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FE5.7 - Home on the Rangelands: Welcome to Cowlifornia (Part 1)
Home on the Rangelands Episode 79th February 2024 • Future Ecologies • Future Ecologies
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The introduction of cattle to western North America has undeniably contributed to massive ecosystem change. But could cows be as much a part of the solutions as they are the problem?

In this 3-part series, we're hearing from all sides of this issue: impassioned scientists and land managers with diametrically opposed opinions on the concept of "rangelands" — by some estimates, accounting for 50-70% of the earth's surface.

Part 1 kicks things off with a look at the special case of California, and a challenge to the conventional environmentalist perspective that cattle are always a destructive force for biodiversity and ecosystem health.

— — —

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Introduction Voiceover:

You are listening to Season Five of

Introduction Voiceover:

Future Ecologies

Ashley Ahearn:

Test test, one, two. Test test, one, two. Yeah,

Ashley Ahearn:

that should be good. Batteries look like they're good. All

Ashley Ahearn:

right, yeah, I think I'm ready.

Adam Huggins:

Hey, everyone. So it probably won't surprise you.

Adam Huggins:

But Mendel and I are voracious podcast listeners.

Mendel Skulski:

It's true. It turns out if you listen to

Mendel Skulski:

enough podcasts, you automatically become a

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

And we must have met that threshold something

Adam Huggins:

like five years ago or so. And last year, I listened to a

Adam Huggins:

series that challenged the way that I thought about a fairly

Adam Huggins:

significant portion of the land on Earth.

Mendel Skulski:

How... how much of the land on Earth is fairly

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Well, depending on the source between 50 and 70%.

Mendel Skulski:

What could that be? The suburbs?

Adam Huggins:

No, not not suburbs, even though they do

Adam Huggins:

sometimes feel like they go on forever.

Mendel Skulski:

You're gonna keep me guessing. Okay, well,

Mendel Skulski:

what was the series called?

Adam Huggins:

The series is called Women's Work. And it was

Adam Huggins:

produced by one of my favorite podcasters, Ashley Ahearn

Ashley Ahearn:

So my name is Ashley Ahern, and I make

Ashley Ahearn:

podcasts about the urban-rural divide and natural resources and

Ashley Ahearn:

climate change and science and the environment

Adam Huggins:

The series emerges out of a pretty big life change

Adam Huggins:

that she made a little while back.

Ashley Ahearn:

I guess, as a journalist, you're always

Ashley Ahearn:

looking for the story behind the story, or you have that sense

Ashley Ahearn:

when you're not getting the whole story. And I reported for

Ashley Ahearn:

NPR in Seattle for seven years as their environment reporter

Ashley Ahearn:

for the leading member station there KUOW. And I loved the job,

Ashley Ahearn:

it was wonderful place to cover the environment, so much awesome

Ashley Ahearn:

science and ecology to learn about.

Adam Huggins:

The problem, she told me, is that public radio

Adam Huggins:

can be a bit of an echo chamber.

Ashley Ahearn:

And it was really hard to get outside of that

Ashley Ahearn:

bubble, of sort of liberal-environmental groupthink

Ashley Ahearn:

about what's right for the environment, and how to manage

Ashley Ahearn:

our natural resources. From frankly, the urban jungle of

Ashley Ahearn:

Seattle where, you know, if you wear REI, it's like you're a

Ashley Ahearn:

card carrying member of the the Green Revolution, you know,

Ashley Ahearn:

which I was part of, right? Like, that's what I was doing. I

Ashley Ahearn:

was doing God's work covering the coal export terminals they

Ashley Ahearn:

were trying to build and, you know, trying to get the word out

Ashley Ahearn:

about this or that problem that was happening and how things

Ashley Ahearn:

were changing and what was broken.

Adam Huggins:

But that sense that she wasn't getting the

Adam Huggins:

whole story, it just kept creeping up.

Ashley Ahearn:

Yeah that sense that I was missing something —

Ashley Ahearn:

that these questions about how we manage our natural resources,

Ashley Ahearn:

how we live in harmony with the landscape, many of them can't be

Ashley Ahearn:

answered from the city. So my husband and I decided, five

Ashley Ahearn:

years ago now, to move to a little piece of sagebrush and

Ashley Ahearn:

live in a very, very small cabin, and just cut back and

Ashley Ahearn:

simplify and get closer to the land and closer to the

Ashley Ahearn:


Adam Huggins:

Naturally, being new to town, she needed to find

Adam Huggins:

a way to connect with the community. And so she did what

Adam Huggins:

you do when you move out to sagebrush country, apparently.

Mendel Skulski:

Which is?

Adam Huggins:

She posted on a listserv.

Ashley Ahearn:

I basically posted on the equivalent of

Ashley Ahearn:

like, our 1997, Facebook, like Reddit type thing out here where

Ashley Ahearn:

people share like "there's some loose goats on East County Road"

Ashley Ahearn:

or "I have an old horse does anybody new pasture mate", you

Ashley Ahearn:

know, blah, blah, blah. And so I posted and I just said, you

Ashley Ahearn:

know, I rode horses as a kid, I've been away from it for a

Ashley Ahearn:

long time, I just want to be around them again. I'll shovel

Ashley Ahearn:

horse poop. I will like feed, whatever you need, I just want

Ashley Ahearn:

to be near them.

Mendel Skulski:

What a pitch. Who could resist?

Adam Huggins:

For sure. Before long, Ashley gets a response

Adam Huggins:

from a local rancher.

Ashley Ahearn:

And turns out she had nine horses, and there was

Ashley Ahearn:

this one little mare, Pistol. And she and I hit it off. She's

Ashley Ahearn:

kind of a pain in the ass. She's only partially trained. And she

Ashley Ahearn:

kind of does what she wants to do when she wants to do it. And

Ashley Ahearn:

this woman has become a very good friend. And about a month

Ashley Ahearn:

after I got there, she said, "I think... I think you should have

Ashley Ahearn:

Pistol. I've been sitting with this and I just think you should

Ashley Ahearn:

have her". And and that started the journey.

Adam Huggins:

Because it turned out that Pistol, in some ways,

Adam Huggins:

helped her access the parts of the story that she felt that she

Adam Huggins:

had been missing before.

Ashley Ahearn:

That horse carried me into this community.

Ashley Ahearn:

I can't really explain it any other way. And just the ability

Ashley Ahearn:

to show up and ride for hours and not complain and work and

Ashley Ahearn:

listen and ask sometimes really stupid questions, but to be

Ashley Ahearn:

doing it from horseback... it's like that bridge into their

Ashley Ahearn:

world that made it safe and made it different from me showing up

Ashley Ahearn:

with my microphone to do a story to bring back to my listeners in

Ashley Ahearn:


Adam Huggins:

Her first series out in the country was about

Adam Huggins:

Sage Grouse. And once she'd plucked that chicken, she moved

Adam Huggins:

on to cows. And it's the series on cows that really captured my

Adam Huggins:


Ashley Ahearn:

Cows are the glue of so many rural communities.

Ashley Ahearn:

They are the reason that certain types of knowledge persists. All

Ashley Ahearn:

of these kinds have hands on, call it blue collar, call it

Ashley Ahearn:

what you will, skills and strengths, to say nothing of the

Ashley Ahearn:

way that the community comes together to help each other when

Ashley Ahearn:

there's a branding that needs to happen or a roundup that needs

Ashley Ahearn:

to happen or calving season is underway.

Mendel Skulski:

Okay. You say it's about cows, but the series

Mendel Skulski:

is called Women's Work?

Adam Huggins:

And that's because while most of us grew up

Adam Huggins:

learning all about the cowboys, Ashley's time with rancher is

Adam Huggins:

really impressed upon her how women are so often at the center

Adam Huggins:

of the work, to maintain and to create positive change in this

Adam Huggins:

very old way of life.

