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Behind the Scenes of a Launch
Episode 2589th August 2022 • Course Building Secrets® Podcast • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:12:32

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In this episode, Tara brings you behind the scenes of a launch that was executed through imperfect action. She shares what worked, what didn't and the key lessons to remember when you are launching a new product/program.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey everybody, it's Tara Bryan, and you are

Tara Bryan:

listening to the Course Building Secrets® podcast

Tara Bryan:

you're a coach or a CEO, the success of your team and clients

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is based on your ability to deliver a consistent experience

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and guide them on the fastest path to results. This podcast

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will give you practical real life tips that you can use today

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to build your online experiences that get results and create

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raving fans. Why? So you can monetize your expertise and

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serve more people without adding more time or team to your

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business. If you're looking to uncover your million dollar

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framework, package it and use it to scale you're in the right

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place. Let's dive in.

Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, welcome to today's episode. In today's

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episode, I want to talk a little bit about behind the scenes from

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my latest launch of gamify my course camp, which was a super

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fun week of training on how to gamify your online course our

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online program, why you would do it and and what it's all about.

Tara Bryan:

So we had a great time at camp. But I want to share with you a

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little bit of the behind the scenes and lessons learned that

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I had as I was going through this process. So, I have had the

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gamify my course camp on the schedule for probably a year.

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And I knew it was something that I wanted to launch. So as we got

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closer to the launch date, of course, we you know, had our

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launch plan, we had all of the things that we wanted to do. And

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so when we went to actually launch, I ended up getting

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COVID. And it wasn't just a case of an, un-symptomatic, case of

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COVID. But I got slammed with COVID. So I literally, you

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probably can still hear it in my voice. But I was sick for over

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three weeks. Well, unfortunately, it happened

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during the promotional period for gamify my course camp and so

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I literally did very little promotion for the camp, and was

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sort of building it on the fly. So I want to talk a little bit

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about the results of that, just because there were quite a few

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lessons that I learned. Because I took imperfect action. Because

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at some point, like I had to decide sort of kind of in the

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middle of this, whether or not I was gonna, you know, launch and

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do the camp or if I was going to cancel because it wasn't exactly

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what we had planned. And I decided to keep going and do the

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camp because here's the deal is my goal was to get the reps in,

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right, my goal was, I'm going to put this out in the world, get

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it out of my head, first of all, because it had been there for

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such a long time. And get it out into the world, even if I had to

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do it by myself. Right, even if I was showing up each day to do

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it, and teach and show up and just get it recorded. I was

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committed to doing that. And so, so that's sort of where I land,

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it just says, Okay, I'm going to keep going. And we'll see how

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many people show up because I wasn't able to promote it in the

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way that we had planned. So so the the week of camp came up,

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and I was still coughing, I was still not able to breathe fully.

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And my audience was very gracious in, you know, kind of

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just dealing with that.

Tara Bryan:

But alright, so first of all for promotions. Because, because it

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was sort of we left it, we didn't leave it to the last

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minute, but because I was sick, but I had to shift things

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around. And so it wasn't, we weren't able to promote it as we

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typically would. However, the one big thing that I did learn

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and I just want to make sure that everybody takes this into

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account. When you are launching, especially for the first time

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something brand new before you're gonna turn on paid ads.

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Because you don't necessarily want to turn on paid ads until

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you know that you have something that's converting

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right you have something that people are interested in. And

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then that's the time to put ads behind it or if you're going to

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put ads on it at the beginning. Just you know, kind of making

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sure that you're realistic about what happens but you know,

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organic traffic is interesting. Because, you know, you have to

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be very visible you have to be you know, putting things out

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there and that's this more of a long game right now The best way

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to actually get people involved is to leverage other people's

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audiences. So I think that was, you know, one of the biggest

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ahas, or sort of lessons learned around this one is, in terms of

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organic, was much easier to just get on other people's, you know,

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in front of other people's audiences, to help other people

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get interested in this. And so that's my biggest advice to you

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is, you know, regardless of you have a big list, a little list,

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you have lots of people that you're connected with, or you,

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you don't have anyone as you're getting started, is look at your

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relationships with colleagues, business partners, and others,

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to really see if you can get in front of their audiences, that

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is going to be the fastest way to promote your deal.

