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259 : Phil Singleton – Create a web asset with your ecommerce business
11th December 2017 • eCommerce Momentum Podcast • eCommerce Momentum Podcast
00:00:00 01:14:04

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I loved when Phil used the term: “Web Asset”. Have you thought of your business this way yet? Think if you owned a building or had equipment that you use in the business. It would be an asset on your books that has value. Makes sense. So if you create a web presence that sells goods, services or has content others are looking for you have created a web asset. That web asset in todays marketplace has more value than many brick and mortar places. Start thinking about how you can use third party sites to help you create your own web asset.


Outsource writers:

The outsource writing solution I use:

Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines




Gaye’s Million Dollar Arbitrage List


Scope from Sellerlabs



Transcript: (note- this is a new tool I am trying out so it is not perfect- it does seem to be getting better)

Stephen:                             [00:00:00]               They want to jump in here and just bring back up episode 250 Toys for Tots campaign put together buy sell or Lams. It is such a great opportunity. I was with the seller on Friday. Their team is working on it. I’m very very excited. This is a chance for you to use the skills that you personally have developed. You’ve got sourcing muscles. Not many other people have it. And this is a chance where we can take and use our skills to help those less fortunate. All the information is on episode 250 such a great cause. Kip

Stephen:                             [00:00:34]               back. Give back give back. This time of year.

Stephen:                             [00:00:37]               Thanks hope your Q4 is going good. It’s a great time to be selling and sell a lot. Watch your reprice hers. I just got whacked on one last fifteen dollars a unit. I didn’t lose either lost in profit because I showed a blocked one wasn’t paying attention so please do me tell you about a couple sponsors in scope from Sellar labs. If you’re not using it to even just to take your wholesale accounts of course you’ve got to use it for private label right. You need to understand the keyword you want to understand a key word. Go look at your competitors get their keywords and then use them. That’s smart business right because they already have proven that proof of concept. But take the same approach to your wholesale accounts. Make sure that those keywords are in there. If not upload those changes many times you can but many times you can’t take advantage scoped from seller labs.

Stephen:                             [00:01:26]               Go to Sellar labs dot com slash sculp used to code word momentum save a few bucks get a few key words get your listings found. Got to find that keyword and scope will be the product that will help you. Their solutions for e-commerce. Karen Locher you know again you hear me talk about her because she is my account manager she’s been doing a great job. Again I had some stranded listings and I noticed them down there on the bottom right hand corner. They’re gone. I look back and they’re gone and I see stuff submitted. I see stuff return. It’s such a great process because I don’t have to pay attention. I can pay attention of the other parts of our business solutions for e-commerce slash momentum save you 50 bucks lowest price she offers and you still get the inventory Health Report.

Stephen:                             [00:02:11]               Take a look at a setup for 2018 now. Tell Karen I sent you when you think it about Q4 lists and I hope you don’t use them just Q4 I hope you use them all year long again. You want to learn how to fish right. And so the best thing to do when you’re buying a list is look at what they’re doing and how they’re doing it and then figure that out on your own. That’s the approach that Gala’s B uses and a million dollar arbitrage list. It is closed for the rest of this year. However I have asked them and they have said they would do it if there’s an opening they will pull from the wait list. OK so I have the link out on my site.

Stephen:                             [00:02:49]               On this episode that will have a link that will take you right onto the waitlist. So get on the waitlist if there’s something that you’re interested members you’re going to give you a seven day free trial. So there’s nothing to lose but once you get in there take advantage. Learn how to fish right. Sharpen your tool sharpen your skills I guess is the right phrase I should use. OK so again I have that link out on this episode. So jump out there and get down that list you know go daddy and Grasshopper are both national sponsors of the show I’m very fortunate. I have a third one coming on in February. Very excited about that. But go daddy. I use them with somebody who had a great idea for and for a domain and I’m like.

