Liam is a researcher, author, speaker, and educator.
He teaches Neuro-State Rebalancing (NSR), a technique for readjusting the four areas of your brain in order to solve issues and gain control over your life.
In addition, Liam offers a number of well-respected programs for individuals and couples to help them mend their marriages or relationships.
He doesn’t believe that everyday problems and stress are natural.
Instead, he has discovered how your brain is scientifically built to lead you to a happy and full existence through research into the brain, neurology, psychology, and human behavior, as well as his own personal change.
Problems and stress are optional.
He believes that stress and problems are merely the result of using your brain incorrectly unless you are facing an immediate threat to your life. You start making far better decisions, solving issues more effectively, recognizing new opportunities, and taking charge of your own life when you reset your brain so that it operates the way it was intended to.
In this episode, we learn of Liam’s story about his struggles and eventual redemption.
The story of Liam's own life is one of rags to riches and back. After leading a prosperous life in business, he lost everything and ended up on the streets before drastically improving his quality of life.
This prompted him to look for the true reason behind success and failure in life, which he did after conducting study and testing and learning that it had to do with the functioning of the brain.
Episode 224 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a must listen for those who lives in a constant state of stress and non-stop problems piling on top of one another. For those who are overwhelmed, confused, and have no idea what to do anymore because of it. Liam is going to inspire you with his own story and give you tips on how to use your own brain the way it was designed to be used.
“The Beyond Adversity Podcast with Dr. Brad Miller is published weekly with the mission of helping people “Grow Through What They Go Through” as they navigate adversity and discover their promised life of peace, prosperity, and purpose.
With our special guest, Liam Naden. He blogs at
Brad Miller::He's going to talking to us today about using your brain the right way.
Brad Miller::So, Liam, welcome to Beyond Adversity.
Liam Naden::Thank you very much, Brad. It's a thrill to be here. Thanks for having me.
Brad Miller::But it is, indeed a joy to have you here on the beyond diversity podcast.
Brad Miller::And I know that you're going to add a lot to our audience and our audience
Brad Miller::is all about process all about, you know, not being stuck in
Brad Miller::whatever adverse life event happens to us and having a process to get through it.
Brad Miller::But that also presumes that we all have problems,
Brad Miller::we all have difficulties, we all have challenges.
Brad Miller::And some of them can be pretty, pretty devastating.
Brad Miller::I know in your life, you've had a few things that you've had to overcome.
Brad Miller::And if you don't mind, just share with us some of the things
Brad Miller::that you've had to deal with here in life and how they were
Brad Miller::really a impetus to help you to turn things around.
Brad Miller::And to do what you're doing right now about working with using your brain the right way.
Brad Miller::Tell us your story a little bit, Liam.
Liam Naden::Sure. Well, really, the big defining moment for me was in my mid 40s,
Liam Naden::and went from being a multimillionaire and doing pretty well.
Liam Naden::And on the success chart, if you like, to actually losing everything, lost,
Liam Naden::it all became homeless, literally ended up with the clothes on my back.
Liam Naden::And I had to move in with my elderly mother and sleep on the sofa,
Liam Naden::in her living room in her small apartment.
Liam Naden::And it was, it was not a fun experience.
Liam Naden::I can tell you, I mean, I can remember she was in his 70s.
Liam Naden::And I literally watched her go out the door every morning to work to pay for my food.
Brad Miller::It's, that's humbling, my goodness.
Liam Naden::It is. And, you know, I was thinking, why is this happened to me,
Liam Naden::because, apart from sort of knowing the obvious,
Liam Naden::so it made a few bad decisions, and they'd all come back to, to haunt me.
Liam Naden::But I didn't really prided myself where I'd really spent my life
Liam Naden::trying to understand how to be in control of my life,
Liam Naden::how to be successful, how to really make the most of my life.
Liam Naden::And I'd done all the all of the ambitious things of setting goals
Liam Naden::and working really hard and being motivated.
Liam Naden::And I'd also learned everything I called about goals,
Liam Naden::about personal development, self help, self improvement,
Liam Naden::I'd looked into religion, I'd been brought up a Christian spirituality,
Liam Naden::studying business. I've been to seminars all over the world,
Liam Naden::all sorts of courses, read lots of books.
Liam Naden::And I thought, well hang on a moment, if I know so much about how to be in control of my life.
Liam Naden::How could this have happened to me
Liam Naden::where I get to the point where I feel I have no control over my life.
Liam Naden::And I literally didn't feel I had no control.
Liam Naden::Because all these bad things were happening.
Liam Naden::People were ringing me up wanting money that I didn't have
Liam Naden::and all these terrible things, I felt totally out of control.
Brad Miller::Circumstances happen no matter what, no matter what position ran, bad things can happen.
Liam Naden::Well, that's the thing, isn't it, but my life developed in quite a different way after that.
Liam Naden::And after I got through all the, all the mess and cleaned things up.