Ashley Ahearn:

This is ranch life, this is cowboy shit. Like,

Ashley Ahearn:

you just get up and you work. And you work until the sun goes

Ashley Ahearn:

down. And being able to be a fly on the wall with my microphone

Ashley Ahearn:

to see that life in action was a really important part of this

Ashley Ahearn:

series. And that kind of showed me the level of work and the

Ashley Ahearn:

amount of heart that goes into the work for the women that are

Ashley Ahearn:

doing this. This is really kind of an homage to them, I would

Ashley Ahearn:


Adam Huggins:

The series has all of these great stories of women

Adam Huggins:

across the West, pushing the envelope in their literal field.

Mendel Skulski:

And these atraditional gender roles really

Mendel Skulski:

flipped your worldview, huh?

Adam Huggins:

No, that part was fine. Mendel. What really got

Adam Huggins:

under my skin was an environmental reporter, doing

Adam Huggins:

all of these positive stories about cows.

Mendel Skulski:

What's wrong with cows? What did cows ever do

Mendel Skulski:

to you?

Adam Huggins:

I don't like cows. I don't like them

Adam Huggins:

professionally. I don't like them personally. I think they

Adam Huggins:

are gigantic, methane-emitting non-native herbivores. And

Adam Huggins:

they've played a pretty significant role in transforming

Adam Huggins:

most of the landscapes that I hold, dear. So I generally see

Adam Huggins:

them as a scourge upon the land.

Mendel Skulski:

A scourge! So I take it you... you don't like

Mendel Skulski:

ice cream?

Adam Huggins:

Of course, I like ice cream.

Mendel Skulski:

Or cheese?

Adam Huggins:

I like cheese.

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

They're okay, I guess.

Mendel Skulski:

Alright, I'm just giving you a hard time.

Mendel Skulski:

Right like, it's environmentalist orthodoxy at

Mendel Skulski:

this point that the cows are at least a problem, right? Like

Mendel Skulski:

there are too many of them. They're causing deforestation,

Mendel Skulski:

they burp greenhouse gas, we should all collectively eat less

Mendel Skulski:

beef, and so on.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah, and all of those things, by the way, are

Adam Huggins:

basically true. So we're not even going to get into them

Adam Huggins:

here. They're established fact. What really got to me was the

Adam Huggins:

stories that Ashley was telling about cows being portrayed as

Adam Huggins:

beneficial to the environment, and even providing benefits for

Adam Huggins:

Conservation and Biodiversity.

Ashley Ahearn:

If you're coming at this conversation from a

Ashley Ahearn:

place of cows are bad, we need to get rid of them — that's kind

Ashley Ahearn:

of a non starter for me. Because frankly, that's lazy thinking.

Ashley Ahearn:

To me, it's about how do we think more critically about

Ashley Ahearn:

cows? What role do they have? Because the truth is, many

Ashley Ahearn:

people in this country still eat beef. So how do we make it our

Ashley Ahearn:

beef that's raised better, more sustainably and not involving

Ashley Ahearn:

chopping down rainforests in South America to bring us beef

Ashley Ahearn:

from another country that doesn't employ Americans or keep

Ashley Ahearn:

our way of life alive in rural America.

Adam Huggins:

And then, Ashley neatly summarized the entire

Adam Huggins:

reason that you and I make this show.

Ashley Ahearn:

I think there is this perhaps outdated thinking

Ashley Ahearn:

among many environmentalists that, you know, we just need to

Ashley Ahearn:

box it up and keep it safe, right? We just need to protect

Ashley Ahearn:

it from the cows and from the people. And the older I get, the

Ashley Ahearn:

more I've come to peace with... we changed it, whether it's the

Ashley Ahearn:

climate that we're changing through our emissions, or the on

Ashley Ahearn:

the ground decisions we're making with frankly, poor cow

Ashley Ahearn:

management, which I am the first to acknowledge, because I've

Ashley Ahearn:

seen it firsthand. We can't deny that we have changed the

Ashley Ahearn:

ecosystems in which we live. And so to me, stepping back and just

Ashley Ahearn:

saying we can't make them better, or we shouldn't be

Ashley Ahearn:

involved anymore, is not okay. It's almost a shirking of

Ashley Ahearn:

responsibility. And so that's where when I look at the cow

Ashley Ahearn:

question, it's not as simple as just saying cows are bad, they

Ashley Ahearn:

weren't ever here, we need to remove them and protect this

Ashley Ahearn:

whole ecosystem from cows. What I would prefer to think about

Ashley Ahearn:

is, how can we manage cows in such a way that is not

Ashley Ahearn:

detrimental to the ecosystem and perhaps, in fact, mimics the

Ashley Ahearn:

original grazers, bison, deer, other animals that were coming

Ashley Ahearn:

through and grazing intermittently, and not

Ashley Ahearn:

extensively in the same places, ruining riparian areas, all of

Ashley Ahearn:

these kinds of known offenses that cattle commit, you know,

Ashley Ahearn:

how do we think about them as tools and a means to improve the

Ashley Ahearn:

health of a landscape or at least be part of a changed

Ashley Ahearn:

landscape going forward?

Adam Huggins:

So, in this three-part series, we're going

Adam Huggins:

to have a wide ranging and sometimes contentious

Adam Huggins:

conversation about the 50 to 70% of terrestrial Earth that is

Adam Huggins:

referred to by some as Rangelands. And to do that,

Adam Huggins:

we're going to return to the part of the world that I know

Adam Huggins:

best. From Future Ecologies, this is Home on the Rangelands,

Adam Huggins:

part one, Welcome to Cowlifornia.

Mendel Skulski:


Introduction Voiceover:

Broadcasting from the unceded, shared and

Introduction Voiceover:

asserted territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and

Introduction Voiceover:

Tsleil-Waututh, this is Future Ecologies – exploring the shape

Introduction Voiceover:

of our world through ecology, design, and sound.

Adam Huggins:

All right, here we go.

Mendel Skulski:

Okay, so we're headed back to California,

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

But before we get started, since we do have an

Mendel Skulski:

international audience, how representative is California

Mendel Skulski:

really for the issues that we're going to be discussing?

Adam Huggins:

That is a really good question. And it is one of

Adam Huggins:

the questions I've been trying to answer for myself with this

Adam Huggins:

series. So as always, with Future Ecologies, there are some

Adam Huggins:

important ways that this conversation should feel very

Adam Huggins:

relevant for other parts of the world. But there's also

Adam Huggins:

something different happening in California.

Mendel Skulski:

Well, then, let's carry on.

Adam Huggins:

Alright. So in my experience of growing up in

Adam Huggins:

California, every afternoon, like clockwork, two items

Adam Huggins:

emerged from the pantry — a bottle of wine, and some cheese.

Mendel Skulski:

Of course, these are civilized people.

Adam Huggins:

And as a kid, I didn't like either of those

Adam Huggins:

things. I would eat the crackers, no wine, no cheese for

Adam Huggins:

me. But as I grew older, and a bit more discerning, when I

Adam Huggins:

looked around the Bay Area, I noticed that anywhere that

Adam Huggins:

hadn't been turned into suburban sprawl, it's either vineyards in

Adam Huggins:

the valleys, or ranches up on the ridges.

Mendel Skulski:

It's almost like you have this direct sense that

Mendel Skulski:

you're consuming the landscape each and every afternoon.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah, wine and cheese. And focusing in on the

Adam Huggins:

cheese, or on the ranches, according to the California

Adam Huggins:

cattlemen Association, there are over 660,000 cows in California

Mendel Skulski:

That's a lot of cows!

