Do you feel like it is difficult to carve out time specifically for your kids when your life is so busy? On this Episode, Caesar and Heath chat with Jay Payleitner–best-selling author and nationally recognized expert on parenting. Discover how to make time to enter into your child’s world, no matter how busy your schedule may be.
Will They Ever Grow Up?!
In the toddler, tween and teen years my kids were always looking for more and more of our attention and time. They needed it! All while we were submerged with running a business and tons of local ministry. Often we felt like we were just putting out fires, and responding to crisis, versus intentionally parenting. Was our time slipping away?
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- What kids are truly looking for from their parents
- How to help your kids engage in the Gospel and real-life faith
- How to stay encouraged when you feel like giving up
- How to discipline properly… In a way that it makes sense
This episode will throw a little light on the horizon and give you some super-practical tips and tricks on how to more intentionally engage your kids and your parenting. And it's fun!
Our guest, author Jay Payleitner is a real seasoned pro (and Dad) and distills years of experience into this quick podcast.
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today's BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others...
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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Free Download of the Big 3 For Episode #104
You can also get the Big 3 by texting episode104 to the phone number 44222.
Caesar on Twitter @CaesarKal
Caesar Kalinowski's Website and Blog with Loads of Resources
Missio Publishing – Top Missional Books and Resources