Stephen:                             [00:03:32]               Use my link saved 30 percent 30 percent. Yes they pay me. We all know that. However 30 percent is real. I use it myself because I want to save the 30 percent. So it’s try go daddy dot com slash momentum right. Try go daddy dot com slash momentum and you’re gonna save 30 percent grasshopper’s the same deal. Try grasshopper dot com slash momentum and you’re gonna save 50 bucks. I saw somebody else signed up for it. The service makes you a professional. All of a sudden your business has a phone number. Has a vanity phone number you can kind of create your own when if it’s available but you don’t need a second phone. And I think that’s the big thing. It’s not Google Voice which is choppy sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. This is professional stuff. Press 1 for customer service press 2 for my Amazon account manager which would go to Karins team. I mean this is a great opportunity. So it’s try grasshopper dot com slash momentum save 50 bucks. Welcome

Cool voice guy:                  [00:04:29]               to the e-commerce momentum blog where we focus on the people the products and the process of e-commerce selling today.

Stephen:                             [00:04:37]               Is your host Stephen Peters then welcome back to the e-commerce momentum podcast. This is episode 259 Phil Singleton OK. This dude is smart. Clearly he has an enormous amount of experience in helping create what he called a web asset. Had not heard of that phrase. And you know it’s funny as a former accountant and yet I have not thought about it that way but it makes perfect sense right. You create a sayit or a presence that has value marketable value whether you sell services you sell goods or you just bring on an audience that is interested in what you do. You now have marketable value. There’s value in selling that business. And as I point out it could be more value than a brick and mortar depending on what it is and so you know if you gain authority over subject and you continue to bring an audience and then eventually you bring a product to them they’re likely to buy from you because you’re trustworthy right you’ve gained their trust you’ve earned it in the long game.

Stephen:                             [00:05:48]               And so Phil is one of the sharpest goes up talked to who knows an enormous amount about this stuff helping larger accounts really get to that level. This is the world we live in today. Great great interview. Let’s get into the podcast. All

Stephen:                             [00:06:03]               right welcome back to the e-commerce momentum podcast very excited about today’s guest a little different. And you know I get approached by PR companies a lot and most of the time I ignore them because they just always tell me they’ve got a better solution blah blah blah blah blah but this one really struck me because what I appreciated about Phil and introduce him to a second was he has walked the walk and not only talks the talk but walk the walk. I love. He’s involved in a book and I enjoy the book. I enjoy duct tape Mark and I enjoy all that stuff and I look back to see what he’s accomplished and I’m like this is the kind of thing that we’ve all been talking about. We know we need to have control of our own destiny whatever that means for you. And I think that Phil has some advice and maybe can offer some insight in what it really takes because it’s not easy. Welcome Phil Singleton welcome faith thank you so much for having me. It’s

Stephen:                             [00:06:57]               not easy as it no it isn’t. You

Phil:                                       [00:07:01]               know what I mean but if I can give you set things up the right way and take little baby steps out of time. You know you can build a mountain is it it’s like a master garden. Like

Stephen:                             [00:07:10]               I mean I always use this in trying to give people some perspective to think about what it looks like. So I think about like if you have a big house right and you’ve got all this property you develop this plan of attack. Right. I want to have this master garden going to have this over here this now. You can’t do it all at once. However I’m working towards it whenever I’m doing something like oh does that fit in my big plan. Yes. And I’m going to go forward with it right. Is it is it the same approach. Because then the problem comes is a storm comes and it wipes everything out and you’re like oh that didn’t go so well. Is it’s the same thing. You

Phil:                                       [00:07:44]               know I think it’s I think it’s very similar. Know I think about e-commerce and e-commerce stores and eBay and Amazon I think about the same way almost I do in some cases podcasting and even content on people’s own websites. A lot of folks you know will will do these kind of one dimensional things where they put their stuff whatever they want to sell their information. A lot of times up on a third party platform that they don’t control. Right. So then you know we talked about before the show in the green room so to speak where that’s going to be a scary thing where you don’t if you don’t have a single place as an archive or a referral source for all the things that you’ve been doing. It’s a scary prospect that somebody can come along one day and reshuffle the deck like Google does or change rules or you get the wrong end of the stick on a ruling maybe from eBay or Amazon or something like that and it really has a can have a huge impact on your business almost overnight.