Tara Bryan:

Okay, so that was on the promotion side, then, you know,

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during camp, I will tell you that, you know, this is

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something that I teach my people all the time is you have an

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expertise, right? So you kind of know, what you want to teach and

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how you want to teach it. And so the preparation is in? How do

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you engage your audience? How do you get them to believe that

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this is an option that they need to take action on, unless about,

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you know, giving them information less about teaching

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them, you know, the, all the things that you want to teach

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them. And so, when you're building, it's really important

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to think through those pieces? Well, because I had had this in

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my head for so long, it was actually easy for me to put

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things together, which is good, because I had about an hour of

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prep time, maybe each, each day or for each day of the camp,

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because I was only working half days. And you know, as I'm sure

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you can imagine and have as well, I had other things going

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on. And but the lesson in that is when you're given a certain

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amount of time, you're able to get what you need done, done,

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right? Like, it's Parkinson's Law, right? Like, if I have an

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hour, I'm gonna take an hour, if I have four days, I'm going to

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take four days. And so I knew I had about an hour to prepare

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everything. And I just want to reiterate with you that

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imperfect action, or, you know, done over not done is much more

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powerful than, you know, laboring over making it perfect,

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or, you know, making sure everything is exactly how it

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needs to be. Because if that's the case, most often you

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actually aren't going to do anything, right, because you are

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you get to kind of that analysis paralysis or perfectionist

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Patty, as my friend Tracy says, and so you won't actually take

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action, you won't move forward. And so remembering that it

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doesn't have to be perfect, remembering that if you show up

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as your authentic self, and you are there to serve, then that is

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the most important piece. And the rest will come as you put

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the reps in as you do it, you know, the first time and the

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second time and the third time.

Tara Bryan:

And so I launched with imperfect action, things weren't done,

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things weren't exactly how I wanted them to be. And I shifted

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and was able to still provide an awesome experience, even though

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it wasn't exactly what I wanted to do. And so that's sort of the

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behind the scenes of it is I decided to just have fun with

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it, I decided to show up and do my thing. And it wasn't actually

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for the purpose of selling. It wasn't for the purpose of

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getting more people in and while and while that happened, I just

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knew that I needed to show up and and do the thing and get the

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reps in. And so that's my message for you today is if

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you're hesitating, if you're just waiting for something to be

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perfect. If you're not sure if it's ready, go for it. Right,

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just do it. Get started because you learn so much when you just

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get in the game. If you're sitting on the sidelines

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watching, you can't actually you know, make the shifts and do the

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things that you want to do it people are forgiving, right

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people are. They know when you're showing up to help and

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they know when you're, you know, kind of half-assing it right and

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so, you know, being able to show up even if it's not perfect.

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That's what people are looking for. People are looking for you

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and your ability to help and to serve and to show them it and

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approach or your, you know, proprietary framework that's

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unique and is something that can help them. And, and so it was

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fun. It was a fun week, we had a great time. You know, I have a

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recording that doesn't have the PowerPoint slides moving. You

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know, without the, the PowerPoint bar at the top, like

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whatever, right. Like, it still is. A first draft it still is,

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is something where, you know, I moved forward and I did did the

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thing. Well, I rerecord later, probably. But it's still at that

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point where I know that it's providing value. I know that the

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people that that took it got a ton of value out of it. In fact,

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it's interesting, because the feedback I got at the end was,

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you know, that it was so valuable that they stopped doing

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another session with some bigger names that, you know, they

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probably had 300,000 people on theirs, and they stopped doing

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that one and stayed on our gamifying my course can't

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because it was so valuable for them. So, you know, that's great

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feedback for you know, for something that that I thought

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was not not taking perfect action, right. And, and again,

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so my goal for you today is like get the reps in, like just take

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action, move forward. It's probably better than you think.

Tara Bryan:

Right? If you are waiting for it to be perfect, it will never

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happen. You'll always sit on the sidelines. So just jump in. Get

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that first draft in and then you can go from there. All right.

Tara Bryan:

That is my course building tip for today.



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