The National Association for Primary Education has a long history of supporting music and the arts. Mark Taylor host of this podcast is also a musician and music educator which makes this a very exciting episode.
Stringbabies is a holistic approach to teaching bowed strings and general musicianship using a unique notation system developed by cellist Kay Tucker.
Although initially aimed at 3 to 6 year olds, Stringbabies has been embraces by students of all ages and abilities (especially special needs) and has gained a string reputation for helping to develop sight reading, aural and composition skills.
Twice a finalist in the Rhinegold Music Teacher awards for excellence and also the BBC Surrey and Sussex Community Heroes awards, Stringbabies has its own awards accredited by Victoria College Examinations and the violin and cello books are due to be published on the Charanga platform (
Social Media Information
Facebook: stringbabies
Twitter: @stringbabies

The National Association for Primary Education speaks for young children and all who live and work with them. This includes parents, teachers, governors and all those interested in primary education. NAPE is a non-political charity and works tirelessly to support teachers in the classroom as expressed in their ‘Value of Membership’ Document. NAPE leads the Primary Umbrella Group of thirty primary subject associations and unions and gives teachers and schools a voice at governmental level at consultative meetings with ministers for schools.
For full details of how they can support you please visit their website at