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211 - Training Done RIGHT can Double Your Leads
Episode 2118th May 2023 • Trade Show University for Virtual & Live Events • Jim Cermak
00:00:00 00:10:03

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You are Training your staff all Wrong!! In this episode, I will discuss how to Train your trade show booth staff the RIGHT way which will lead to better results and can DOUBLE your Leads!

Most companies train on the Basics...

  • Show location and times
  • What the display will contain
  • What they will be giving away
  • Any promos they will be doing
  • What everyone will be wearing
  • And maybe more...

Nothing wrong with this, but it's typically where they stop training!

Now the staff has information and knowledge, and they are left on their own to figure out what to do with all this info!

You have to go deeper than this!

I suggest training on 3 things that will make all the DIFFERENCE: EQF - Engage, Qualify, Flow

  • ENGAGE - Train your staff HOW to engage with attendees in a meaningful way
  • QUALIFY - Right after they engage, you have to QUALIFY the attendee to see if you even want to talk with them. If they don't qualify, let them go!!
  • FLOW - After you have engaged and qualified, immediately get them into your booth flow or attendee journey. It's what you should have orchestrated ahead of the show! What do you want them to experience? What do you want them to leave with? And what info do YOU want and need?
  • For more info on creating a FLOW, listen to this episode -

Train on EQF effectively, and you can Double Your Leads at the next show!!!

Want some help? I offer a Free 15-minute Discovery Call to see how Training with the EQF Framework can help your business!


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