainly one aspect
Speaker:where you could benefit from having an IBC policy
Speaker:to finance cars,
Speaker:but that's something where
Speaker:it's not a given that you're going to finance all your cars
Speaker:through IBC.
Speaker:And for a lot of people,
Speaker:an automobile may be a luxury item.
Speaker:It's not a requirement by any means,
Speaker:but here we have what we're talking specifically about
Speaker:property taxes.
Speaker:If you own your home, there's no way of getting around it.
Speaker:You gotta pay that every single year.
Speaker:Same with your income taxes.
Speaker:You go labor for your money,
Speaker:you're gonna have to pay Uncle Sam income taxes,
Speaker:so there's no getting around it.
Speaker:Well, what's the best way to make sure
Speaker:that the money that you are earning gets additional value?
Speaker:Well, in prior episodes, we've talked about what I call
Speaker:the ninth wonder of the world,
Speaker:uninterrupted compounding interest.
Speaker:The problem with this idea
Speaker:of uninterrupted compounding interest
Speaker:is that where in the heck can you find a place
Speaker:where you can capitalize,
Speaker:and keep that money growing for the rest of your life?
Speaker:Well, IBC is that financial unicorn.
Speaker:We know that we have to pay our property taxes.
Speaker:We know that we have to pay our income taxes.
Speaker:Well, where's the best place to capitalize?
Speaker:Well, we think it's a whole life policy
Speaker:structured so that we can turbocharge that cash value,
Speaker:and then use it for
Speaker:opportunities like this where we know
Speaker:we have a tax bill coming.
Speaker:Well, we've capitalized,
Speaker:we have the ability to borrow against it,
Speaker:keep our money growing, compounding,
Speaker:even though we've paid our taxes,
Speaker:whether that's property taxes or income taxes,
Speaker:but we're still getting the benefit
Speaker:of the compounding effect on our money.
Speaker:And let's not also forget, too, if you're a family person,
Speaker:you're also getting the additional benefit
Speaker:of the death benefit,
Speaker:that extra protection for your family
Speaker:that's just coming along for the ride.
Speaker:And then you add in all the extra benefits
Speaker:that you get with your policy,
Speaker:the disability waiver premium,
Speaker:maybe there's a chronic illness rider,
Speaker:you're getting all this economic value
Speaker:just because you're saving for your property taxes,
Speaker:or your income taxes through your policy.
Speaker:If you don't have an IBC policy,
Speaker:none of this is even possible.
Speaker:You're having to spend even more dollars
Speaker:to get these additional economic benefits
Speaker:by splitting up your dollars and having to save more.
Speaker:This just automatically comes along for the ride.
Speaker:So setting up an IBC policy so that you have,
Speaker:you can use it as an escrow fund just makes your dollars,
Speaker:the money that you earn go even further.
Speaker:And that's what we're talking about here
Speaker:in being more efficient with your tax dollars,
Speaker:you're getting way more bang for your buck.
Speaker:- Yeah, and you mentioned the uninterrupted compounding.
Speaker:If you ran a future value calculator
Speaker:on the uninterrupted compounding of the money
Speaker:that you give up when you pay taxes,
Speaker:it's insane how much money that would be.
Speaker:And so what we want to look at
Speaker:is how can we minimize those losses.
Speaker:And if you haven't read "Becoming Your Own Banker"
Speaker:you need to read that ASAP if this is of interest to you.
Speaker:And in that book, he talks about flying an airplane,
Speaker:and he talks about you're either flying into a headwind,
Speaker:like flying from New York to San Francisco,
Speaker:or you're flying with a tailwind
Speaker:where you're flying from San Francisco to New York.
Speaker:San Francisco to New York takes about an hour less time
Speaker:because you have that tailwind behind you pushing you along.
Speaker:And that's exactly what we're talking about
Speaker:with all of these recurring expenses through our life.
Speaker:By strategically capitalizing first,
Speaker:and then using the strategies and the capabilities
Speaker:that a whole life insurance provides you,
Speaker:a whole life insurance policy provides you,
Speaker:you can create that tailwind in your life.
Speaker:And so if you haven't done it yet,
Speaker:I actually model this out for you in a module
Speaker:in our online course,
Speaker:which you can get access to at,
Speaker:and it's called Recurring Expense Funds.