Liam Naden::And as you do, and I think that's important to realize,
Liam Naden::important thing to realize, of course, is that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Liam Naden::And you will get through it. And sometimes instead of what I realized at the time,
Liam Naden::or realize sorry, after the time, was that, sometimes we get these adverse things happen to us.
Liam Naden::But they ended instead of being a bad thing,
Liam Naden::they ended up in hindsight, you realize that they're a real gift.
Liam Naden::They're one of the best things that can happen to you.
Liam Naden::At the time, it doesn't feel like it. And it doesn't seem like it because we're living through it.
Liam Naden::But we can look back. And it certainly was the case for me that
Liam Naden::this actually turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Liam Naden::Because it really got me to use my life or live my life in a different way,
Liam Naden::which bought me completely different results.
Liam Naden::And it's really the basis of what the work I do now.
Liam Naden::So I can say I wouldn't be doing this. I wouldn't be talking to you now,
Liam Naden::if they couldn't happen. So it was a gift.
Brad Miller::And you but part of what is interesting about your story here Liam
Brad Miller::is that if you say you were a multimillionaire, then you'd have been homeless.
Brad Miller::That means you truly did have a higher high then many people have
Brad Miller::at least financially and you had a lower lower than most people have
Brad Miller::and that most people, you know, they may have indebtedness and other things,
Brad Miller::but they don't end up homeless and living in their mother's apartment
Brad Miller::when you're in your 40s and she's in their 70s.
Brad Miller::So you've really had come at some of the extremes
Brad Miller::Didn't you hear in your life? And so that can take a toll on you as well can't it?
Liam Naden::Oh, absolutely. Yeah, it was. It's fun. very draining.
Liam Naden::And I think that the highs, it's quite, quite interesting.
Liam Naden::The measure of success in our society,
Liam Naden::we're always continuing, everyone, apparently,
Liam Naden::or seemingly as striving for is material and financial success,
Liam Naden::but the thing I was when I was a child,
Liam Naden::the only thing I really wanted was to be happy.
Liam Naden::I wanted to figure out how can I be the best that I can be and be really happy.
Liam Naden::And what I realized is that all of these things that we chase after,
Liam Naden::and it's pretty obvious people probably know this,
Liam Naden::but all we're really trying to do is be happy.
Liam Naden::But we just think that these things that we're we're going after,
Liam Naden::or what will give us their happiness.
Liam Naden::And that's what and so what I discovered was even though I had all of the things
Liam Naden::that I thought should make me happy, I had all the money,
Liam Naden::the homes, the the freedom to travel, and I was
Liam Naden::doing some nice travel and nice things.
Liam Naden::I still had lots of problems and stress, I didn't actually feel that happy.
Liam Naden::I didn't feel that successful, which was part of the surprise
Liam Naden::because I thought, well, I'm studying success.
Liam Naden::I'm supposed to be happy and successful, maybe problems and struggle,
Liam Naden::maybe that's all part of it. So the high and the low, in one way weren't that far apart.
Liam Naden::Because when you're living when you've got a lot, and you're really stressed,
Liam Naden::it's not that much different from not having anything
Liam Naden::and having a lot of stress as well. It's still the stress.
Brad Miller::Sure. Well, let's just take the for one example,
Brad Miller::the area of finances I've seen by this the other day,
Brad Miller::it was in a local convenience Mart and somebody was buying lottery tickets,
Brad Miller::and they were saying some comment about that, you know,
Brad Miller::that's my retirement plan or something like that.
Brad Miller::And they probably were more factual than not in a way.
Brad Miller::But my point is someone who makes a lot of money,
Brad Miller::it can be obsessed about money,
Brad Miller::but someone who has no money can be obsessed about money,
Brad Miller::but they are both obsessed by that in an unhealthy way.
Brad Miller::Do you agree with that, that can that can happen in other areas of life,
Brad Miller::as well, whether they have it or whether they don't?
Liam Naden::Absolutely. And that is the problem, isn't it? It's based on fear.
Liam Naden::Because whether you have a lot or whether you don't have a lot,
Liam Naden::if you're obsessed with it, what really is going on as you're afraid.
Liam Naden::They're afraid of either losing it or not getting it. It's all based on fear.
Liam Naden::It's that fear that's caused stress.
Liam Naden::And obviously, it's that fear, it makes you do all the wrong things as well.
Brad Miller::And that's also far away from contentment, and peace.
Brad Miller::If you're obsessed, and you're in and antagonized anxious ridden state,
Brad Miller::and you're not at peace, and I take it now in your life,
Brad Miller::you feel like you have a place of peace of place.
Brad Miller::You're in a good place.
Brad Miller::Would you say that's a fair thing to say at this point? Liam?
Liam Naden::Absolutely. Yeah, a wonderful place.
Liam Naden::And it was funny because as I came out of that mess situation of losing everything,
Liam Naden::I did start to do things in a different way.