Adam Huggins:

Ranchers manage over a third of the landmass of

Adam Huggins:

the state.

Mendel Skulski:

So we're not just talking about like, your

Mendel Skulski:

neighborhood, your neck of the woods, this is everywhere in the

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Everywhere. California, and of course,

Adam Huggins:

everywhere else west of the Rockies. Really anywhere where

Adam Huggins:

trees or pavement or farms aren't the predominant land

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

Right. And that's rangelands? What does

Mendel Skulski:

that term actually mean?

Adam Huggins:

Honestly, I have some issues with this term,

Adam Huggins:

which we will get into later. But for now, I will give it to

Adam Huggins:

you straight from one of the foremost experts on the subject.

Lynn Huntsinger:

My name is Lynn Huntsinger. I'm a professor of

Lynn Huntsinger:

Rangeland Ecology and Management at the University of California,

Lynn Huntsinger:

Berkeley, and I find that most people don't know what rangeland

Lynn Huntsinger:

is. So I'll say it's pretty much all the vegetated areas that are

Lynn Huntsinger:

not commercial forest, and that includes grasslands and

Lynn Huntsinger:

woodlands and shrublands.

Mendel Skulski:

That's a pretty expansive definition.

Adam Huggins:

It is. Rangelands folks — That's what I'm going to

Adam Huggins:

be calling them. The range lands people, the rangelands folks —

Adam Huggins:

they consider their field to encompass grasslands, prairies,

Adam Huggins:

savannas, woodlands, shrublands, tundra, and sometimes even

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

... even deserts.

Adam Huggins:

The World Wildlife Federation has mapped 14 global

Adam Huggins:

biomes, and rangelands encompass seven of them. So, only half,

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

And so that's why they are 50 to 70% of the

Mendel Skulski:

Earth's surface.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah. The Rangelands Atlas, just published

Adam Huggins:

a few years ago, pins it at 55%. But I've seen estimates as low

Adam Huggins:

as 30 and as high as 80%, depending on whether you include

Adam Huggins:

desert or tundra, and also on whether you include the

Adam Huggins:

approximately 15% of land that was forested in the recent past

Adam Huggins:

and has since been cleared for agriculture or livestock use.

Mendel Skulski:

So wait, it's a... is it an ecological

Mendel Skulski:

category? Like, is it still rangeland, even when there

Mendel Skulski:

aren't cattle grazing on it?

Lynn Huntsinger:

Well, a lot of people think that it's a land

Lynn Huntsinger:

use, but it really isn't not. For us, it's really vegetation

Lynn Huntsinger:

types. So we have foresters managing the forest and we

Lynn Huntsinger:

handle the rest. The most common use of rangeland is for

Lynn Huntsinger:

livestock grazing and for wildlife. So there are land uses

Lynn Huntsinger:

mixed in there, but range people work on anything to do with the

Lynn Huntsinger:

ecosystem and the ecology of the plant communities on it. Or in

Lynn Huntsinger:


Mendel Skulski:

Okay, so everything that isn't forest.

Adam Huggins:

More or less, yeah. And talking to Lynn, I got

Adam Huggins:

the distinct sense that rangelands folks may sometimes

Adam Huggins:

feel that rangelands just don't get the attention that they

Adam Huggins:

deserve. Especially in relation to their more popular cousins —

Adam Huggins:


Lynn Huntsinger:

People have an unnatural love for trees. I like

Lynn Huntsinger:

them too, but a tree belongs where a tree belongs. It's not

Lynn Huntsinger:

necessarily good. You know, in some places,

Mendel Skulski:

That's pretty hot take, for this show.

Adam Huggins:

Us tree people might consider rangelands people

Adam Huggins:

to have an unnatural love for grass. But Lynn is unabashedly

Adam Huggins:

all about grass. Or rather, she is all about the rumen

Mendel Skulski:

The what?

Adam Huggins:

The rumen. You know, the specialized stomach of

Adam Huggins:

ruminants grazing animals, like cows.

Lynn Huntsinger:

Grass is very hard to digest. That's why

Lynn Huntsinger:

people haven't started eating it yet, despite wanting to eat

Lynn Huntsinger:

everything else. Grass is full of glass particles and it's full

Lynn Huntsinger:

of fiber. And so it takes a ruminant to really digest it and

Lynn Huntsinger:

you know, that is a gift to humankind, the rumen. Despite

Lynn Huntsinger:

the fact that it emits methane, it has supported humans for

Lynn Huntsinger:

millions of years.

Mendel Skulski:

Okay, so rangelands management is applied

Mendel Skulski:

ecology with a healthy dose of rumen.

Adam Huggins:

Yes. And if you ask ranchers, they'll tell you

Clayton Koopmann:

I mean, there's so many different facets

Clayton Koopmann:

the same.

Clayton Koopmann:

to these rangelands — to the habitat, to the management.

Clayton Koopmann:

Whether it's the cattle, whether it's the wildlife, whether it's

Clayton Koopmann:

the fisheries, whether it's the people and the recreation. It's

Clayton Koopmann:

really unique that everything can coexist all at the same

Clayton Koopmann:

time. And we've done you know, a lot of work to make that happen.

Mendel Skulski:

Hey, who's this?

Adam Huggins:

Mendel, meet Clayton.

Clayton Koopmann:

My name is Clayton Koopmann. I live in the

Clayton Koopmann:

East Bay Area in California. I'm a fifth generation rancher. My

Clayton Koopmann:

family's been here since the late 1800s, and running cattle

Clayton Koopmann:

up down the central coast here.

Adam Huggins:

And I'm going to stop right here and say that

Adam Huggins:

pretty much everything that we talked about in this series is

Adam Huggins:

hotly contested. In five seasons of doing Future Ecologies with

Adam Huggins:

you, I do not think we have covered a single topic that has

Adam Huggins:

been more polarized. Like I cannot tell you how many times

Adam Huggins:

I've been confronted with expert perspectives and with research

Adam Huggins:

that appears to completely contradict other perspectives

Adam Huggins:

and research. It's been very hard to find common ground. And

Adam Huggins:

claims of pro or anti cow bias are pretty constantly being

Adam Huggins:

thrown around.

Mendel Skulski:

Well, maybe you've already blown it. You've

Mendel Skulski:

already copped to your anti cow bias. How are we going to

Mendel Skulski:

proceed with this controversy?

Adam Huggins:

Yeah, so I'm actually going to lean into

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Mendel, I pledge right now that for the rest of

Adam Huggins:

this episode, I will say nothing bad about cows.

Mendel Skulski:

I kind of don't believe you.

Adam Huggins:

Well, I'm gonna try real hard, anyway. And

Adam Huggins:

listeners, do not worry. We are going to get to the other side

Adam Huggins:

of the conversation. But today, it's 100% cowabunga.

Mendel Skulski:

Okay, well, I guess I'll do what I do and just

Mendel Skulski:

ask questions then.

Adam Huggins:

Great. Okay, I'm going to begin by actually

Adam Huggins:

immediately breaking my pledge. But only because one thing

Adam Huggins:

virtually everybody does agree about is that A) cows are not

Adam Huggins:

native to North America.

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

And B) bringing them to California has, in

Adam Huggins:

conjunction with other land use changes, resulted in

Adam Huggins:

extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to

Adam Huggins:

California's native ecosystems. So long story short, pre

Adam Huggins:

colonial California was by all accounts, a land of tremendous

Adam Huggins:

ecological diversity, abundant wildlife and significant

Adam Huggins:

populations of Indigenous peoples.