Speaker:And so I model out how this could work with cars or taxes,
Speaker:and you can see for yourself
Speaker:that if you isolate a single expense,
Speaker:it creates a massive improvement,
Speaker:and a significant tailwind in your financial life
Speaker:if you know how to plan for these things correctly.
Speaker:- Yeah, and I think you said a key word there, planning.
Speaker:If you're doing IBC,
Speaker:it affords you the ability to think in the future,
Speaker:and present yourself with these opportunities
Speaker:because you are planning.
Speaker:It's when you don't plan where you get stuck,
Speaker:and you don't have the additional benefits
Speaker:that we're talking about you're basically
Speaker:living for the most part
Speaker:every six months to a year at a time.
Speaker:And if you're doing that,
Speaker:this should be a wake-up call
Speaker:that you gotta get away from that.
Speaker:IBC does allow you to better plan out
Speaker:how you're going to utilize your capital,
Speaker:and for tax expenses
Speaker:for what you're talking about there, John,
Speaker:with setting up a reoccurring expense fund.
Speaker:Well, what other place are you gonna find
Speaker:more bang for your buck than with an IBC policy?
Speaker:I honestly can't think of one,
Speaker:but let's go even further than that.
Speaker:Let's talk about creating 1099s,
Speaker:or other business income with an IBC policy.
Speaker:- Yeah, so there's how can we create this tailwind
Speaker:by being more efficient in how we pay taxes that we owe?
Speaker:How can we actually reduce the amount of taxes that we owe,
Speaker:To John's point earlier
Speaker:where there's plenty of legal precedent
Speaker:that there's no obligation to pay more taxes than you owe.
Speaker:And so how do we reduce those?
Speaker:And if we believe in that and we have that spirit,
Speaker:how is our financial life set up to accomplish that?
Speaker:W-2 employees, like regular employees who get W-2 income,
Speaker:they really have very few options
Speaker:to reduce the amount of taxes that they pay.
Speaker:The entities that do have a lot of options are businesses.
Speaker:And so how can we start creating,
Speaker:and how can we create business income for ourself
Speaker:so that it gives our total income picture?
Speaker:Once you create business income,
Speaker:all of your income is now subject to the options
Speaker:that you have because you created that business income
Speaker:to reduce the amount of tax on your total income
Speaker:by having some income come in that's business income,
Speaker:and so this could be a business,
Speaker:it could be rental real estate,
Speaker:it could be lending out there
Speaker:like different types of lending,
Speaker:any of the income that comes in from that,
Speaker:it opens up your accountant,
Speaker:it gives them the option to start
Speaker:actually reducing taxes on your behalf
Speaker:rather than only getting
Speaker:the standard deduction that you get,
Speaker:or only being able to write off
Speaker:the interest payments on your mortgage,
Speaker:or having to get married.
Speaker:Those are really the only options you have as a W-2 employee
Speaker:until you start getting
Speaker:some of that business income coming in.
Speaker:- Yeah, the IRS tax code is basically
Speaker:set up to benefit people
Speaker:who are in that business owner quadrant.
Speaker:If you read Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
Speaker:you come to learn that the people who are W-2
Speaker:are gonna pay the most taxes.
Speaker:There's just not a whole lot you can do there.
Speaker:Well, with IBC,
Speaker:because you're capitalizing in the best place possible,
Speaker:we call it an opportunity fund.
Speaker:And thinking about how I was able to go out on my own,
Speaker:thinking about Kelly's interview in episode 55,
Speaker:and what she mentioned about how she started her IBC policy
Speaker:as an escrow fund.
Speaker:Well, it later turned for her into an opportunity fund
Speaker:where she had the capital to start her own business.
Speaker:Exactly like what I was able to do
Speaker:when I wanted to venture out on my own,
Speaker:I had the capital to do it.
Speaker:And not only did it free me from the W-2 world,
Speaker:but it also allows me to have greater flexibility,
Speaker:and just
Speaker:how much I have to pay in taxes
Speaker:simply because as a business owner,
Speaker:there are so many more things that I can write off,
Speaker:and having the flexibility,
Speaker:because I have multiple IBC policies at this point,
Speaker:I'm challenged to put it into words,
Speaker:but until you capitalize,
Speaker:and give yourself this opportunity to be your own boss,
Speaker:you're really gonna be challenged to pay
Speaker:what you feel is the proper amount in taxes.
Speaker:I mean, you really have no say if you are W-2.