Liam Naden::And things were a lot better, a lot less stressful, a lot happier,
Liam Naden::a lot more fulfilling, and really trying to figure out the difference between what I was doing.
Brad Miller::Let's talk about that. I love to talk about action steps that people take
Brad Miller::because when people break out of their adverse life conditions,
Brad Miller::they break out of their patterns,
Brad Miller::often they're taking some steps significantly different
Brad Miller::from where they were at before.
Brad Miller::And you mentioned even the midst of your success that you know,
Brad Miller::we were going through courses and self help and other things like this,
Brad Miller::and studying and had a spiritual life and all that kind of thing.
Brad Miller::But that wasn't working. But what what did you do?
Brad Miller::Well, and souls quiet moments in your mom's apartment, sleeping on the couch?
Brad Miller::What were some of the things you decided to do? And then you did?
Brad Miller::What are some of the actions you took, which broke those patterns?
Brad Miller::Tell us go there with us for a minute, please.
Liam Naden::Well, I didn't really realize what I was doing at the time.
Liam Naden::And that's why subsequent to that, when I said I need to figure out what I'm doing differently.
Liam Naden::I want to know what the differences
Liam Naden::Why am I getting so much better results than without the stress
Liam Naden::without the problems enjoying my life, having the success I need,
Liam Naden::if you like to be happy? What's the difference between that and the previous life
Liam Naden::where I was struggling and stressed and achieving success on the outside
Liam Naden::but not feeling happy on the inside. So I didn't really realize what I was doing at the time.
Liam Naden::But I subsequently figured it out. And you mentioned that
Liam Naden::in the introduction about using your brain the right way.
Liam Naden::What I figured out was I was using my brain in a different way.
Liam Naden::It literally came to down to there.
Liam Naden::And it's a bit this if we want if you want the the essence of it.
Liam Naden::When you feel fear. You put your brain in a certain biological state,
Liam Naden::which is different when you don't feel fear.
Liam Naden::And the state that you put yourself in when you feel fear is
Liam Naden::it blocks off all of your problem solving and creative and resourceful part of your brain.
Liam Naden::So this happens on a biological level, I teach this in a lot more detail and a lot more depth.
Liam Naden::So the only way you're actually going to solve problems,
Liam Naden::the only way you're going to create your ideal life,
Liam Naden::the only way you're going to allow this infinite computer,
Liam Naden::which is your brain, to give you the right life for you, is you have to be able to access it.
Liam Naden::And the only way you can access it is by not being afraid,
Liam Naden::because fear blocks off that part of your brain, on a biological level,
Liam Naden::talks about this in the Bible, it says Be not afraid, have no fear,
Liam Naden::doesn't say, try not to be afraid, or please don't be afraid to just have no fear,
Liam Naden::be not afraid, because when you're in a fear state,
Liam Naden::you activate something called your sympathetic nervous system,
Liam Naden::and shuts down all the main result creative resources of your brain.
Liam Naden::So what it's designed to do, so I didn't realize that at the time,
Liam Naden::but I let go of my fear. Instead of struggling to be successful,
Liam Naden::and trying and pushing and trying to figure out what to do.
Liam Naden::I said, you know, I don't know what to do.
Liam Naden::I admitted for the first time in my life, probably I don't know what to do.
Liam Naden::I don't and I give up, whatever is going to happen is going to happen.
Liam Naden::Because I'm tired, I'm tired of trying to push and make it work.
Liam Naden::And I don't know what to do. Because I literally had no clue what to do.
Liam Naden::I didn't know how to make any money or Borg.
Liam Naden::I had no idea I was in a foreign town I hadn't been in that town for for years.
Liam Naden::So I didn't know anybody or No, I had no resources.
Liam Naden::But when I let go of fear, I didn't realize that at the time when I just said,
Liam Naden::I'm not going to be afraid anymore.
Liam Naden::And there's a bit more to it, obviously.
Liam Naden::But I actually allowed that part of my brain,
Liam Naden::which is designed to give me a life where I thrive, rather than just survive,
Liam Naden::allow that to start doing its job. And much better things started to happen in my life.
Liam Naden::So my life that I wasn't expecting opportunities, good things.
Brad Miller::So what would you say then is the the counterpoint to fear?
Brad Miller::You say you gave up fear and you cast it away?
Brad Miller::And when you talk a minute about some biblical spiritual concepts, yeah,
Brad Miller::but what, what did you see is that you were exchanging your fear from you know,
Brad Miller::you gave your fear up. But what did you gain that what?
Liam Naden::Well, I suppose the word that's a little bit,
Liam Naden::perhaps overused as surrender, letting go.
Liam Naden::But what that really means what surrender and releasing go really mean?
Liam Naden::There's no expectation, okay, instead of trying to figure thing, just say,
Liam Naden::I don't know what's going to happen.
Liam Naden::And I don't care. Literally, instead of, and I think they're just the opposite.
