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How the Soul Inspired You Podcast Came to Be!
Episode 11st February 2024 • Soul Inspired You • Beth Hewitt
00:00:00 00:30:11

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Show Summary:

  • Beth Hewitt Spiritual Business Performance and Clarity coach, and Melissa Amos, Spiritual Path Guide, introduce themselves as hosts of the Soul Inspired You podcast.
  • Beth helps people transition from feeling unfulfilled to passionately living their life purpose, working with startups and growing businesses.
  • Melissa assists individuals on their spiritual journey, emphasizing self-discovery, energetic exploration, and co-creation.

Overview of Episode:

  • In this episode, Beth and Mel discuss the inspiration behind the podcast, emphasizing its unscripted nature that is guided by divine inspiration.
  • Beth and Melissa start the episode by pulling oracle cards, exploring the show's direction and the universe's messages for the listeners.

Oracle Card Reading:

  • Melissa uses the Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray and Jess Hawk.
  • The first card pulled is the Emerald Tablet Activation, symbolizing the importance of bringing divine downloads into reality and taking action on inspired thoughts.
  • Beth uses the Oracle of the Unicorns deck by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs and pulls the "Celebration" card.
  • The card signifies a positive outcome and encourages a joyful approach to the podcast, celebrating successes and creating a space of excitement for both Beth and Mel and their listeners.

Bibliomancy - Book Reading:

  • Melissa uses her book, "Memoirs of a Mystic in Training," for bibliomancy.
  • The question revolves around the balance between fate and free will, destiny, and breaking free from societal structures.
  • The reading sparks a profound discussion on the blend of fate and destiny, societal expectations, and the importance of self-discovery.

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More from Beth and Mel - Save Your Seat on the Next 30-Day Gratitude Journey.

Get Beth's Gratitude and Vision Building Journal

More from Melissa Amos

Get Mel's Book - Memoires of a Mystic in Training


Beth Hewitt:

Welcome to one of the very first episodes of the Soul

Beth Hewitt:

inspired you podcast with Beth and Mel.

Beth Hewitt:

My name is Beth Yewitt. I am a spiritual business performance and clarity

Beth Hewitt:

coach, and I help people go from feeling unfulfilled to passionately

Beth Hewitt:

living their life purpose. And I work with

Beth Hewitt:

pre starts and growing businesses, helping them really to reconnect

Beth Hewitt:

to their soul's calling and their vision, and then to

Beth Hewitt:

take action on that vision. And I'm here with my co

Beth Hewitt:

host, Melissa. Hi everybody, I am Melissa Amos. I

Melissa Amos:

work with people on their spiritual path and really help them

Melissa Amos:

understand who they are and where they're coming from and where

Melissa Amos:

it is they're going, so that they can create a life led

Melissa Amos:

by soul. I am very excited to always just talk

Melissa Amos:

about anything energetic and consciousness

Melissa Amos:

and dive deep into rabbit holes of

Melissa Amos:

creation and philosophy and

Melissa Amos:

energetics and co creation. So I'm very

Melissa Amos:

excited. Everything. All the things. All of the things. Yeah. I'm very excited

Melissa Amos:

to see and discover what transpires over these

Melissa Amos:

coming weeks. So I thought today

Beth Hewitt:

we'll start by pulling some cards, because we both

Beth Hewitt:

do readings as part of the offerings that we

Beth Hewitt:

do. And I thought, given it's one of the first episodes, why not pull some

Beth Hewitt:

cards to see what comes through in terms? What are the

Beth Hewitt:

messages that maybe the universe wants to share with our listeners

Beth Hewitt:

today? And then we'll talk more about how this podcast actually came

Beth Hewitt:

to be, because it in itself was an inspired

Beth Hewitt:

download that we decided to take action on. Mel, have you got your

Beth Hewitt:

cards there? I've got my cards. I have my cards here. One of

Melissa Amos:

my favourite decks, which is the gateway of light activation

Melissa Amos:

Oracle by Kyle Gray and Jez

Melissa Amos:

Hawkeye. And I think the first

Melissa Amos:

question to ask is, what is the direction of this

Melissa Amos:

show? Because just to give the listeners a little bit of

Melissa Amos:

background that this has been soul inspired.