Speaker:So having an IBC policy that whether you set it up initially
Speaker:as an escrow account,
Speaker:or later to be your opportunity fund,
Speaker:it does allow you to essentially create a bridge
Speaker:where you can create additional streams of income
Speaker:that aren't gonna be taxed the same way as your W-2 wages.
Speaker:And I think that's huge.
Speaker:- Yeah, and so I'll just say what John just said, again,
Speaker:but add a little more detail.
Speaker:So what he's talking about is,
Speaker:when you accumulate life insurance cash value,
Speaker:so you've now strategically capitalized,
Speaker:what are you gonna buy with that capital?
Speaker:We talked about paying taxes with it.
Speaker:What about buying other income generating assets?
Speaker:So like, I think, John Montoya, his wife, Kelly, myself,
Speaker:we all have stories about how we were able to use
Speaker:life insurance cash value to go out on our own,
Speaker:and start our own businesses.
Speaker:For John and myself, it's in this business, right?
Speaker:But it doesn't even have to be that extreme.
Speaker:You could stay a W-2 employee,
Speaker:like there are a lot of W-2 employees
Speaker:who are making a lot of money out there.
Speaker:They just, unfortunately,
Speaker:don't have much they can do in the tax world.
Speaker:What if you strategically capitalized
Speaker:a whole life insurance policy,
Speaker:and then you used that capital to go out,
Speaker:and buy income generating assets
Speaker:that starts generating 1099 or K-1 income.
Speaker:Now all of a sudden your accountant
Speaker:can start itemizing deductions
Speaker:rather than just taking that standard deduction
Speaker:that you only have access to when you're a W-2 employee.
Speaker:By the way, as an aside,
Speaker:what's one of the most common objections
Speaker:to whole life insurance
Speaker:is that it has a horrible rate of return.
Speaker:It's a bad investment.
Speaker:Meanwhile, what's the rate of return
Speaker:on changing your entire economic future
Speaker:by lowering the amount of taxes that you have,
Speaker:or even being able to change careers?
Speaker:Can you do a rate of return calculation on that?
Speaker:And so I think this kind of vulgar idea
Speaker:of only looking at the rate of return
Speaker:of a life insurance policy
Speaker:is really missing the forest for the trees.
Speaker:- Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker:And not only that, but it also brings back the point that,
Speaker:if you're capitalizing money for a return on it,
Speaker:meaning chasing rate of return,
Speaker:you're missing the whole idea of a whole life policy
Speaker:because it's not an investment.
Speaker:We talk about this quite a bit.
Speaker:It's a contract and it's a savings vehicle.
Speaker:When utilized properly,
Speaker:it gives you the ability to take advantage of opportunities
Speaker:that you would otherwise miss out on.
Speaker:So the idea of just simply setting up a whole life policy
Speaker:as an investment, completely missing the bigger picture,
Speaker:but to bring us back to what we're talking about,
Speaker:and what I think is really critical,
Speaker:we've talked about this before
Speaker:is the business owner mindset.
Speaker:- Yes.
Speaker:- So if you are W-2'd, okay, great,
Speaker:but at the same time,
Speaker:you also still need to take responsibility for your money,
Speaker:take responsibility for your capital.
Speaker:And if you are basically,
Speaker:the type of person who is a W-2 employee,
Speaker:and all you're doing to, quote, unquote, save
Speaker:is put money in your 401(k),
Speaker:you do not have a business owner mindset,
Speaker:you have an employee mindset, and you're gonna be.
Speaker:- Hoping and praying.
Speaker:- Quite literally chained to your job
Speaker:for the rest of your life.
Speaker:And you're gonna only have really one source of income
Speaker:that you've created for yourself,
Speaker:and it's gonna be 100% taxable with that traditional 401(k).
Speaker:And you're gonna be riding the markets up and down
Speaker:until you eventually retire.
Speaker:And then even furthermore, once you do retire,
Speaker:you're still riding that rollercoaster
Speaker:for the rest of your life with no certainty, predictability,
Speaker:any clarity on how much you're going to have,
Speaker:and be able to live off once you do get to retirement.
Speaker:And it all comes back to the fact
Speaker:that you never developed a business owner mindset.
Speaker:And so having an IBC policy,
Speaker:and, hopefully, multiple policies,
Speaker:you're gonna start to develop
Speaker:this business owner mindset muscle in your head
Speaker:because you're accumulating capital,
Speaker:and you're, hopefully, gonna get to this point
Speaker:where you're gonna say,
Speaker:well, how can I be more efficient with this capital?