Liam Naden::And that is why often people say they let go,
Liam Naden::but they don't really because they're still trying to figure out what to do.
Liam Naden::The part of your brain which knows what to do, you don't need to figure it out.
Liam Naden::It'll it's already figured it out for you. It's much bigger than your thinking brain.
Liam Naden::I call it your creative brain. And it's, you know, as you would know,
Liam Naden::it's a physical, this is a biological part of your brain.
Liam Naden::So, really Letting go means letting go of all expectation
Liam Naden::and trusting that whatever is going to be is going to be and it'll and you'll be fine.
Brad Miller::Yeah. Would it be fair to say that, when you let go of your fear
Brad Miller::that a factor in that is being is having faith and having faith even in even in the unknown?
Brad Miller::Was that a fair thing to say? You think?
Liam Naden::Let Yeah, I mean, that's what, that's exactly what faith is, isn't true faith,
Liam Naden::believing that you're going to be okay, that everything is perfect,
Liam Naden::that everything is going to work out fine. And that's nothing other than you
Liam Naden::is going to make that happen. That is what true faith is.
Liam Naden::And I think, you know, talking about faith, even when it comes to prayer,
Liam Naden::that's why prayer doesn't work when people when it doesn't work for people is
Liam Naden::there's no faith attached to it. They're trying to ask for something.
Liam Naden::They're attached to getting it rather than just,
Liam Naden::I think the purpose of prayer is gratitude.
Liam Naden::Should be grateful for what you have, and you'll get more given to you.
Liam Naden::Is that in the Bible?
Brad Miller::Right, right, right. Well, let's go there for a second Liam, let's talk about the role.
Brad Miller::You know, we're gonna talk a little bit about, you know,
Brad Miller::some chemical reactions and electrical synapses in the brain
Brad Miller::and that kind of stuff in a minute here.
Brad Miller::But let's go this area here about the importance of the role of
Brad Miller::some sort of a spiritual connection or some sort of a connection
Brad Miller::to a force greater than self that has to do with this transformation
Brad Miller::that takes place are connected with a higher power.
Brad Miller::You mentioned faith and stepping out in faith and prayer
Brad Miller::how prayer doesn't work when we cling on to that
Brad Miller::which is a remnants of our of our humanity, I believe that as well.
Brad Miller::Reminds me a little bit that people have tried to jump off a diving board at a pool.
Brad Miller::You can't jump off a diving board while you're still trying to hang on to the board.
Brad Miller::You gotta let go and you gotta go with but tell me
Brad Miller::about you how you feel maybe about the role,
Brad Miller::especially in what you're thinking about connecting to higher power
Brad Miller::or some sort of a spiritual life or something beyond that.
Liam Naden::Another way of defining spiritual life is what? What is this stuff?
Liam Naden::What is this universe made of, if you like,
Liam Naden::and we can say whatever name you want to give it,
Liam Naden::we have to agree that firstly, it's infinite, whatever there is, is infinite.
Liam Naden::And if it's infinite, that also must be intelligent.
Liam Naden::Because that's part of infinity, all it must have all knowledge.
Liam Naden::So whatever this infinite intelligence is, because it's infinite,
Liam Naden::and because it's intelligent, we're a part of it, we are connected,
Liam Naden::if not, in fact, if it's infinite, we must be it as well.
Liam Naden::So this infinite intelligence is what we can tap into,
Liam Naden::when we're using our brain the right way.
Liam Naden::And when we let go and truly surrender,
Liam Naden::it's an infinite as a sign infinite intelligence that we realize is running the show.
Liam Naden::So surrender actually is all surrender, as I think is letting go of fear.
Liam Naden::Because you're still actually in control.
Liam Naden::But you're not in control in the way you think you are.
Liam Naden::And you're not motivated by being afraid of what you think might happen.
Liam Naden::So when you will, when you surrender, and you're surrendering to a higher power,
Liam Naden::you're actually surrendering to the higher part of you, because it's infinite,
Liam Naden::so you must be a part of it. So this is where this, I think,
Liam Naden::sometimes we think there's something outside of us, that we that has a role to play.
Liam Naden::But if it's infinite, we must be infinite as well. It's all blended in.
Liam Naden::So we're actually surrendering to the higher part of ourselves.
Brad Miller::I'm a retired pastor and the world I come from,
Brad Miller::we might call that part of the infinite within you the Holy Spirit.
Brad Miller::For instance, we may say that, that's one terminology for it.
Brad Miller::Other people call it you know, lifeforce sort of things like that.
Brad Miller::But it's a spark of something beyond itself, that's within us,
Brad Miller::but also is from beyond, and also within us, it is within and beyond.
Brad Miller::And it's what makes us tick, I believe, in terms of transformation,
Brad Miller::you can't really transform your life and all those external things,
Brad Miller::until you deal with some of this internal life, the inner life,
Brad Miller::and how that your life is it is in influenced by some sort of a connection with a higher power,
Brad Miller::at least that's what I believe in that gets where you're going here as well.