Mendel Skulski:

Not unlike everywhere else in North

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Sure. The difference here is that there's

Adam Huggins:

probably nowhere else in North America where so many of the

Adam Huggins:

lowland ecosystems have been so thoroughly transformed. The

Adam Huggins:

mountainous regions of California are international

Adam Huggins:

conservation success stories, but the combined legacies of

Adam Huggins:

state-sponsored genocide against Indigenous people, damming and

Adam Huggins:

water diversion for agriculture, urbanization, and ranching have

Adam Huggins:

rendered large portions of the state almost unrecognizable from

Adam Huggins:

a historical standpoint. So much so that we actually don't really

Adam Huggins:

know what some of our rangelands ecosystems even looked like.

Mendel Skulski:

Like, at all?

Adam Huggins:

Not in any detail. We know we had these enormous

Adam Huggins:

prairies and woodlands and wetlands, all around the foot

Adam Huggins:

hills and valleys that were some combination of native perennial

Adam Huggins:

bunch grasses and wildflowers, with herds of antelope and elk

Adam Huggins:

wolves and grizzly bears.

Mendel Skulski:

Grizzly bears.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah, there is one on our state flag,

Mendel Skulski:

Right, but they're not in your state.

Adam Huggins:

No, they are gone, and so are the ecosystems I just

Adam Huggins:

described. Only scattered remnants are left.

Mendel Skulski:

Replaced by what?

Adam Huggins:

Well in some places, towns or cities, or

Adam Huggins:

farms. But throughout much of the state. These perennial

Adam Huggins:

bunchgrass lands have been replaced by a small suite of

Adam Huggins:

highly aggressive annual grasses from the Mediterranean — oats,

Adam Huggins:

bromes, rye, and bentgrass.

Lynn Huntsinger:

California's grasslands have been basically

Lynn Huntsinger:

taken over by grasses, most of which emerged in the Fertile

Lynn Huntsinger:

Crescent, and they're much larger in stature. They're

Lynn Huntsinger:

heavily competitive with our little native species, they grow

Lynn Huntsinger:

faster, and the seed persists in the soil for many years. Even if

Lynn Huntsinger:

you clear them, they are going to be back one way or another.

Mendel Skulski:

And cows are to blame.

Adam Huggins:

I mean, not solely. But certainly they

Adam Huggins:

played and may still play a pretty major role. These

Adam Huggins:

introduced grasses evolved with livestock in Eurasia, and are

Adam Huggins:

adapted to that kind of disturbance, whereas the native

Adam Huggins:

perennial bunchgrass communities just aren't. So the famous

Adam Huggins:

golden hills of California... scientific consensus is that is

Adam Huggins:

a consequence of annual grass invasion and dominance of those

Adam Huggins:

ecosystems. And it represents a pretty major historical

Adam Huggins:

departure from what were probably much greener and longer

Adam Huggins:

lived biomes. We're going to talk more about these past

Adam Huggins:

ecosystems in a future episode, but I think this is the

Adam Huggins:

background that you need right now. Because all of the

Adam Huggins:

rangelands people told me essentially the same thing —

Adam Huggins:

Those ecosystems, they are gone, probably forever. So we have to

Adam Huggins:

move forward with what's left. I heard this from Clayton.

Clayton Koopmann:

I think it's a different ecosystem now. And I

Clayton Koopmann:

think you're gonna have to manage it that way. The annual

Clayton Koopmann:

grasses we have like the rye grass or the wild oats, they're

Clayton Koopmann:

very competitive. And they tend to just really take over and

Clayton Koopmann:

shade out the bunch grasses. So I think you'd have a hard time

Clayton Koopmann:

converting back to a purely perennial bunchgrass landscape.

Adam Huggins:

And Lynn told me the same thing. That in essence,

Adam Huggins:

California's grasslands are now, in large part, novel ecosystems.

Lynn Huntsinger:

Yes, we do have to manage for what's there. And

Lynn Huntsinger:

not imagine that we're going to convert most of these grasslands

Lynn Huntsinger:

back unless some new technology is developed or something

Lynn Huntsinger:

amazing happens. The annual grasses are there and they don't

Lynn Huntsinger:

go away.

Mendel Skulski:

I'm getting the feeling this is going to be a

Mendel Skulski:

pretty information-heavy episode. Maybe I should try to

Mendel Skulski:

summarize the arguments coming from these rangelands, people?

Adam Huggins:

By all means.

Mendel Skulski:

So argument number one, these are novel

Mendel Skulski:

ecosystems. You can't restore them. You just have to manage

Mendel Skulski:

them. I'd guess not everyone feels that way. Adam, do you

Mendel Skulski:

agree with that assessment?

Adam Huggins:

Well, Mendel, I am with the cow people today,

Adam Huggins:

remember? But honestly, my personal experience has been

Adam Huggins:

that these novel grassland ecosystems are really stubborn.

Adam Huggins:

And trying to imagine restoring them at any kind of scale is

Adam Huggins:

challenging. Plus, restore them to what, right?

Mendel Skulski:

Right. Okay then, so, game over.

Adam Huggins:

No, actually, the rangelands, people say we might

Adam Huggins:

have lost those ecosystems and some of those species forever.

Adam Huggins:

But there's still tons of biodiversity in California's

Adam Huggins:

rangelands and we can manage for it... using cows!

Mendel Skulski:

So the problem becomes the solution.

Adam Huggins:

Exactly. And this is kind of a recent development,

Adam Huggins:

because for the longest time in California as elsewhere, the

Adam Huggins:

consensus view was that cattle were bad for wildlife and native

Adam Huggins:

biodiversity. And then slowly, a new school of thought has

Adam Huggins:

emerged. And that view has started to change.

Clayton Koopmann:

You know, during the 90s and early 2000s,

Clayton Koopmann:

there was a ton of research done that showed the benefits of

Clayton Koopmann:

cattle grazing — the ecological benefits. And as that

Clayton Koopmann:

information was released, and the scholarly articles were

Clayton Koopmann:

released, I think you started to see a transition in the thought

Clayton Koopmann:

process of land managers and the public. And as we continue to

Clayton Koopmann:

graze, you know, and demonstrate these positive benefits, you

Clayton Koopmann:

tend to see more and more people become believers.

Adam Huggins:

Lynn was one of the researchers driving this

Adam Huggins:

paradigm shift. And she told me that it's sometimes pretty

Adam Huggins:

challenging to overcome people's ingrained assumptions about

Adam Huggins:


Lynn Huntsinger:

Livestock is guilty until proven innocent, in

Lynn Huntsinger:

every way, right. So somebody has to have done the research to

Lynn Huntsinger:

prove that wildlife benefited from grazing before they're ever

Lynn Huntsinger:

going to put it in their documents, right?

Adam Huggins:

Specifically, any documents associated with listed

Adam Huggins:

species under the US Endangered Species Act. This includes the

Adam Huggins:

original listing documents, as well as recovery strategies and

Adam Huggins:

periodic reviews. These resources often portray cattle

Adam Huggins:

as a threat to endangered species. But when Lynn and her

Adam Huggins:

colleagues Sheila Barry did an analysis of over 280 endangered

Adam Huggins:

species in California, they found that...

Lynn Huntsinger:

About half of them have been proven to benefit

Lynn Huntsinger:

from livestock grazing in some circumstances.

Mendel Skulski:

How so?

Adam Huggins:

Well, I'd say there are two primary ways that

Adam Huggins:

cattle benefit endangered species in California. First,

Adam Huggins:

all of those introduced grasses? Cows eat them.

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Yeah, cows are like vacuum cleaners for grass.

Adam Huggins:

And if you don't remove those annual grasses, then they take

Adam Huggins:

up all of the available sunlight, all the water and

Adam Huggins:

nutrients. And eventually, when they dry out, their dead bodies

Adam Huggins:

pile up at the end of the season, and create this thick

Adam Huggins:

thatch layer that just covers the ground.

