In this episode, Tara talks about your course launch and how to make sure that it is 'successful' as there is ONE key activity that needs to happen first. Before you launch or even create your beta course, check out this episode.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are listening to
Speaker:the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach
Speaker:or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on
Speaker:your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide
Speaker:them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give
Speaker:you practical real life tips that you can use today to build
Speaker:your online experiences that get results and create raving fans.
Speaker:Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people
Speaker:without adding more time 14 to your business. If you're looking
Speaker:to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and use it
Speaker:to scale you're in the right place.
Speaker:Let's dive in. Good morning, and this morning it you are having
Speaker:coffee with me. And so hopefully you are having a great day. In
Speaker:today's episode, I want to talk about your course launch. And
Speaker:specifically what happens if your launch doesn't produce the
Speaker:results that you want? Usually, what happens is when you launch
Speaker:your course, there are a couple of different things that are
Speaker:going to happen, right, but most of the time, the first time that
Speaker:you do it, you may not get the results that you want. And
Speaker:there's a couple of very specific reasons why that is the
Speaker:case. I want to unpack those today because I think one of the
Speaker:biggest sort of travesties that is happening right now in the
Speaker:field, is there's this perception that you can go and
Speaker:create your course and put it out there on autopilot, throw
Speaker:some ads at it and make a million dollars. Guess what
Speaker:guys, like, that's not going to happen. And it's not going to
Speaker:happen for some very specific reasons. And so I just want to
Speaker:unpack those reasons for you today. So you can avoid making
Speaker:the mistakes that, you know, that I've made in the past or a
Speaker:lot of other people have made as they've been trying to launch.
Speaker:So. So the very first thing is
Speaker:the very first thing is before you even start building, your
Speaker:course, is to really dial in, what's the problem that you can
Speaker:solve within your expertise, right. So before you create a
Speaker:course, before you create a business, before you create
Speaker:anything, what you're doing is you're looking at, okay, so
Speaker:here's my expertise, here's my passion, here's what I want to
Speaker:be doing. And here are the people who need what I want to
Speaker:be doing. dial that in, look at that. And then start looking at
Speaker:how you can help them solve a particular and specific problem
Speaker:that they have, that you want to help them with. So before you
Speaker:even worry about a platform before you worry about where
Speaker:it's gonna go, or what's going to happen. That is the very
Speaker:first thing that you do is really think about, like what is
Speaker:the problem that you can help a specific individual or set of
Speaker:individuals solve around your expertise. Okay, then the next
Speaker:step isn't to actually like create the course material, the
Speaker:next thing is to go out and find where those people are, and
Speaker:start serving them. And what I mean by that is you need to go
Speaker:out, figure out what their questions are, figure out what
Speaker:they're struggling with, figure out where they're hanging out,
Speaker:right online or offline, or however you want to do that, and
Speaker:start really becoming almost a detective, right? Learn where
Speaker:they're struggling, what is happening, like, where are they
Speaker:getting stuck? What are the kind of limiting beliefs? What are
Speaker:the mindset issues, what are the things are going on around their
Speaker:problem, and their attempt to look for a solution? Now, a lot
Speaker:of times what happens is that you can look back in your
Speaker:journey, and you're gonna have a similar problem that you've
Speaker:overcome. Right? And so if that is the case, that's great. Go
Speaker:find other people who are you know, sort of still in the messy
Speaker:middle or still in the searching for that problem that you've
Speaker:been able to solve? And, and get results from right. So that is
Speaker:the very first thing is to go out and figure out like, who is
Speaker:having this problem? What are the questions they're asking,
Speaker:and what are they struggling with? Then start answering those
Speaker:questions, right. Most of the time, you've kind of figured out
Speaker:that you have an expertise, because people are asking you
Speaker:questions, asking you to solve things like calling you up and
Speaker:being like, Hey, do you have a second? Hey, do you have second,
Speaker:right? Those are clues that what you have in terms of your
Speaker:expertise is is going to help other people. And so amplify
Speaker:those conversations. So you can kind of figure out like, Okay,
Speaker:so here's a need, here's a problem that people have, and I
Speaker:can help them solve it. That's the very first thing, then you
Speaker:need to become visible out online. And there's a lot of
Speaker:different ways to do this. I'm not going to talk too much about
Speaker:this in today's episode, I have lots of other episodes about
Speaker:that. And, you know, I'll probably talk about it again in
Speaker:future episodes. But here's the here's the reality. And if you
Speaker:kind of break it down this way, it makes sense is that when you
Speaker:create a business, when you create a course, when you create
Speaker:a lead magnet, or whatever it is that you want to create, the
Speaker:challenge that you're always going to have is who's going to
Speaker:see it, right. So you have to find people who, you know, can
Speaker:see your your stuff. So you can build a webpage, you can be on
Speaker:social media, you can, you know, have a blog, you can have a
Speaker:newsletter, you can have all of these things. And all of them
Speaker:are great tools to communicate with your people. The challenge
Speaker:before you communicate with your people is you have to have
Speaker:people, right. And so getting out there and becoming visible
Speaker:in one way, shape, or form helps you attract people to you. So
Speaker:you can be out there. You know, having having people, right. And
Speaker:so that is the very first thing as you're building your
Speaker:business, as you're building, your course is to get in front
Speaker:of people so you can communicate with them. So you can share with
Speaker:them the results, so you can share with them how you help. So
Speaker:you can have conversations, you can answer questions, and you
Speaker:can be out there really honing in, what is it that you can
Speaker:uniquely give to them, to help them, you know, solve the
Speaker:problem that they're working on. So often the biggest missed
Speaker:conception from people like big names, big influencers out there
Speaker:in the industry is that they launch their thing, and it blows
Speaker:up and they get, you know, a huge launch. And the the
Speaker:challenge is, is that you're looking at their audience, in
Speaker:their size that they already are when they launch, they're not
Speaker:starting from scratch. And often when I'm working with experts,
Speaker:when you're launching something new for the very first time, you
Speaker:don't have an audience yet. And that's okay, right, because you
Speaker:have to build one. But as you're building, you want to also be
Speaker:out there becoming visible in one way shape or the other.