Brad Miller::And sometimes that's an organized religion, many times it's not,
Brad Miller::but it always has to do with coming to terms with something within us.
Brad Miller::And seeing that because what you have done here, because you made this transition here,
Brad Miller::you took some action, you did connect with a higher power,
Brad Miller::and you have some had some aha moments,
Brad Miller::you're on top of the Omniscient and Omnipresent moments.
Brad Miller::Let's talk for a minute
Brad Miller::Oh, here now about then the application of this Liam,
Brad Miller::what I want to talk to you about is how you,
Brad Miller::the disciplines will how you have now applied this to the cognitive sense of your life.
Brad Miller::And I'm just going to go here to disciplines to practices
Brad Miller::to do the way you live life now compared to what you did before.
Brad Miller::And I know you do some things with, you know,
Brad Miller::with the states of your four states of your brain, for instance,
Brad Miller::and rebalancing your brain for success.
Brad Miller::So let's talk about you know, what does it mean, then, to rebalance your brain?
Brad Miller::What are the things you're doing now?
Brad Miller::And what can you teach people about this whole process?
Liam Naden::Well, the most important thing to realize, excuse me,
Liam Naden::as I said earlier, is that fear is the blockage. Fear is the barrier.
Liam Naden::Fear is the thing that when you have it in your system,
Liam Naden::and fear comes in various forms, anxiety, worry, stress,
Liam Naden::they're all manifestations of fear. But when you have that in your system,
Liam Naden::your brain is going to put you into a state that blocks you from
Liam Naden::the Infinite Intelligence, creative part of you,
Liam Naden::that is able to solve all of your problems and create the ideal life.
Liam Naden::That's what it's programmed to do.
Liam Naden::Whether you call it God, or, or infinite intelligence,
Liam Naden::that's what you're biologically programmed to do to be your best.
Liam Naden::And fear is the blockage.
Liam Naden::Fear is only supposed to be used when you're facing an immediate threat or danger.
Liam Naden::It's not supposed to be the way you live.
Liam Naden::So when you realize that you realize as I did,
Liam Naden::and this is my practice now to answer your question,
Liam Naden::is to realize the only enemy, the only danger is fear itself.
Liam Naden::So what I do, and I teach other people about this, as well as firstly,
Liam Naden::you've got to look at everything that makes you feel bad.
Liam Naden::And you've got to make the choice. I'm not going to allow that into my system,
Liam Naden::because anything that that activates this worry, stress, anxiety,
Liam Naden::my brain that's going to block off my creative brain,
Liam Naden::my creative part where all of my resources lie to create my ideal life.
Liam Naden::It's a bit like hydrochloric acid. Someone gives you a glass that says,
Liam Naden::I'll give you a million dollars. If you drink it, you say, Well, no, no thanks.
Liam Naden::Well, how about $10 million. And I promise you if you believe if you put in a lot of effort,
Liam Naden::if you motivated a few convinced and you tell yourself
Liam Naden::that it's going to be good for you, it will be,
Liam Naden::and you use a lot you don't understand,
Liam Naden::it doesn't matter what excuse or what you say,
Liam Naden::if I drink that hydrochloric acid, it's going to damage me,
Liam Naden::it's going to stop me from being it's going to harm me significantly.
Liam Naden::And it's the same with fear doesn't matter what's coming into your life,
Liam Naden::how justified you might feel about leaving that TV,
Liam Naden::news article on showing or whatever about some war or whatever.
Liam Naden::If it makes you feel bad, it's blocking your brain's ability
Liam Naden::to operate properly and create your ideal life.
Liam Naden::So my practice is to be very mindful of anything.
Liam Naden::And I've spent a lot of time doing this. And I've been,
Liam Naden::and I'm getting better at anything that's makes me feel bad.
Liam Naden::I know if I feel bad, I'm finished. Now, that doesn't mean I feel great all the time, obviously.
Liam Naden::But I'm very careful about who the people are. I listen to my life,
Liam Naden::who I'll talk to what I'll talk about what conversations I'm going to have and with who,
Liam Naden::and what I'm going to watch or listen to or allow in terms of that fuel,
Liam Naden::if you like, is it dirty fuel is it going to make my engine perform badly,
Liam Naden::which it will if it's the wrong if it's the wrong stuff. So that's an and the other practice
Liam Naden::I have as part of that is to realize that if you really are in a truly creative state,
Liam Naden::and a trusting state, and a tapping into this infinite power,
Liam Naden::whether you call it God or this connection with something higher,
Liam Naden::which you have access to the only place when you really are connected to that
Liam Naden::you don't need to worry about the future, or the past.
Liam Naden::And the interesting thing is wins the one time you don't feel fear.
Liam Naden::And wins is when you're in the only time that exists, which is right now.
Liam Naden::So I've let go of setting goals planning tomorrow.