Melissa Amos:

Soul literally inspired us with the name, with doing

Melissa Amos:

this, and there's less of a agenda and

Melissa Amos:

more of a guidance that we're coming up. So let's start with

Melissa Amos:

that. And the first card that has come up is the

Melissa Amos:

emerald tablet activation, is this

Melissa Amos:

beautiful emerald green pillar

Melissa Amos:

of light that seems to be surrounding

Melissa Amos:

another pillar of light. And for me, this really is about

Melissa Amos:

divine downloads, but more so

Melissa Amos:

bringing divine downloads through and actually this

Melissa Amos:

bringing them into fruition, making them something that is real. And

Melissa Amos:

I know something that, Beth, this is something that you are

Melissa Amos:

really into and concerned about and

Melissa Amos:

good at guiding people through that. It's very easy to have an

Melissa Amos:

idea like the idea of this show, like coming

Melissa Amos:

together, but actually there's action

Melissa Amos:

that needs to be taken. Yeah. And what this is saying

Melissa Amos:

for me is that we are to be open to

Melissa Amos:

downloads from the universe or the activating energy. Maybe sometimes

Melissa Amos:

we'll get into quite deep or controversial subjects,

Melissa Amos:

I don't know. And it's our job to bring

Melissa Amos:

that in and to bring this new perspective in this new energy

Melissa Amos:

into what you and us are all hearing through

Melissa Amos:

that. Love it. I think that's the perfect

Beth Hewitt:

card for the direction of the

Beth Hewitt:

show and what is an inspired thought that

Beth Hewitt:

has been brought up through us. We've taken action on it. It's totally

Beth Hewitt:

creative, and we're just being led to see where, where the

Beth Hewitt:

universe wants to take us with this. So I love that is their message in

Beth Hewitt:

terms of direction. So I was trying to shuffle the cars quietly

Beth Hewitt:

so it wasn't going to get too picked up on the microphone while we're doing

Beth Hewitt:

that. And the card that I've pulled as I was

Beth Hewitt:

shuffling was, what is the intention that the universe wants for us

Beth Hewitt:

right now in terms of how we approach the show, but also

Beth Hewitt:

what our listeners can hope to get out of the show as well. And

Beth Hewitt:

the card that has come up is celebration, which is always a

Beth Hewitt:

nice card to have celebrations. It's from the oracle

Beth Hewitt:

of the unicorns. Enter an enchanted realm of the magic

Beth Hewitt:

and miracles of the unicorns by Cordelia Francesca

Beth Hewitt:

brabs. And it says on the card, a positive

Beth Hewitt:

outcome is assured. That's always nice when you're starting the podcast, isn't it?

Beth Hewitt:

Celebrate your success and enjoy your

Beth Hewitt:

achievements. And so for me, this is about, as

Beth Hewitt:

we approach the podcast and as we move forward with it, that we

Beth Hewitt:

always stay in that space of

Beth Hewitt:

joy and excitement and celebration for who we

Beth Hewitt:

are, what we're creating, and

Beth Hewitt:

how we're helping other people. Hopefully, Alisters are getting some downloads of

Beth Hewitt:

their own just through listening, and that it

Beth Hewitt:

doesn't want to become a chore. We don't be that podcast where it becomes a

Beth Hewitt:

char, but actually it's a really nice thing that happens every week. We come together

Beth Hewitt:

and have conversations about things that, I might add, are completely unscripted.

Beth Hewitt:

That was one of the things that we decided that we were going to do,

Beth Hewitt:

is that we would talk about things that we were inspired with through the week

Beth Hewitt:

or a theme or a card or something. And so I think it's a good

Beth Hewitt:

reminder to us that this isn't about a chore. This is about actually

Beth Hewitt:

just doing what comes really easily to us and celebrating who we

Beth Hewitt:

are and our inspiration and moving forward with that. And helping other

Beth Hewitt:

people and our listeners see and celebrate themselves.

