How does the phrase go? "May you live in interesting times?" Well here we are. Very challenging to say the least. I see so many sellers struggling (us included). The day Amazon announced no more "non-essential" inventory could be sent in our account went under review. Scary times became even more scary for sure. Just made big bets (Yes they really are bets) and didn't quite work out as we wanted to. But we are on the other side. So Nick (my younger son) and I share what steps we have/are taking to dodge the minefields and get through these challenging times.
I found that picture of me and Gary V from a while back. Still was cool to me.
We do have sponsors so it helps us out if you buy from them with our codes as they pay us, but this is a no pitch episode. Please don't add more fees to your business. Streamline, adapt, pivot and plan for your successful future.
Reach out if I can help in any way. Stephen
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