Return from Pilgrimage with Fr. Randy Hoang
The Pilgrimage Continues: Fr. Peter Julia
A Final Year In Rome with Fr. Justin Echevarria
Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Peter
A Summer of Serving: Fr. Brent Durschmidt
Road to Ordination with Deacon Justin Echevarria
Serving A Diverse Community with Fr. Gregg Bronsema
The Ordination of Br. Anselm
Marcos Alvarado: A Vocation Story
From Veterinarian to Priest: A Vocation Story
That Was Father Stu with Fr. Bart Tolleson
Vocation of Priests in Religious Orders
The Cowboy Way with Fr. Bryce Lungren
Follow the Cross - Suffering and Sacrifice with Fr. Dan Pattee, TOR
Senior Priest with Angela Godfrey
Priestly Ordination with Deacon John Paul Tomassi
Men and the Priesthood with Deacon Justin Eschevarria
A Day in the Life of a Priest with Deacon Justin Eschevarria
Spiritual Novel by Fr. Dwight Longenecker
The Healing Power of Retreats with Fr. Skip Thompson
Vocations in the Archdiocese of Seattle
St. Patrick Restoration with Fr. Tim Furlow
Archbishop Discernment Retreat
Priestly Fraternity of St. Dominic: Fr. Tony Galati
Serra Club of Portland: Supporting Vocations
Vocation and Formation with Fr. Peter Julia
Fr. Gabriel Mosher Farewell
Vocations with Fr. Jeff Eirvin & Fr. Peter Julia
To Become a Priest: 2nd Cup for September 15
Bishop Steiner Ordination Anniversary
On Pilgrimage with Seminarians
Seminarian Stories with Dina Marie Hale
Vocation and Formation with Fr. Jeff Eirvin
Vocation and Formation with Fr. Jeff Eirvin
Discerning Vocation with Fr. Jeff Eirvin
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Office of Vocations
Fr. Jeff Eirvin, Director of Vocations
Ordination Mass with Msgr. Gerard O'Connor, Office of Divine Worship
Deacon Tony Galati, Ordination