Beth Hewitt:

Everything that has come before in their lives and what they've achieved and how they

Beth Hewitt:

can tap into their own intuition and knowledge and wisdom from before

Beth Hewitt:

and just enjoy our achievements generally. I think

Beth Hewitt:

those two cards are perfect for the start of today. I'm already loving

Beth Hewitt:

the podcast already my. Favorite time of the

Melissa Amos:

week. It is a celebration, isn't it? And

Melissa Amos:

I look at. We've known each other a while, but we've not

Melissa Amos:

connected loads. Not really, no. The listeners will all

Melissa Amos:

witness the unfolding of our relationship as well,

Melissa Amos:

which I'm excited about and what has always struck me

Melissa Amos:

about you and probably why we get on so well,

Melissa Amos:

is that we are both aware

Melissa Amos:

that we have both consciously created our

Melissa Amos:

lives. And who'd have thought, right, that it was possible to

Melissa Amos:

literally love what it. Is that you do. Yeah.

Melissa Amos:

For something like this, I can understand why maybe people find

Melissa Amos:

recordings a chore or I have to do this. This is part of the thing.

Melissa Amos:

But this is literally, this is what lights me up. This is what lights you

Melissa Amos:

up. And I think that if you're listening to

Melissa Amos:

this or you're drawn to this, this is going to be the sort of conversations

Melissa Amos:

that light you up too. And whilst we

Melissa Amos:

can always be in celebration of that, the truth

Melissa Amos:

is that our emotions move up and down and we have our ups

Melissa Amos:

and we have our downs and we have all those things in between. But as

Melissa Amos:

we can keep grounding into that, knowing that

Melissa Amos:

we are co creating our life

Melissa Amos:

and we are co creating the way that we show up in the world

Melissa Amos:

and the way that the world shows up for us. Yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

And I actually think it's in those down times as well.

Beth Hewitt:

That's where we can actually, when we're ready, not in the moment, obviously, you have

Beth Hewitt:

to go through the emotions and feel everything, but after that time, when you're

Beth Hewitt:

ready, there's real magic in those downs

Beth Hewitt:

and it takes. It's hard to change perspective around that, especially

Beth Hewitt:

when we're in the moment. But yeah, hopefully, whoever, whoever you are,

Beth Hewitt:

whenever you're listening to this, whatever's going on for you, whether you're on a high

Beth Hewitt:

or a low, I hope you can find some blessing,

Beth Hewitt:

some joy, some whatever that is for you in the moment as you're listening to

Beth Hewitt:

this, speaking. About that, I just pulled another card for the

Melissa Amos:

listeners. I'm like, what's going to get out? Who's going to be here, like, at

Beth Hewitt:

05:00 with all these cards? No joking. Literally, I've cleared the table.

Melissa Amos:

I've cleared the deck. And I've got all the decks.

Melissa Amos:

We're the decks for the decks. And I just thought, okay, what are the listeners

Melissa Amos:

going to be? Because you're the ones listening to this and you're thinking, this is

Melissa Amos:

all very great, Melissa and Beth learning about you, but what about me? And

Melissa Amos:

we've got the tossed light codes, and this is the teacher

Melissa Amos:

awakening. And sometimes

Melissa Amos:

when we are listening to others

Melissa Amos:

talking about their experiences and their

Melissa Amos:

understandings, and both of us have done a lot of studying and

Melissa Amos:

contemplations and research into various

Melissa Amos:

energetic tools. And when we listen to

Melissa Amos:

that and when we're exposed to that, it's not about

Melissa Amos:

necessarily understanding or agreeing with anything that we

Melissa Amos:

say. And certainly Beth and I, we may have some

Melissa Amos:

different opinions on things, and that's okay. This is about

Melissa Amos:

you understanding and taking in whatever it is that

Melissa Amos:

lands within you and then

Melissa Amos:

presenting that or articulating that or

Melissa Amos:

bringing your own understanding to it so that you can bring your own

Melissa Amos:

divinity and your own creation and your own

Melissa Amos:

initiation into that. So for me,

Melissa Amos:

this is saying to the listeners, to just to receive,

Melissa Amos:

but also use what we're talking about to create your own

Melissa Amos:

answers and to launch your own

Melissa Amos:

lessons of inquiry. And maybe if you are a teacher or a coach

Melissa Amos:

or a mentor or you're looking to go into that, you can use some

Melissa Amos:

of these topics of discussions to really land

Melissa Amos:

into your perspective and how you feel about that.