Clayton Koopmann:

So by grazing, that also provides a benefit for

Clayton Koopmann:

a number of wildlife species. California red legged frog,

Clayton Koopmann:

California tiger salamander, kitfox, burrowing owl.

Clayton Koopmann:

Particularly like the kitfox and the burrowing owl, they prefer

Clayton Koopmann:

really short grass. It allows them an opportunity to see prey

Clayton Koopmann:

and to hunt. It also allows them to see predators coming and

Clayton Koopmann:

avoid them.

Adam Huggins:

Not to mention all of the native wildflowers, which

Adam Huggins:

just can't compete with these introduce grasses. But can at

Adam Huggins:

least persist if something removes the thatch periodically.

Lynn Huntsinger:

The cattle really don't like flowers. It's

Lynn Huntsinger:

not just that they remove that thatch, it's also that they

Lynn Huntsinger:

don't particularly like forbs.

Mendel Skulski:

Uh... forbs are?

Adam Huggins:

Herbaceous plants, like wildflowers. They are less

Adam Huggins:

preferred by cows. Clayton even says that cattle can be used to

Adam Huggins:

give native bunch grasses an edge against these introduced

Adam Huggins:

species. Which is really interesting because

Adam Huggins:

historically, of course, cows ate native bunch grasses into

Adam Huggins:


Clayton Koopmann:

If you go out in these landscapes, and you

Clayton Koopmann:

look, there's isolated pockets and larger areas where you'll

Clayton Koopmann:

see a high concentration of perennial bunch grasses, native

Clayton Koopmann:

bunch grasses, particularly like purple needle grass. But I think

Clayton Koopmann:

what we can do with grazing is manage the bunch grasses that we

Clayton Koopmann:

have, the native grasses that we have, to get them to germinate

Clayton Koopmann:

and to reproduce and spread.

Adam Huggins:

And helping native grasses means helping insects,

Adam Huggins:

ground nesting birds, wildflowers, and even

Adam Huggins:

amphibians. You name it, if it lives in grasslands in

Adam Huggins:

California, it probably doesn't want to be choked out by

Adam Huggins:

introduced grasses.

Mendel Skulski:

Right, who would? And cows preferentially

Mendel Skulski:

eat the grass. So that seems fair enough. But there's another

Mendel Skulski:

way that they'r supposed to benefit wildlife?

Adam Huggins:

Yes. And this is a bit more indirect. But

Adam Huggins:

essentially, in California, as in many other places, we've

Adam Huggins:

destroyed most of the lowland wetland habitat, and we've

Adam Huggins:

basically extirpated beavers.

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

So the Central Valley, which is the

Adam Huggins:

agricultural engine of the Western United States, used to

Adam Huggins:

be an extraordinary complex of wetland and grassland

Adam Huggins:

ecosystems. It's been likened to a North American Serengeti.

Mendel Skulski:

And now, mostly farms and cities.

Adam Huggins:

And rangelands! So across the state, amphibians

Adam Huggins:

have lost most of their best habitat. But they have adapted

Adam Huggins:

themselves, somehow, to live in water features that have been

Adam Huggins:

created in upland ecosystems... to support cattle.

Lynn Huntsinger:

Research has shown that the salamanders need

Lynn Huntsinger:

the stockpond water. If a rancher or a park person gets

Lynn Huntsinger:

rid of the introduced fish and bullfrogs, they become excellent

Lynn Huntsinger:

habitat for these migratory salamanders.

Clayton Koopmann:

California tiger salamander, you know,

Clayton Koopmann:

their legs are only an inch tall, so they've got a lot of

Clayton Koopmann:

country to cover, you know, to get to their breeding habitat.

Clayton Koopmann:

They used to call it estivation sites. And those salamanders,

Clayton Koopmann:

they'll stay underground most of the year. And throughout the

Clayton Koopmann:

drought, they may stay underground for two or three

Clayton Koopmann:

years and not breed. But when they do, when we get these heavy

Clayton Koopmann:

rains, and they want to come out and get to the pond to breed,

Clayton Koopmann:

you know, it's pretty tough if you had one inch tall legs to

Clayton Koopmann:

get through grass that's three feet tall. So by grazing the

Clayton Koopmann:

grasses down short, you know, around the stock ponds, it

Clayton Koopmann:

allows them an opportunity to travel a little bit easier, and

Clayton Koopmann:

get to those locations.

Lynn Huntsinger:

So that turns out to be a plus. Who knew,

Lynn Huntsinger:


Mendel Skulski:

Huh. So stock ponds have basically become

Mendel Skulski:

substitute wetlands?

Mendel Skulski:

Yes. Okay, argument number one, these are novel ecosystems. And

Mendel Skulski:

then argument number two, cows can manage these novel

Mendel Skulski:

ecosystems to make them better for the native wildlife that

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Yeah, I would say it's actually more like cows are

Adam Huggins:

the essential tool for managing these ecosystems to benefit

Adam Huggins:

native wildlife.

Clayton Koopmann:

If you look around the state of California,

Clayton Koopmann:

the vast majority of special status, wildlife species are

Clayton Koopmann:

found on privately owned grazed range lands. And I think that's

Clayton Koopmann:

just a testament to the benefits of grazing and to the management

Clayton Koopmann:

practices of cattle producers and ranchers in the state. And I

Clayton Koopmann:

think throughout the Western United States, that that

Clayton Koopmann:

habitats there, that it's been there for several 100 years, and

Clayton Koopmann:

it's there because of their practices and the way they

Clayton Koopmann:


Mendel Skulski:

Uh... what are your thoughts on that?

Adam Huggins:

Well, I have read a lot of literature now. And

Adam Huggins:

there's a strong and growing body of evidence to support this

Adam Huggins:

point of view, especially in California. There are of course

Adam Huggins:

critiques, and we will get to those later. But I'd say that

Adam Huggins:

this is now the dominant view in the state of California among

Adam Huggins:

land managers.

Mendel Skulski:

So what's next?

Adam Huggins:

Well, next, of course, is fire. After the

Adam Huggins:


Adam Huggins:

Okay, it is Adam.

Adam Huggins:

And Mendel.

Adam Huggins:

And this is Future Ecologies. Actually, this is part one of

Adam Huggins:

our series on rangelands. And today, cows can do no wrong.

Adam Huggins:

They manage California's novel grasslands for native

Adam Huggins:

biodiversity. And they also manage fuels in a state that

Adam Huggins:

occasionally catches fire.

Clayton Koopmann:

Generally, if you look at properties that

Clayton Koopmann:

aren't grazed, you'll have a dense buildup of thatch and

Clayton Koopmann:

grassy vegetation that produces an extremely high fire risk. And

Clayton Koopmann:

when you're in an area such as the Bay Area here, these

Clayton Koopmann:

wildland interfaces are right up against neighborhoods. We've

Clayton Koopmann:

seen what happens. I mean, there's just devastating

Clayton Koopmann:

wildfire potential.

Adam Huggins:

And, as we've discussed on this show many

Adam Huggins:

times before, climate change is exacerbating that potential.

Lynn Huntsinger:

How do we take care of these lands with climate

Lynn Huntsinger:

change? That's a really important consideration today

Lynn Huntsinger:

for both foresters, and range managers. They understand, many

Lynn Huntsinger:

of them, the value of removing that grass and finding ways to

Lynn Huntsinger:

suppress it. Grazing is one of our most valuable tools for that

Adam Huggins:

The annual introduce grasses that we've

Adam Huggins:

been talking about are the fine fuels that carry a spark from a

Adam Huggins:

power line, or an absent minded human, or a gender reveal party,

Adam Huggins:

and then generate massive wildfires in woody vegetation

Adam Huggins:

that would otherwise be more fire resistant.