Speaker:What can I take advantage of in my life where I can
Speaker:get more bang for my buck with this capital,
Speaker:or allow it to be put to use
Speaker:so that we can create multiple streams of income,
Speaker:like what you're talking about with real estate,
Speaker:investing in other businesses.
Speaker:The wealthy people in this world,
Speaker:they don't have just one stream of income,
Speaker:they have multiple streams of income.
Speaker:Well, what allows you to do that?
Speaker:It's first and foremost having access to capital,
Speaker:and then from there multiplying your net worth
Speaker:through multiple streams of income,
Speaker:and owning and controlling multiple assets.
Speaker:Well, that's what IBC is all about.
Speaker:- So I thought for sure John Montoya was gonna say this,
Speaker:but he didn't, so I'll say it.
Speaker:You should always be in two businesses.
Speaker:Whatever business you're in, doesn't matter if it's W-2,
Speaker:whatever it is, be in that business, no problem,
Speaker:but the other business you should be in
Speaker:is the business of banking,
Speaker:and that's what IBC is all about and allows you to do,
Speaker:so I covered for you.
Speaker:- I was saving that for you.
Speaker:- Okay, well, so the final piece of our talk today,
Speaker:we're gonna go into the retirement phase of our life,
Speaker:and how what we're talking about
Speaker:has an effect on that, right?
Speaker:We've talked about retirement quite a bit,
Speaker:but let's talk,
Speaker:let's kinda run that through the tax filter a little.
Speaker:And we have life insurance gives us a lot of options
Speaker:during the retirement phase
Speaker:that allow us to be tax efficient.
Speaker:And at the very worst, if we can't be tax efficient,
Speaker:and actually save money on taxes,
Speaker:it allows us to replace the value of the taxes
Speaker:that we paid for the next generation.
Speaker:So let's just say that right off the top,
Speaker:even if we can't do anything with taxes,
Speaker:we can at least replace all the money that we paid in taxes,
Speaker:and pass that along to the next generation
Speaker:through the tax-free death benefit,
Speaker:but let's talk a little bit about the cash value itself.
Speaker:The cash value itself is a source of tax-free income.
Speaker:So just at the very basic level,
Speaker:we can get tax-free income
Speaker:from a whole life insurance policy.
Speaker:And the use and combination of that with other assets
Speaker:allows us to get more use and enjoyment
Speaker:out of those other assets while we're still alive.
Speaker:And speaking of more use and enjoyment,
Speaker:having the permanent death benefit
Speaker:gives us the ability to use the permission slip concept.
Speaker:And what that means is by having,
Speaker:and I alluded to it a second ago,
Speaker:by having the value of that permanent death benefit
Speaker:be able to replace the value of other assets,
Speaker:it allows us to use and enjoy more of those assets
Speaker:while we're still alive.
Speaker:So here's a couple ways we could do it.
Speaker:One, we could actually offset taxes
Speaker:through the use of charitable donations.
Speaker:What if we had a property that we donated to a charity?
Speaker:By doing so,
Speaker:we would eliminate the capital gains tax on that property,
Speaker:and we would also create a tax offset
Speaker:that could offset taxes in some other asset,
Speaker:like, for example, the 401(k)
Speaker:that John was just talking about.
Speaker:And by doing the donation,
Speaker:we could actually create an income stream
Speaker:by annuitizing the full value of that property
Speaker:rather than only the post capital gains value,
Speaker:we could annuitize that full value,
Speaker:and create a guaranteed income for the rest of our life.
Speaker:So we reduce the taxes, we created more guaranteed income,
Speaker:and we offset taxes in another asset.
Speaker:So that's just one idea that could be used
Speaker:by just having the presence
Speaker:of a permanent life insurance death benefit.
Speaker:That's just one strategy that could be taken advantage of
Speaker:to reduce taxes in retirement.
Speaker:- Yeah, and the other one is really just being able to enjoy
Speaker:what you've saved during your lifetime.
Speaker:For so many people that we talk to,
Speaker:and what we see is that
Speaker:they've really set up their retirement
Speaker:so that they're really
Speaker:only having to live off one primary asset,
Speaker:and typically that's their 401(k), or IRA,
Speaker:and they go into retirement
Speaker:having to live in what we call scarcity mode,
Speaker:which, basically, if you can envision it,
Speaker:imagine being stuck on a deserted island out in the Pacific,
Speaker:and you've got this huge barrel of water,
Speaker:and you can drink from it to sustain yourself,
Speaker:but because you have no idea
Speaker:how long you're gonna be stuck on that deserted island,
Speaker:you have to take small sips.