Beth Hewitt:

Love it. I'd also love our listeners to get in touch with them,

Beth Hewitt:

let us know what their aha. Moments have been or what

Beth Hewitt:

the conversations have sparked in them. I'd really love to see the ripple

Beth Hewitt:

effect of that. So maybe we'll let people know where they can contact us at

Beth Hewitt:

the end of the show. Shall we talk about a little bit about how

Beth Hewitt:

this came to be? As I said at the beginning of the show, I'm a

Beth Hewitt:

spiritual performance coach. I work with businesses and startup

Beth Hewitt:

businesses, and I have a membership called the

Beth Hewitt:

Visualize and Thrive Business Club. And within that

Beth Hewitt:

we do all kinds of things. We have visualizations and meditations,

Beth Hewitt:

we have group coaching, we have a mastermind, but we also

Beth Hewitt:

have guest experts coming to the group every single month.

Beth Hewitt:

And last month it was actually my beautiful friend

Beth Hewitt:

KJ who was going to be coming along. She's still coming along into the membership,

Beth Hewitt:

but KG, who I've been working with for a while on her

Beth Hewitt:

own vision. Her vision was to run retreats all

Beth Hewitt:

over the world. And so she's. Yeah, she's been doing retreats in

Beth Hewitt:

Bali and Scotland and Hawaii and California

Beth Hewitt:

all over the place. And it was my own fault.

Beth Hewitt:

That's probably not the right word. But in KJ, following her passion and

Beth Hewitt:

vision and taking action on that, she was off there gallivanting around the world.

Beth Hewitt:

And when we checked in the day before the guest expert session, she was

Beth Hewitt:

like, I'm in Indonesia and I think

Beth Hewitt:

I've got my time zones mixed up. So we were like, okay, it doesn't matter.

Beth Hewitt:

We will come together when the time is right. Now at that point. So that

Beth Hewitt:

session was going to be on creativity for

Beth Hewitt:

spiritual entrepreneurs. And at that point, I could have just messaged my

Beth Hewitt:

members and said, okay, we've cancelled tonight, we'll reschedule. But

Beth Hewitt:

something in me said, do you know what? And this is how I like to

Beth Hewitt:

try and approach life generally, is that challenges are

Beth Hewitt:

an opportunity in disguise that we can navigate our way around. And

Beth Hewitt:

so it was about, I want to say it was about 230 in the

Beth Hewitt:

afternoon and this session was at 730 at night. But I thought, you know what,

Beth Hewitt:

if we don't ask, we don't get. So I went into our friend

Beth Hewitt:

Desde Brava's community and I asked the question, would

Beth Hewitt:

anybody want to speak to my members this evening on the topic

Beth Hewitt:

of creativity for spiritual entrepreneurs?

Beth Hewitt:

And then what happened, Mel? So I'm at home thinking

Melissa Amos:

I've got a nice evening off tonight because I do. I

Melissa Amos:

also run a membership and similar, we

Melissa Amos:

have experts come in and I run a variety of workshops

Melissa Amos:

on all things spiritual. We're very broad with

Melissa Amos:

our, with our discussions. And

Melissa Amos:

I was at home and I had a rare evening off, like normally my

Melissa Amos:

quite jam packed. And I saw

Melissa Amos:

this post and I'm

Melissa Amos:

not even sure I quite read it properly right, because I just

Melissa Amos:

saw, do you want to, someone wants to come into my community and I've been

Melissa Amos:

into your community before for, and I was like,

Melissa Amos:

yeah, I can do that. My diary is free.

