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Richard Ku, Trend Micro and txOne Networks
12th July 2021 • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie • The Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie
00:00:00 00:31:23

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In this week's Industrial Talk Podcast we're talking to Richard Ku with TXOne Network and Trend Micro about "Powerful and Flexible Cybersecurity Network Solutions to Protect your People and Assets".  Get the answers to your "Industrial Cyber Security" questions along with Richard's unique insight on the “How” on this Industrial Talk interview! Finally, get your exclusive free access to the Industrial Academy and a series on “Why You Need To Podcast” for Greater Success in 2020. All links designed for keeping you current in this rapidly changing Industrial Market. Learn! Grow! Enjoy!


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SUMMARY KEYWORDS deploy, typically, network, industrial, richard, iot, product, solution, devices, environment, talk, scott, endpoint, diagram, important, cybersecurity, provide, business, txOne, traffic 00:04 Welcome to the industrial talk podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Scott is a passionate industry professional dedicated to transferring cutting edge industry focused innovations and trends while highlighting the men and women who keep the world moving. So put on your hard hat, grab your work boots, and let's go all right, again. Welcome to industrial talk. This is where we celebrate you. That's right you I'm putting my pin is pointing right at you, industry hero. You are bold, you are brave, you dare greatly you innovate. You solve problems, you ask the questions. Why not? Well, what if you are the dream makers, you are changing lives and you're changing the world. This very day at this very moment. That's why we celebrate you. Alright, this is number five. In a series we are doing on cybersecurity with Trend Micro, Richard Kuh is always in the hot seat, getting peppered with questions from me. And if you have not checked it out, you've got to look at the other podcasts to this one. It builds. This is where it gets real. This is why this is stuff is important. You in the digital transformation world. 01:16 You better look into this. Alright, let's get cracking. 01:21 Yeah, it gets real. I mean it is it is head if you're saying yourself, Scott, I want to get into that whole digital transformation journey. cybersecurity, Scott, what do I need to do to get in that digital transformation journey? Well, there's a lot of things. And one of them, of course, is a solid, safe, secure environment, and you need solutions. And you're saying to yourself, Scott, but it's complex? Nope. Richard makes it easy. This particular series, this is number five, of course. And we have been on a cybersecurity journey. As you can tell, we've been walking down this path. And just talking cybersecurity, we spoke of cybersecurity threats, sort of laying that foundation. We're talking about the challenges if you're in that digital transformation. That's number two. Number three, we talk about best practice, because you're already cotton, you're saying yeah, I see the threats. Yeah, I see the challenges. What do I need to do best practices? Number four, you need tools? You need things that are just like, yeah, let me plug it in, do this. And I can start on my security journey. Right. And on this particular series, right, number five, we are talking about the hardware we're talking about. Let's just sort of look at my thing here, because I want to make sure that I get this right. 02:49 We have spoken one last week on the endpoint products, right endpoint products. How do we how do we deploy those today? This conversation is network products. Yep. Don't worry. Richard does a great job at differentiating the two. Right? And so you can, you know, go out to industrial talk, you got, we got these great downloads. I mean, we've got these diagrams, you don't have to, there is no reason Trust me. There's no reason why you can't just sit there and go, I got it. I got it. Let me chalk this up there. And here it is. here's a here's a diagram, I'm looking at a diagram. We're going to have all of that out on and specifically the one of our network, it's a 1010 Deck diagram with 03:38 TX, one trend, micro, all of the stuff that's right up there. And it's, it's pretty doggone cool. Even I can follow it. And I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. Now, before we get into this interview, I want to just make sure that you understand industrial talk is going down the road of industrial talk to Dotto, because I have no other word to call it, it's a change. And I want to make sure that you understand we're not just highlighting me and, and and these wonderful professionals. They're going to be videos, there's going to be articles, and it's going to just be across the board not coming from me but coming from industry, industry leaders who are at the cutting edge, you just go there and then springboard wherever you want to go. If you want information, the latest and greatest information brought to you in a way that All right, this is pretty cool. Industrial talk, the the new one is where you want to go. Trust me, you do want to go there. The number two part is that 04:38 we have this industrial Academy, then we're going to put all this stuff out there on industrial Academy to and what we have come up with is a sort of show, you know share it forward or or give it forward or whatever that that term is, but from an educational perspective to communities and organizations that are in need of what we 05:00 These leaders bring to the marketplace, they've got to learn education changes, education changes lives. It's the bottom line. And we have to collaborate, we have to come together to, to share and be able to provide this wonderful information that is, is available out there. Go to industrial talk, be a part of that effort. Because there are a lot of people, a lot of communities, a lot of countries around the world that would greatly benefit from your insights. And if you want to be an instructor, if you want to share your knowledge, the industrial Academy is where it's at. We'd love to have you on that Academy so that we can help the world from an industrial education perspective. Don't get off tinkly. about that. I know I do. I do. You guys have got it. industry can change the world and change lives. That's the bottom line. All right, let's get on with the interview. 