Speaker:Well, what is your 401(k), or IRA
Speaker:gonna be in retirement if that's all you have?
Speaker:Well, you're gonna have to take sips
Speaker:from that 401(k), or IRA,
Speaker:to make sure that you don't run outta money.
Speaker:And so you're constantly gonna be living
Speaker:in this scarcity mode throughout retirement.
Speaker:You're not gonna be able to enjoy it.
Speaker:And that's even if you've done really well for yourself,
Speaker:and you've saved maybe, and I say the word save,
Speaker:you've put the money in there,
Speaker:and maybe it's grown to a couple million dollars,
Speaker:three million, four million, even five million,
Speaker:but what's happening?
Speaker:You're worried about market corrections.
Speaker:You're worried about taking out too much too soon,
Speaker:and you're basically living in scarcity mode.
Speaker:And when you include an IBC whole life policy
Speaker:as a part of your plan,
Speaker:now you have a permission slip
Speaker:to spend down your other assets,
Speaker:and you can actually enjoy your retirement
Speaker:because you have a guaranteed contract,
Speaker:an asset that is guaranteed by the insurance company
Speaker:to perform every single year for the rest of your life.
Speaker:You've got this one asset that allows you
Speaker:to basically spend down all your 401(k),
Speaker:spend down your IRA,
Speaker:and you've gotta guarantee that not only do you have
Speaker:an additional surplus fund,
Speaker:but you also have the death benefit
Speaker:to replace that 401(k), or IRA,
Speaker:that maybe you also wanted to
Speaker:potentially leave to your beneficiaries, to your kids maybe,
Speaker:well, you just created the perfect permission slip
Speaker:to actually enjoy your retirement
Speaker:because you have an IBC whole life policy,
Speaker:and hopefully multiple policies at that point.
Speaker:- Yeah, and you could think of it this way.
Speaker:If you own a farm,
Speaker:and this gets into the idea of, like, estate taxes,
Speaker:not all of us are going to be at that level
Speaker:where we'll owe estate taxes,
Speaker:but even if we don't owe estate taxes,
Speaker:and we can replace the value of any kind of tax,
Speaker:or lost asset that has to be paid,
Speaker:if you're a farm owner do you wanna have to give up
Speaker:all your cows to the IRS to pay the tax?
Speaker:Or would you rather just give up a little bit of the milk,
Speaker:Or if you're more of bird type of person,
Speaker:here's another analogy for you.
Speaker:If you have a goose that lays golden eggs,
Speaker:do you wanna give away that goose
Speaker:that's laying those golden eggs,
Speaker:or do you just wanna hand over a few eggs?
Speaker:And so both of those analogies are
Speaker:the milk or the eggs that's policy premiums.
Speaker:You can either pay a little bit in premium
Speaker:to cover the full amount,
Speaker:or you just have to give up and pay that full amount, right?
Speaker:And so that's what we're talking about
Speaker:when it comes to this permission slip concept
Speaker:where we're funding the replacement of assets
Speaker:so that we don't have to forego the use of those
Speaker:for future generations,
Speaker:and for yourself while you're still alive.
Speaker:- Awesome, well, I think that might do it.
Speaker:Any other thoughts you might wanna share, John?
Speaker:- No, I think that's it.
Speaker:As we say at the end always,
Speaker:head over to,
Speaker:and you can get access to our online course
Speaker:where we go through that recurring expense fund model.
Speaker:And you can also book an appointment with us
Speaker:right there on the website for 30 minutes, no cost to you,
Speaker:and you can find out how this could apply
Speaker:in your situation specifically.
Speaker:- Awesome, well, John, thanks again,
Speaker:and for everyone listening out there,
Speaker:if you haven't already,
Speaker:we definitely would appreciate you leaving us a review,
Speaker:or giving us five stars
Speaker:because that does help us to promote the show,
Speaker:and get it out to a wider audience.
Speaker:If you benefit from
Speaker:listening to what we have to share about IBC,
Speaker:make sure you pass it on, pay it forward.
Speaker:All right everybody, thank you so much.
Speaker:Take care.