Clayton Koopmann:

I think the best thing we can do landscape

Clayton Koopmann:

wide is to continue to graze these fine fuels and grasses and

Clayton Koopmann:

keep them short. And that allows our firefighters an opportunity

Clayton Koopmann:

to suppress these fires before they can get out of hand.

Mendel Skulski:

But what about prescribed burns?

Adam Huggins:

Interestingly, both Lynn and Clayton are real

Adam Huggins:

proponents of prescribed fire. But it's just really hard to do

Adam Huggins:

in much of California for all sorts of reasons.

Lynn Huntsinger:

Prescribed burning does too. But it's

Lynn Huntsinger:

hard... harder to do, and grazing is you can do it right

Lynn Huntsinger:

up to a house. They're not going to eat your house.

Mendel Skulski:

Unless of course you are one of three little

Mendel Skulski:

piggies, and you went and built your house out of straw.

Adam Huggins:

That would be an unfortunate choice in

Adam Huggins:

California. But I mean, even in a grass house like would you

Adam Huggins:

rather have a cow or a prescribed burn for a neighbor?

Mendel Skulski:

I see your point.

Adam Huggins:

So Lynn and Clayton are saying that grazing

Adam Huggins:

can manage the fuel problem wherever prescribed burning

Adam Huggins:

simply isn't possible, for whatever reason.

Lynn Huntsinger:

Yeah, we have mechanical things we have

Lynn Huntsinger:

prescribed burning. Both of these are useful, both of them

Lynn Huntsinger:

should be used. But we're really missing the boat if we don't

Lynn Huntsinger:

also use grazing, where it's appropriate — where it works.

Clayton Koopmann:

I'm a proponent of controlled burns,

Clayton Koopmann:

and I would like to see more of them on the landscape.

Clayton Koopmann:

Combination of controlled burns and grazing, I think you'd see

Clayton Koopmann:

even even greater benefits than we see now.

Mendel Skulski:

I'm actually kind of surprised to hear that

Mendel Skulski:

they're in favor of prescribed burning. Wouldn't fire

Mendel Skulski:

effectively be like a competitor to cows in terms of consuming

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

You would think so. But on the contrary, Lynn

Adam Huggins:

says that traditionally, ranchers and herders have always

Adam Huggins:

used fire to help clear land and keep it clear for livestock. Oh,

Adam Huggins:

and by preventing wildfires, Lynn says cattle can more than

Adam Huggins:

offset the emissions that we generally associate with them.

Lynn Huntsinger:

Fires are incredibly damaging. Do you know

Lynn Huntsinger:

that I think in 2020, if I remember this correctly, 400

Lynn Huntsinger:

million metric tons of carbon were released from California,

Lynn Huntsinger:

which was considered a huge achievement. It was a reduction.

Lynn Huntsinger:

But what they don't report is 100 million metric tons that

Lynn Huntsinger:

came from those wildfires in 2020. They don't report them.

Adam Huggins:

California's 2020 wildfires actually released

Adam Huggins:

close to 127 million metric tons of CO2. And by some estimates,

Adam Huggins:

that is double all of California's emission reductions

Adam Huggins:

since the year 2003.

Lynn Huntsinger:

They don't report wildfire emissions

Lynn Huntsinger:

because they're part of a natural cycle where the plants

Lynn Huntsinger:

grow back. And when they grow back, they absorb the methane

Lynn Huntsinger:

and carbon that's released by these fires, right? Well,

Lynn Huntsinger:

consumption by livestock on rangelands is part of a natural

Lynn Huntsinger:

cycle. And it grows back in one year, instead of 100. Right. The

Lynn Huntsinger:

grass grows back in sequesters carbon in one year. That's the

Lynn Huntsinger:


Mendel Skulski:

That's an interesting argument. I mean,

Mendel Skulski:

we've talked before about how governments don't tend to factor

Mendel Skulski:

in wildfire emissions into their own carbon budget, which leads

Mendel Skulski:

to kind of funky calculations about the effect of prescribed

Mendel Skulski:

burning. But in the end, you're talking about hypothetical

Mendel Skulski:

prevented emissions versus actual realized emissions. It

Mendel Skulski:

just seems really hard to prove.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah, the counterfactual is challenging to

Adam Huggins:

quantify in this case. But I think the key point here is that

Adam Huggins:

something needs to manage all of those fine fuels preventatively.

Adam Huggins:

And more often than not, livestock are the most practical

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

Okay, so then, argument number three is

Mendel Skulski:

livestock... or else!

Adam Huggins:

Yes, or else wildfire. Moving on, argument

Adam Huggins:

number four, we will spend a little less time on but suffice

Adam Huggins:

it to say that ranchers and rangeland managers see

Adam Huggins:

themselves as holding the line against more destructive forms

Adam Huggins:

of development and land use.

Lynn Huntsinger:

We've destroyed a lot of our native ecosystems

Lynn Huntsinger:

for development and farming, which really, farming converts a

Lynn Huntsinger:

complex ecosystem to a very simple one, right? That's

Lynn Huntsinger:

growing non native plants, that often requires water, that's

Lynn Huntsinger:

completely lost most of its natural characteristics. So

Lynn Huntsinger:

whereas ranching ecosystems are semi natural. And as semi

Lynn Huntsinger:

natural ecosystems, they're pretty compatible with wildlife.

Lynn Huntsinger:

So that's why I like ranching.

Mendel Skulski:

Right... I'm familiar with this line of

Mendel Skulski:

thought. Environmentalists might prefer tofu to beef. But putting

Mendel Skulski:

aside climate change, a well-managed rangeland is

Mendel Skulski:

ecologically a lot more healthy and biodiverse than a soybean

Mendel Skulski:


Adam Huggins:

Or a housing development.

Mendel Skulski:

Right. So like you said, argument number four,

Mendel Skulski:

ranchers hold the line against more destructive development,

Mendel Skulski:

which I can imagine is challenging in California.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah, I think any rancher in California will tell

Adam Huggins:

you that development pressure can be pretty intense. And, you

Adam Huggins:

know, sometimes they can't hold out. But it's not just farms and

Adam Huggins:

housing developments and solar installations that want to move

Adam Huggins:

into these range lands. It's also... shrubs.

Mendel Skulski:

Shrubs! Shrubs?

Adam Huggins:

Yeah. When grasslands in the Bay Area are

Adam Huggins:

left without grazing or fire, woody shrubs, and eventually

Adam Huggins:

trees tend to move in. And if that happens, you lose all of

Adam Huggins:

the open habitat for endangered species. And you also create

Adam Huggins:

more fuel and more risk of burning down the grasslands in

Adam Huggins:

the woodlands.

Mendel Skulski:

And the suburbs.

Adam Huggins:

Those too. As far as I can tell, this is what

Adam Huggins:

keeps Lynn up at night.

Lynn Huntsinger:

I can't tell you how urgent it is that we do

Lynn Huntsinger:

something if we want to conserve our oak woodlands and our

Lynn Huntsinger:

grasslands. We're losing them all over the world. But between

Lynn Huntsinger:

those two kinds of forces, either intensive agriculture or

Lynn Huntsinger:

abandonment and neglect, you've got a real fire problem

Lynn Huntsinger:


Adam Huggins:

What Lynn is alluding to here is something

Adam Huggins:

that anyone who has ever built a campfire before will understand

Adam Huggins:

intuitively. Woody things don't burn as easily as grasses do.

Adam Huggins:

But once they do get going, they are a much more potent fuel. So

Adam Huggins:

shrubs and trees moving into grasslands can actually be a

Adam Huggins:

serious cause for concern.