Liam Naden::I mean, obviously, have I ever, ever calendar with appointments like talking to you,
Liam Naden::that's different, but in terms of trying to figure things out and worry about
Liam Naden::where I'm going to be or what I'm going to do, I literally just let things show up,
Liam Naden::I act on them, but I let them show up. And I trust that the right thing will show up at the right time.
Brad Miller::And for the most part that's worked out for you in terms
Brad Miller::of having success in life and fulfillment, you know,
Brad Miller::I think people are looking for fulfillment.
Brad Miller::And they also are looking for healing. You mentioned a couple things,
Brad Miller::their choice is that you make the not toxic life, you know,
Brad Miller::don't drink the poison no matter what. But you also choose,
Brad Miller::you can choose the relationships you have, you can choose leash your direction,
Brad Miller::I kind of think myself more, not so much goal setting might think in terms of direction,
Brad Miller::I set off on a pathway and see how that's going.
Brad Miller::You know, for me, that's kind of why I kind of gear my my life.
Brad Miller::And he also talked about then letting go of worry letting go of fear.
Brad Miller::And those are such important concepts to add biblical, by the way.
Brad Miller::I mean, we're not having a Bible study here. But he's certainly, you know,
Brad Miller::let go of fear and worry, are certainly biblical, biblical topics as well.
Brad Miller::Let's talk now I want to talk to you about something else here
Brad Miller::that kind of I think we're all this leads us and that's love.
Brad Miller::So what I mean by that here, Liam is that it seemed like you've had this experience yourself.
Brad Miller::You've had the highs, you've had the lows, you've had the humbling,
Brad Miller::you know, living with your mother, and so on.
Brad Miller::And then you you know, you had whatever you had to do
Brad Miller::in the business world to get to get ahead, you know,
Brad Miller::you had the stress of that type of thing. And that you're on a good place now.
Brad Miller::And it's history with rewiring your brain and these type of things.
Brad Miller::And seems like now you are also ready to give back.
Brad Miller::And that's what I find with people.
Brad Miller::That's the other piece people have fulfillment,
Brad Miller::not only when they work with these things themselves,
Brad Miller::but when they get back and they love others enough to do that to serve others with that.
Brad Miller::How is what you're teaching now? How is it serving others with love?
Brad Miller::What are you giving back to other people would tell us about your process,
Brad Miller::about how that serves the needs of other people who may be stressed
Brad Miller::as the whole world is right now.
Brad Miller::I'll give you one more little bit here that I think is important.
Brad Miller::Google is known for search, you know that all about searching,
Brad Miller::but they're one of their top search terms for last year was the term I want to heal.
Brad Miller::And I just found that very telling. People want to heal.
Brad Miller::So tell us what you're doing to help people heal, and to move forward, how you serving others.
Liam Naden::I think the most important thing that I've learned is and that I'm sharing with others,
Liam Naden::through knowledge, and through explaining is that biologically we're here to thrive, our purpose.
Liam Naden::The purpose of all life is not just to survive, but to thrive,
Liam Naden::which means to be the best that you can be.
Liam Naden::And of course by being the best that you can be you have the greatest chances of survival.
Liam Naden::That's what all of nature's set out for everything living
Liam Naden::is set up to try and be at space so that it survives.
Liam Naden::And that includes you. And we've been given a tool,
Liam Naden::all of nature has been given tools to achieve this,
Liam Naden::we've been given something called our brain.
Liam Naden::So our brain has a tool, it's a machine designed to make sure
Liam Naden::we thrive to do everything we can to make sure we thrive.
Liam Naden::But like any machine, we need to use it the right way.
Liam Naden::And if we're using it in a such such a way, that it's creating problems for us,
Liam Naden::which is not our biological purpose, we're designed to be the best we can be.
Liam Naden::That doesn't mean having problems when you think about it.
Liam Naden::If we're not using it, if we're not getting,
Liam Naden::if we're not being the best that we can be to something with
Liam Naden::the way we're using this machine, which is designed to do that,
Liam Naden::this means it's not working, right. It's just like with a car,
Liam Naden::you know, a car is a machine designed to get you from where you are,
Liam Naden::to where you want to go easily, predictably, efficiently.
Liam Naden::and stress free for you stress free for you, you know,
Liam Naden::it's just gonna get you there. But you know, you have to know how to drive it.
Liam Naden::If you don't know how to drive it, it's not going to do its job.
Liam Naden::So your brain is a machine like that. So what I get, what I what I'm doing,
Liam Naden::why I'm giving back as what I learned about how the brain works, and how I was,
Liam Naden::for some reason, mainly because of that traumatic experience I had,
Liam Naden::I was forced to use my brain in a different way,
Liam Naden::I was forced to let go and surrender because I didn't know what else to do.
Liam Naden::I had no other option. I couldn't figure out what to do. So because I was forced to,
Liam Naden::then I learned what I was doing differently. I learned the biology behind it.