06:03 Well, let's say the series a continuation of the series. Once again, this is network stuff. This we've talked about endpoint, we've got a series out there it is a must sort of consume, and re consume it. Get this stuff, right. Okay. So out on industrial talk, we're going to have this deck, it's going to be in PDF form. and download it, see it, grab it, learn it, listen to Richard, reach out to them, reach out to th one reach out to Trend Micro you will not be disappointed. Alright, let's get going. Enjoy the interview. All right, Richard, welcome back to industrial talk. Now, listeners, this is an important conversation. We're talking cyber security. We're talking we we've laid the foundation, we have a number of cybersecurity related related topics for you to consume. And this one is we're talking about now that we've recognized the the challenges that exist out there, we need solutions, we need solutions to be able to deploy. And that's this particular conversation now, Richard, thank you again, as always, for joining industrial talk, how you doing? 07:13 Good. Thank you, Scott. Good to be back. And I'm happy for for you and your family. Why? Thank you very much, I appreciate that back at you. Absolutely. back at you. Now, let's, let's let's level set, let's talk about products, because we can all talk about the challenges that exist out there, but we need to put something into action. And that's where we're talking about products and solutions that Trend Micro and TX one networks provide? So at our last episode, can you sort of sort of lay out the difference between it OT and all of that good stuff, so that the listeners sort of get oriented? 07:53 Yeah, so you know, I think, as we speak many time, right? You know, one of the big changes in this digital transformation is the convergence of the it OT, and in order for us to provide, you know, a clear guideline for our customer and our partner, you know, we need to kind of define what is, you know, IoT device versus ot devices? Right. And so that's clear. So, you know, I did typically, you know, from my experience, you know, on the IT environment, typically, most of these are multi purpose system and designed to do multiple things like maybe running Microsoft Office, right, or doing some kind of video conferencing, right, or, you know, then this typically on it, so I usually have the latest and greatest version of the operating system. They require internet connectivity for tasks to be complete, right, and they have a higher tolerance for, you know, interruption or latency. And, you know, I think, you know, on the, you know, it side, people typically look at confidentiality as kind of their priority, right. But when you look at the OT environment, the system are typically, you know, mission critical, I carry maybe a single task or, you know, carrying, you know, maybe the tasks are both the productivities, as well as the 09:19 ability of the system is got low tolerance for, you know, interruption and latency, because they have been around for years and decades. And they're designed to do you know, one task, right. And so any type of performance impact would be a big challenge. You know, some of the system on the OT environment are typically air gapped, right? They have no internet connectivities and update in patches, right? Typically doesn't happen, you know, often right? And they have to be on a schedule maintenance in order for them to do any updates or patches. And, you know, I think availability and safety is kind of the priority, right for many 10:00 This organization on the OT side, right, so on a high level, I think those are kind of distinction between the it OT, and then when you go down to the, you know, product level last year was a podcast, we talked about our employee product. And these are, you know, you know, typically designed for employees that have issues deploying, let's say, a conventional, you know, you know, anti malware or security solution, because, you know, these environments are typically your legacy, and in tenant for doing your single task, and the resources are limited, and they have no internet connection. So you need a special type of endpoint solution that's designed for those. And that's what we talked about on the last, you know, basically podcast, right? Now, let's shift gear to the networking product, right. The networking product, typically, you know, you know, what we have here is are designed to address some of the challenges in you know, OT networks, and that will be happening when you have kind of like a big flat networks without proper segmentation, or you have a lot of unpatched protocol or vulnerability protocols or on you know, depend also as you know, a lot of unpatched, you know, say, devices, right, that you need to address. And, you know, also, you know, someone in our network environment typically have weak authentication, right, and non encrypted communication, you know, between different devices. Right. So, that's what the network product is designed to address. So as endorser diversity to different the type of solution that we have, let me ask you this question. 11:52 Just to find for the listeners out there, what do you mean by big flat networks? 11:59 Well, I've got traditionally, right, you have, I would say, you know, on the OT side, you have people, you know, building the networks, and just the hiring pieces to arrive and not, not really well design or structure. And so you're gonna have basically system device everywhere, but what are our say, architect well into that environment, so you can see a very flat network like that, and it's more challenging to address because they're everywhere. Right? Thank you that that, that makes complete sense. Now, let's start talking about now that you've identified that big flat network, you identify the challenges associated with an ad just, that's, that's pretty much all businesses out there, they just sort of evolve and grow as, as business needs. That's a mad right. So let's talk a little bit about how we can sort of secure that big flat network. 12:58 Yes, so, you know, within a network product or solution that we have, we have a total of, 13:06 you know, four products that is designed for that kind of environment, right. And so, the very first product we have is called the edge IPS. And these are basically a single segment and then designed to address a darkened environment and they typically, you know, think this system about 300 megabit per second, just, you know, now analyze the traffic and it's very versatile and can be deployed easily. And you know, the hrps itself can also provide some level of IP and protocol whitelisting in there, it can be deployed in a harsh environment, and we also provide you know, your virtual patching right onto the device itself. And it is how we bypass right. So, this is kind of our single segment, edge IPS product or the next level product 14:01 is called the edge fire. And this is basically is a tool 14:07 when, and you know, I was a VLAN interface, and it can help you to you know, do some level of micro segmentation, right, and it can also be deployed on a harsh environment, or it also include...



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