2 Minute Drill: Supply Chain Breaches and Patient Safety Risks with Drex DeFord
Episode 71 •
21st October 2024 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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Hey everyone, I'm Drex the Two Minute Drill where I do three quick stories twice a week, all part of one great community, the 229 Cyber and RISC community here at This Week Health. Today's Two Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR, the Asset Inventory and Intelligence Company. Did you know that you can know everything about everything on your network?
Every vulnerability, every risk, every user. Everything in real time? Find out more at order. net slash healthcare. Thanks for joining me today. Here's some stuff you might want to know about. Cyber researchers from the Ponemon Institute report that 92 percent of healthcare organizations have been hit by some kind of a cyber attack last year.
t on health systems so far in:
And when patient care is affected, about half of the respondents reported disruptions like poor patient outcomes because of delays in treatment or tests, increased complications from procedures, and longer lengths of stay. And most surprising, 28 percent say patient mortality rates increase, and that was up 21 percent over the previous year's report.
I'm just scratching the surface. Take a look at the story from Health Care Innovation. It links to the report and you'll find it at ThisWeekHealth. com slash news. By the way, 69 percent of those in that study said they experienced a cloud based compromise, making cloud the most frequent kind of attack for the third consecutive year.
And if you want to find out more about whether or not you have your ducks in a row, let me know. on cloud. I'm hosting a webinar next Tuesday on cloud security. You and your team won't want to miss it. I'll put a link to the registration in the comments below. And speaking of third party risk, check your partner inventory.
Medical billing and coding company Gryphon, spelled G R Y P H O N. Gryphon Healthcare has reported a breach involving nearly 50, 000 400, 000 patient records, and interestingly, it's tied to one of their third party partners. In today's last story, there's a place on the internet called the Wayback Machine, and it's actually called the Internet Archive.
And it's a place where you can go and search the 916 billion web pages that have been archived over time. The Wayback Machine is cool, it's fun, it's kind of useful. It's a way to go back and look at old versions of websites. Well, the Wayback Machine was hacked last week and it looks like the email addresses and screen names and passwords for about 31 million users were stolen along with some other operations data.
You may not be a Wayback Machine user, but I tell this story because when stuff like this happens, it's always a good reminder to never reuse your password, because in this case, the bad guys now have an email address that you use and a password that you've used. So if you've used that email address and that same password at another site like Amazon or your bank login or, you know, hopefully it's not, but maybe it's your work email and password, it's time to change those passwords.
Cyberthugs have invested in their own analytics departments in a really big way and you can be sure that they're out there crosswalking those email addresses. with other data that they've stolen or other breaches that they've purchased off the dark web trying to find a match so they can go try to use that reused password.
So don't reuse passwords and turn on multi factor authentication for anything that's important. I know I keep saying Today's two minute drill was brought to you by ORDR. Do you really know who all your devices are talking to? You can bring some order to your enterprise. Find out more at order. net, that's O R D R, order.
net slash healthcare. That's it for today's Two Minute Drill. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid, and I will see you around campus.