Lynn Huntsinger:

I'm not so worried about our private

Lynn Huntsinger:

landowners. They've been doing things, many of them have been

Lynn Huntsinger:

doing things for a long time. I'm worried about their economic

Lynn Huntsinger:

fate, a little worried about land tenure and the future of

Lynn Huntsinger:

ranching, given the costs of real estate in California. But

Lynn Huntsinger:

in terms of their stewardship, I think it's pretty good. And

Lynn Huntsinger:

they're interested, many of them are interested in doing really

Lynn Huntsinger:

great stuff.

Adam Huggins:

Instead, she's worried about the public lands

Adam Huggins:

where grazing is not always happening. And there is a lot of

Adam Huggins:

public land in California. Some of it quite remote, but much of

Adam Huggins:

it pressed right up against cities. And of course, in recent

Adam Huggins:

years, a lot of it has burned.

Mendel Skulski:

So what's happening in places like those?

Adam Huggins:

Well, to answer that question, let's talk a

Adam Huggins:

little bit more about Clayton and his operation.

Clayton Koopmann:

Yeah, so my family originally homesteaded in

Clayton Koopmann:

the Dublin area in 1870s. And they moved down to Sunol, the

Clayton Koopmann:

little town where we live now. In 1918, they bought the ranch

Clayton Koopmann:

here. So we've been on this ranch for just over 100 years. I

Clayton Koopmann:

grew up here born and raised here and there's a little school

Clayton Koopmann:

down in the town of Sunol, there. And my grandfather went

Clayton Koopmann:

there, my dad went there and I went there. And I've got two

Clayton Koopmann:

little boys, they're four and two. And they're going to start

Clayton Koopmann:

going there.

Adam Huggins:

I happen to be pretty familiar with that area.

Adam Huggins:

It's a little rural outposts with a lot of rapid urbanization

Adam Huggins:

all around it.

Clayton Koopmann:

Yeah, we're kind of getting boxed in here.

Clayton Koopmann:

The home ranch where we live is bordered by highway 680 on the

Clayton Koopmann:

western boundary, and by highway 84 on the southern boundary.

Adam Huggins:

There's housing development, there's a golf

Adam Huggins:


Clayton Koopmann:

And in the early 1960s, highway 680

Clayton Koopmann:

actually split the ranch.

Adam Huggins:

Clayton didn't realize that he wanted to

Adam Huggins:

continue the family business until university. And by then he

Adam Huggins:

was running some of his own cattle.

Clayton Koopmann:

Just out of college, I went to work for

Clayton Koopmann:

MidPeninsula Regional Open Space District, and they own about

Clayton Koopmann:

60,000 acres between Santa Clara and San Mateo County,

Adam Huggins:

They manage tons of land on the San Francisco

Adam Huggins:


Clayton Koopmann:

You know, they started buying land in the 60s

Clayton Koopmann:

and 70s.

Adam Huggins:

Back in the day, the general consensus was the

Adam Huggins:

cows are bad.

Clayton Koopmann:

And they kept grazing off all the properties

Clayton Koopmann:

they acquired, and tore out all the infrastructure. And you

Clayton Koopmann:

know, fast forward 20, 30 years and you start looking at the

Clayton Koopmann:

science and the benefits that well-managed cattle grazing

Clayton Koopmann:

provide to the habitat and to the landscape.

Adam Huggins:

After a couple of decades of seeing what happened

Adam Huggins:

to the land that they removed cows from, they decided that

Adam Huggins:

maybe they want to bring those cows back.

Clayton Koopmann:

So they hired me as a rangeland manager. And

Clayton Koopmann:

over the course of about seven or eight years, we were able to

Clayton Koopmann:

develop grazing management plans and reintroduce cattle grazing

Clayton Koopmann:

to about 12,000 acres.

Mendel Skulski:

So Clayton works on public lands. And he's

Mendel Skulski:

actually bringing grazing back to places where it had been

Mendel Skulski:

previously removed.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah and he says that once you compare grazed to

Adam Huggins:

ungrazed grasslands in the Bay Area, that's when you really

Adam Huggins:

start to see the positive impacts from grazing.

Clayton Koopmann:

You know, I've seen that firsthand. One good

Clayton Koopmann:

example is we're on a piece of property that was privately

Clayton Koopmann:

owned, it was grazed, the grasses were on the shorter

Clayton Koopmann:

side. And on the other side of the fence, there was an area

Clayton Koopmann:

that was owned by an agency and I won't name them. You know,

Clayton Koopmann:

there's about three feet of dead standing grass and just dense

Clayton Koopmann:

thatch there. You looked on the side of the fence we were on

Clayton Koopmann:

that was grazed, and there's red tail hawks, there was golden

Clayton Koopmann:

eagles, there's raptors, there's a bunch of wildlife. And you

Clayton Koopmann:

look on the other side of the fence, and there was none of

Clayton Koopmann:


Adam Huggins:

And so after helping to return grazing to

Adam Huggins:

public lands all over the peninsula, he now works back

Adam Huggins:

across the bay, where he started.

Clayton Koopmann:

So that's save me the commute. I work for the

Clayton Koopmann:

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and I manage their

Clayton Koopmann:

Alameda watershed. So there's about 40,000 acres of land here.

Clayton Koopmann:

There's two drinking water reservoirs, Calaveras reservoir

Clayton Koopmann:

and San Antonio reservoir. Of those 40,000 acresm I oversee or

Clayton Koopmann:

manage the cattle grazing on about 32,000 acres. Those

Clayton Koopmann:

properties are leased out. We have about 12 Different grazing

Clayton Koopmann:

tenents. So I oversee and manage the grazing program there. We

Clayton Koopmann:

primarily use the grazing to reduce fine fuels for wildfire

Clayton Koopmann:

protection and to enhance habitat for a number of special

Clayton Koopmann:

status wildlife species in the watershed.

Mendel Skulski:

That... that's a lot of land and a lot of values

Mendel Skulski:

to be managing for. So ranchers are already grazing on lots of

Mendel Skulski:

public land in California.

Adam Huggins:

In California and throughout the West. I mean,

Adam Huggins:

it's super common, but it's definitely not happening

Adam Huggins:

everywhere yet. And some folks are only just coming around to

Adam Huggins:

it. So Clayton has a bit of advice for any land managers who

Adam Huggins:

are looking to work with livestock operators.

Clayton Koopmann:

The biggest thing for me is that your

Clayton Koopmann:

grazing operator needs to have similar objectives and ideals in

Clayton Koopmann:

mind when it comes to managing the land. They need to

Clayton Koopmann:

understand what the goals and objectives are, and it needs to

Clayton Koopmann:

be a partnership.

Adam Huggins:

And a partnership means reciprocal understanding,

Clayton Koopmann:

You need to work together you need to

Clayton Koopmann:

understand, you know, the agency or the landowner needs to

Clayton Koopmann:

realize that you're running a business and it needs to be

Clayton Koopmann:

economically viable. But on the other hand, you need to realize

Clayton Koopmann:

that the cattle are there to provide an ecological benefit to

Clayton Koopmann:

the landscape.

Adam Huggins:

Clayton told me that it's pretty important to

Adam Huggins:

set up the terms of the lease so that they incentivize the kind

Adam Huggins:

of behaviors and management approaches that you would want

Adam Huggins:

to see on the land. But once the land manager's interests are

Adam Huggins:

aligned with the rancher's interests, there can be

Adam Huggins:

significant benefits. Because argument number five — that all

Adam Huggins:

the rangelands folks make — is that ranchers are keen and

Adam Huggins:

knowledgeable observers of landscapes. And that as business

Adam Huggins:

people, and people-people, they have incentives to manage those

Adam Huggins:

landscapes sustainably. I heard this from Ashley, actually, in

Adam Huggins:

that very first conversation. She was telling me about a

Adam Huggins:

rancher that she interviewed for her series.