Liam Naden::And now this is what what I'm teaching and sharing with other people
Liam Naden::so that they can use the machine the right way as well. And this process is rewarding.
Brad Miller::Could you call this process? Neuro state rebalancing? Is that correct?
Brad Miller::That's what you're teaching people. And so give us just a nugget of what that's about.
Brad Miller::And you know, if people connect up with you,
Brad Miller::what they are going to learn just a nugget about neural state rebalancing?
Liam Naden::Well, basically, you're if you're feeling stress, fear and worry,
Liam Naden::the purpose of feeling that, as I said earlier, is when you're faced with an immediate threat or danger,
Liam Naden::that's what that mechanism in your brain exists for, is to protect you,
Liam Naden::from a lion running at you out of the forest or whatever.
Liam Naden::But if you're using it just, if you're just feeling stressed any other time or afraid or worried,
Liam Naden::and there isn't a lion coming at you from the jungle,
Liam Naden::it's because your brain is sending the wrong message to itself in
Liam Naden::saying there's a danger in your environment, even when there isn't.
Liam Naden::So if you watch something on the news, and you feel bad,
Liam Naden::you're what your brain is interpreting on that news is
Liam Naden::that it's something that could harm or kill you right now.
Liam Naden::Now, that's, that's illogical. But it's keeping you in the state.
Liam Naden::That means you can't access the creative part of your brain
Liam Naden::so that you can live your best life you're living, it's keeping the state of fear.
Liam Naden::So what neuro state rebalancing does, it's a process,
Liam Naden::which really teaches your brain the difference between real danger,
Liam Naden::things that it doesn't need to be afraid of, and therefore puts you in that negative state,
Liam Naden::and imaginary threats. So it could, so things like a war on the other side of the world,
Liam Naden::or whatever, your brain has to see that that's not a threat,
Liam Naden::it's not something to be afraid of. So that's what neuro state rebalancing does is
Liam Naden::it rebalances your brain so that instead of living in survival mode,
Liam Naden::feeling stressed and worried, and using your creative brain,
Liam Naden::like in a very small way, you switch it, the other way around was the way it's supposed to be,
Liam Naden::it's supposed to live in this thriving state, and just use your fear. When the lions running at you,
Brad Miller::It seems like discernment is going to be a real big part of this too.
Brad Miller::You know, there's appropriate times for fear when the lion isn't,
Brad Miller::and actually you need to do that when your house is on fire.
Brad Miller::You need to do need to run out. But if someone else was cool, yeah,
Brad Miller::but if someone else was trying to manipulate you by making you fearful of that,
Brad Miller::which is not a direct threat, you know, through sometimes
Brad Miller::it's through racism or other things that people do.
Brad Miller::They try to influence you, then that's not real, that had been manipulated.
Brad Miller::And so it seemed like it's a part of the process here,
Brad Miller::as well to be a good discerner of what is real and what is not.
Liam Naden::Yes. And what people don't realize is that the most highly paid neuroscientists,
Liam Naden::people who understand how the brain works, and how to use it for a certain effect.
Liam Naden::They work for governments and large corporations,
Liam Naden::because they know to control human behavior.
Liam Naden::All they need to do is get you using your brain in a certain way.
Liam Naden::And a way to control people is through fear.
Liam Naden::Because when you're in a fearful state, all of your big awareness,
Liam Naden::big picture thinking, create creativity, and you can see what's really going on,
Liam Naden::you can't see what's really going on, all you can see is there's danger and in my life and oh,
Liam Naden::there's somebody telling me what to do.
Liam Naden::Even though it's something completely irrational.
Liam Naden::This part of your brain will just obey it.
Liam Naden::I mean, the military uses this they use fear As a way to get people to do things,
Brad Miller::I think it's pretty evident that we see militaries and governments
Brad Miller::and we see big corporate entities using this all the time.
Liam Naden::That's why I'm sharing with people how you,
Liam Naden::when you understand how your brain works,
Liam Naden::you want to be in control of your machine,
Liam Naden::not somebody else who's using it for the purposes.
Brad Miller::Yeah, so you're accessing the secret for your success
Brad Miller::based on what's best for you, not on how you're being manipulated by someone else.
Brad Miller::So tell us about, tell us for a minute, Liam about anybody you've worked with,
Brad Miller::you have a coaching program here, tell us about a person
Brad Miller::or a situation or maybe a group that you've worked with,
Brad Miller::where you've you've there's been some transition some transformation take place,
Brad Miller::you've seen something, click here, about the training that you've done about brain success.
Brad Miller::Tell us a, a story here.
Liam Naden::Well, a lot of my work is also in marriage and relationships.
Liam Naden::I have a whole podcast about marriage and relationships,
Liam Naden::I have coaching programs. And one of my coaching programs in that area,
Liam Naden::mainly about is helping people to heal and save their marriage,
Liam Naden::when their husband or their wife has told them they want a divorce.
Liam Naden::So it's when they're in a real crisis situation.
