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150 Years Of Beauty – Aging The Right Way
8th September 2018 • Living Max Health • Dr. Brad Wolf
00:00:00 00:07:06

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Are you taking care of your body so that you age the best way possible? In this video, Dr. Brad Wolf discusses different aspects of aging in terms of your bodily health, and what you can do to keep your body functioning and aging the best way possible.

Much like any product that we purchase and use on a consistent basis, our bodies experience “Wear-and-Tear” as we age. Due to the activities we partake (ie. sitting at a computer, playing sports, or walking), we need to be aware of the wear-and-tear on our bodies. If our joints wear out too early in life, as we age, we can expect to have more pain and issues down the road. It is not uncommon for joints to be replaced as a person ages. Especially hips, knees and shoulders, as well as spinal surgery. These are just physical problems that develop. Wear and tear also applies to the effect your food has on your digestive system, the quality of your shoes and mattress and much more.

Being mindful of your body’s wear-and-tear, Dr. Brad Wolf discusses the importance of being proactive versus reactive when it comes to the health of your body. Often times, people have a tendency to wait until something is broken to fix it, rather than taking precautions to keep your body functioning the best it can. How we care for our body now, will have an effect on our health later in life.

Once we begin living with wear-and-tear in mind, and are being proactive with our health, we can preserve our body so we can age better, longer, and healthier. The concept of aging the right way is about thinking ahead and living the best life you can now to ensure that you are healthy in the future.

Watch this video to learn more about these concepts and mindsets that can help you age the best way possible!





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