Ashley Ahearn:

You know, we're riding along and he's literally

Ashley Ahearn:

from horseback, noticing how many bites have been taken out

Ashley Ahearn:

of each bunch grass plant that we're writing by. And that

Ashley Ahearn:

wasn't something I'd associated with a cowboy, right? Like,

Ashley Ahearn:

that's something I associate with a scientist. And I was so

Ashley Ahearn:

impressed with how attuned he was to the health of his

Ashley Ahearn:

landscape and how his cows were affecting the health of that

Ashley Ahearn:

landscape. It wasn't a denial, it wasn't making lofty claims

Ashley Ahearn:

that his cows are good for the ecosystem. It was "wow, I

Ashley Ahearn:

probably need to move the herd out of this area, because

Ashley Ahearn:

there's one too many bites taken out of this bunchgrass". And I

Ashley Ahearn:

think that for me was the moment where I kind of started to see

Ashley Ahearn:

ranchers differently. And then sure enough, I come home in my

Ashley Ahearn:

own community, and I'm riding with an old cowboy, and he's

Ashley Ahearn:

doing the exact same thing. And he's noticing the exact same

Ashley Ahearn:

thing, whether it's like erosion in a riparian area, he's like,

Ashley Ahearn:

"gosh, we really got to get away from this creek, or they're

Ashley Ahearn:

gonna muddy it up, and then we're not even gonna have water

Ashley Ahearn:

here anymore".

Adam Huggins:

And with Clayton, I mean, it's clear that he's a

Adam Huggins:

really astute observer and manager of landscapes. His own

Adam Huggins:

ranch has won awards for its management of conservation

Adam Huggins:

values. And he's a sought after manager for public lands. But he

Adam Huggins:

was also really clear about his personal values,

Clayton Koopmann:

You know, I've got two little boys. And my goal

Clayton Koopmann:

is when I'm grazing a piece of property, I want to enhance that

Clayton Koopmann:

ecological value, I want to improve the infrastructure, I

Clayton Koopmann:

want to leave that property in much better condition than when

Clayton Koopmann:

I got there. And I want that for for my kids for the next

Clayton Koopmann:

generation. And for the generation after that, I want

Clayton Koopmann:

them to have that experience. I want them to see the wildlife.

Clayton Koopmann:

You know, we're not doing this to get rich, it's a lifestyle.

Clayton Koopmann:

It's because we love being outdoors. We love the cattle, we

Clayton Koopmann:

love the horses, and we love the wildlife. You know, you're

Clayton Koopmann:

horseback and you're riding out in the dark in the morning and

Clayton Koopmann:

watch the sun come up, and see a coyote or see a mountain lion,

Clayton Koopmann:

or take your kids out and watch a golden eagle or bald eagle fly

Clayton Koopmann:

out of the tree. It's just something that most people in

Clayton Koopmann:

this world don't get to experience, and it's something I

Clayton Koopmann:

like to share and and I don't take for granted.

Mendel Skulski:

So, just to summarize, range lands are

Mendel Skulski:

anything that isn't paved, or forested, or wet.

Adam Huggins:

Yes, according to the rangelands people. I will

Adam Huggins:

say some wetlands people consider to be rangelands, but

Adam Huggins:

let's just go right past that.

Mendel Skulski:

And rangelands proponents will argue that they

Mendel Skulski:

are, in California at least, novel ecosystems that can't

Mendel Skulski:

otherwise be restored, but can be managed for native

Mendel Skulski:

biodiversity using cows. Those cows can also be used to control

Mendel Skulski:

fuels and prevent wildfires. And that ranching as a practice

Mendel Skulski:

defends those ecosystems against other harmful forms of

Mendel Skulski:

development, and promotes a kind of long term stewardship by

Mendel Skulski:

people who really know and care for the land.

Adam Huggins:

You nailed it. Oh, and one more thing. Probably the

Adam Huggins:

most obvious thing actually. Rangelands generate useful

Adam Huggins:

products that most of us enjoy. Sometimes daily, sometimes with

Adam Huggins:

a bit of wine.

Lynn Huntsinger:

How do you optimally produce goods for

Lynn Huntsinger:

human consumption like meat products, leather, mushrooms,

Lynn Huntsinger:

charcoal, wildlife, and now endangered species? How do you

Lynn Huntsinger:

do that sustainably for a couple of 1000 years?

Adam Huggins:

The question Lynn is asking is one that ranchers

Adam Huggins:

like Clayton have a ready answer for.

Clayton Koopmann:

There's farmland that's easily

Clayton Koopmann:

accessible with equipment, and people farm that. But there's

Clayton Koopmann:

all these landscapes that you can't farm, and what we're doing

Clayton Koopmann:

by grazing, aside from the ecological benefits, we provide

Clayton Koopmann:

a protein source for the general public consumption on land

Clayton Koopmann:

that's of no value for food production otherwise. So I think

Clayton Koopmann:

there's a win win there.

Mendel Skulski:

Well, Adam, I am impressed. You kept your word.

Mendel Skulski:

You really managed to go the whole episode without saying

Mendel Skulski:

anything negative about cows. Other than... other than all

Mendel Skulski:

that stuff at the top.

Adam Huggins:

Yeah. Speaking personally, I will say that, you

Adam Huggins:

know, working on these episodes, talking to these folks, and

Adam Huggins:

reading a mountain of literature on the subject, it's really

Adam Huggins:

complicated the issue for me. I think Lynn is doing some really

Adam Huggins:

important science, and I really respect the work that Clayton is

Adam Huggins:

doing out on the land. I still might not like cows, but I'm

Adam Huggins:

starting to appreciate their value.

Mendel Skulski:

You are capable of growth.

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

Would you say that all of these conversations

Mendel Skulski:

have... cattle-ized a shift in your thinking?

Adam Huggins:

Yes, and no. Because I have to say that there

Adam Huggins:

are lots of folks who have a serious beef with this approach

Adam Huggins:

to managing public lands.

Laura Cunningham:

People say "oh, it's a changed California

Laura Cunningham:

annual grassland. Now it's permanent. You know, all you can

Laura Cunningham:

do is use cattle to graze it". I think that's wrong.

Adam Huggins:

And we're going to dig into all of that in this

Adam Huggins:

series. But not before we answer the one question you've probably

Adam Huggins:

been asking yourself this entire episode. You know, "Hey, Adam,

Adam Huggins:

what about the butterflies?"

Mendel Skulski:

Wait, what?

Adam Huggins:

That's next time, on Part Two of Home on the

Adam Huggins:


Mendel Skulski:

This episode of Future Ecologies features the

Mendel Skulski:

voices of Ashley Ahearn, Dr. Lynn Huntsinger, and Clayton

Mendel Skulski:

Koopman, music by Thumbug, Aerialists, Saltwater Hank, C.

Mendel Skulski:

Diab, and Sunfish Moon Light, Cover art by Ale Silva, and was

Mendel Skulski:

produced by Adam Huggins, and me, Mendel Skulski.

Mendel Skulski:

Special thanks to Tristan Brenner, Dr. James Bartolom,

Mendel Skulski:

Camilo Andrés Garzón Castaño, Brennen King, and Robert Alder.

Mendel Skulski:

And thanks most of all to all of our patrons, without whom this

Mendel Skulski:

show would not be possible. To keep it going, and get access to

Mendel Skulski:

bonus episodes, early releases, our discord server, and more,

Mendel Skulski:

head to

Mendel Skulski:

Until next time, adios.



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More Episodes
7. FE5.7 - Home on the Rangelands: Welcome to Cowlifornia (Part 1)
8. FE5.8 - Home on the Rangelands: The Beef and the Butterflies (Part 2)
9. FE5.9 - Home on the Rangelands: Where the Deer and the Antelope Play (Part 3)