Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network
Show Name: Fisherman’s Friend
Episode Title: The Musky!!
Hello fellow freshwater fisherman, You are listening to Fisherman’s Friend the podcast with your host Gio. In this episode of Fisherman’s Friend the Podcast we discuss: rod and line for musky,bait and lures for musky, and extra things you should have when targeting musky.
Segment 1: Rod and line
Musky are huge fish! When you are targeting musky, you need to be very careful when targeting them. You should only really be targeting musky if you're decently experienced with fishing. I'm saying this because you can actually get dragged into the water by a musky if you're not strong enough.Now, when you are thinking of buying a rod for musky, you need a very powerful rod. Musky are absolutely huge so you're going to want a rod that can withstand a ton of power. The weight range for a musky is 15-40 pounds. Muskie also have a ton of force so you're going to want a good reel too. You're going to need a 8-9 foot rod so then you can cast out very far. Heavy power rods are the best rods when fishing for muskie. For the line you're going to need a 60-80 pound braided line.The best rods in my opinion are penn fishing and ugly stik
Segment 2: Bait and lures
When fishing for a big fish like the muskie, you're going to need very good bait or lures. Muskie loves big and colorful lures. The best colors are bright orange, bright green, bright white, silver, bright purple, sparkly blue, and pink. Don’t try to buy small lures or dark colored lures when fishing for muskie Big no no when fishing for muskie. The best lures and baits for muskie are:
- Large bucktails
- Large spoons
- Large soft plastics ‘
- Pieces of carp
- Frogs
- Dead mice
(Narrative about cousin fishing)
As we walk up the brownish/greenish trail, we can hear crickets chirping. As I walk up the trail, my foot makes a crunching sound after stepping on an old leaf. As the frogs ribbit, and the squirrels crawl up the tree, the forest is made up of a ton of sounds.
Segment 3: Other things recommended when targeting musky
When you're targeting a big fish like the musky, you're going to want other things than just a rod and line. One thing I highly recommend is a net. Getting a fish that big out of the water with your bare hands and holding onto your rod at the same time will be extremely difficult. I also recommend fishing with a friend if you're targeting musky. Also, a couple spare rods. A musky could easily snap one of your rods and if you want to keep fishing, you should bring about 2-4 spare rods. Lastly, this is very optimal but an engine powered boat. The price ranges from 1,500 dollars to 50k. I recommend getting a boat when you're very experienced with fishing and you know you will stick with it for a super long time.
Music Credits:
- Chertovski by done with fish
- Southern Cross 2005 by crosby stills & nash and young
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