Melissa Amos:

And then when we were speaking about,

Melissa Amos:

okay, what's it going to be about? And you were like, oh, it's about creativity.

Melissa Amos:

In with spirituality, I thought, oh, this is

Melissa Amos:

interesting because I've actually not presented on that topic before. But

Melissa Amos:

it's for me, spirituality

Melissa Amos:

is a creation or a co creation.

Melissa Amos:

And what I've learned about my own

Melissa Amos:

journey and working with my clients and my members is

Melissa Amos:

that our spiritual experience or

Melissa Amos:

our spiritual progression is very much about how

Melissa Amos:

we express and who we are and getting to know

Melissa Amos:

ourselves. And one of the biggest vehicles for getting to know ourselves

Melissa Amos:

is through our creative pursuits, whether that's speaking or drawing

Melissa Amos:

or channeling or making a garden, or

Melissa Amos:

I think one of the examples was sorting out your bookshelves or creating

Melissa Amos:

a crystal grid in your home. And

Melissa Amos:

so I just jumped in and I thought, let's see what happens.

Melissa Amos:

But also, another motivation for me was about two

Melissa Amos:

weeks prior, I was, I was in the woods, and

Melissa Amos:

I had a notification on my phone. I kept getting

Melissa Amos:

tagged, and it was because Beth was

Melissa Amos:

running her 30 day program.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. And I was like, oh. And I was getting loads of

Melissa Amos:

notifications, and I opened it up, and Beth was doing

Melissa Amos:

bibliomancy with my book, memoirs of a mystic in

Melissa Amos:

training. And I just loved that. I was like, oh. So I really

Melissa Amos:

felt I wanted to give you something back, offering that

Melissa Amos:

as well. Yeah. So we did the presentation, and

Melissa Amos:

it was a really nice discussion about opening

Melissa Amos:

up to the possibilities and just going with that

Melissa Amos:

inspiration and knowing that creation doesn't have to be

Melissa Amos:

perfect, but creation just is for creation's

Melissa Amos:

sake. Yeah. Then I think it was you

Melissa Amos:

that when, we should just talk about this on a podcast.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. So Mel came into the session that evening,

Beth Hewitt:

did a really amazing, I mean, again, it was an unscripted, it

Beth Hewitt:

was an interview style conversation, wasn't it, about creativity, inspiration, and taking

Beth Hewitt:

action, and the memory were all engaged. It was really

Beth Hewitt:

uplifting and positive. And at the end of it,

Beth Hewitt:

actually, just before the end of it, I got another download because we were talking

Beth Hewitt:

about, when do you take action on those inspired thoughts? And we'll get more into

Beth Hewitt:

that, I think, as we go through the different episodes. But this was one where

Beth Hewitt:

I knew that actually, I should take action on it,

Beth Hewitt:

because how often do we have those downloads, which are probably for our good and

Beth Hewitt:

our growth, but we don't necessarily take action on them for a myriad of reasons.

Beth Hewitt:

We might be too busy, or life is just getting in the way, or we,

Beth Hewitt:

we want to do something else in that moment. But I thought, you know what?

Beth Hewitt:

We've had a really inspired conversation, completely

Beth Hewitt:

unscripted. What if this was a podcast? What if we

Beth Hewitt:

rocked up every week, not knowing what the other

Beth Hewitt:

person was going to be talking about, and just listened to where the

Beth Hewitt:

conversation could naturally go, just through spirit guiding us?

Beth Hewitt:

And literally, I think I closed the zoom, and then I messaged

Beth Hewitt:

Mel. I was like, we should start podcasting. And at

Beth Hewitt:

first, I was thinking in my head, I was like, as we all get those

Beth Hewitt:

imposter syndrome of, oh, Mel's not going to want to do a podcast with me

Beth Hewitt:

or these thoughts that we have, I thought, you know what? No, I'm acting on

Beth Hewitt:

this. It's been given to me as an inspired thought, and I

Beth Hewitt:

was like, mel, we should do a podcast. It wasn't even, do you want to

Beth Hewitt:

do a podcast? I think it was, we should do a podcast. And then here

Beth Hewitt:

we are. But it's nice to know that your backstory in terms of,

Beth Hewitt:

like, the notification, that was what actually led you

Beth Hewitt:

to want to do this and the session in the membership

Beth Hewitt:

as well, we should probably say what bibliomancy or

Beth Hewitt:

bibliotherapy is as well for anybody who is not,

Beth Hewitt:

you know, familiar with that concept. That's literally where a

Beth Hewitt:

little bit like what we're doing with the Oracle cards. Yeah, let's do it now.

