Have you ever thought about a few years ago and wished you did something differently? Maybe those few things that seemed impossible to implement weren’t as difficult as you thought. I’m with Randy O’Connor, Executive Director of Modern Tire Dealer Training and Educator Network. Randy gives an insightful analogy to processes and procedures being the lifeblood of your business. They connect everything. Put the work in and reap the rewards.
Randy O'Connor, Executive Director,
Modern Tire Dealer Training and Educator Network
Key Talking Points
- Mix of business- for every $1 a customer spends on tires, they spend $1 on mechanical labor and $1 on parts.
- Lessons from COVID- efficiency and productivity.
- Lack of annual financial planning- make it a behavior through systems, processes and accountability.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses with your systems? Process and procedures are the blood of the system to the muscles which is your behaviors. The employees that are doing the work, are the ones that need to help designing processes.
- Where does the money go? What is your net profit percentage?
- Scoreboards- know and understand the numbers, it has to be within everyone’s control.
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