Speaker:Right. So a blog, podcast, video, teaching, whatever you're
Speaker:going to do, right? Is, is being out there so people can find
Speaker:you. One of my favorite stories is I was working with this, this
Speaker:man who was in medicine, and he had his own clinic. And all he
Speaker:wants to do is patient care. And so he was so frustrated when he
Speaker:had to go out and actually do marketing, and he had to do all
Speaker:of the things. So people knew that he had an office in this
Speaker:particular location, because he just wanted to hang out in his
Speaker:office and help people. Unfortunately, when people don't
Speaker:know that you have an office, then they can't find you. Right.
Speaker:And so that is what happened him is he wasn't able to grow his
Speaker:business because he wanted to focus on patient care. But he
Speaker:didn't have enough patience to sustain his business. It's the
Speaker:same concept when you move online, right? You have to have
Speaker:the numbers of people who, who see you, right, you have to have
Speaker:enough eyeballs on your offer, in order for people to be able
Speaker:to to raise their hand and say that they're interested. So
Speaker:that's the very first thing and making sure that you're going to
Speaker:have a successful course launch is do you have enough eyeballs?
Speaker:Most of the time, it is a math problem. Number of eyeballs
Speaker:equals number of conversions, because it is just a percentage
Speaker:of the people who are in your world who are going to convert
Speaker:by. There's all sorts of other factors. But but really, that's
Speaker:one of the reasons to get visible so you have enough
Speaker:people to see your offer. So you can use that information to
Speaker:figure out how to dial in what you have changed the lovers move
Speaker:things around in order to then convert more of those people who
Speaker:are seeing you. And yes, you can do that with ads. But the
Speaker:reality is, it's harder to do it with cold traffic. So traffic
Speaker:that like you get from an ad than it is to just be working
Speaker:and developing relationships online or offline, with people
Speaker:who are already, you know, have what they need what you have to
Speaker:offer. Right? And so that's the very first thing is becoming
Speaker:visible as you're working on your course. So don't build your
Speaker:course don't build your whole program, do an expensive lunch
Speaker:and then then work on finding people. It's the other way
Speaker:around, right? Find people build demand, and then do your launch
Speaker:because then people are ready to purchase. So the number one
Speaker:thing that I see people struggle with when they're launching is
Speaker:that they've gotten this backwards, they build their
Speaker:thing. And then they start trying to find people to join
Speaker:their lunch. And there's not enough runway, right? It's a
Speaker:short period of time, when you're launching, what you want
Speaker:to do is maximize your visibility. If you're already
Speaker:out there, what you're doing is just putting jet fuel on it,
Speaker:you're not trying to create that you're not trying to create the
Speaker:visibility during a launch, right. So all of that happens
Speaker:first, as you are starting to build your offers starting to
Speaker:build your framework, you're starting to, to actually get in
Speaker:and figure out how to help people that comes when you find
Speaker:your voice when you find your people as you start attracting
Speaker:them to you. So all of that happens first, before you really
Speaker:dial in the launch. Now, one common question that I get from
Speaker:people is like, Well, how do I know what to talk to people
Speaker:about if I don't have anything launched yet. And that's a bit
Speaker:of a delicate balance is that you want to have your framework
Speaker:specified, you want to know kind of how you're helping people.
Speaker:And and you can go ahead and help real humans, right, you can
Speaker:go out and do that first before you package in lunch. So keep
Speaker:that in mind as you're going through, but it's a little bit
Speaker:of a dance. But that will help in that field of dreams example
Speaker:of like, if you build it, well, they come No, not if they don't
Speaker:know that it's there.
Speaker:So that is the number one thing that I see that people are
Speaker:struggling with when they're doing a launch if it's not
Speaker:successful. The second thing is, is remembering that it's a
Speaker:numbers game, try and take the emotion out of people converting
Speaker:or not converting, right. And so when you look at it, and people
Speaker:are, you know, either buying or not buying, it's it's about what
Speaker:the work that you've already done, and trying to stay out of
Speaker:how you feel about the launch what you feel about whether it's
Speaker:successful or not, look at the numbers, dial in and, and change
Speaker:and tweak and, and show up as much as you can during the
Speaker:launch process. Versus expecting that the the numbers and the
Speaker:pieces are going to produce sort of that result that you want.
Speaker:And so keep that in mind as you're going as well. So, if you
Speaker:haven't hit your goal, if your launch isn't how you how you
Speaker:wanted it to be, it's okay. Remember, it's not about you.
Speaker:It's not about your product. It's about perhaps your
Speaker:visibility and how you're communicating with your
Speaker:potential students. So go back, become visible, find your voice,
Speaker:attractive people, get them ready to buy and then they will
Speaker:come in into your lunch and it was sore and you will be
Speaker:successful. Alright, there you go. There is your corresponding