Beth Hewitt:

Let's do it now. Let me explain it. And you can do it with your

Beth Hewitt:

book. So you explain. So when we pull a card and we're inspired and

Beth Hewitt:

we channel that thought, bibliomancy or bibliotherapy,

Beth Hewitt:

somebody could ask a specific question. So you can do this if you haven't got

Beth Hewitt:

oracle cards, but you've got a book shelf full of books at

Beth Hewitt:

home. And I've literally done it with the craziest of books. I've done it with

Beth Hewitt:

books about filmmaking, just. And books about

Beth Hewitt:

directors and things like that. Just crazy things. And you ask a question, you set

Beth Hewitt:

that intention. You ask that question. Or you could just ask for some general guidance.

Beth Hewitt:

And whatever page you land on, as you're flicking through the

Beth Hewitt:

book, you feel called to stop on, you read the first thing that

Beth Hewitt:

catches your eye, that page. So on that evening,

Beth Hewitt:

inside the 30 day gratitude and vision building

Beth Hewitt:

journey, I was doing a session that evening. And actually, it's funny

Beth Hewitt:

now we're talking about it, because prior, I've gone off on a

Beth Hewitt:

tangent here, but prior to that, the night before, I'd said to my members, we've

Beth Hewitt:

got an evening tomorrow together. What do you want to do? And they were

Beth Hewitt:

saying, oh, and they were giving all of these ideas, and then I just had

Beth Hewitt:

the thought of, do you know what? We haven't done any bibliotherapy. Bibliomancy in the

Beth Hewitt:

group. Let's do that. And so it was actually an inspired thought

Beth Hewitt:

downloaded again to do it. And I just love how now we're here. Like,

Beth Hewitt:

it's just, it's crazy, isn't it? So

Beth Hewitt:

shall we ask a general question, or shall we, have you got a question, Mel,

Beth Hewitt:

that we could ask the book, Mel, actually tell the listeners what book you're actually

Beth Hewitt:

got in your hands there, because that's quite important. It's

Melissa Amos:

called memoirs of a mystic in training. And it's the story

Melissa Amos:

of my spiritual growth and understanding and

Melissa Amos:

all the questions, the thousand million questions that

Melissa Amos:

came up during that, and some of the answers or

Melissa Amos:

inspirations that I'd received in. So

Melissa Amos:

I thought it would be nice because, like, then, because we're a team now. Why

Melissa Amos:

don't you give me. So we'll ask the question for the listeners,

Melissa Amos:

but why don't you give me the page number, and we'll go from

Melissa Amos:

there. 14 early.

Melissa Amos:

Let's see. Are we really

Melissa Amos:

in control? Nothing destined. Could

Melissa Amos:

my astral chart, my bezy chart, my human design, my soul plan,

Melissa Amos:

my religion, my ancestral line, my akashic records, my

Melissa Amos:

beliefs, my personality type? Might anything truly be the

Melissa Amos:

answer? If so, which one is right? And what is

Melissa Amos:

really the point of it all? Are we trying to break free from a

Melissa Amos:

matrix that isn't serving us? Or is there something else that

Melissa Amos:

is just there if we just tap into it? And how do we do that

Melissa Amos:

if it's true? Is divinity out there or in here?

Melissa Amos:

And where, oh, where, do these answers lie?

Beth Hewitt:

I think that's a whole other podcast episode

Beth Hewitt:

series, but, yeah.