Phil:                                       [00:08:33]               And if there is no fallback plan or you don’t have a way where you’ve created like your own web asset that you own. It’s tough to start over again. Right. And

Stephen:                             [00:08:42]               that’s a league with phrase a web asset. I’ve never heard that. I mean that’s I like it.

Phil:                                       [00:08:49]               I think that’s really what you know our whole approach is is any more. I mean you want to have your own asset that you control. You

Phil:                                       [00:08:57]               want to set it up in a way where you can get multiple benefits and not just think of kind of these. I think I think a digital market lies one dimensional tactics and that’s what a lot of folks end up doing.

Stephen:                             [00:09:06]               And I think about the blog launch give and give an example. Go ahead and give me an example.

Phil:                                       [00:09:12]               Well Greg here’s an example one for why that strategy that we put into place every single day for our clients blogging. If you’re going to have a Web site you want to make sure that you set up in a way that again as a referral source for all your content and the best way to get traffic and get higher conversion rates off of your own Web site is to blog right. So but if you think about blogging. This is going to tie all together into into a more holistic strategy. Blogging is great if you do it one blog post at a time right. In a way where you’re maybe targeting keywords or target something that’s trending or finding some way that you can demonstrate authority in whatever product or niche that you’re trying to sell on. But what ends up happening is if you just do one one blog post you’re losing out an opportunity to get to really repurpose it in a way that can help you grow your business and grow your brand.

Phil:                                       [00:09:58]               And what I mean by that is to give an example. We for all of our clients we work with we. Blogging is an important part of it but the way we do it is we do them in series so we’ll do them in a series of say 10 or 15 at a time we’ll sit down with the client and brainstorm some kind of a how to guide or some kind of table of contents so that we can have these independent blog post almost as chapters that are standalone posts that can go on the Web site grow out the pages be distributed to social media and do all these things for you.

Phil:                                       [00:10:27]               But at the end of like say 10 or 15 weeks we stitch these together into an ebook. The e-book then becomes a call to action on the Web site or a free giveaway to give somewhere else right. We do not take that e-book and we spin it up into a Kindle. The Kindle then goes up on the Amazon but we make our way and we make our clients an author. This is a very important point as we’ve actually done this and exploited this myself. If you go on to Amazon now and you optimize say the content that you repurposed from your own Web site you can then start showing up in searches in Amazon almost use Amazon against itself. Right. So if you go into Amazon right now and type in local SBO or on that kind of stuff you’ll see typically see one of my books come up in the top three spots.

Phil:                                       [00:11:08]               Right. So I’m out there leveraging that assets getting in them and we’ve done this in a way where again we’re kind of leading everything back to our own asset that we’ve created but we’ve done we’ve done it so in a way that it’s been more strategic and we’re getting multiple wins off of essentially the same amount of work because you’ve won you’ve got this place where you can you know like I say Your website has to be an asset. I look at almost you have them it’s almost like your publishing platform. But again you do this in a way where you are strategic about it and you can get all these additional wins out of it while still kind of finding a way to draw that back to your Web site where you can kind of build drone audience and trust. So

Stephen:                             [00:11:46]               thinking about an e-commerce site. So you know I guess I should qualify this. We have people that are Walmart that sell everything and then we have people that are specialized and sell their own products. They’re trying to create a brand right. And I think there’s a big distinction between the two. Right. Because the approach has to be a little different. So so with the specialist and they’re selling sports water bottles up to look at my Starbucks mockup here. But that’s just called sports water bottles. So the content would be you know probably sports related that kind of thing right. Health related that that makes sense.

Stephen:                             [00:12:20]               Now if I’m selling sports water bottles and washing machines and typewriter ribbons remember typewriter and pens. Right. Just thinking of different things. How do you how do you what’s your advice there. I mean it has to be two different types. Correct

Phil:                                       [00:12:36]               . Exactly. And I think you get to a really important point about what whens and what converged today online and what really does it is some type of a niche based opportunity. So the way to beat Amazon in terms of getting Google rankings in this kind of thing where you can actually be found online is to beat them niche by niche because it’s a huge Amazon’s huge Ebates you know also really big but Amazon kills it on not only is it a source for people just go directly but...





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