How do you handle accommodating potential clients at various levels of experience without creating a course or resource for each and every one?
In this episode, Tara breaks down the importance of assessing where your clients/customers are coming from and which is the best level for them. By developing various “levels” in your course that still lead towards one specific and measurable result, you are creating a natural ascension for your raving fans.
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Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results.
I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business.
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Mentioned in this episode:
Hey, everybody, it's Tara, Bryan, and you are listening to the course building secrets podcast. Whether you're a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients is based on your ability to deliver a consistent experience and guide them on the fastest path to results. This podcast will give you practical real life tips that you can use today to build your online experiences that get results and create raving fans. Why? So you can monetize your expertise and serve more people without adding more time or team to your business? If you're looking to uncover your million dollar framework, package it and use it to scale you're in the right place. Let's dive in.
Tara Bryan:Hey, everybody, welcome to today's podcast episode. In this episode, I want to talk about a small change that could make a huge difference in your online course. And that is adding in levels. Okay, so most often, especially after you've been doing this for a while, you tend to see that you have different learners who are coming in to your world. And one of the easiest ways to accommodate different places where people are as they're coming in, right? So so your course is identifying a problem that somebody has, that you are able to solve, right to give them a transformation. And sometimes people come in, even if they're not quite ready for, you know, to be on the path that you have, or they want to be on the path, but they've already done some of the things that you're teaching them. And so you sort of end up in this sort of strange scenario where you have a lot of people in, and they're all kind of coming in a little bit different and you're trying to accommodate everyone, which really means you're not accommodating anyone, right. So if you find that you're creating all these videos and activities, for for all the questions that people have, then what tends to happen is, your course gets really bloated, and it gets really confusing for people. Because there's no clear path for everyone. And, you know, as we say, if something's for everyone, it's actually for no one. And so when you think about that, the easiest way to solve that particular problem is to create levels in your courses. So the easiest way to think about it is a beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, right. So you may have some beginners, you may have some people who are intermediate, right, they've had some experience, they've had some success, but they're not quite, you know, a sort of experts, yet, they're not quite as you know, advanced as some of the other people who have actually already gotten results. So even if you just break it down into those three levels, and in there are a million different levels that you can, that you can look at. And, you know, a lot of times we look at video games for this, right? Like, you can, you know, you get to level one, and then you get to level two, and then you get to level three, and then you keep going as your you know, kind of your customers ascend, you can keep going up more and more levels. But you have to finish level one, first, you have to finish level two, and then you have to finish level three, right? So again, the easiest way to look at this as beginner in intermediate and advanced, as you're sort of starting this game of looking at levels. Okay, so when you have people in your world, how are they coming in? Are they beginners? Are they intermediate? Do they have some success, but they just don't there's no like rhyme or reason to it? Or the advanced? Are they coming in, and they're going to just hit the ground running, and they're going to be like the rock stars who get results quickly. Right? Where are they coming in? And then as you're you're looking at your unlinked course, and how you're putting it into the platform, you can actually organize it in that way, where it's, you know, the beginner level, the intermediate level and the advanced level. And either you run somebody through the beginner level quickly, right? If they're advanced, either they don't need to go through it. There's a million different techniques that I'm not going to talk about today. But like you could you could even test them to see hey, are you you know, where do you fall? Are you a beginner or you intermediate or advanced and then put them where they belong, but you organize your course that way where you have some sort of foundational introduction material, which is the beginner and then once they've gotten that first transformation, you know, whatever that first goal is, then they can move to level two and then level two has its own goal and transformation and then level three has its own Golan transformation, etc, etc, etc, right? But you're being very clear, everyone needs this foundation, everyone needs that beginner level, people can come in at any level, but they need to have all the basics, all of the introductory materials. And then, you know, then you you keep them going, right. So if you take this to a practical example, if your goal is to get maybe in $250,000 in revenue is is sort of the ultimate transformation you want to help your people with, well, that you can't go from zero to 250,000. In in one shot, right, so maybe it's zero to 1000. Right? Maybe they just need to get into the game. That's level one. Then once they've gotten through level one, they're starting to earn money, they've gotten their first couple of sales. Now it's 1002. I don't know 100,000? would be maybe level two, how do you get them from, you know, their first couple sales to getting to six? into six figures? Right? That's level two, then level three would be okay. You've gotten six figures. Now, how do you get solidly into six figures? Or 20? Or 30,000? In revenue, right quarter of a million dollars? How do you get there, that's level three, then maybe, again, you have another level that gets them from 250 to 500, or 500, to a million and the next level. So you can keep doing that. But there's no, there's no reason why your course has to be from zero to a million. It could be ultimately that your course is like that. But the way that you've built it is it's chunked into smaller milestones. So so people feel like they can be successful, it's a very big jump to go from zero to a million, right? When you think about it, that makes sense. But so often, that's how we're putting the course together, as we're just like, Okay, here we go, here are all the things go for it, you can get from zero to a million, the chances of somebody getting getting to that level of success, based on what you're teaching is probably pretty low, because people will get into that messy middle that we've talked about in other in other episodes. So being really planful, planning out those milestones, and then giving people levels where they they can ascend to a new level gives them the opportunity to continue to succeed. And it gives you a natural ascension path