Liam Naden::And that's when they come to me and I have had coaching programs
Liam Naden::to help them deal with that, and hopefully to heal heal the marriage.
Liam Naden::And what I found, over the years, I've been doing this for quite a while now,
Liam Naden::what I found was what was the difference between people
Liam Naden::who managed to make it work, in other words,
Liam Naden::achieve their outcome that they wanted to heal the marriage,
Liam Naden::and others who didn't. And I figured out this is how I got on to the brain thing,
Liam Naden::because I figured out what to do within motivation, determination,
Liam Naden::the amount of knowledge they had, the amount of information they had,
Liam Naden::how much they prayed, was to do with how they were using their brain.
Liam Naden::So a lot of my work now with people is when they come to me,
Liam Naden::and they're in this desperate situation is to help them let go of fear.
Liam Naden::Because they're driven by fear. They think, if my marriage ends,
Liam Naden::that's the end of the world, I'll never find anybody else,
Liam Naden::I'll be a failure, I'll be alone, my children will be harmed,
Liam Naden::that my world will fall apart, you know,
Liam Naden::I'll look back with regret that my life turned out a mess.
Liam Naden::So all of these things are holding people back.
Liam Naden::They're keeping them stuck, that keeps them doing the wrong things
Liam Naden::and their relationship to healing.
Liam Naden::So when people who I've coached when they learn to do this,
Liam Naden::what they do is they let go of the fear, the attachment to that relationship,
Liam Naden::and some people I've worked with, have healed their marriage.
Liam Naden::And they've they've turned turned into a far better marriage than what it was.
Liam Naden::And other people have gone off. One gentleman I worked with.
Liam Naden::He, his wife for six years had been telling him that she wanted a divorce six years,
Liam Naden::and she was treating him horribly. But he had this theory that
Liam Naden::No, I can't have my marriage, and I must save my marriage.
Liam Naden::Anyway, I did all the courses. And he went to all the motivational seminars
Liam Naden::and wrote down all his goals and changed all his beliefs.
Liam Naden::So we thought all those things, anyway, came to me and he worked on this.
Liam Naden::And he realized that it's the fear that was blocking,
Liam Naden::blocking his brain from doing the right things to actually get the result.
Liam Naden::So he got rid of his fear. And he turned around to his wife,
Liam Naden::after six years for saying she wanted divorce and said,
Liam Naden::Here you go, here's the divorce papers sign on the dotted line, the separation papers.
Liam Naden::She was shocked. And they didn't talk. He didn't hear from her for three months.
Liam Naden::Then she rang them up in tears after three months and said,
Liam Naden::I'm really sorry. I've realized that it's all me, I've treated you appallingly.
Liam Naden::And I didn't realize how what a great person you are. And I miss you.
Liam Naden::And can we get back together? And I'll promise I'll change
Liam Naden::and we'll work on our relationship. Now that was a transformation.
Liam Naden::Yeah. wouldn't have happened if he if he'd held on to the fear.
Liam Naden::So what I worked with through the neuro suit rebalancing is
Liam Naden::so that you're not acting out of fear, and then you do the right things. And the right things happen.
Brad Miller::Well, it sounds like there's at least one situation
Brad Miller::and I'm sure there's others where a marriage was healed after being devastated.
Brad Miller::And part of what you're about is helping people to,
Brad Miller::you know, as you say, use your brain the right way through
Brad Miller::your coaching program. So, Liam, how can people want to learn more about what you are all about?
Brad Miller::How can they get a hold of you and learn more about your coaching program?
Liam Naden::This thing, it's all on my website, which is just my name,
Liam Naden::And, yep, my coaching, I do private coaching as well.
Liam Naden::I've got the podcast using your brain for success.
Liam Naden::And if people would like something just to try this, instead of using their fear brain,
Liam Naden::but use the creative brain, to see if they can solve problems,
Liam Naden::I have something called a neuro balancing neuro rebalancing experience,
Liam Naden::which is an audio that you can listen to and it shifts your brain from the fear situation,
Liam Naden::to the chips that you from your fear brain to your creative brain
Liam Naden::to solve any problem that you're dealing with. It's called solve your problem.
Liam Naden::And you can use this for any problem you're dealing with anything you're not sure about.
Liam Naden::And you find that when you when you actually access this part of your brain,
Liam Naden::you get new insights, you get new ideas, and different things start to happen.
Liam Naden::So that's actually a free gift on my website, which if people want to take advantage of that,
Brad Miller::You can find it all at
Brad Miller::And we'll make good connections to that at our website,
Brad Miller::Some great things here about use your brain the right way
Brad Miller::and some ways to deal with and solve problems to shift your your life in a better state.
Brad Miller::And we thank you, Liam, for being our guest today.
Brad Miller::You've served our audience well here at the Beyond Adversity Podcast.
Brad Miller::And we thank you, our guest today on Beyond Adversity. Liam Naden from Leon Thank you Liam.