Beth Hewitt:

What's going on? I know that when I was little, very

Beth Hewitt:

little, like at four years old, I could. I was very

Beth Hewitt:

sad. So I talk like I'm quite smiley and positive a lot of

Beth Hewitt:

the time now. That's how people see me, and I'm very upbeat. But I wasn't

Beth Hewitt:

always that way. And when I was little, I was so sad. Like,

Beth Hewitt:

miserable. I never smiled in any pictures at school, whenever

Beth Hewitt:

all the other girls and boys were playing with dolls or Lego

Beth Hewitt:

or cars or whatever you wanted to play with, I was very much

Beth Hewitt:

in solitude and in my head, and I didn't want to play with dolls, and

Beth Hewitt:

I didn't want to play mums and dads, and I didn't want to do all

Beth Hewitt:

of these things that were lining us up for work or whatever. I could see

Beth Hewitt:

very early on that I was on a

Beth Hewitt:

conveyor belt and heading towards something that I didn't necessarily want to be part

Beth Hewitt:

of. And that was the thread from a very

Beth Hewitt:

young age. But also, I discovered visualization

Beth Hewitt:

when I was four as well. So that

Beth Hewitt:

imagination piece with me was my salvation and helped me

Beth Hewitt:

to create my own world and travel that path with

Beth Hewitt:

that, but still knowing I was heading towards, I have to be in school, I

Beth Hewitt:

have to go, I have to get an education, I have to get a

Beth Hewitt:

job, I have to do all of these things. So for me,

Beth Hewitt:

it was very much about trying to find my way out of the

Beth Hewitt:

societal structures that we have

Beth Hewitt:

and always looking and searching

Beth Hewitt:

for the thing that I was supposed to be doing. And that

Beth Hewitt:

leads us to all of these wonderful things like the Akashic records and oracle card

Beth Hewitt:

readings and all of these different modalities and things.

Beth Hewitt:

So it's an interesting path that all of us are on.

Melissa Amos:

I think that, like, for me, that discussion is

Melissa Amos:

about, well, how much of it is predestined in fated

Melissa Amos:

and how much of it is in my control. And this whole

Melissa Amos:

conversation about if I can manifest and co

Melissa Amos:

create. So if that's on one side of the coin, but the other

Melissa Amos:

side of the coin is when everything is predetermined,

Melissa Amos:

then where's the middle ground for that? Yeah. And

Melissa Amos:

I'm not even sure I can call it a conclusion, but my contemplation

Melissa Amos:

around that at the moment is that it really is a blend of both.

Beth Hewitt:

Yeah. Perhaps one of our

Melissa Amos:

missions here is to understand all of that. Do I think that our

Melissa Amos:

human design and that our soul plan and that our

Melissa Amos:

astrology charts and all of this and our

Melissa Amos:

ancestry line all play a part? Absolutely, massively. I think

Melissa Amos:

all of those come into this understanding of knowing

Melissa Amos:

ourself. And as we know ourselves, then we can meet ourselves where we

Melissa Amos:

are, but that's then where

Melissa Amos:

the co creation comes in. And this understanding is,

Melissa Amos:

you shared that story that you were very sad. You couldn't have high

Melissa Amos:

vibed your way out of that. You couldn't have said, oh, I need to be

Melissa Amos:

happy. You need to acknowledge, well, okay, I'm sad. And then maybe it's

Melissa Amos:

because I see myself in this conveyor belt. I don't want to be on this

Melissa Amos:

conveyor belt. What I do want is this. And yes, I know I need to

Melissa Amos:

function as a human in society because we do. We'd be no

Melissa Amos:

use if we were out in spirit land, because then

Melissa Amos:

we'll be having all the frustrations of all those spirit guides. Imagine

Melissa Amos:

that. So, for me, when

Melissa Amos:

I started to contemplate this, I came into this understanding

Melissa Amos:

that fate was one thing. Fate was that thing you're talking about.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah. That convey about that. I have to do this. I have to conform. I

Melissa Amos:

have this sadness, or I have this anxiety, or I have this

Melissa Amos:

tendency, and that's what's going to drive me, and it's going to keep driving me

Melissa Amos:

forward. Fate will give us these interventions that

Melissa Amos:

sit in between. Yeah. But for me, that's very different to our

Melissa Amos:

destiny, because I think our destiny is that thing that's pulling us, that's going,

Melissa Amos:

okay, this is what you've known to be true. This is what society

Melissa Amos:

have told you is true. This is the conditions in which you found

Melissa Amos:

yourself. But actually you can break free. This

Melissa Amos:

doesn't have to be your only reality, that you

Melissa Amos:

can use all of this to leap forward

Melissa Amos:

or to launch into something new, or

Melissa Amos:

to actually use what you knew

Melissa Amos:

to fuel you rather than

Melissa Amos:

guide you. And that is where that intuition

Melissa Amos:

and that inspiration and that visualization and that goal

Melissa Amos:

setting, if we can bring all of that into alignment with

Melissa Amos:

our soul plan, in our human design, in our astrology and

Melissa Amos:

our all on our akashic records and all of these other things, and

Melissa Amos:

suddenly things flow and we find ourselves having an inspiration

Melissa Amos:

to share a book that you'd only would have just got because it only

Melissa Amos:

came out a few weeks before, on a day that you happen

Melissa Amos:

to not have anything to do, and then you happen to

Melissa Amos:

book in a person who then you happen to have

Melissa Amos:

an idea, maybe I'll put it out there. And it happened to be on my

Melissa Amos:

night off and it happened to be me feeling that, well, actually I could do

Melissa Amos:

this. And me not reading the brief properly, all things

Melissa Amos:

happen because suddenly we're opening up into

Melissa Amos:

a possibility rather than what could have been, which is, oh,

Melissa Amos:

someone's cancelled, that's a pain. And now I need to. And now,

Melissa Amos:

which this always happens to me kind of story.

Melissa Amos:

Yeah, that is. I think that's part of the magic

Melissa Amos:

of this discovery of what's possible for us.

Beth Hewitt:

I completely agree. And I think all of the tools that we have

Beth Hewitt:

and the human design and all of that, it's a map, it's there to help

Beth Hewitt:

and guide us and maybe to get us back on track a little bit and

Beth Hewitt:

to learn more about ourselves. But it's when we start pushing on

Beth Hewitt:

that, I often that co creation is a little bit like a

Beth Hewitt:

door that's open and ready to be pushed, but you're not

Beth Hewitt:

quite through it. And then the universe is at the other side, and then as

Beth Hewitt:

you push through that, the universe comes to meet you on the other side and

Beth Hewitt:

that's where the co creation happens. But, yeah, we go on these wonderful journeys

Beth Hewitt:

to get to that point and that's hopefully what we're going to hopefully inspire

Beth Hewitt:

our listeners to do as well.

Beth Hewitt:

So I think this has been a wonderful first conversation. I'm so excited for all

Beth Hewitt:

of the future conversations that we've got to have. Coming up. I

Beth Hewitt:

think I'm thinking we should maybe do like a male

Beth Hewitt:

interview. We should do an interview all about you and your life story. Maybe you

Beth Hewitt:

can interview me, and we can talk about mine and let listeners

Beth Hewitt:

know a little bit more about who we are and our world and everything.

Beth Hewitt:

But have you got anything to add to today's

Beth Hewitt:

amazing first episode? I've always

Melissa Amos:

got something to add. I think let's use our

Melissa Amos:

time together. So you and me, Beth and the listeners,

Melissa Amos:

let's use our time together to really explore and open

Melissa Amos:

up. And I think that this conversation is going to be less

Melissa Amos:

about answers and more about exploration and

Melissa Amos:

discovery and allowing that to be so. With that

Melissa Amos:

in mind, we'd love to hear if you've received something from this and

Melissa Amos:

what that is, but also if there's anything that you would like us

Melissa Amos:

to contemplate or discuss, we'd

Melissa Amos:

love to hear any inspirations from that.

Melissa Amos:

And life unfolds, and it's magic. And I think that we have

Melissa Amos:

more say in what we do than we think.



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